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Python driver.matrix_to_texref函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pycuda.driver.matrix_to_texref函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix_to_texref函数的具体用法?Python matrix_to_texref怎么用?Python matrix_to_texref使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_multiple_2d_textures

    def test_multiple_2d_textures(self):
        mod = SourceModule("""
        texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> mtx_tex;
        texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> mtx2_tex;

        __global__ void copy_texture(float *dest)
          int row = threadIdx.x;
          int col = threadIdx.y;
          int w = blockDim.y;
          dest[row*w+col] =
              tex2D(mtx_tex, row, col)
              tex2D(mtx2_tex, row, col);

        copy_texture = mod.get_function("copy_texture")
        mtx_tex = mod.get_texref("mtx_tex")
        mtx2_tex = mod.get_texref("mtx2_tex")

        shape = (3,4)
        a = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32)
        b = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32)
        drv.matrix_to_texref(a, mtx_tex, order="F")
        drv.matrix_to_texref(b, mtx2_tex, order="F")

        dest = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32)
                texrefs=[mtx_tex, mtx2_tex]
        assert la.norm(dest-a-b) < 1e-6

示例2: create_2d_texture

def create_2d_texture(a, module, variable, point_sampling=False):
    a = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a)
    out_texref = module.get_texref(variable)
    cuda.matrix_to_texref(a, out_texref, order='C')
    if point_sampling: out_texref.set_filter_mode(cuda.filter_mode.POINT)
    else: out_texref.set_filter_mode(cuda.filter_mode.LINEAR)
    return out_texref

示例3: rotate_image

def rotate_image( a, resize = 1.5, angle = 180., interpolation = "linear", blocks = (16,16,1)  ):
    Rotates the array. The new array has the new size and centers the
    picture in the middle.

    a             - array (2-dim)
    resize        - new_image w/old_image w
    angle         - degrees to rotate the image
    interpolation - "linear" or None
    blocks        - given to the kernel when run

    returns: a new array with dtype=uint8 containing the rotated image
    angle = angle/180. *pi

    # Convert this image to float. Unsigned int texture gave
    # strange results for me. This conversion is slow though :(
    a = a.astype("float32")

    # Calculate the dimensions of the new image
    calc_x = lambda (x,y): (x*a.shape[1]/2.*cos(angle)-y*a.shape[0]/2.*sin(angle))
    calc_y = lambda (x,y): (x*a.shape[1]/2.*sin(angle)+y*a.shape[0]/2.*cos(angle))

    xs = [ calc_x(p) for p in [ (-1.,-1.),(1.,-1.),(1.,1.),(-1.,1.) ] ]
    ys = [ calc_y(p) for p in [ (-1.,-1.),(1.,-1.),(1.,1.),(-1.,1.) ] ]

    new_image_dim = (

    # Now generate the cuda texture
    cuda.matrix_to_texref(a, texref, order="C")

    # We could set the next if we wanted to address the image
    # in normalized coordinates ( 0 <= coordinate < 1.)
    # texref.set_flags(cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES)
    if interpolation == "linear":

    # Calculate the gridsize. This is entirely given by the size of our image.
    gridx = new_image_dim[0]/blocks[0] if \
            new_image_dim[0]%blocks[0]==1 else new_image_dim[0]/blocks[0] +1
    gridy = new_image_dim[1]/blocks[1] if \
            new_image_dim[1]%blocks[1]==0 else new_image_dim[1]/blocks[1] +1

    # Get the output image
    output = numpy.zeros(new_image_dim,dtype="uint8")

    # Call the kernel
        numpy.float32(resize), numpy.float32(angle),
        numpy.uint16(a.shape[1]), numpy.uint16(a.shape[0]),
        numpy.uint16(new_image_dim[1]), numpy.uint16(new_image_dim[0]),

    return output

示例4: copy_texture_memory_args

    def copy_texture_memory_args(self, texmem_args):
        """adds texture memory arguments to the most recently compiled module

