本文整理汇总了Python中pyiem.util.get_autoplot_context函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_autoplot_context函数的具体用法?Python get_autoplot_context怎么用?Python get_autoplot_context使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_get_autoplot_context
def test_get_autoplot_context():
"""See that we can do things."""
form = dict(station='AMW', network='IA_ASOS', type2='bogus',
t=15, type3=['max-high', 'bogus', 'min-high'])
form['type'] = 'max-low'
pdict = OrderedDict([
('max-high', 'Maximum High'),
('avg-high', 'Average High'),
('min-high', 'Minimum High'),
('max-low', 'Maximum Low')])
cfg = dict(arguments=[
dict(type='station', name='station', default='IA0000'),
dict(type='select', name='type', default='max-high',
dict(type='select', name='type2', default='max-high',
dict(type='select', name='type3', default='max-high',
options=pdict, multiple=True),
dict(type='select', name='type4', default='max-high',
options=pdict, multiple=True, optional=True),
dict(type='select', name='type5', default='max-high',
dict(type='int', name='threshold', default=-99),
dict(type='int', name='t', default=9, min=0, max=10),
dict(type='date', name='d', default='2011/11/12'),
dict(type='datetime', name='d2', default='2011/11/12 0000',
max='2017/12/12 1212', min='2011/01/01 0000'),
dict(type='year', name='year', default='2011', optional=True),
dict(type='float', name='f', default=1.10)])
ctx = util.get_autoplot_context(form, cfg)
assert ctx['station'] == 'AMW'
assert ctx['network'] == 'IA_ASOS'
assert isinstance(ctx['threshold'], int)
assert ctx['type'] == 'max-low'
assert ctx['type2'] == 'max-high'
assert isinstance(ctx['f'], float)
assert ctx['t'] == 9
assert ctx['d'] == datetime.date(2011, 11, 12)
assert ctx['d2'] == datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 12)
assert 'year' not in ctx
assert 'bogus' not in ctx['type3']
assert 'type4' not in ctx
form = dict(zstation='DSM')
cfg = dict(arguments=[
dict(type='zstation', name='station', default='DSM',
ctx = util.get_autoplot_context(form, cfg)
assert ctx['network'] == 'IA_ASOS'
示例2: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
cursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
station = ctx['station']
nt = NetworkTable("CSCAP")
clstation = nt.sts[station]['climate_site']
(model, scenario) = ctx['model'].split("=")
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
SELECT extract(year from day) as yr, sum(case when precip > 0
THEN 1 else 0 end) from hayhoe_daily WHERE precip is not null and
station = %s and model = %s and scenario = %s
GROUP by yr ORDER by yr ASC
""", (clstation, model, scenario))
years = []
precip = []
for row in cursor:
ax.bar(years, precip, ec='b', fc='b')
ax.set_ylabel("Days Per Year")
ax.set_title("%s %s\n%s %s :: Days per Year with Measurable Precip" % (
station, nt.sts[station]['name'], model,
return fig
示例3: test_vtecps
def test_vtecps():
"""Can we properly handle the vtecps form type"""
cfg = dict(arguments=[
dict(type='vtec_ps', name='v1', default='TO.W',
label='VTEC Phenomena and Significance 1'),
dict(type='vtec_ps', name='v2', default='TO.A', optional=True,
label='VTEC Phenomena and Significance 2'),
dict(type='vtec_ps', name='v3', default=None, optional=True,
label='VTEC Phenomena and Significance 3'),
dict(type='vtec_ps', name='v4', default='FL.Y', optional=True,
label='VTEC Phenomena and Significance 4'),
dict(type='vtec_ps', name='v5', default='UNUSED', optional=True,
label='VTEC Phenomena and Significance 5')])
form = dict(phenomenav1='SV', significancev1='A',
phenomenav4='TO', significancev4='W')
ctx = util.get_autoplot_context(form, cfg)
# For v1, we were explicitly provided by from the form
assert ctx['phenomenav1'] == 'SV'
