本文整理汇总了Python中pylab.dot函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dot函数的具体用法?Python dot怎么用?Python dot使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: createSimilarAR
def createSimilarAR(data):
creates an AR-process that is similar to a given data set.
data must be given in n x d-format
# step 1: get "average" fit matrix
l_A = []
for rep in arange(100):
idx = randint(0,data.shape[0]-1,data.shape[0]-1)
idat = data[idx,:]
odat = data[idx+1,:]
sysmat = meanMat(l_A).T
# idea: get "dynamic noise" from input data as difference of
# expected vs. predicted data:
# eta_i = (sysmat*(data[:,i-1]).T - data[:,i])
# however, in order to destroy any possible correlations in the
# input noise (they would also occur in the output), the
# noise per section has to be permuted.
prediction = dot(sysmat,data[:-1,:].T)
dynNoise = data[1:,:].T - prediction
res = [zeros((dynNoise.shape[0],1)), ]
for nidx in permutation(dynNoise.shape[1]):
res.append( dot(sysmat,res[-1]) + dynNoise[:,nidx][:,newaxis] )
return hstack(res).T
示例2: reduceDim
def reduceDim(fullmat,n=1):
reduces the dimension of a d x d - matrix to a (d-n)x(d-n) matrix,
keeping the largest eigenvalues unchanged.
u,s,v = svd(fullmat)
return dot(u[:-n,:-n],dot(diag(s[:-n]),v[:-n,:-n]))
示例3: Strain_stress
def Strain_stress(self):
Strain is obtained by Strain_Matrix (B)X Displacement (u). Stress is Stiffess_Matrix(E) x Strain.
Von mises stress is also computed to study convergence.
# copy displacement vector after reshaping with two columns for x and y
d = self.displacement.reshape(self.n_nodes,2)
#stress-strain calculation for each element
for i in range(self.n_el):
el = self.element[i] # present element
#Displacement formatted for an element
#Element Strain vector = Product of Strain Matrix and Displacement
[J,B] = self.B(el)
strain = py.dot(B,disp.T)
self.strain_vector[i] = strain
#Element Stress vector = Product of Element K-Matrix and Strain Vector
stress = py.dot(self.E_matrix,strain)
self.stress_vector[i] = stress
#von-mises stress for plotting
self.von[i] = py.math.sqrt(0.5*((stress[0]-stress[1])**2 + stress[0]**2 + stress[1]**2 + 6*(stress[2])**2))
示例4: getApices
def getApices(y):
returns the time (in frames) and position of initial and final apex
height from a given trajectory y, which are obtained by fitting a cubic
y : *array* (1D)
the trajectory. Should ideally start ~1 frame before an apex and end ~1
frame behind an apex
[x0, xF], [y0, yF] : location (in frames) and value of the first and final
# the math behind here is: fitting a 2nd order polynomial and finding
# the root of its derivative. Here, only the results are applied, that's
# why it appears like "magic" numbers
c = dot(array([[.5, -1, .5], [-1.5, 2., -.5], [1., 0., 0.]]), y[:3])
x0 = -1. * c[1] / (2. * c[0])
y0 = polyval(c, x0)
c = dot(array([[.5, -1, .5], [-1.5, 2., -.5], [1., 0., 0.]]), y[-3:])
xF = -1. * c[1] / (2. * c[0])
yF = polyval(c, xF)
xF += len(y) - 3
return [x0, xF], [y0, yF]
示例5: rotate_molecule
def rotate_molecule(coords, rotp = m.array((0.,0.,0.)), phi = 0., \
theta = 0., psi = 0.):
"""Rotate a molecule via Euler angles.
See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/EulerAngles.html for definition.
Input arguments:
coords: Atom coordinates, as Nx3 2d pylab array.
rotp: The point to rotate about, as a 1d 3-element pylab array
phi: The 1st rotation angle around z axis.
theta: Rotation around x axis.
psi: 2nd rotation around z axis.
# First move the molecule to the origin
# In contrast to MATLAB, numpy broadcasts the smaller array to the larger
# row-wise, so there is no need to play with the Kronecker product.
rcoords = coords - rotp
# First Euler rotation about z in matrix form
D = m.array(((m.cos(phi), m.sin(phi), 0.), (-m.sin(phi), m.cos(phi), 0.), \
(0., 0., 1.)))