        :param texmem_args: A dictionary containing the data to be passed to the
            device texture memory. TODO

        filter_mode_map = { 'point': drv.filter_mode.POINT,
                            'linear': drv.filter_mode.LINEAR }
        address_mode_map = { 'border': drv.address_mode.BORDER,
                             'clamp': drv.address_mode.CLAMP,
                             'mirror': drv.address_mode.MIRROR,
                             'wrap': drv.address_mode.WRAP }

        logging.debug('copy_texture_memory_args called')
        logging.debug('current module: ' + str(self.current_module))
        self.texrefs = []
        for k, v in texmem_args.items():
            tex = self.current_module.get_texref(k)

            logging.debug('copying to texture: ' + str(k))
            if not isinstance(v, dict):
                data = v
                data = v['array']
            logging.debug('texture to be copied: ')

            drv.matrix_to_texref(data, tex, order="C")

            if isinstance(v, dict):
                if 'address_mode' in v and v['address_mode'] is not None:
                    # address_mode is set per axis
                    amode = v['address_mode']
                    if not isinstance(amode, list):
                        amode = [ amode ] * data.ndim
                    for i, m in enumerate(amode):
                            if m is not None:
                                tex.set_address_mode(i, address_mode_map[m])
                        except KeyError:
                            raise ValueError('Unknown address mode: ' + m)
                if 'filter_mode' in v and v['filter_mode'] is not None:
                    fmode = v['filter_mode']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise ValueError('Unknown filter mode: ' + fmode)
                if 'normalized_coordinates' in v and v['normalized_coordinates']:
                    tex.set_flags(tex.get_flags() | drv.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES)

示例5: doit

def doit(img):
  width, height = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
  cuda.matrix_to_texref(img, texref, order="C")
  gpu_output = np.zeros((width/2,height/2), dtype=np.float32)
  gridsize = (width / blocksize[0], height / blocksize[1])

  downsample_func(cuda.Out(gpu_output), np.int32(width), np.int32(width/2), block=blocksize, grid = gridsize, texrefs=[texref])

  # gpu_output = gpu_output.transpose()

  return gpu_output

示例6: load_texture

    def load_texture(self, name, arr):
        Loads an array into a texture with a name.

        Address by the name in the kernel code.
        tex = self.mod.get_texref(name)  # x*y*z
        arr = arr.astype('float32')

        if len(arr.shape) == 3:
            carr = arr.copy('F')
            texarray = numpy3d_to_array(carr, 'F')
            if len(arr.shape) == 1:
                arr = np.expand_dims(arr, 1)
            cuda.matrix_to_texref(arr, tex, order='F')

        tex.set_address_mode(0, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
        tex.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
        self.textures[name] = tex

示例7: main

def main():

    #Create dictionary argument for rendering
    RenderArgs= {"safe_memory_mapping":1,
                 "fit_dim_block_x":1 }

    # Set environment for template package Jinja2
    env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('main', './'))

    # Load source code from file
    Source = env.get_template('./alpha.cu') #Template( file(KernelFile).read() )
    # Render source code
    RenderedSource = Source.render( RenderArgs )

    # Save rendered source code to file
    f = open('./rendered.cu', 'w')

    #Load source code into module
    KernelSourceModule = SourceModule(RenderedSource, options=None, arch="compute_20", code="sm_20")
    Kernel = KernelSourceModule.get_function("TestEdgeSortKernel")
    CurandKernel = KernelSourceModule.get_function("CurandInitKernel")

    #Initialise InteractionMatrix
    InteractionMatrix = numpy.zeros( ( 8, 8) ).astype(numpy.float32)
    def Delta(a,b):
        if a==b:
            return 1
            return 0
    for i in range(InteractionMatrix.shape[0]):
        for j in range(InteractionMatrix.shape[1]):
            InteractionMatrix[i][j] = ( 1 - i % 2 ) * Delta( i, j+1 ) + ( i % 2 ) * Delta( i, j-1 )

    #Set up our InteractionMatrix
    InteractionMatrix_h = KernelSourceModule.get_texref("t_ucInteractionMatrix")
    drv.matrix_to_texref( InteractionMatrix, InteractionMatrix_h , order="C")
    print InteractionMatrix

    #a =  numpy.random.randn(400).astype(numpy.uint8)
    #b = numpy.random.randn(400).astype(numpy.uint8)
    dest = numpy.arange(256).astype(numpy.uint8)
    for i in range(0, 256/8):
        dest[i*8 + 0] = 36
        dest[i*8 + 1] = 151
        dest[i*8 + 2] = 90
        dest[i*8 + 3] = 109
        dest[i*8 + 4] = 224
        dest[i*8 + 5] = 4
        dest[i*8 + 6] = 0
        dest[i*8 + 7] = 0
    dest_h = drv.mem_alloc(dest.nbytes)

    drv.memcpy_htod(dest_h, dest)
    print "before: "
    print dest
    curand = numpy.zeros(40*256).astype(numpy.uint8);
    curand_h = drv.mem_alloc(curand.nbytes)
    CurandKernel(curand_h, block=(32,1,1), grid=(1,1))
    Kernel(dest_h, curand_h, block=(32,1,1), grid=(1,1))
    drv.memcpy_dtoh(dest, dest_h)
    print "after: "
    print dest