assert ctx['significancev1'] == 'A'
# For v2, optional is on, so our values should be None
assert ctx.get('phenomenav2') is None
# For v3, should be None as well
assert ctx.get('phenomenav3') is None
# For v4, we provided a value via form
assert ctx['significancev4'] == 'W'
# For v5, we have a bad default set
assert ctx.get('phenomenav5') is None
示例4: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
days = ctx['days']
nt = NetworkTable("CSCAP")
clstation = nt.sts[station]['climate_site']
(model, scenario) = ctx['model'].split("=")
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
df = read_sql("""
WITH data as (
SELECT day, sum(precip) OVER (ORDER by day ASC ROWS BETWEEN %s preceding
and current row) from hayhoe_daily WHERE precip is not null and
station = %s and model = %s and scenario = %s
SELECT extract(year from day) as yr, sum(case when
sum < 0.01 then 1 else 0 end) as precip
from data WHERE extract(month from day) in
(3,4,5,6,7,8) GROUP by yr ORDER by yr ASC
""", pgconn, params=(days - 1, clstation, model, scenario), index_col='yr')
ax.bar(df.index.values, df['precip'].values, ec='b', fc='b')
ax.set_ylabel("Days Per Year")
ax.set_title(("%s %s\n%s %s :: Spring/Summer with No Precip over %s days"
) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'], model,
scenario, days))
return fig, df
示例5: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
t1 = ctx['t1']
t2 = ctx['t2']
table = "alldata_%s" % (station[:2],)
nt = NetworkTable("%sCLIMATE" % (station[:2],))
df = read_sql("""
SELECT year,
min(low) as min_low,
min(case when low < %s then extract(doy from day)
else 999 end) as t1_doy,
min(case when low < %s then extract(doy from day)
else 999 end) as t2_doy
from """+table+""" where station = %s and month > 6
GROUP by year ORDER by year ASC
""", pgconn, params=(t1, t2, station), index_col='year')
df = df[df['t2_doy'] < 400]
doy = np.array(df['t1_doy'], 'i')
doy2 = np.array(df['t2_doy'], 'i')
sts = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
xticks = []
xticklabels = []
for i in range(min(doy), max(doy2)+1):
ts = sts + datetime.timedelta(days=i)
if ts.day in [1, 8, 15, 22]:
fmt = "%b %-d" if ts.day == 1 else "%-d"
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.scatter(doy, doy2-doy)
for x in xticks:
ax.plot((x-100, x), (100, 0), ':', c=('#000000'))
ax.set_ylim(-1, max(doy2-doy)+4)
ax.set_xlim(min(doy)-4, max(doy)+4)
ax.set_title("[%s] %s\nFirst Fall Temperature Occurences" % (
station, nt.sts[station]['name']))
ax.set_ylabel("Days until first sub %s$^{\circ}\mathrm{F}$" % (t2,))
ax.set_xlabel("First day of sub %s$^{\circ}\mathrm{F}$" % (t1,))
return fig, df
示例6: get_context
def get_context(fdict):
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='hads', host='iemdb-hads',
cursor = pgconn.cursor()
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
ctx['station'] = ctx['station'].upper()
station = ctx['station']
dt = ctx['dt']
# Attempt to get station information
SELECT name from stations where id = %s and network ~* 'DCP'
""", (station,))
ctx['name'] = ""
if cursor.rowcount > 0:
row = cursor.fetchone()
ctx['name'] = row[0]
ctx['df'] = read_sql("""with fx as (
select id, issued, primaryname, primaryunits, secondaryname,
secondaryunits from hml_forecast where station = %s
and generationtime between %s and %s)
SELECT f.id, f.issued, d.valid, d.primary_value, f.primaryname,
f.primaryunits, d.secondary_value, f.secondaryname,
f.secondaryunits from
hml_forecast_data_""" + str(dt.year) + """ d JOIN fx f
on (d.hml_forecast_id = f.id) ORDER by f.id ASC, d.valid ASC
""", pgconn, params=(station, dt - datetime.timedelta(days=3),
