本文整理汇总了Python中pydoc.allmethods函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python allmethods函数的具体用法?Python allmethods怎么用?Python allmethods使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_allmethods
def test_allmethods(self):
# issue 17476: allmethods was no longer returning unbound methods.
# This test is a bit fragile in the face of changes to object and type,
# but I can't think of a better way to do it without duplicating the
# logic of the function under test.
class TestClass(object):
def method_returning_true(self):
return True
# What we expect to get back: everything on object...
expected = dict(vars(object))
# __new__'s descriptor can be a staticmethod on PyPy
expected['__new__'] = object.__new__
# ...plus our unbound method...
expected['method_returning_true'] = TestClass.method_returning_true
# ...but not the non-methods on object.
del expected['__doc__']
del expected['__class__']
# inspect resolves descriptors on type into methods, but vars doesn't,
# so we need to update __subclasshook__.
expected['__subclasshook__'] = TestClass.__subclasshook__
methods = pydoc.allmethods(TestClass)
self.assertDictEqual(methods, expected)
示例2: docclass
def docclass(self, object, name=None, mod=None):
''' Produce text documentation for a given class object.
realname = object.__name__
name = name or realname
bases = object.__bases__
if name == realname:
title = '### class ' + self.bold(realname)
title = '### ' + self.bold(name) + ' = class ' + realname
if bases:
def makename(c, m=object.__module__): return pydoc.classname(c, m)
parents = map(makename, bases)
title = title + '(%s)' % ', '.join(parents)
doc = pydoc.getdoc(object)
contents = doc and doc + '\n'
methods = pydoc.allmethods(object).items()
for key, value in methods:
if key.startswith('_'):
contents = contents + '\n' + self.document(value, key, mod, object)
if not contents: return title + '\n'
return title + '\n' + self.indent(contents.rstrip()) + '\n'
示例3: usage
def usage(obj, selfname='self'):
str(obj) # In case it's lazy, this will load it.
if not isinstance(obj, class_types):
obj = obj.__class__
print('%s supports the following operations:' % obj.__name__)
for (name, method) in sorted(pydoc.allmethods(obj).items()):
if name.startswith('_'): continue
if getattr(method, '__deprecated__', False): continue
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
getargspec = inspect.getfullargspec
getargspec = inspect.getargspec
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(method)[:4]
if (args and args[0]=='self' and
(defaults is None or len(args)>len(defaults))):
args = args[1:]
name = '%s.%s' % (selfname, name)
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(
args, varargs, varkw, defaults)
print(textwrap.fill('%s%s' % (name, argspec),
initial_indent=' - ',
subsequent_indent=' '*(len(name)+5)))
示例4: _print_help
def _print_help(self, a, level=0):
if isinstance(a, PhycasCommand):
elif isinstance(a, PhycasCommandOutputOptions):
print (str(a))
elif a is None:
print("None is the Python object used to represent the concept 'undefined' or 'not applicable'")
elif a is True:
print("True is the Python's representation of the boolean condition 'true'.")
elif a is False:
print("False is the Python's representation of the boolean condition 'false'.")
elif isinstance(a, int) or isinstance(a, long):
print("The integer", str(a))
elif isinstance(a, float):
print("The real number", str(a))
elif isinstance(a, str):
print("The string %s\nIf you would like to see the methods available for a string use the command 'help(str)'" % repr(a))
elif isinstance(a, list):
print("A python list. Use [number] to access elements in the list. For instance, x[0] is the first element of list x.\nUse 'help(list)' to see a list of available methods")
elif isinstance(a, list):
print("A python tuple. Use [number] to access elements in the list. For instance, x[0] is the first element of tuple x.\nUse 'help(tuple)' to see a list of available methods")
elif isinstance(a, dict):
print("A python dict. Use [key] to access elements in the list. For instance, x[2] returns the value associated with the key 2 (if there is such an element in the dictionary).\nUse 'help(dict)' to see a list of available methods")
import pydoc
d = pydoc.getdoc(a)
if isinstance(a, type):
m = pydoc.allmethods(a)
pub_methods = [k for k in m.iterkeys() if not k.startswith("_")]
if pub_methods or d:
if level == 0:
print("\nThis is a class or python type")
print("Information about this type:")
if d:
if pub_methods:
print("\nThe following public methods are available:\n%s" % '\n'.join(pub_methods))
print("\nThis is an undocumented class or python type without public methods")
print("\n%s\n\nAn instance of type %s.\n" % (repr(a), a.__class__.__name__))
if callable(a):
if d:
self._print_help(a.__class__, level+1)
示例5: usage
def usage(obj, selfname="self"):
import inspect
str(obj) # In case it's lazy, this will load it.