示例8: __init__

    def __init__(self, img_path):
	super(LFapplication, self).__init__()

	# Load image data
	base_path = os.path.splitext(img_path)[0]
	lenslet_path = base_path + '-lenslet.txt'
	optics_path = base_path + '-optics.txt'

	with open(lenslet_path, 'r') as f:
            tmp = eval(f.readline())
	    x_offset, y_offset, right_dx, right_dy, down_dx, down_dy = \
              np.array(tmp, dtype=np.float32)

	with open(optics_path, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                name, val = line.strip().split()
                    setattr(self, name, np.float32(val))

        max_angle = math.atan(self.pitch/2/self.flen)

	# Prepare image
	im_pil = Image.open(img_path)
        if im_pil.mode == 'RGB':
            self.NCHANNELS = 3
            w, h = im_pil.size
            im = np.zeros((h, w, 4), dtype=np.float32)
            im[:, :, :3] = np.array(im_pil).astype(np.float32)
            self.LF_dim = (ceil(h/down_dy), ceil(w/right_dx), 3)
            self.NCHANNELS = 1
            im = np.array(im_pil.getdata()).reshape(im_pil.size[::-1]).astype(np.float32)
            h, w = im.shape
            self.LF_dim = (ceil(h/down_dy), ceil(w/right_dx))

        x_start = x_offset - int(x_offset / right_dx) * right_dx
        y_start = y_offset - int(y_offset / down_dy) * down_dy
        x_ratio = self.flen * right_dx / self.pitch
        y_ratio = self.flen * down_dy / self.pitch

        # Generate the cuda kernel
        mod_LFview = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule(
        self.LFview_func = mod_LFview.get_function("LFview_kernel")
        self.texref = mod_LFview.get_texref("tex")
	# Now generate the cuda texture
        if self.NCHANNELS == 3:
                cuda.make_multichannel_2d_array(im, order="C"),
            cuda.matrix_to_texref(im, self.texref, order="C")
	# We could set the next if we wanted to address the image
	# in normalized coordinates ( 0 <= coordinate < 1.)
	# texref.set_flags(cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES)

	# Prepare the traits
        self.add_trait('X_angle', Range(-max_angle, max_angle, 0.0))
        self.add_trait('Y_angle', Range(-max_angle, max_angle, 0.0))
        self.plotdata = ArrayPlotData(LF_img=self.sampleLF())
	self.LF_img = Plot(self.plotdata)
        if self.NCHANNELS == 3:
            self.LF_img.img_plot("LF_img", colormap=gray)

示例9: mds

                           (1.0,  0.0, 0.0))}

        mymap = LinearSegmentedColormap('mymap', cdict)
        mymap.set_over( (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
        mymap.set_bad ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) )

        # set up arrays for calculations

        coords_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.random.random( (max_x, max_y, DIMENSIONS) ).astype(np.float32))   # initialize coordinates to random values in range 0...1
        forces_gpu = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y), DIMENSIONS), dtype=np.float32 )             # 3D float32 accumulate forces over one timestep
        weights_gpu = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y)),             dtype=np.float32 )             # 2D float32 cell error accumulation
        errors_gpu = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y)),             dtype=np.float32 )             # 2D float32 cell error accumulation
        near_stations_gpu = gpuarray.zeros( (cuda_grid_shape[0], cuda_grid_shape[1], N_NEARBY_STATIONS), dtype=np.int32)

        debug_gpu     = gpuarray.zeros( n_gridpoints, dtype = np.int32 )
        debug_img_gpu = gpuarray.zeros_like( errors_gpu )

        print "\n----COMPILATION----"
        # times could be merged into forces kernel, if done by pixel not station.
        # integrate kernel could be GPUArray operation; also helps clean up code by using GPUArrays.
        # DIM should be replaced by python script, so as not to define twice. 
        src = open("unified_mds.cu").read()
        src = src.replace( 'N_NEARBY_STATIONS_PYTHON', str(N_NEARBY_STATIONS) )
        src = src.replace( 'N_STATIONS_PYTHON', str(n_stations) )
        src = src.replace( 'DIMENSIONS_PYTHON', str(DIMENSIONS) )
        mod = SourceModule(src, options=["--ptxas-options=-v"])
        stations_kernel  = mod.get_function("stations"  )
        forces_kernel    = mod.get_function("forces"  )
        integrate_kernel = mod.get_function("integrate")

        matrix_texref         = mod.get_texref('tex_matrix')
        station_coords_texref = mod.get_texref('tex_station_coords')
        near_stations_texref  = mod.get_texref('tex_near_stations')
        #ts_coords_texref  = mod.get_texref('tex_ts_coords') could be a 4-channel 2 dim texture, or 3 dim texture. or just 1D.

