本文整理汇总了Python中pyglet.resource.image函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python image函数的具体用法?Python image怎么用?Python image使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __init__
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.mode = '_'
self.texes = [resource.image("MC/"+fn+".png") for fn in "idle;back;back1;back2;front;front1;front2;run1;run2;run3".split(';')] \
+ [resource.image("MC/"+fn+".png",flip_x=True) for fn in "run1;run2;run3".split(";")]
for _ in self.texes:
_.anchor_x = _.width//2
_.anchor_y = _.height//2
self.texes = [[self.texes[0]],self.texes[1:4],self.texes[4:7],self.texes[7:10],self.texes[10:]]
self.texnum = 0.0
示例2: __init__
def __init__(self, x, y, img_fname, flip_x=False, color=None, opacity=None, batch=None):
if flip_x:
super(Item, self).__init__(img=resource.image(name=img_fname, flip_x=True), x=SPRITE_WIDTH*(x+1), y=SPRITE_HEIGHT*y, batch=batch)
super(Item, self).__init__(img=resource.image(name=img_fname), x=SPRITE_WIDTH*x, y=SPRITE_HEIGHT*y, batch=batch)
if color is not None:
self.color = color
if opacity is not None:
self.opacity = opacity
self._x_units, self._y_units = x, y
示例3: grabFrame
def grabFrame(self):
this version of grab frame asumes the timing information is in the clip xml node and extrapolates image number based on time
#this version does not allow for "freezing" on last frame and requires looping otherwise returns None -> nothing is drawn
#todo implement freezing, this should be a either a CLIP property or a GRAPHNODE property that overrides whatever the CLIP property is
n = self.grabFrameNumber()
if int(n) <= int(self.xml.getAttribute("frames"))-1:
#print stupid.splitjoin(self.xml.getAttribute("folder")+self.xml.getAttribute("prefix")+n.zfill(5)+".jpg")
return resource.image(stupid.splitjoin(self.xml.getAttribute("folder")+self.xml.getAttribute("prefix")+n.zfill(5)+".png"))
#return the last frame in the clip if we specify freeze = True
if self.freeze:
n = str(int(self.xml.getAttribute("frames"))-1)
return resource.image(stupid.splitjoin(self.xml.getAttribute("folder")+self.xml.getAttribute("prefix")+n.zfill(5)+".png"))
return None
示例4: load
def load(self):
self.batch = graphics.Batch()
self.background = graphics.OrderedGroup(0)
self.stars = Stars(Size(2000, 2000), self.batch, self.background)
centre = Vector(self.size.width/2, self.size.height/2)
image = centre_image(resource.image("win.png"))
self.logo = sprite.Sprite(image, centre.x, centre.y)
示例5: __init__
def __init__(self, client, points=9, eye=1, wait=1, randomize=1, auto=0, speed=1, level=3):
super(CalibrationLayer, self).__init__(0, 0, 255, 255)
self.client = client
self.points = points
self.eye = eye
self.wait = wait
self.randomize = randomize
self.auto = auto
self.speed = speed
self.level = level
self.on_success = None
self.on_failure = None
self.window = director.window.get_size()
self.screen = director.get_window_size()
self.center_x = self.screen[0] / 2
self.center_y = self.screen[1] / 2
self.win_scale = (self.screen[0] / self.window[0], self.screen[1] / self.window[1])
self.font = font.load("Cut Outs for 3D FX", 32)
self.circle_img = self.font.get_glyphs("E")[0].get_texture(True)
self.circle_img.anchor_x = "center"
self.circle_img.anchor_y = "center"
self.pnt_img = self.font.get_glyphs("Y")[0].get_texture(True)
self.pnt_img.anchor_x = "center"
self.pnt_img.anchor_y = "center"
self.circle = Sprite(self.circle_img, color=(255, 255, 0), scale=1, opacity=0)
self.spinner = Sprite(
resource.image("spinner.png"), position=(self.screen[0] / 2, self.screen[1] / 2), color=(255, 255, 255)
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, *args, image=image('assets/blue_box.png'), **kwargs):
super().__init__(image, **kwargs)
self.aim_cursor = AimCursor(mouse_angle=0.00, player_x=self.cx, player_y=self.cy)
# Setup Player Movement
self.max_velocity = 10
self.vel_x = 0
self.vel_y = 0
self.acceleration = 2
self.quad_coefficient = 0.15
self.animation_time = 5
self.is_jumping = False
self.is_falling = False
self.quadrant_setup = False
# Setup Mouse
self.mouse_angle = 0
self.mouse_dx = 0
self.mouse_dy = 0
self.mouse_velocity = 4
# Setup Physics
self.gravity = 5
self.mass = 5
self.terminal_velocity = self.max_velocity * self.gravity
self.max_jumps = 2
self.jumps = 0
self.keys_pressed = {}
示例7: get_texture
def get_texture(fname):
cache = ImageCache.cache
tex = cache.get(fname, None)
if not tex:
tex = resource.image(fname).texture
ImageCache.cache[fname] = tex
return tex
示例8: _load
def _load(filename, key, anchor=False):
cache = ImageCache.cache
value = resource.image(filename)
if anchor:
value.anchor_x = value.width / 2
value.anchor_y = value.height / 2
cache[key] = value
示例9: _load_multi
def _load_multi(filename, labels, rows, columns, anchor=False):
cache = ImageCache.cache
multiimage = image.ImageGrid(resource.image(filename), rows, columns)
for key, texture in zip(labels, multiimage):
if anchor:
texture.anchor_x = texture.width / 2
texture.anchor_y = texture.height / 2
cache[key] = texture
示例10: load_sprite_animation
def load_sprite_animation(name, action, frames=8, duration=0.1):
" Creates an animation from files in the assets folder "
images = [resource.image("assets/%s/%s%d.png" % (name, action, i))
for i in range(1, frames + 1)]
for image in images:
image.anchor_x = image.width / 2
frames = [AnimationFrame(i, duration) for i in images]
return Animation(frames)
示例11: load
def load(self):
resource.path = ["data"]
numbers = resource.image("numbers.png")
self.numbers = {}
width = numbers.width / 10
for n in xrange(0, 10):
self.numbers[n] = numbers.get_region(n * width, 0, width, numbers.height)
示例12: _load_images
def _load_images(self, tiles):
self.tile_images = []
for path, solid in tiles:
image = resource.image(path)
image.solid = solid
self.tile_width = max(image.width for image in self.tile_images)
self.tile_height = max(image.height for image in self.tile_images)
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self):
self.x = 850
self.y = 550
self.img = resource.image('sun.png')
self.img.anchor_x = self.img.width / 2
self.img.anchor_y = self.img.height / 2
self.rotation = 0
示例14: populated
def populated(self, populated):
if not populated == self._populated:
self._populated = populated
if populated:
name = self.type
name = "raw_"+self.type
self.sprite.image = centre_image(resource.image(name+".png"))
if self.type == "home": #HACK
self.sprite.visible = True
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, path):
Takes the :param:`path` , verifies its dimensions and sets it as texture.
:param path: The path of the image
self.image_name = path.split('/')[-1]
self.image = resource.image(self.image_name).texture