# Second Euler rotation about x:
C = m.array(((1., 0., 0.), (0., m.cos(theta), m.sin(theta)), \
(0., -m.sin(theta), m.cos(theta))))
# Third Euler rotation, 2nd rotation about z:
B = m.array(((m.cos(psi), m.sin(psi), 0.), (-m.sin(psi), m.cos(psi), 0.), \
(0., 0., 1.)))
# Total Euler rotation
A = m.dot(B, m.dot(C, D))
# Do the rotation
rcoords = m.dot(A, m.transpose(rcoords))
# Move back to the rotation point
return m.transpose(rcoords) + rotp
示例6: ssc
def ssc(signal,samplerate=16000,winlen=0.025,winstep=0.01,
"""Compute Spectral Subband Centroid features from an audio signal.
:param signal: the audio signal from which to compute features. Should be an N*1 array
:param samplerate: the samplerate of the signal we are working with.
:param winlen: the length of the analysis window in seconds. Default is 0.025s (25 milliseconds)
:param winstep: the step between successive windows in seconds. Default is 0.01s (10 milliseconds)
:param nfilt: the number of filters in the filterbank, default 26.
:param nfft: the FFT size. Default is 512.
:param lowfreq: lowest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is 0.
:param highfreq: highest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is samplerate/2
:param preemph: apply preemphasis filter with preemph as coefficient. 0 is no filter. Default is 0.97.
:returns: A numpy array of size (NUMFRAMES by nfilt) containing features. Each row holds 1 feature vector.
highfreq= highfreq or samplerate/2
signal = sigproc.preemphasis(signal,preemph)
frames = sigproc.framesig(signal, winlen*samplerate, winstep*samplerate)
pspec = sigproc.powspec(frames,nfft)
pspec = pylab.where(pspec == 0,pylab.finfo(float).eps,pspec) # if things are all zeros we get problems
fb = get_filterbanks(nfilt,nfft,samplerate,lowfreq,highfreq)
feat = pylab.dot(pspec,fb.T) # compute the filterbank energies
R = pylab.tile(pylab.linspace(1,samplerate/2,pylab.size(pspec,1)),(pylab.size(pspec,0),1))
return pylab.dot(pspec*R,fb.T) / feat
示例7: varRed
def varRed(idat,odat,A,bootstrap = None):
computed the variance reduction when using A*idat[:,x].T as predictor for odat[:,x].T
if bootstrap is an integer > 1, a bootstrap with the given number of iterations
will be performed.
tVred, sVred: the total relative variance after prediction (all coordinates)
and the variance reduction for each coordinate separately. These data are
scalar and array or lists of scalars and arrays when a bootstrap is performed.
Note: in the bootstrapped results, the first element refers to the "full"
data variance reduction.
nBoot = bootstrap if type(bootstrap) is int else 0
if nBoot < 2:
nBoot = 0
odat_pred = dot(A,idat.T)
rdiff = odat_pred - odat.T # remaining difference
rvar = var(rdiff,axis=1)/var(odat.T,axis=1) # relative variance
trvar = var(rdiff.flat)/var(odat.T.flat) # total relative variance
if nBoot > 0:
rvar = [rvar,]
trvar = [trvar,]
for rep in range(nBoot-1):
indices = randint(0,odat.T.shape[1],odat.T.shape[1])
odat_pred = dot(A,idat[indices,:].T)
rdiff = odat_pred - odat[indices,:].T # remaining difference
rvar.append( var(rdiff,axis=1)/var(odat.T,axis=1) ) # relative variance
trvar.append (var(rdiff.flat)/var(odat.T.flat) ) # total relative variance
return trvar, rvar
示例8: fBM_nd
def fBM_nd(dims, H, return_mat = False, use_eig_ev = True):
creates fractional Brownian motion
parameters: dims is a tuple of the shape of the sample path (nxd);
H: Hurst exponent
this is the slow version of fBM. It might, however, be more precise than
fBM, however - sometimes, the matrix square root has a problem, which might
induce inaccuracy
use_eig_ev: use eigenvalue decomposition for matrix square root computation
n = dims[0]
d = dims[1]
Gamma = zeros((n,n))
print ('building ...\n')
for t in arange(n):
for s in arange(n):
Gamma[t,s] = .5*((s+1)**(2.*H) + (t+1)**(2.*H) - abs(t-s)**(2.*H))
print('rooting ...\n')
if use_eig_ev:
ev,ew = eig(Gamma.real)
Sigma = dot(ew, dot(diag(sqrt(ev)),ew.T) )
Sigma = sqrtm(Gamma)
if return_mat:
return Sigma
v = randn(n,d)
return dot(Sigma,v)
示例9: Q_calc
def Q_calc(self,X):
calculates Q (n_x by n_theta) matrix of the IDE model at each time step
X: list of ndarray
state vectors
Q : list of ndarray (n_x by n_theta)
for t in range(T):
#calculate q
g *=(self.model.spacestep**2)
return Q
示例10: estimate_kernel
def estimate_kernel(self, X, P, M):
"""estimate the ide model's kernel weights from data stored in the ide object"""
# form Xi variables
Xi_0 = pb.zeros([self.model.nx, self.model.nx])
Xi_1 = pb.zeros([self.model.nx, self.model.nx])
for t in range(1, len(X)):
Xi_0 += pb.dot(X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1), X[t, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1).T) + M[
t, :
].reshape(self.model.nx, self.model.nx)
Xi_1 += pb.dot(X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1), X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1).T) + P[
t - 1, :
].reshape(self.model.nx, self.model.nx)
# form Upsilon and upsilons
Upsilon = pb.zeros([self.model.ntheta, self.model.ntheta])
upsilon0 = pb.zeros([1, self.model.ntheta])
upsilon1 = pb.zeros([1, self.model.ntheta])
for i in range(self.model.nx):
for j in range(self.model.nx):
Upsilon += Xi_1[i, j] * self.model.Delta_Upsilon[j, i]
upsilon0 += Xi_0[i, j] * self.model.Delta_upsilon[j, i]
upsilon1 += Xi_1[i, j] * self.model.Delta_upsilon[j, i]
upsilon1 = upsilon1 * self.model.xi
Upsilon = Upsilon * self.model.Ts * self.model.varsigma
weights = pb.dot(pb.inv(Upsilon.T), upsilon0.T - upsilon1.T)
return weights
示例11: main
def main():
mu = pl.array([[0], [12], [24], [36]])
Sigma = pl.array([[3.01602775, 1.02746769, -3.60224613, -2.08792829],
[1.02746769, 5.65146472, -3.98616664, 0.48723704],
[-3.60224613, -3.98616664, 13.04508284, -1.59255406],
[-2.08792829, 0.48723704, -1.59255406, 8.28742469]])
# The data matrix is created for above mu and Sigma.
d, U = pl.eig(Sigma)
L = pl.diagflat(d)
A = pl.dot(U, pl.sqrt(L))
X = pl.randn(4, 1000)
# Y is the data matrix of random samples.
Y = pl.dot(A, X) + pl.tile(mu, 1000)
pl.plot(X[0], Y[1], '+', color='#0000FF', label='i=0,j=1')
pl.plot(X[0], Y[2], '+', color='#FF0000', label='i=0,j=2')
pl.plot(X[0], Y[3], '+', color='#00FF00', label='i=0,j=3')
pl.plot(X[1], Y[0], 'x', color='#FFFF00', label='i=1,j=0')
pl.plot(X[1], Y[2], 'x', color='#00FFFF', label='i=1,j=2')
pl.plot(X[1], Y[3], 'x', color='#444444', label='i=1,j=3')
pl.plot(X[2], Y[0], '.', color='#774411', label='i=2,j=0')
pl.plot(X[2], Y[1], '.', color='#222222', label='i=2,j=1')
pl.plot(X[2], Y[3], '.', color='#AAAAAA', label='i=2,j=3')
pl.plot(X[3], Y[0], '+', color='#FFAA22', label='i=3,j=0')
pl.plot(X[3], Y[1], '+', color='#22AAFF', label='i=3,j=1')
pl.plot(X[3], Y[2], '+', color='#FFDD00', label='i=3,j=2')
示例12: Global_Stiffness
def Global_Stiffness(self):
Generates Global Stiffness Matrix for the plane structure
elem = self.element;
B = py.zeros((6,6))
for i in range (0,py.size(elem,0)):
#for each element find the stifness matrix
K = py.zeros((self.n_nodes*2,self.n_nodes*2))
el = elem[i]
#nodes formatted for input
[node1, node2, node3] = el;
node1x = 2*(node1-1);node2x = 2*(node2-1);node3x = 2*(node3-1);
node1y = 2*(node1-1)+1;node2y = 2*(node2-1)+1;node3y = 2*(node3-1)+1;
#Area, Strain Matrix and E Matrix multiplied to get element stiffness
[J,B] = self.B(el)
local_k =0.5*abs(J)*py.dot(py.transpose(B),py.dot(self.E_matrix,B))
if self.debug:
print 'K for elem', el, '\n', local_k
#Element K-Matrix converted into Global K-Matrix format
K[py.ix_([node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y],[node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y])] = K[py.ix_([node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y],[node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y])]+local_k
#Adding contibution into Global Stiffness
self.k_global = self.k_global + K
if self.debug:
print 'Global Stiffness','\n', self.k_global
示例13: renormalize
def renormalize(x_unpurt,x_before,x_purt,epsilon,N):