        cuda.matrix_to_texref(matrix, matrix_texref, order="F") # copy directly to device with texref - made for 2D x 1channel textures
        cuda.matrix_to_texref(station_coords_int, station_coords_texref, order="F") # fortran ordering, because we will be accessing with texND() instead of C-style indices

        # note, cuda.In and cuda.Out are from the perspective of the KERNEL not the host app!
        stations_kernel(near_stations_gpu, block=CUDA_BLOCK_SHAPE, grid=cuda_grid_shape)    

        #print "Near stations list:"
        #print near_stations_gpu
        print "\n----CALCULATION----"
        t_start = time.time()
        n_pass = 0
        while (n_pass < N_ITERATIONS) :
            n_pass += 1    
            # Pay attention to grid sizes when testing: if you don't run the integrator on the coordinates connected to stations, 
            # they don't move... so the whole thing stabilizes in a couple of cycles.    
            # Stations are worked on in blocks to avoid locking up the GPU with one giant kernel.
            for subset_low in range(0, n_stations, STATION_BLOCK_SIZE) :
                subset_high = subset_low + STATION_BLOCK_SIZE
                if subset_high > n_stations : subset_high = n_stations
                sys.stdout.write( "\rpass %03i / station %04i of %04i / total runtime %03.1f min " % (n_pass, subset_high, n_stations, (time.time() - t_start) / 60.0) )
                STATUS_FUNCTION(n_pass, subset_high, n_stations, (time.time() - t_start) / 60.0, (time.time() - t_start) / n_pass + (subset_low/n_stations))
                # adding texrefs in kernel call seems to change nothing, leaving them out.
                # max_x and max_y could be #defined in kernel source, along with STATION_BLOCK_SIZE 
                forces_kernel(np.int32(n_stations), np.int32(subset_low), np.int32(subset_high), max_x, max_y, coords_gpu, forces_gpu, weights_gpu, errors_gpu, debug_gpu, debug_img_gpu, block=CUDA_BLOCK_SHAPE, grid=cuda_grid_shape)
                # print coords_gpu, forces_gpu
                time.sleep(0.5)  # let the user interface catch up.
            integrate_kernel(max_x, max_y, coords_gpu, forces_gpu, weights_gpu, block=CUDA_BLOCK_SHAPE, grid=cuda_grid_shape)    

            print IMAGES_EVERY
            if (IMAGES_EVERY > 0) and (n_pass % IMAGES_EVERY == 0) :
                #print 'Kernel debug output:'
                #print debug_gpu
                velocities = np.sqrt(np.sum(forces_gpu.get() ** 2, axis = 2)) 
                pl.imshow( velocities.T, cmap=mymap, origin='bottom', vmin=0, vmax=100 )
                pl.title( 'Velocity ( sec / timestep) - step %03d' % n_pass )
                pl.savefig( 'img/vel%03d.png' % n_pass )
                pl.imshow( (errors_gpu.get() / weights_gpu.get() / 60.0 ).T, cmap=mymap, origin='bottom', vmin=0, vmax=100 )
                pl.title( 'Average absolute error (min) - step %03d' %n_pass )
                pl.savefig( 'img/err%03d.png' % n_pass )

                pl.imshow( (debug_img_gpu.get() / 60.0).T, cmap=mymap, origin='bottom', vmin=0, vmax=100 )
                pl.title( 'Debugging Output - step %03d' %n_pass )
                pl.savefig( 'img/debug%03d.png' % n_pass )
                GRAPH_FUNCTION('img/err%03d.png' % n_pass)
            sys.stdout.write( "/ avg pass time %02.1f sec" % ( (time.time() - t_start) / n_pass, ) )

示例10: trikmeans_gpu

    #                    prepare source modules
    t1 = time.time()
    mod_ccdist = kernels.get_big_module(nDim, nPts, nClusters,
                                        blocksize_step4, seqcount_step4, gridsize_step4, 
                                        blocksize_step4part2, useTextureForData)

    ccdist = mod_ccdist.get_function("ccdist")
    calc_hdclosest = mod_ccdist.get_function("calc_hdclosest")
    init = mod_ccdist.get_function("init")
    step3 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step3")
    step4 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step4")
    step4part2 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step4part2")
    calc_movement = mod_ccdist.get_function("calc_movement")
    step56 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step56")
    t2 = time.time()
    module_time = t2-t1

