本文整理汇总了Python中pygit2.Repository.revparse_single方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Repository.revparse_single方法的具体用法?Python Repository.revparse_single怎么用?Python Repository.revparse_single使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pygit2.Repository
示例1: get_new_articles
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
def get_new_articles():
blog = PelicanBlog()
content_dir = blog.get_content_directory()
repo = Repository(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
diff = repo.revparse_single("HEAD").tree.diff_to_tree()
existing_articles = set(os.path.relpath(obj.old_file_path, content_dir)
for obj in diff
if obj.old_file_path.startswith(content_dir))
all_articles = set(blog.get_posts())
new_articles = {art for art in all_articles - existing_articles
if blog.get_post_lang(art) in (TWITTER_LANGUAGE, "")}
new_titles = []
for newart in new_articles:
title = blog.get_post_title(newart)
yield Article(title, blog.get_post_url(newart),
repo.index.add(os.path.join(content_dir, newart))
blogger = Signature(repo.config["user.name"], repo.config["user.email"])
repo.create_commit("HEAD", blogger, blogger,
"[BLOG] %s" % ", ".join(new_titles),
repo.index.write_tree(), [repo.head.peel().oid])
# TODO(v.markovtsev): implement git push using pygit2
subprocess.call(("git", "push", "origin", repo.head.shorthand))
示例2: sync_handler
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
def sync_handler(fork_from: str, from_sha: str, repo_name: str,
ticket_id: int, pr_url: str):
output_path = '{}.txt'.format(pr_url.split('/', 3)[3].rsplit('/', 2)[0])
output_path = os.path.join(WORK_DIR, output_path.replace('/', '_'))
work_tree = os.path.join(WORK_DIR, fork_from)
parent_path = os.path.dirname(work_tree)
if not os.path.exists(parent_path):
if not os.path.exists(work_tree):
repo = clone_repository(
'{0}{1}.git'.format(GITHUB_URL, fork_from), work_tree)
repo = Repository(work_tree)
remote_name = repo_name.split('/')[0]
update_remote(work_tree, repo, repo_name, remote_name)
if remote_name == 'origin':
commit = repo.revparse_single(from_sha)
repo.checkout_tree(commit, strategy=GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
ref_name = 'refs/pull/{0}/head'.format(ticket_id)
repo.create_reference(ref_name, from_sha)
except ValueError:
ref = repo.lookup_reference(ref_name)
repo.checkout(ref, strategy=GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
cwd = os.getcwd()
'{} . --output-file={}'.format(FLAKE8_EXECUTABLE, output_path),
return output_path
示例3: _pygit2_commits
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
def _pygit2_commits(commit, repository):
from pygit2 import Repository, GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL
g = Repository(repository)
if '..' in commit:
tail, head = commit.split('..', 2)
head = head or 'HEAD'
head = commit
tail = commit + '^'
walker = g.walk(g.revparse_single(head).oid, GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL)
except KeyError:
return walker
示例4: get_current_timestamp
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
def get_current_timestamp(path_to_repository):
"""Utility method for getting the timestamp of the last commit from a Git repository.
path_to_repository (str): Path to the Git repository
str: The timestamp of the last commit in the provided repository.
repo = Repository(path_to_repository)
head = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
return head.commit_time
示例5: _fast_forward
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
def _fast_forward(self, local_path, merge_target, branch):
# fast-forward all the branches.
# pygit2 repo
repo = Repository(discover_repository(local_path))
# convert merge_target from hex into oid.
fetch_head = repo.revparse_single(merge_target)
# try to resolve a common anscestor between fetched and local
head = repo.revparse_single(branch)
except KeyError:
# Doesn't exist. Create and done.
repo.create_reference(branch, fetch_head.oid)
return True, 'Created new branch: %s' % branch
if head.oid == fetch_head.oid:
return True, 'Source and target are identical.'
# raises KeyError if no merge bases found.
common_oid = repo.merge_base(head.oid, fetch_head.oid)
# Three different outcomes between the remaining cases.
if common_oid.hex not in (head.oid.hex, fetch_head.oid.hex):
# common ancestor is beyond both of these, not going to
# attempt a merge here and will assume this:
return False, 'Branch will diverge.'
elif common_oid.hex == fetch_head.oid.hex:
# Remote is also the common ancestor, so nothing to do.
return True, 'No new changes found.'