# BEFORE ANYTHING: make sure particles near boundaries are shuffeled into places where where the
# seam is not between any purturbed and fudicial trajectories.
x_unpurt,x_purt = shuff(x_unpurt,x_purt,N)
# The trajectory we are going to be returning is going to be the new one for the next run. lets
# call it
x_new = pl.copy(x_unpurt)
# copied it because we are going to add the small amounts to it to purturb it.
# lets find a vector pointing in the direction of the trajectories path. For this we need the
# fiducual point at t-dt, which is given to us in the function as x_before. find the vector
# between x_before and x_unpurt
traj_vec = x_unpurt-x_before
# normalize it
traj_vec = traj_vec/pl.sqrt(pl.dot(traj_vec,traj_vec))
print('traj_vec magnitude (should be 1): ' + str(pl.sqrt(pl.dot(traj_vec,traj_vec))))
# Now lets see how close the vector pointing from the fidicial to the perturbed trajectorie is
# to orthogonal with the trajectory... should get closer to 1 as we check more because it should
# be aligning itself with the axis of greatest expansion and that should be orthogonal.
# First normalize the difference vector
diff_vec = x_unpurt - x_purt
# normalize it
diff_vec = diff_vec/pl.sqrt(pl.dot(diff_vec,diff_vec))
print('diff_vec magnitude (should be 1): ' + str(pl.sqrt(pl.dot(diff_vec,diff_vec))))
print('normalized(x_unpurt-x_purt)dot(traj_vec) (should get close to 0): '+ str(pl.dot(diff_vec,traj_vec)))
# for now lets just return a point moved back along the difference vector. no gram shmidt or
# anything.
return x_new + epsilon*diff_vec
示例14: plotEnsemble2D
def plotEnsemble2D(ens,v1,v2,colordata=None,hess=None,\
Plots a 2-dimensional projection of a given parameter
ensemble, along given directions:
-- If v1 and v2 are scalars, project onto plane given by
those two bare parameter directions.
-- If v1 and v2 are vectors, project onto those two vectors.
When given colordata (either a single color, or an array
of different colors the length of ensemble size), each point
will be assigned a color based on the colordata.
With labelBest set, the first point in the ensemble is
plotted larger (to show the 'best fit' point for a usual
parameter ensemble).
If a Hessian is given, cost contours will be plotted
using plotContours2D.
if pylab.shape(v1) is ():
xdata = pylab.transpose(ens)[v1]
ydata = pylab.transpose(ens)[v2]
# label axes
param1name, param2name = '',''
paramLabels = ens[0].keys()
paramLabels = None
if paramLabels is not None:
param1name = ' ('+paramLabels[param1]+')'
param2name = ' ('+paramLabels[param2]+')'
pylab.xlabel('Parameter '+str(v1)+param1name)
pylab.ylabel('Parameter '+str(v2)+param2name)
xdata = pylab.dot(ens,v1)
ydata = pylab.dot(ens,v2)
if colordata==None:
colordata = pylab.ones(len(xdata))
if labelBest: # plot first as larger circle
if pylab.shape(colordata) is (): # single color
colordata0 = colordata
colordataRest = colordata
else: # specified colors
colordata0 = [colordata[0]]
colordataRest = colordata[1:]
scatterColors(xdata[1:],ydata[1:],colordataRest, \
scatterColors([xdata[0]],[ydata[0]],colordata0, \
if hess is not None:
plotApproxContours2D(hess,param1,param2,pylab.array(ens[0]), \
示例15: brute_force_Z_vis_gauss
def brute_force_Z_vis_gauss(W):
v,h = W.v, W.h
Z = zeros(2**h)
for i in xrange(2**h):
H = int_to_bin(i, h)
b = W.T() * H
Z[i] = .5 * dot(b,b.T) + dot(H,W[2])
return log_sum_exp(Z)