    #                    setup data on GPU
    t1 = time.time()

    data = np.array(data).astype(np.float32)
    clusters = np.array(clusters).astype(np.float32)
    if useTextureForData:
        # copy the data to the texture
        texrefData = mod_ccdist.get_texref("texData")
        cuda.matrix_to_texref(data, texrefData, order="F")
        if usePageLockedMemory:
            data_pl = cuda.pagelocked_empty_like(data)
            data_pl[:,:] = data;
            gpu_data = gpuarray.to_gpu(data_pl)
            gpu_data = gpuarray.to_gpu(data)

    if usePageLockedMemory:
        clusters_pl = cuda.pagelocked_empty_like(clusters)
        clusters_pl[:,:] = clusters
        gpu_clusters = gpuarray.to_gpu(clusters_pl)
        gpu_clusters = gpuarray.to_gpu(clusters)

    gpu_assignments = gpuarray.zeros((nPts,), np.int32)         # cluster assignment
    gpu_lower = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters, nPts), np.float32)   # lower bounds on distance between 
                                                                # point and each cluster
    gpu_upper = gpuarray.zeros((nPts,), np.float32)             # upper bounds on distance between
                                                                # point and any cluster
    gpu_ccdist = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters, nClusters), np.float32)    # cluster-cluster distances
    gpu_hdClosest = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters,), np.float32)    # half distance to closest
    gpu_hdClosest.fill(1.0e10)  # set to large value // **TODO**  get the acutal float max
    gpu_badUpper = gpuarray.zeros((nPts,), np.int32)   # flag to indicate upper bound needs recalc
    gpu_clusters2 = gpuarray.zeros((nDim, nClusters), np.float32);
    gpu_cluster_movement = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters,), np.float32);
    gpu_cluster_changed = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters,), np.int32)
    gpu_reduction_out = gpuarray.zeros((nDim, nClusters*gridsize_step4), np.float32)

示例11: main

def main():
    #Set up global timer
    tot_time = time.time()

    #Define constants
    BankSize = 8 # Do not go beyond 8!
    WarpSize = 32 #Do not change...
    DimGridX = 19
    DimGridY = 19
    BlockDimX = 256
    BlockDimY = 256
    SearchSpaceSize = 2**24 #BlockDimX * BlockDimY  * 32
    FitnessValDim = BlockDimX*BlockDimY*WarpSize #SearchSpaceSize
    GenomeDim = BlockDimX*BlockDimY*WarpSize #SearchSpaceSize
    AlignedByteLengthGenome = 4

    #Create dictionary argument for rendering
    RenderArgs= {"safe_memory_mapping":1,
    # Set environment for template package Jinja2
    env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('main', './'))
    # Load source code from file
    Source = env.get_template('./alpha.cu') #Template( file(KernelFile).read() )
    # Render source code
    RenderedSource = Source.render( RenderArgs )

    # Save rendered source code to file
    f = open('./rendered.cu', 'w')

    #Load source code into module
    KernelSourceModule = SourceModule(RenderedSource, options=None, arch="compute_20", code="sm_20")
    Kernel = KernelSourceModule.get_function("SearchSpaceKernel")
    CurandKernel = KernelSourceModule.get_function("CurandInitKernel")

    #Initialise InteractionMatrix
    InteractionMatrix = numpy.zeros( ( 8, 8) ).astype(numpy.float32)
    def Delta(a,b):
        if a==b:
            return 1
            return 0
    for i in range(InteractionMatrix.shape[0]):
        for j in range(InteractionMatrix.shape[1]):
            InteractionMatrix[i][j] = ( 1 - i % 2 ) * Delta( i, j+1 ) + ( i % 2 ) * Delta( i, j-1 )

    #Set up our InteractionMatrix
    InteractionMatrix_h = KernelSourceModule.get_texref("t_ucInteractionMatrix")
    drv.matrix_to_texref( InteractionMatrix, InteractionMatrix_h , order="C")
    print InteractionMatrix

