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Python filereader.dcmread函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pydicom.filereader.dcmread函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dcmread函数的具体用法?Python dcmread怎么用?Python dcmread使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_big_endian_datasets

 def test_big_endian_datasets(self, little, big):
     """Test pixel_array for big endian matches little."""
     ds = dcmread(big)
     assert ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID == ExplicitVRBigEndian
     ref = dcmread(little)
     assert ref.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID != ExplicitVRBigEndian
     assert np.array_equal(ds.pixel_array, ref.pixel_array)

示例2: setUp

 def setUp(self):
     self.jpeg_ls_lossless = dcmread(jpeg_ls_lossless_name)
     self.mr_small = dcmread(mr_name)
     self.emri_jpeg_ls_lossless = dcmread(emri_jpeg_ls_lossless)
     self.emri_small = dcmread(emri_name)
     self.original_handlers = pydicom.config.pixel_data_handlers
     pydicom.config.pixel_data_handlers = [numpy_handler]

示例3: setUp

 def setUp(self):
     self.jpeg_ls_lossless = dcmread(jpeg_ls_lossless_name)
     self.mr_small = dcmread(mr_name)
     self.emri_jpeg_ls_lossless = dcmread(emri_jpeg_ls_lossless)
     self.emri_small = dcmread(emri_name)
     self.original_handlers = pydicom.config.image_handlers
     pydicom.config.image_handlers = [None]

示例4: testValuesIdentical

 def testValuesIdentical(self):
     """Deferred values exactly matches normal read..............."""
     ds_norm = dcmread(self.testfile_name)
     ds_defer = dcmread(self.testfile_name, defer_size=2000)
     for data_elem in ds_norm:
         tag = data_elem.tag
         self.assertEqual(data_elem.value, ds_defer[tag].value,
                          "Mismatched value for tag %r" % tag)

示例5: setup

 def setup(self):
     """Setup the test datasets."""
     self.jpeg_2k = dcmread(jpeg2000_name)
     self.jpeg_2k_lossless = dcmread(jpeg2000_lossless_name)
     self.emri_jpeg_2k_lossless = dcmread(emri_jpeg_2k_lossless)
     self.sc_rgb_jpeg2k_gdcm_KY = dcmread(sc_rgb_jpeg2k_gdcm_KY)
     self.original_handlers = pydicom.config.pixel_data_handlers
     pydicom.config.pixel_data_handlers = [numpy_handler]

示例6: testPlanarConfig

 def testPlanarConfig(self):
     px_data_ds = dcmread(color_px_name)
     pl_data_ds = dcmread(color_pl_name)
     assert px_data_ds.PlanarConfiguration != pl_data_ds.PlanarConfiguration
     if have_numpy:
         px_data = px_data_ds.pixel_array
         pl_data = pl_data_ds.pixel_array
         self.assertTrue(numpy.all(px_data == pl_data))

示例7: testPrivateSQ

    def testPrivateSQ(self):
        """Can read private undefined length SQ without error."""
        # From issues 91, 97, 98. Bug introduced by fast reading, due to
        #    VR=None in raw data elements, then an undefined length private
        #    item VR is looked up, and there is no such tag,
        #    generating an exception

        # Simply read the file, in 0.9.5 this generated an exception

示例8: test_read_UC_explicit_little

    def test_read_UC_explicit_little(self):
        """Check creation of DataElement from byte data works correctly."""
        ds = dcmread(self.fp_ex, force=True)
        ref_elem = ds.get(0x00189908)
        elem = DataElement(0x00189908, 'UC', ['A', 'B', 'C'])
        self.assertEqual(ref_elem, elem)

        ds = dcmread(self.fp_ex, force=True)
        ref_elem = ds.get(0x00100212)
        elem = DataElement(0x00100212, 'UC', 'Test')
        self.assertEqual(ref_elem, elem)

示例9: testSpecificTagsWithUnknownLengthTag

    def testSpecificTagsWithUnknownLengthTag(self):
        """Returns only tags specified by user."""
        unknown_len_tag = Tag(0x7fe0, 0x0010)  # Pixel Data
        tags = dcmread(emri_jpeg_2k_lossless, specific_tags=[
        tags = sorted(tags.keys())
        self.assertEqual([unknown_len_tag], tags)

        tags = dcmread(emri_jpeg_2k_lossless, specific_tags=[
        tags = sorted(tags.keys())
        self.assertEqual([Tag(0x08, 0x05)], tags)

