本文整理汇总了Python中pylab.floor函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python floor函数的具体用法?Python floor怎么用?Python floor使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: make_disp_map
def make_disp_map(mode, screen_res, fig_width, fig_height, fig_no):
if mode == 'diagonal':
max_x = int(pl.floor((screen_res[0]-fig_width)/20))
max_y = int(pl.floor((screen_res[1]-fig_height)/20))
elif mode == 'mosaic':
max_x = int(pl.floor(screen_res[0]/fig_width))
max_y = int(pl.floor(screen_res[1]/fig_height))
disp_map = [] #[(0, 60, fig_width, fig_height)]
top_offset = 60
for y in range(0,max_y):
if y == max_y-1:
mx = max_x-1
mx = max_x
for x in range(0,mx):
if mode=='mosaic':
disp_map.append((x*fig_width, top_offset+y*fig_height, fig_width, fig_height))
elif mode=='diagonal':
disp_map.append((20*x*y, top_offset+15*y*x, fig_width, fig_height))
return disp_map[np.mod(fig_no, max_x*max_y-1)]
示例2: jetWoGn
def jetWoGn(reverse=False):
- returning a colormap similar to cm.jet, but without green.
if reverse=True, the map starts with red instead of blue.
m=18 # magic number, which works fine
b_ = np.hstack( (0.4*np.arange(m1)/(m1-1.)+0.6, np.ones((m2+m3,)) ) )
g_ = np.hstack( (np.zeros((m1,)),np.arange(m2)/(m2-1.),np.ones((m3,))) )
r_ = np.hstack( (np.zeros((m1,)),np.zeros((m2,)),np.arange(m3)/(m3-1.)))
r = np.hstack((r_,pl.flipud(b_)))
g = np.hstack((g_,pl.flipud(g_)))
b = np.hstack((b_,pl.flipud(r_)))
if reverse:
r = pl.flipud(r)
g = pl.flipud(g)
b = pl.flipud(b)
ra = pl.linspace(0.0,1.0,m)
cdict = {'red': zip(ra,r,r),
'green': zip(ra,g,g),
'blue': zip(ra,b,b)}
return pl.matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('new_RdBl',cdict,256)
示例3: __init__
def __init__(self, scanList, stateArray):
if len(scanList)!=stateArray.shape[0]:
raise Exception('number of scan and state should be the same')
times = [scan.timestamp for scan in scanList]
self.avgTime = times[int(pl.floor(len(times)/2))]
#self.avgTime = pl.mean([scan.timestamp for scan in scanList])
#transform the 3d coordinates of each scan
#and numpy.vstack all the output m*3 array together
#find average Lidar frame
avgBodyState = stateArray[int(pl.floor(len(stateArray)/2))]
#avgBodyState=pl.mean(stateArray, 0)
w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L = self._bodyState2LidarState(avgBodyState)
self.avgLidarState = self._matrix2State(w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L)
transform = self._transformPointsFromBodyToAvgLidar
#from data points with transformation to avgState
self.dataPoints = pl.vstack([transform(scan.dataArray, state, w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L) for scan, state in zip(scanList, stateArray) if scan.hasValidData()])
self.intensity = pl.vstack([scan.intensityArray for scan in scanList if scan.hasValidData()]).flatten()
if self.dataPoints.shape[0]!=self.intensity.shape[0]:
raise Exception('dist and intensity have different size')
示例4: _pvoc
def _pvoc(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None):
a phase vocoder - time-stretch
X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude
[Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase
[R] - resynthesis hop ratio
updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum
N = self.nfft
W = self.wfft
H = self.nhop
R = 1.0 if R is None else R
dphi = (2*P.pi * H * P.arange(N/2+1)) / N
print "Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R
A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
phs = A[:,0]
self.X_hat = []
n_cols = X_hat.shape[1]
t = 0
while P.floor(t) < n_cols:
tf = t - P.floor(t)
idx = P.arange(2)+int(P.floor(t))
idx[1] = n_cols-1 if t >= n_cols-1 else idx[1]
Xh = X_hat[:,idx]
Xh = (1-tf)*Xh[:,0] + tf*Xh[:,1]
self.X_hat.append(Xh*P.exp( 1j * phs))
U = A[:,idx[1]] - A[:,idx[0]] - dphi
U = U - P.np.round(U/(2*P.pi))*2*P.pi
phs += (U + dphi)
t += P.randn()*P.sqrt(PVOC_VAR*R) + R # 10% variance
self.X_hat = P.np.array(self.X_hat).T
示例5: dia1P_generateEnsamble
def dia1P_generateEnsamble(L,dilution,nSamp,distType,distPar,fNameBase):
Generates nSamp samples of LxL lattice with given dilution. The