    #Set-up genomes
    #dest = numpy.arange(GenomeDim*4).astype(numpy.uint8)
    #for i in range(0, GenomeDim/4):
        #dest[i*8 + 0] = int('0b00100101',2) #CRASHES
        #dest[i*8 + 1] = int('0b00010000',2) #CRASHES
        #dest[i*8 + 0] = int('0b00101000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 1] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 2] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 3] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 4] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 5] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 6] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 7] = int('0b00000000',2)
    #    dest[i*4 + 0] = 40
    #    dest[i*4 + 1] = 0
    #    dest[i*4 + 2] = 0
    #    dest[i*4 + 3] = 0

    dest_h = drv.mem_alloc(GenomeDim*AlignedByteLengthGenome) #dest.nbytes)
    #drv.memcpy_htod(dest_h, dest)
    #print "Genomes before: "
    #print dest

    #Set-up grids
    #grids = numpy.zeros((10000, DimGridX, DimGridY)).astype(numpy.uint8) #TEST
    #grids_h = drv.mem_alloc(GenomeDim*DimGridX*DimGridY) #TEST
    #drv.memcpy_htod(grids_h, grids)
    #print "Grids:"

示例12: trikmeans_gpu

def trikmeans_gpu(data, clusters, iterations, return_times = 0):
    # trikmeans_gpu(data, clusters, iterations) returns (clusters, labels)
    # kmeans using triangle inequality algorithm and cuda
    # input arguments are the data, intial cluster values, and number of iterations to repeat
    # The shape of data is (nDim, nPts) where nDim = # of dimensions in the data and
    # nPts = number of data points
    # The shape of clustrs is (nDim, nClusters) 
    # The return values are the updated clusters and labels for the data
    #                   get problem parameters
    (nDim, nPts) = data.shape
    nClusters = clusters.shape[1]

    #            set calculation control variables
    useTextureForData = 1
    # block and grid sizes for the ccdist kernel (also for hdclosest)
    blocksize_ccdist = min(512, 16*(1+(nClusters-1)/16))
    gridsize_ccdist = 1 + (nClusters-1)/blocksize_ccdist
    #block and grid sizes for the init module
    threads_desired = 16*(1+(max(nPts, nDim*nClusters)-1)/16)
    blocksize_init = min(512, threads_desired) 
    gridsize_init = 1 + (threads_desired - 1)/blocksize_init
    #block and grid sizes for the step3 module
    blocksize_step3 = blocksize_init
    gridsize_step3 = gridsize_init
    #block and grid sizes for the step4 module
    for blocksize_step4_x in range(32, 512, 32):
        if blocksize_step4_x >= nClusters:
    blocksize_step4_y = min(nDim, 512/blocksize_step4_x)
    gridsize_step4_x = 1 + (nClusters-1)/blocksize_step4_x
    gridsize_step4_y = 1 + (nDim-1)/blocksize_step4_y
    #block and grid sizes for the calc_movement module
    blocksize_calcm = blocksize_step4_x
    gridsize_calcm = gridsize_step4_x    
    #block and grid sizes for the step56 module
    blocksize_step56 = blocksize_init
    gridsize_step56 = gridsize_init
    #                    prepare source modules
    t1 = time.time()
    mod_ccdist = mods2.get_ccdist_module(nDim, nPts, nClusters, blocksize_ccdist, blocksize_init, 
                                        blocksize_step4_x, blocksize_step4_y, blocksize_step56,

    #mod_step56 = mods2.get_step56_module(nDim, nPts, nClusters, blocksize_step56)
    ccdist = mod_ccdist.get_function("ccdist")
    calc_hdclosest = mod_ccdist.get_function("calc_hdclosest")
    init = mod_ccdist.get_function("init")
    step3 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step3")
    step4 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step4")
    calc_movement = mod_ccdist.get_function("calc_movement")
    step56 = mod_ccdist.get_function("step56")
    t2 = time.time()
    module_time = t2-t1

    #                    setup data on GPU
    t1 = time.time()

    data = np.array(data).astype(np.float32)
    clusters = np.array(clusters).astype(np.float32)
    if useTextureForData:
        # copy the data to the texture
        texrefData = mod_ccdist.get_texref("texData")
        cuda.matrix_to_texref(data, texrefData, order="F")
        gpu_data = gpuarray.to_gpu(data)

    gpu_clusters = gpuarray.to_gpu(clusters)
    gpu_assignments = gpuarray.zeros((nPts,), np.int32)         # cluster assignment
    gpu_lower = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters, nPts), np.float32)   # lower bounds on distance between 
                                                                # point and each cluster
    gpu_upper = gpuarray.zeros((nPts,), np.float32)             # upper bounds on distance between
                                                                # point and any cluster
    gpu_ccdist = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters, nClusters), np.float32)    # cluster-cluster distances
    gpu_hdClosest = gpuarray.zeros((nClusters,), np.float32)    # half distance to closest