示例10: testSpecificTagsWithUnknownLengthSQ

    def testSpecificTagsWithUnknownLengthSQ(self):
        """Returns only tags specified by user."""
        unknown_len_sq_tag = Tag(0x3f03, 0x1001)
        tags = dcmread(priv_SQ_name, specific_tags=[
        tags = sorted(tags.keys())
        self.assertEqual([unknown_len_sq_tag], tags)

        tags = dcmread(priv_SQ_name, specific_tags=[
        tags = sorted(tags.keys())
        self.assertEqual([], tags)

示例11: test_correct_ambiguous_vr_compressed

    def test_correct_ambiguous_vr_compressed(self):
        """Test correcting compressed Pixel Data read from file"""
        # Create an implicit VR compressed dataset
        ds = dcmread(jpeg_lossless_name)
        fp = BytesIO()
        file_ds = FileDataset(fp, ds)
        file_ds.is_implicit_VR = True
        file_ds.is_little_endian = True
        file_ds.save_as(fp, write_like_original=True)

        ds = dcmread(fp, force=True)
        self.assertEqual(ds[0x7fe00010].VR, 'OB')

示例12: test_pixel_array_32bit_un_signed

    def test_pixel_array_32bit_un_signed(self):
        """Test pixel_array for 32-bit unsigned -> signed."""
        ds = dcmread(EXPL_32_3_1F)
        # 0 is unsigned int, 1 is 2's complement
        assert ds.PixelRepresentation == 0
        ds.PixelRepresentation = 1
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        ref = dcmread(EXPL_32_3_1F)

        assert not np.array_equal(arr, ref.pixel_array)
        assert (100, 100, 3) == arr.shape
        assert -1 == arr[0, :, 0].min() == arr[0, :, 0].max()
        assert -2139062144 == arr[50, :, 0].min() == arr[50, :, 0].max()

示例13: testNoPixelsRead

 def testNoPixelsRead(self):
     """Returns all data elements before pixels using
     # Just check the tags, and a couple of values
     ctpartial = dcmread(ct_name, stop_before_pixels=True)
     ctpartial_tags = sorted(ctpartial.keys())
     ctfull = dcmread(ct_name)
     ctfull_tags = sorted(ctfull.keys())
     msg = ("Tag list of partial CT read (except pixel tag and padding) "
            "did not match full read")
     msg += "\nExpected: %r\nGot %r" % (ctfull_tags[:-2], ctpartial_tags)
     missing = [Tag(0x7fe0, 0x10), Tag(0xfffc, 0xfffc)]
     self.assertEqual(ctfull_tags, ctpartial_tags + missing, msg)

示例14: test_pixel_array_8bit_un_signed

    def test_pixel_array_8bit_un_signed(self):
        """Test pixel_array for 8-bit unsigned -> signed data."""
        ds = dcmread(EXPL_8_1_1F)
        # 0 is unsigned int, 1 is 2's complement
        assert ds.PixelRepresentation == 0
        ds.PixelRepresentation = 1
        arr = ds.pixel_array
        ref = dcmread(EXPL_8_1_1F)

        assert not np.array_equal(arr, ref.pixel_array)
        assert (600, 800) == arr.shape
        assert -12 == arr[0].min() == arr[0].max()
        assert (1, -10, 1) == tuple(arr[300, 491:494])
        assert 0 == arr[-1].min() == arr[-1].max()

示例15: testCT

    def testCT(self):
        """Returns correct values for sample data elements in test CT file."""
        ct = dcmread(ct_name)
                         "ImplementationClassUID not the expected value")
                         ct.file_meta[0x2, 0x12].value,
                         "ImplementationClassUID does not match the value "
                         "accessed by tag number")
        # (0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient)
        # [-158.13580300000001, -179.035797, -75.699996999999996]
        got = ct.ImagePositionPatient
        DS = pydicom.valuerep.DS
        expected = [DS('-158.135803'), DS('-179.035797'), DS('-75.699997')]
        self.assertTrue(got == expected,
                        "ImagePosition(Patient) values not as expected."
                        "got {0}, expected {1}".format(got, expected))

        self.assertEqual(ct.Rows, 128, "Rows not 128")
        self.assertEqual(ct.Columns, 128, "Columns not 128")
        self.assertEqual(ct.BitsStored, 16, "Bits Stored not 16")
        self.assertEqual(len(ct.PixelData), 128 * 128 * 2,
                         "Pixel data not expected length")

        # Also test private elements name can be resolved:
        expected = "[Duration of X-ray on]"
        got = ct[(0x0043, 0x104e)].name
        msg = "Mismatch in private tag name, expected '%s', got '%s'"
        self.assertEqual(expected, got, msg % (expected, got))