dt + datetime.timedelta(days=1)), index_col=None)
if len(ctx['df'].index) > 0:
ctx['primary'] = "%s[%s]" % (ctx['df'].iloc[0]['primaryname'],
ctx['secondary'] = "%s[%s]" % (ctx['df'].iloc[0]['secondaryname'],
# get obs
mints = ctx['df']['valid'].min()
maxts = ctx['df']['valid'].max()
mints = dt - datetime.timedelta(days=3)
maxts = dt + datetime.timedelta(days=3)
df = read_sql("""
SELECT valid, h.label, value
from hml_observed_data_""" + str(dt.year) + """ d JOIN hml_observed_keys h
on (d.key = h.id)
WHERE station = %s and valid between %s and %s ORDER by valid
""", pgconn, params=(station, mints, maxts), index_col=None)
ctx['odf'] = df.pivot('valid', 'label', 'value')
if len(ctx['df'].index) > 0:
ctx['df'] = pd.merge(ctx['df'], ctx['odf'], left_on='valid',
right_index=True, how='left', sort=False)
ctx['title'] = "[%s] %s" % (ctx['station'], ctx['name'])
ctx['subtitle'] = ctx['dt'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M UTC")
if len(ctx['df'].index) == 0 and len(ctx['odf'].index) > 0:
ctx['primary'] = ctx['odf'].columns[0]
ctx['secondary'] = ctx['odf'].columns[1]
return ctx
示例7: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['zstation']
network = ctx['network']
units = ctx['units']
nt = NetworkTable(network)
df = read_sql("""
select date_trunc('hour', valid) as ts, avg(sknt) as sknt,
max(drct) as drct from alldata
WHERE station = %s and sknt is not null and drct is not null
GROUP by ts
""", pgconn, params=(station, ), parse_dates=('ts',),
sknt = speed(df['sknt'].values, 'KT')
drct = direction(df['drct'].values, 'DEG')
df['u'], df['v'] = [x.value('MPS') for x in meteorology.uv(sknt, drct)]
df['month'] = df['ts'].dt.month
grp = df[['month', 'u', 'v', 'sknt']].groupby('month').mean()
grp['u_%s' % (units,)] = speed(grp['u'].values, 'KT').value(units.upper())
grp['v_%s' % (units,)] = speed(grp['u'].values, 'KT').value(units.upper())
grp['sped_%s' % (units,)] = speed(grp['sknt'].values,
drct = meteorology.drct(speed(grp['u'].values, 'KT'),
speed(grp['v'].values, 'KT'))
grp['drct'] = drct.value('DEG')
maxval = grp['sped_%s' % (units,)].max()
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.barh(grp.index.values, grp['sped_%s' % (units,)].values,
ax.set_xlabel("Average Wind Speed [%s]" % (UNITS[units],))
ax.set_xlim(0, maxval * 1.2)
for mon, row in grp.iterrows():
ax.text(maxval * 1.1, mon, drct2text(row['drct']), ha='center',
va='center', bbox=dict(color='white'))
ax.text(row['sped_%s' % (units,)] * 0.98, mon,
"%.1f" % (row['sped_%s' % (units,)],), ha='right',
va='center', bbox=dict(color='white',
ax.set_ylim(12.5, 0.5)
ax.set_title(("[%s] %s [%s-%s]\nMonthly Average Wind Speed and"
" Vector Average Direction"
) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'],
return fig, grp
示例8: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['zstation']
network = ctx['network']
month = int(ctx['month'])
thres = ctx['t']
mydir = ctx['dir']
nt = NetworkTable(network)
tzname = nt.sts[station]['tzname']
df = read_sql("""
WITH data as (
SELECT valid at time zone %s + '10 minutes'::interval as v, tmpf
from alldata where station = %s and tmpf > -90 and tmpf < 150
and extract(month from valid) = %s and report_type = 2)
SELECT extract(hour from v) as hour,
sum(case when tmpf::int < %s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as below,
sum(case when tmpf::int >= %s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as above,
count(*) from data
GROUP by hour ORDER by hour ASC
""", pgconn, params=(tzname, station, month, thres, thres),
df['below_freq'] = df['below'].values.astype('f') / df['count'] * 100.
df['above_freq'] = df['above'].values.astype('f') / df['count'] * 100.