示例13: main


    # Render source code
    RenderedSource = Source.render( RenderArgs )

    # Save rendered source code to file
    f = open('./rendered.cu', 'w')

    #Load source code into module
    KernelSourceModule = SourceModule(RenderedSource, options=None, no_extern_c=True, arch="compute_11", code="sm_11", cache_dir=None)

    #Allocate values on GPU
    Genomes_h = drv.mem_alloc(Genomes.nbytes)
    FitnessPartialSums_h = drv.mem_alloc(FitnessPartialSums.nbytes)
    FitnessValues_h = drv.mem_alloc(FitnessValues.nbytes)
    AssembledGrids_h = drv.mem_alloc(AssembledGrids.nbytes)
    Mutexe_h = drv.mem_alloc(Mutexe.nbytes)
    ReductionList_h = drv.mem_alloc(ReductionList.nbytes)

    #Copy values to global memory
    drv.memcpy_htod(Genomes_h, Genomes)
    drv.memcpy_htod(FitnessPartialSums_h, FitnessPartialSums)
    drv.memcpy_htod(FitnessValues_h, FitnessValues)
    drv.memcpy_htod(AssembledGrids_h, AssembledGrids)
    drv.memcpy_htod(Mutexe_h, Mutexe)

    #Copy values to constant / texture memory
    for id in range(0, NrFitnessFunctionGrids):
        FitnessFunctionGrids_h.append( KernelSourceModule.get_texref("t_ucFitnessFunctionGrids%d"%(id)) )
        drv.matrix_to_texref( FitnessFunctionGrids[id], FitnessFunctionGrids_h[id] , order="C")
    InteractionMatrix_h = KernelSourceModule.get_texref("t_ucInteractionMatrix")
    drv.matrix_to_texref( InteractionMatrix, InteractionMatrix_h , order="C")

    GlobalParams_h = KernelSourceModule.get_global("c_fParams") # Constant memory address
    drv.memcpy_htod(GlobalParams_h[0], GlobalParams)
    FitnessParams_h = KernelSourceModule.get_global("c_fFitnessParams") # Constant memory address
    drv.memcpy_htod(FitnessParams_h[0], FitnessParams)
    GAParams_h = KernelSourceModule.get_global("c_fGAParams") # Constant memory address
    drv.memcpy_htod(GAParams_h[0], GAParams)
    FourPermutations_h = KernelSourceModule.get_global("c_ucFourPermutations") # Constant memory address
    drv.memcpy_htod(FourPermutations_h[0], FourPermutations)
    FitnessSumConst_h = KernelSourceModule.get_global("c_fFitnessSumConst")
    FitnessListConst_h = KernelSourceModule.get_global("c_fFitnessListConst")

    #Set up curandStates
    curandState_bytesize = 40 # This might be incorrect, depending on your compiler (info from Tomasz Rybak's pyCUDA cuRAND wrapper)
    CurandStates_h = drv.mem_alloc(curandState_bytesize * NrGenomes)

    #Compile kernels
    curandinit_fnc = KernelSourceModule.get_function("CurandInitKernel")
    fitness_fnc = KernelSourceModule.get_function("FitnessKernel")
    sorting_fnc = KernelSourceModule.get_function("SortingKernel")
    ga_fnc = KernelSourceModule.get_function("GAKernel")

    #Initialise Curand
    curandinit_fnc(CurandStates_h, block=(int(CurandInit_NrThreadsPerBlock), 1, 1), grid=(int(CurandInit_NrBlocks), 1))

    #Build parameter lists for FitnessKernel and GAKernel
    FitnessKernelParams = (Genomes_h, FitnessValues_h, AssembledGrids_h, CurandStates_h, Mutexe_h);
    SortingKernelParams = (FitnessValues_h, FitnessPartialSums_h)
    GAKernelParams = (Genomes_h, FitnessValues_h, AssembledGrids_h, CurandStates_h);

示例14: main

def main():

    #FourPermutations set-up
    FourPermutations = numpy.array([ [1,2,3,4],

    #Create dictionary argument for rendering
    RenderArgs= {"safe_memory_mapping":1,

    # Set environment for template package Jinja2
    env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('main', './'))

    # Load source code from file
    Source = env.get_template('./alpha.cu') #Template( file(KernelFile).read() )
    # Render source code
    RenderedSource = Source.render( RenderArgs )