# This case remains: common_oid.hex == head.oid.hex, meaning
# this local repository is the ancestor of further changes
# fetched from the remote - remote newer, so fast-forward.
ref = repo.lookup_reference(branch)
repo.create_reference(branch, fetch_head.oid)
return True, 'Fast-forwarded branch: %s' % branch
示例6: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
class GitObjectRenderer:
def __init__(self, reponame, cache, revspec, path):
self.repo = Repository(reponame)
self.revspec = revspec
self.path = path
self.object_map = {
Blob : self._render_blob,
Commit : self._render_commit,
Tag : self._render_tag
self.cache = cache
def _render_blob(self, rev):
data = rev.data.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline')
lexer = guess_lexer(data)
blob = highlight(data, lexer, formatter)
return render_template("objects/blob.html",
repo = self.repo,
revspec = 'master', blob = blob, path = self.path)
def _render_commit(self, rev):
entries = self.repo[rev.tree[self.path].oid] if self.path else rev.tree
cached = []
for entry in entries:
cache_id = "{0}-commit-{1}".format(self.repo.get_name(), entry.hex)
hit = self.cache.get(cache_id)
if hit is not None:
cached.append((entry, hit))
cached.append((entry, None))
files = sorted(cached, key=lambda x: x[0].filemode)
return render_template("objects/tree.html",
repo = self.repo,
revspec = self.revspec, rev = rev, files = files,
path = self.path)
def _render_tag(self, rev):
obj = self.repo[rev.target]
url = url_for('obj', reponame=self.repo.get_name(), revspec = obj.hex)
return redirect(url)
def render_obj(self):
rev = self.repo.revparse_single(self.revspec)
return self.object_map[type(rev)](rev)
示例7: len
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
# print commit.hex
# print base.revparse_single(commit.hex).message
# print commit.commit_time
# print commit.commit_time_offset
git = sh.git.bake(_cwd='/home/heather/research/spoon-knife')
for point in history:
# print subprocess.check_output(['ohcount', 'spoon-knife'])
i = 0
while i < len(history) - 2:
t0 = base.revparse_single(history[i])
t1 = base.revparse_single(history[i+1])
diff = base.diff(t0,t1)
patches = [p for p in diff]
for patch in patches:
print 'NUM HUNKS: ' + str(len(patch.hunks))
for hunk in patch.hunks:
# print hunk.lines
totesLines = 0
totesMods = 0
for line in hunk.lines:
totesLines += 1
if line[0] == '-' or line[0] == '+':
totesMods += 1
print line
print 'TOTAL LINES: ' + str(totesLines)
示例8: init
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
class prototype:
repo = "" # Path to a given repository
name = "" # Name of a repository
base = "" # Repository as defined in pygit2
# Initialization. Clones the given repository, placing it in the current directory,
# and changes to the repository directory.
def init(self, repository):
self.repo = repository
# Use regular expressions to match the last instance of a forward slash
# followed by the name of the repository, which we wish to extract, followed
# by ".git".
m = re.search('/([^/]+).git$', repository)
if m:
self.name = m.group(1)
if not os.path.isdir(self.name):
os.system('git clone ' + self.repo) # Get the repository from GitHub
self.base = Repository(self.name)
# Destruction. Remove the given repository from memory.
def destroy(self):
os.system('cd ' + self.name)
os.system('rm -rf ' + self.name)
# Get total LOC by given repository.
def totalRepoLOC(self):
loc = countDirLOC(self.name)
return loc
# Get total commits by a given repository
def totalRepoCommits(self):
commits = 0
for commit in self.base.walk(self.base.head.target, GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL):
commits = commits + 1
return commits
# Get a list of LOC changed per commit
def locPerCommit(self):
loc = []
oldPath = os.popen('pwd')
sha1 = 0
sha2 = 0
start = 1
total = self.totalRepoCommits()
# For each commit within the repository
for commit in self.base.walk(self.base.head.target, GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL):
print '\r', start, '/', total,
start += 1
# Based on the SHA, use git to show the patch for that commit
sha1 = sha2
sha2 = commit.hex
if sha1 != 0:
p = os.popen('git diff --shortstat ' + sha1 + ' ' + sha2)
line = p.readline()