freq = df[mydir+"_freq"].values
hours = df.index.values
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
bars = ax.bar(hours-0.4, freq, fc='blue')
for i, bar in enumerate(bars):
ax.text(i, bar.get_height()+3, "%.0f" % (bar.get_height(),),
ha='center', fontsize=10)
ax.set_xticks(range(0, 25, 3))
ax.set_xticklabels(['Mid', '3 AM', '6 AM', '9 AM', 'Noon', '3 PM',
'6 PM', '9 PM'])
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax.set_yticks([0, 25, 50, 75, 100])
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency [%]")
ax.set_xlabel("Hour Timezone: %s" % (tzname,))
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 23.5)
ax.set_title(("%s [%s]\nFrequency of %s Hour, %s: %s$^\circ$F"
) % (nt.sts[station]['name'], station,
calendar.month_name[month], PDICT[mydir],
return fig, df
示例9: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
network = ctx['network']
varname = ctx['var']
thedate = ctx['thedate']
date = ctx['date']
nt = NetworkTable(network)
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
table = "alldata_%s" % (station[:2], )
if date == 'exact':
df = read_sql("""
SELECT year, high, day, precip from """ + table + """
WHERE station = %s
and sday = %s ORDER by year ASC
""", pgconn, params=(station, thedate.strftime("%m%d")),
subtitle = thedate.strftime("%B %-d")
if date == 'memorial':
days = memorial_days()
elif date == 'thanksgiving':
days = thanksgiving()
days = labor_days()
df = read_sql("""
SELECT year, high, day, precip from """ + table + """
WHERE station = %s
and day in %s ORDER by year ASC
""", pgconn, params=(station, tuple(days)),
subtitle = PDICT[date]
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.bar(df.index.values, df[varname], fc='r', ec='r', align='center')
mean = df[varname].mean()
ax.text(df.index.values[-1] + 1, mean, '%.2f' % (mean,), ha='left',
ax.set_title(("%s [%s] Daily %s\non %s"
) % (nt.sts[station]['name'], station, PDICT2[varname],
ax.set_xlim(df.index.values.min() - 1,
df.index.values.max() + 1)
if varname != 'precip':
ax.set_ylim(df[varname].min() - 5, df[varname].max() + 5)
return fig, df
示例10: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ASOS = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
cursor = ASOS.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['zstation']
network = ctx['network']
nt = NetworkTable(network)
WITH obs as (select valid at time zone %s + '10 minutes'::interval as v,
tmpf from alldata
WHERE station = %s and tmpf >= -90 and tmpf < 150),
s as (SELECT generate_series(0, 23, 1) || ' hours' as series),
daily as (select s.series, v + s.series::interval as t, tmpf from obs, s),
sums as (select series, date(t), max(tmpf), min(tmpf) from daily
GROUP by series, date)
SELECT series, avg(max), avg(min) from sums GROUP by series
""", (nt.sts[station]['tzname'], station))
rows = []
hrs = range(25)
highs = [None]*25
lows = [None]*25
for row in cursor:
i = int(row[0].split()[0])
highs[24-i] = row[1]
lows[24-i] = row[2]
rows.append(dict(offset=(24-i), avg_high=row[1], avg_low=row[2]))
rows.append(dict(offset=0, avg_high=highs[24], avg_low=lows[24]))
highs[0] = highs[24]
lows[0] = lows[24]
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(hrs, np.array(highs) - highs[0], label="High Temp", lw=2,
ax.plot(hrs, np.array(lows) - lows[0], label="Low Temp", lw=2,
ax.set_title(("[%s] %s %s-%s\n"
"Bias of 24 Hour 'Day' Split for Average High + Low Temp"
) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'],
ax.set_ylabel("Average Temperature Difference $^\circ$F")
ax.set_xlim(0, 24)
ax.set_xticks((0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24))
ax.set_xticklabels(('Mid', '4 AM', '8 AM', 'Noon', '4 PM', '8 PM', 'Mid'))
ax.set_xlabel("Hour Used for 24 Hour Summary")
return fig, df
示例11: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
table = "alldata_%s" % (station[:2], )
nt = NetworkTable("%sCLIMATE" % (station[:2], ))
CATS = np.array([0.01, 0.5, 1., 2., 3., 4.])