if not isinstance(obj, class_types):
obj = obj.__class__
print("%s supports the following operations:" % obj.__name__)
for (name, method) in sorted(pydoc.allmethods(obj).items()):
if name.startswith("_"):
if getattr(method, "__deprecated__", False):
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(method)
if args and args[0] == "self" and (defaults is None or len(args) > len(defaults)):
args = args[1:]
name = "%s.%s" % (selfname, name)
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults)
print(textwrap.fill("%s%s" % (name, argspec), initial_indent=" - ", subsequent_indent=" " * (len(name) + 5)))
示例6: info
elif inspect.isfunction(object):
name = object.func_name
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object))
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif inspect.isclass(object):
name = object.__name__
arguments = "()"
if hasattr(object, '__init__'):
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object.__init__.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(', ')
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "("+arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
doc1 = inspect.getdoc(object)
if doc1 is None:
if hasattr(object,'__init__'):
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object.__init__)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
methods = pydoc.allmethods(object)
if methods != []:
print >> output, "\n\nMethods:\n"
for meth in methods:
if meth[0] == '_':
thisobj = getattr(object, meth, None)
if thisobj is not None:
methstr, other = pydoc.splitdoc(inspect.getdoc(thisobj) or "None")
print >> output, " %s -- %s" % (meth, methstr)
elif type(object) is types.InstanceType: ## check for __call__ method
print >> output, "Instance of class: ", object.__class__.__name__
print >> output
if hasattr(object, '__call__'):
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object.__call__.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(', ')
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "("+arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
arguments = "()"
if hasattr(object,'name'):
name = "%s" % object.name
name = "<name>"
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
doc = inspect.getdoc(object.__call__)
if doc is not None:
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object.__call__)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif inspect.ismethod(object):
name = object.__name__
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(', ')
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "("+arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
arguments = "()"
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif hasattr(object, '__doc__'):
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
示例7: info
elif inspect.isfunction(object):
name = object.func_name
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object))
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif inspect.isclass(object):
name = object.__name__
arguments = "()"
if hasattr(object, '__init__'):
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object.__init__.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(', ')
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "("+arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
doc1 = inspect.getdoc(object)
if doc1 is None:
if hasattr(object,'__init__'):
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object.__init__)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
methods = pydoc.allmethods(object)
if methods != []:
print >> output, "\n\nMethods:\n"
for meth in methods:
if meth[0] == '_':
thisobj = getattr(object, meth, None)
if thisobj is not None:
methstr, other = pydoc.splitdoc(inspect.getdoc(thisobj) or "None")
print >> output, " %s -- %s" % (meth, methstr)
elif type(object) is types.InstanceType: ## check for __call__ method
print >> output, "Instance of class: ", object.__class__.__name__
print >> output
if hasattr(object, '__call__'):
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object.__call__.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(', ')
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "("+arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
arguments = "()"
if hasattr(object,'name'):
name = "%s" % object.name
name = "<name>"
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
doc = inspect.getdoc(object.__call__)
if doc is not None:
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object.__call__)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif inspect.ismethod(object):
name = object.__name__
arguments = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(object.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(', ')
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "("+arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
arguments = "()"
if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif hasattr(object, '__doc__'):
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
示例8: info
def info(object=None, maxwidth=76, output=sys.stdout):
"""Get help information for a function, class, or module.
>>> from scipy import *
>>> info(polyval)
polyval(p, x)
Evaluate the polymnomial p at x.
If p is of length N, this function returns the value:
p[0]*(x**N-1) + p[1]*(x**N-2) + ... + p[N-2]*x + p[N-1]
global _namedict, _dictlist
if hasattr(object, "_ppimport_importer") or hasattr(object, "_ppimport_module"):
object = object._ppimport_module
elif hasattr(object, "_ppimport_attr"):
object = object._ppimport_attr
if object is None:
elif isinstance(object, types.StringType):
if _namedict is None:
_namedict, _dictlist = makenamedict()
numfound = 0
objlist = []
for namestr in _dictlist:
obj = _namedict[namestr][object]
if id(obj) in objlist:
print >> output, "\n *** Repeat reference found in %s *** " % namestr
print >> output, " *** Found in %s ***" % namestr
print >> output, "-" * maxwidth
numfound += 1
except KeyError:
if numfound == 0:
print >> output, "Help for %s not found." % object
print >> output, "\n *** Total of %d references found. ***" % numfound
elif inspect.isfunction(object):
name = object.func_name
arguments = apply(inspect.formatargspec, inspect.getargspec(object))
if len(name + arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
elif inspect.isclass(object):
name = object.__name__
if hasattr(object, "__init__"):
arguments = apply(inspect.formatargspec, inspect.getargspec(object.__init__.im_func))
arglist = arguments.split(", ")
if len(arglist) > 1:
arglist[1] = "(" + arglist[1]
arguments = ", ".join(arglist[1:])
arguments = "()"
arguments = "()"
if len(name + arguments) > maxwidth:
argstr = split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth)
argstr = name + arguments
print >> output, " " + argstr + "\n"
doc1 = inspect.getdoc(object)
if doc1 is None:
if hasattr(object, "__init__"):
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object.__init__)
print >> output, inspect.getdoc(object)
methods = pydoc.allmethods(object)
if methods != []:
print >> output, "\n\nMethods:\n"
for meth in methods:
if meth[0] == "_":
thisobj = getattr(object, meth, None)
if thisobj is not None:
methstr, other = pydoc.splitdoc(inspect.getdoc(thisobj) or "None")
print >> output, " %s -- %s" % (meth, methstr)
elif type(object) is types.InstanceType: ## check for __call__ method
print >> output, "Instance of class: ", object.__class__.__name__
print >> output
if hasattr(object, "__call__"):
arguments = apply(inspect.formatargspec, inspect.getargspec(object.__call__.im_func))