# line contains "# file changed, # insertions(+), # deletions(-)
# Use regular expressions to find the number of additions and deletions.
# Additions are found after ", " and before " insertion". Deletions are
# found after "(+), " and before " deletion".
m = re.search(', (.*) insertion', line)
additions = 0
deletions = 0
if m:
additions = m.group(1)
m = re.search('\(\+\), (.*) deletion', line)
if m:
deletions = m.group(1)
# Get the total and append to array
modifications = int(additions) + int(deletions)
return loc
# Get a list containing the total number of line additions and deletions (including
# whitespace and comments) contained within each hunk that was changed over t
def locPerHunk(self):
loc = []
history = []
# Get the hex number for each commit within the repository
for commit in self.base.walk(self.base.head.target, GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL):
sha = commit.hex
# Compare each revision in the history of the repository with the previous rev.
i = 0
while i < len(history) - 1:
t0 = self.base.revparse_single(history[i])
示例9: GitStorage
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
# not what we were looking for.
if cls == Tree:
raise PathNotDirError('path not dir')
elif cls == Blob:
raise PathNotFileError('path not file')
raise PathNotFoundError('path not found')
def _commit(self):
return self.__commit
def rev(self):
if self.__commit:
return self.__commit.hex
return None
def shortrev(self):
# TODO this is an interim solution.
if self.rev:
return self.rev[:12]
def basename(self, name):
return name.split('/')[-1]
def checkout(self, rev=None):
# None maps to the default revision.
if rev is None:
rev = 'HEAD'
self.__commit = self.repo.revparse_single(rev)
except KeyError:
if rev == 'HEAD':
# probably a new repo.
self.__commit = None
raise RevisionNotFoundError('revision %s not found' % rev)
# otherwise a RevisionNotFoundError should be raised.
def files(self):
def _files(tree, current_path=None):
results = []
for node in tree:
if current_path:
name = '/'.join([current_path, node.name])
name = node.name
obj = self.repo.get(node.oid)
if isinstance(obj, Blob):
elif isinstance(obj, Tree):
results.extend(_files(obj, name))
return results
if not self._commit:
return []
results = _files(self._commit.tree)
return results
def file(self, path):
return self._get_obj(path, Blob).data
示例10: GitRepo
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
class GitRepo(object):
''' git repo class '''
def __init__(self, path):
self.__repo = Repository(path)
except Exception as e:
self.__repo = None
def get_info(self):
if not self.__repo:
return None
signature = self.__repo.default_signature
result = {
'path': self.__repo.path,
'workdir': self.__repo.workdir,
'bare': self.__repo.is_bare,
'empty': self.__repo.is_empty,
'name': signature.name,
'email': signature.email,
'time': signature.time,
'offset': signature.offset,
return result
def get_all_references(self):
return self.__repo.listall_references()
def get_reference(self, name):
if not self.__repo:
return None
ref = None
ref = self.__repo.lookup_reference(name)
except Exception as e:
return ref
def get_all_branches(self, branch_type=None):
if not self.__repo:
return None
if branch_type:
return self.__repo.listall_branches(branch_type)
r = self.__repo.listall_branches(GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)
return r
def get_branch(self, name, branch_type=GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL):
if not self.__repo:
return None
return self.__repo.lookup_branch(name, branch_type)
def check_branch(self, name, branch_type=None):
if not branch_type:
if '/' in name:
branch_type = GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE
branch_type = GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL
result = self.get_branch(name, branch_type)
return result
except Exception as e:
return False
def get_current_commit(self):
if not self.__repo:
return None
commit = self.__repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
return self.get_commit(commit)
def get_commit_by_branch(self, branch):
if not self.__repo:
return None
query = 'refs/'
if hasattr(branch, 'remote_name'):
query += 'remotes/'
query += 'heads/'
query += branch.branch_name
ref = self.get_reference(query)
commit = ref.target
return self.get_commit(commit)
except Exception as e:
return None
def get_commit_by_tag(self, tag):
if self.__repo is None:
return None
if tag:
commit = tag.get_object()
return self.get_commit(commit)
return None
def get_commit(self, oid_or_commit):
''' return a commit w/ json '''
if not self.__repo or not oid_or_commit:
示例11: process
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
def process(repo, history):
base = Repository(repo)
file_xsmall = 0
file_small = 0
file_medium = 0
file_large = 0
file_xlarge = 0
hunk_xsmall = 0
hunk_small = 0
hunk_medium = 0
hunk_large = 0
hunk_xlarge = 0
line_xsmall = 0
line_small = 0
line_medium = 0
line_large = 0
line_xlarge = 0
i = 0
while i < len(history) - 1:
print '\rDiff#: ' + str(i + 1) + ' of ' + str(len(history)-1),
t0 = base.revparse_single(history[i].hex)
t1 = base.revparse_single(history[i+1].hex)
diff = base.diff(t0,t1)
except ValueError:
print ''
print 'Value Error'
print ''
i += 1
files = [p for p in diff]
if len(files) == 1:
file_xsmall += 1
if len(files) >= 2 and len(files) <= 4:
file_small += 1
if len(files) >= 5 and len(files) <= 7:
file_medium += 1
if len(files) >= 8 and len(files) <= 10:
file_large += 1
if len(files) >= 11:
file_xlarge += 1
hunksInCommit = 0
linesInCommit = 0
for modfile in files:
hunksInCommit += len(modfile.hunks)
for hunk in modfile.hunks:
for line in hunk.lines:
if line[0] == '-' or line[0] == '+':
linesInCommit += 1
if hunksInCommit <= 1:
hunk_xsmall += 1
if hunksInCommit >= 2 and hunksInCommit <= 8:
hunk_small += 1
if hunksInCommit >= 9 and hunksInCommit <= 17:
hunk_medium += 1
if hunksInCommit >= 18 and hunksInCommit <= 26:
hunk_large += 1
if hunksInCommit >= 27:
hunk_xlarge += 1
if linesInCommit <= 5:
line_xsmall += 1
if linesInCommit >= 6 and linesInCommit <= 46:
line_small += 1
if linesInCommit >= 47 and linesInCommit <= 106:
line_medium += 1
if linesInCommit >= 107 and linesInCommit <= 166:
line_large += 1
if linesInCommit >= 167:
line_xlarge += 1
i += 1
print ''
ts = time.time()
st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('-%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S')
name = repo.replace('/.git', '') + st + '.txt'
output = open(name,'w')
output.write('--------- ' + repo + ' ----------' + '\n')
output.write('Number of Lines Modified:' + '\n')
output.write('x-small: ' + str( + line_xsmall) + '\n')
output.write('small: ' + str(line_small) + '\n')
output.write('medium: ' + str(line_medium) + '\n')
output.write('large: ' + str(line_large) + '\n')
output.write('x-large: ' + str(line_xlarge) + '\n')
示例12: GitMixin
# 需要导入模块: from pygit2 import Repository [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygit2.Repository import revparse_single [as 别名]
class GitMixin(object):
tag_or_remote_regex = re.compile('^refs/(tags|remotes)/(.*)')
def __init__(self):
where = GitOperations.get_repository_location(self.user, self.name)
self.ondisk = Repository(where)
def refresh(self):
creds = GitOperations.get_credentials(self.git_user, self.user)
for remote in self.ondisk.remotes:
remote.credentials = creds
# update current reference
master_ref = self.ondisk.lookup_reference('refs/heads/master')
remote_ref = self.ondisk.lookup_reference('refs/remotes/origin/master')
def filter_references(self, regex):
return [ref for ref in self.ondisk.listall_references()
if regex.match(ref)]
def get_commit_time(self, name):
ref = self.ondisk.revparse_single(name)
if isinstance(ref, Tag):
return ref.get_object().commit_time
if isinstance(ref, Commit):
return ref.commit_time
raise GitException('invalid reference: commit time could not be found.') # pragma: no cover
def get_latest_refs(self, count=None):
info = self.filter_references(GitMixin.tag_or_remote_regex)
refs = list(zip(info, map(self.get_commit_time, info)))
refs.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
def ref_info(info):
(ref, commit_time) = info
what, name = GitMixin.tag_or_remote_regex.findall(ref)[0]
return (what, name, commit_time)
refs = map(ref_info, refs)
if not count:
return refs
return islice(refs, count)
def filter_commits(self, flags=0):
all_commits = self.ondisk.walk(self.ondisk.head.target, flags)
emails = [ue.email for ue in self.user.emails.all()]
return filter(lambda commit: commit.author.email in emails, all_commits)
def get_commits(self, count=None):
all_commits = self.filter_commits(GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL)
if not count:
return all_commits
return islice(all_commits, count)
def get_commit_count(self):
return len(list(self.filter_commits()))
def get_shorthand_of_branch(self, branch):
commit = self.ondisk.lookup_branch(branch)
if commit:
return commit.shorthand
return '(none)'
def get_sha1_of_branch(self, branch):
commit = self.ondisk.lookup_branch(branch)
if commit:
return str(commit.get_object().id)[:6]
return '(none)'
def get_numstat(self, commit):
diff = None
previous_commit = self.ondisk.revparse_single(str(commit.id) + '^')
diff = self.ondisk.diff(previous_commit, commit)
except KeyError:
# likely we hit the very first commit.
diff = commit.tree.diff_to_tree(swap=True)
additions, deletions = 0, 0
for patch in diff:
additions += patch.additions
deletions += patch.deletions
return (len(diff), additions, deletions)
def get_first_updated(self):
all_commits = self.ondisk.walk(self.ondisk.head.target,
first_commit = next(all_commits)
return first_commit.commit_time
def get_last_updated(self):
all_commits = self.ondisk.walk(self.ondisk.head.target,
last_commit = next(all_commits)
return last_commit.commit_time
def get_file_count(self):
diff = self.ondisk.head.get_object().tree.diff_to_tree()
return len([patch.old_file_path for patch in diff])
def get_line_count(self):