cluster sizes are generated according to the given distType:
distType = 'P' : power law with exponent distPar
distType = 'E' : exponential with exponent distPar
The nodes are written to the file fNameBase.node
The cluster size distribution is written to the file fNameBase.clusSize
The cluster width distribution is written to the file fNameBase.clusWidth
# Open files for writing
nodeFile = open(fNameBase+'.node','w+')
clusFile = open(fNameBase+'.clusSize','w+')
widthFile = open(fNameBase+'.clusWidth','w+')
# lists for storing the size and width distributions
sizes = []
widths = []
nClus = 0 # Total number of clusters
for sNum in range(nSamp): # Working on the sNum^th instance
# Generate cluster sizes
cSizes = []
if distType == 'P':
# Find the number of variables to draw
nVar = pylab.floor(L*L*dilution*scipy.special.zeta(distPar,1)/scipy.special.zeta(distPar-1,1))
cSizes = list(statUtils.discretePow(int(nVar),t=distPar).astype(int))
elif distType == 'E':
nVar = pylab.floor(L*L*dilution*(1 - pylab.exp(-distPar)))
cSizes = list(statUtils.discreteExpn(int(nVar),l=distPar).astype(int))
# Generate clusters
clusters, n1, n2 = dia1P_generateDualClusters(L,cSizes)
# Write clusters to the file
nClus = len(clusters) # Update the total number of clusters
# Update size and width distributions
for clus in clusters:
sz = dia1P_dualClusterSize(clus,L,statType='S') # Calculate the size of the cluster
wd = dia1P_dualClusterSize(clus,L,statType='W') # Calculate the width of the cluster
# Write distributions to files
for size in sizes:
clusFile.write(str(size) + '\n')
for width in widths:
widthFile.write(str(width) +'\n')
# Close files
示例6: printTrack
def printTrack( fid , resized , frame , pos , sz ):
p0 = [pos[0]-pylab.floor(sz[0]/2),pos[1]-pylab.ceil(sz[1]/2)]
p1 = [pos[0]+pylab.floor(sz[0]/2),pos[1]+pylab.ceil(sz[1]/2)]
if resized:
p0 = [x*2 for x in p0]
p1 = [x*2 for x in p1]
示例7: binvalues
def binvalues(bin_number,base):
#returns binvalue, bin min, bin max for given bin number and base
for i in range(bin_number):
if (bin_min!=bin_max):
return (pl.sqrt(bin_min*bin_max),bin_min,bin_max)
示例8: wave2sram
def wave2sram(waveA,waveB):#{{{
r'''Construct sram sequence for waveform. This takes python array and converts it to sram data for hand off to the FPGA. Wave cannot be nddata - this is stupid...'''
if not len(waveA)==len(waveB):
raise Exception('Lengths of DAC A and DAC B waveforms must be equal.')
dataA=[long(py.floor(0x1FFF*y)) for y in waveA] # Multiply wave by full scale of DAC
dataB=[long(py.floor(0x1FFF*y)) for y in waveB]
truncatedA=[y & 0x3FFF for y in dataA] # Chop off everything except lowest 14 bits
truncatedB=[y & 0x3FFF for y in dataB]
dacBData=[y<<14 for y in truncatedB] # Shift DAC B data by 14 bits, why is this done??
sram=[dacAData[i]|dacBData[i] for i in range(len(dacAData))] # Combine DAC A and DAC B
return sram#}}}
示例9: choose_patches
def choose_patches(IMAGES, L, batch_size=1000):
sz = int(sqrt(L))
imsz = shape(IMAGES)[0]
num_images = shape(IMAGES)[2]
BUFF = 4
X = matrix(zeros([L,batch_size],'d'))
for i in range(batch_size):
j = int(floor(num_images * rand()))
r = sz/2+BUFF+int(floor((imsz-sz-2*BUFF)*rand()))
c = sz/2+BUFF+int(floor((imsz-sz-2*BUFF)*rand()))
X[:,i] = reshape(IMAGES[r-sz/2:r+sz/2,c-sz/2:c+sz/2,j],[L,1])
return X
示例10: elapsed_to_abs_time
def elapsed_to_abs_time(seconds, base_time=None):
Convert relative (elapsed) time in seconds to astronomical datetime.
seconds : float, elapsed seconds
base_time : datetime, recording start time (if available)
if not base_time:
base_time = dt.datetime(1900, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0,tzinfo=None)
return base_time + dt.timedelta(seconds=pl.floor(seconds),\
microseconds=(seconds - pl.floor(seconds))*(10**6))
示例11: get_subwindow
def get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window):
Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding.
Returns sub-window of image IM centered at POS ([y, x] coordinates),
with size SZ ([height, width]). If any pixels are outside of the image,
they will replicate the values at the borders.