startyear = nt.sts[station]['archive_begin'].year
# 0.01, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4
df = read_sql("""
SELECT year, month,
sum(case when precip >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as cat1,
sum(case when precip >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as cat2,
sum(case when precip >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as cat3,
sum(case when precip >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as cat4,
sum(case when precip >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as cat5,
sum(case when precip >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as cat6
from """ + table + """ WHERE station = %s GROUP by year, month
ORDER by year, month
""", pgconn, params=(CATS[0], CATS[1], CATS[2], CATS[3], CATS[4],
CATS[5], station), index_col=['year', 'month'])
res = """\
# IEM Climodat https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/climodat/
# Report Generated: %s
# Climate Record: %s -> %s
# Site Information: [%s] %s
# Contact Information: Daryl Herzmann [email protected] 515.294.5978
# Number of days per year with precipitation at or above threshold [inch]
# Partitioned by month of the year, 'ANN' represents the entire year
""" % (datetime.date.today().strftime("%d %b %Y"),
nt.sts[station]['archive_begin'].date(), datetime.date.today(), station,
for i, cat in enumerate(CATS):
col = "cat%s" % (i+1,)
res += ("YEAR %4.2f JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN "
for yr in range(startyear, datetime.date.today().year + 1):
res += "%s %4.2f " % (yr, cat)
for mo in range(1, 13):
if (yr, mo) in df.index:
res += "%3.0f " % (df.at[(yr, mo), col], )
res += "%3s " % ('M', )
res += "%3.0f\n" % (df.loc[(yr, slice(1, 12)), col].sum(), )
return None, df, res
示例12: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
from pyiem.plot import calendar_plot
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='iem', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
cursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
varname = ctx['var']
network = ctx['network']
sdate = ctx['sdate']
edate = ctx['edate']
nt = NetworkTable(network)
# Get Climatology
cdf = read_sql("""SELECT to_char(valid, 'mmdd') as sday, high, low,
precip from ncdc_climate81 WHERE station = %s
""", psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody'),
params=(nt.sts[station]['ncdc81'],), index_col='sday')
SELECT day, max_tmpf, min_tmpf, max_dwpf, min_dwpf,
pday, coalesce(avg_sknt, 0) as avg_sknt from summary s JOIN stations t
on (t.iemid = s.iemid) WHERE s.day >= %s and s.day <= %s and
t.id = %s and t.network = %s ORDER by day ASC
""", (sdate, edate, station, network))
rows = []
data = {}
for row in cursor:
hd = row['max_tmpf'] - cdf.at[row[0].strftime("%m%d"), 'high']
ld = row['min_tmpf'] - cdf.at[row[0].strftime("%m%d"), 'low']
rows.append(dict(day=row['day'], max_tmpf=row['max_tmpf'],
avg_smph=speed(row['avg_sknt'], 'KT').value('MPH'),
min_dwpf=row['min_dwpf'], max_dwpf=row['max_dwpf'],
high_departure=hd, low_departure=ld,
min_tmpf=row['min_tmpf'], pday=row['pday']))
data[row[0]] = {'val': safe(rows[-1], varname)}
if varname == 'high_departure':
data[row[0]]['color'] = 'b' if hd < 0 else 'r'
elif varname == 'low_departure':
data[row[0]]['color'] = 'b' if ld < 0 else 'r'
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
title = ('[%s] %s Daily %s\n%s thru %s'
) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'],
PDICT.get(varname), sdate.strftime("%-d %b %Y"),
edate.strftime("%-d %b %Y"))
fig = calendar_plot(sdate, edate, data,
return fig, df
示例13: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
network = ctx['network']
days = ctx['days']
varname = ctx['var']
nt = NetworkTable(network)
df = get_data(fdict)
if len(df.index) == 0:
return 'Error, no results returned!'
ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.6])
lax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2])
title = PDICT.get(varname)
if days == 1:
title = title.replace("Average ", "")
ax.set_title(("%s [%s]\n%i Day Period with %s"
) % (nt.sts[station]['name'], station, days, title))
ax.barh(df.index.values, [days]*len(df.index), left=df['doy'].values,
edgecolor='tan', facecolor='tan')
xticks = []
xticklabels = []
for i in np.arange(df['doy'].min() - 5, df['doy'].max() + 5, 1):
ts = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=i)
if ts.day == 1:
xticklabels.append(ts.strftime("%-d %b"))
counts = np.zeros(366*2)
for _, row in df.iterrows():
counts[row['doy']:row['doy']+days] += 1
lax.bar(np.arange(366*2), counts, edgecolor='blue', facecolor='blue')
lax.text(0.02, 0.9, "Frequency of Day\nwithin period",
transform=lax.transAxes, va='top')
ax.set_ylim(df.index.values.min() - 3, df.index.values.max() + 3)
ax.set_xlim(df['doy'].min() - 10, df['doy'].max() + 10)
lax.set_xlim(df['doy'].min() - 10, df['doy'].max() + 10)
return plt.gcf(), df
示例14: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
COOP = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
station = ctx['station']
varname = ctx['var']
month = ctx['month']
threshold = float(ctx['thres'])
if PDICT.get(varname) is None:
drct = ctx['dir']
if PDICT2.get(drct) is None:
operator = ">=" if drct == 'above' else '<'
table = "alldata_%s" % (station[:2],)
nt = network.Table("%sCLIMATE" % (station[:2],))
df = read_sql("""
SELECT sday,
sum(case when """+varname+""" """+operator+""" %s then 1 else 0 end)
as hit,
count(*) as total
from """+table+""" WHERE station = %s and month = %s
GROUP by sday ORDER by sday ASC
""", COOP, params=(threshold, station, month), index_col='sday')
df['freq'] = df['hit'] / df['total'] * 100.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
bars = ax.bar(np.arange(1, len(df.index)+1)-0.4, df['freq'])
for i, bar in enumerate(bars):
ax.text(i+1, bar.get_height() + 0.3, '%s' % (df['hit'][i],),
msg = ("[%s] %s %s %s %s during %s (Avg: %.2f days/year)"
) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'], PDICT.get(varname),
PDICT2.get(drct), threshold, calendar.month_abbr[month],
df['hit'].sum() / float(df['total'].sum()) * len(df.index))
tokens = msg.split()
sz = len(tokens) / 2
ax.set_title(" ".join(tokens[:sz]) + "\n" + " ".join(tokens[sz:]))
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency (%)")
ax.set_xlabel(("Day of %s, years (out of %s) meeting criteria labelled"
) % (calendar.month_name[month], np.max(df['total'],)))
ax.set_xlim(0.5, 31.5)
ax.set_ylim(0, df['freq'].max() + 5)
return fig, df
示例15: plotter
def plotter(fdict):
""" Go """
import matplotlib
from pyiem.plot import MapPlot
bins = [0, 1, 14, 31, 91, 182, 273, 365, 730, 1460, 2920, 3800]
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='postgis', host='iemdb', user='nobody')
cursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
phenomena = ctx['phenomena']
significance = ctx['significance']
edate = ctx.get('edate')
if edate is None:
edate = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
edate = datetime.datetime(edate.year, edate.month,
edate.day, 0, 0)
edate = edate.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))
select wfo, extract(days from (%s::date - max(issue))) as m
from warnings where significance = %s and phenomena = %s
and issue < %s
GROUP by wfo ORDER by m ASC
""", (edate, significance, phenomena, edate))
if cursor.rowcount == 0:
return ("No Events Found for %s %s (%s.%s)"
) % (vtec._phenDict.get(phenomena, phenomena),
vtec._sigDict.get(significance, significance),
phenomena, significance)
data = {}
rows = []
for row in cursor:
wfo = row[0] if row[0] != 'JSJ' else 'SJU'
rows.append(dict(wfo=wfo, days=row[1]))
data[wfo] = max([row[1], 0])
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
df.set_index('wfo', inplace=True)
m = MapPlot(sector='nws', axisbg='white', nocaption=True,
title='Days since Last %s %s by NWS Office' % (
vtec._phenDict.get(phenomena, phenomena),
vtec._sigDict.get(significance, significance)),
subtitle='Valid %s' % (edate.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC"),))
m.fill_cwas(data, bins=bins, ilabel=True, units='Days',
return m.fig, df