The subwindow is also normalized to range -0.5 .. 0.5, and the given
cosine window COS_WINDOW is applied
(though this part could be omitted to make the function more general).
if pylab.isscalar(sz): # square sub-window
sz = [sz, sz]
ys = pylab.floor(pos[0]) \
+ pylab.arange(sz[0], dtype=int) - pylab.floor(sz[0]/2)
xs = pylab.floor(pos[1]) \
+ pylab.arange(sz[1], dtype=int) - pylab.floor(sz[1]/2)
ys = ys.astype(int)
xs = xs.astype(int)
# check for out-of-bounds coordinates,
# and set them to the values at the borders
ys[ys < 0] = 0
ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1
xs[xs < 0] = 0
xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1
#zs = range(im.shape[2])
# extract image
#out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs, zs)]
out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs)]
if debug:
print("Out max/min value==", out.max(), "/", out.min())
pylab.imshow(out, cmap=pylab.cm.gray)
pylab.title("cropped subwindow")
#pre-process window --
# normalize to range -0.5 .. 0.5
# pixels are already in range 0 to 1
out = out.astype(pylab.float64) / 255 - 0.5
# apply cosine window
out = pylab.multiply(cos_window, out)
return out
示例12: as_sdms
def as_sdms(self,decimals=0):
min_val_size = len(str(int(floor(abs(self.lower_bound)*180/pi))))
max_val_size = len(str(int(floor(abs(self.upper_bound)*180/pi))))
deg_size=max(min_val_size, max_val_size)
sign_char = '- +'[int(sign(self.value))+1]
d_float = abs(self.value)*180/pi
d_int = int(floor(d_float))
m_float = 60*(d_float - d_int)
m_int = int(floor(m_float))
s_float = 60*(m_float - m_int)
s_int = int(floor(s_float))
frac_int = int(floor(10**decimals*(s_float - s_int)+0.5))
if frac_int >= 10**decimals:
frac_int -= 10**decimals
s_int +=1
if s_int >= 60:
s_int -= 60
m_int += 1
if m_int >= 60:
m_int -= 60
d_int += 1
max_d = int(floor(self.upper_bound*180/pi+0.5))
min_d = int(floor(self.lower_bound*180/pi+0.5))
if d_int >= max_d and self.cyclical and not self.include_upper_bound:
d_int -= (max_d-min_d)
base_str = sign_char+str(d_int).rjust(deg_size,'0')+':'+str(m_int).rjust(2,'0')+':'+str(s_int).rjust(2,'0')
if decimals is 0:
return base_str
return base_str+'.'+str(frac_int).rjust(decimals,'0')
示例13: check
def check(nelx,nely,rmin,x,dc):
for i in range(1,nelx+1):
for j in range(1,nely+1):
for k in range(py.maximum(i-py.floor(rmin),1),py.minimum(i+py.floor(rmin),nelx)+1):
for l in range(py.maximum(j-py.floor(rmin),1),py.minimum(j+py.floor(rmin),nely)+1):
fac = rmin-py.sqrt((i-k)**2+(j-l)**2)
sumx = sumx+py.maximum(0,fac)
dcn[j-1,i-1] = dcn[j-1,i-1] + py.maximum(0,fac)*x[l-1,k-1]*dc[l-1,k-1]
dcn[j-1,i-1] = dcn[j-1,i-1]/(x[j-1,i-1]*sumx)
return dcn
示例14: _make_log_freq_map
def _make_log_freq_map(self):
For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies
and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform.
fp = self.feature_params
bpo = float(self.nbpo) # Bands per octave
self._fftN = float(self.nfft)
hi_edge = float( self.hi )
lo_edge = float( self.lo )
f_ratio = 2.0**( 1.0 / bpo ) # Constant-Q bandwidth
self._cqtN = float( P.floor(P.log(hi_edge/lo_edge)/P.log(f_ratio)) )
self._dctN = self._cqtN
self._outN = float(self.nfft/2+1)
if self._cqtN<1: print "warning: cqtN not positive definite"
mxnorm = P.empty(self._cqtN) # Normalization coefficients
fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs #P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)])
logfrqs=P.array([lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0)*i/bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)])
logfbws=P.array([max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0), self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN))
for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)])
#self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs
self._logfrqs = logfrqs
self._logfbws = logfbws
示例15: add_zeroline
def add_zeroline(current_data):
from pylab import plot, legend, xticks, floor, xlim,ylim
t = current_data.t
#legend(('surface','topography'),loc='lower left')
plot(t, 0*t, 'k')
n = int(floor(t.max()/1800.)) + 2
xticks([1800*i for i in range(n)],[str(0.5*i) for i in range(n)])