    # Save rendered source code to file
    f = open('./rendered.cu', 'w')

    #Load source code into module
    KernelSourceModule = SourceModule(RenderedSource, options=None, arch="compute_20", code="sm_20")
    Kernel = KernelSourceModule.get_function("TestAssemblyKernel")
    CurandKernel = KernelSourceModule.get_function("CurandInitKernel")

    #Initialise InteractionMatrix
    InteractionMatrix = numpy.zeros( ( 8, 8) ).astype(numpy.float32)
    def Delta(a,b):
        if a==b:
            return 1
            return 0
    for i in range(InteractionMatrix.shape[0]):
        for j in range(InteractionMatrix.shape[1]):
            InteractionMatrix[i][j] = ( 1 - i % 2 ) * Delta( i, j+1 ) + ( i % 2 ) * Delta( i, j-1 )

    #Set up our InteractionMatrix
    InteractionMatrix_h = KernelSourceModule.get_texref("t_ucInteractionMatrix")
    drv.matrix_to_texref( InteractionMatrix, InteractionMatrix_h , order="C")
    print InteractionMatrix
    #Set-up genomes
    dest = numpy.arange(256).astype(numpy.uint8)
    for i in range(0, 256/8):
        #dest[i*8 + 0] = int('0b00100101',2) #CRASHES
        #dest[i*8 + 1] = int('0b00010000',2) #CRASHES
        #dest[i*8 + 0] = int('0b00101000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 1] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 2] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 3] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 4] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 5] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 6] = int('0b00000000',2)
        #dest[i*8 + 7] = int('0b00000000',2)
        dest[i*8 + 0] = 36
        dest[i*8 + 1] = 151
        dest[i*8 + 2] = 90
        dest[i*8 + 3] = 109

示例15: run

        coords_gpu        = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.random.random( (max_x, max_y, self.DIMENSIONS) ).astype(np.float32))   # initialize coordinates to random values in range 0...1
        forces_gpu        = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y), self.DIMENSIONS), dtype=np.float32 )             # 3D float32 accumulate forces over one timestep
        weights_gpu       = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y)),                  dtype=np.float32 )             # 2D float32 cell error accumulation
        errors_gpu        = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y)),                  dtype=np.float32 )             # 2D float32 cell error accumulation
        #near_stations_gpu = gpuarray.zeros( (int(max_x), int(max_y), self.N_NEARBY_STATIONS, 2), dtype=np.int32)
        # instead of using synthetic distances, use the network distance near stations lists.         
        # rather than copying the array over to the GPU then binding to external texref, 
        # could just use matrix_to_texref, but this function only seems to understand 2d arrays
        near_stations_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu( nearby_stations )

        debug_gpu     = gpuarray.zeros( n_gridpoints, dtype = np.int32 )
        debug_img_gpu = gpuarray.zeros_like( errors_gpu )

        print "\n----COMPILATION----"
        # times could be merged into forces kernel, if done by pixel not station.
        # integrate kernel could be GPUArray operation; also helps clean up code by using GPUArrays.
        # DIM should be replaced by python script, so as not to define twice. 

        replacements = [( 'N_NEAR_STATIONS', self.N_NEARBY_STATIONS ),
                        ( 'N_STATIONS',      n_stations ),
                        ( 'DIM',             self.DIMENSIONS)]
        src = preprocess_cu('unified_mds_stochastic.cu', replacements)
        #print src
        mod = SourceModule(src, options=["--ptxas-options=-v"])
        stations_kernel  = mod.get_function("stations"  )
        forces_kernel    = mod.get_function("forces"  )
        integrate_kernel = mod.get_function("integrate")

        matrix_texref         = mod.get_texref('tex_matrix')
        station_coords_texref = mod.get_texref('tex_station_coords')
        near_stations_texref  = mod.get_texref('tex_near_stations')
        #ts_coords_texref  = mod.get_texref('tex_ts_coords') could be a 4-channel 2 dim texture, or 3 dim texture. or just 1D.

        cuda.matrix_to_texref(matrix, matrix_texref, order="F") # copy directly to device with texref - made for 2D x 1channel textures
        cuda.matrix_to_texref(station_coords_int, station_coords_texref, order="F") # fortran ordering, because we will be accessing with texND() instead of C-style indices
        # again, matrix_to_texref is not used here because that function only understands 2D arrays

        # note, cuda.In and cuda.Out are from the perspective of the KERNEL not the host app!
        # stations_kernel disabled since true network distances are now being used        
        #stations_kernel(near_stations_gpu, max_x, max_y, block=CUDA_BLOCK_SHAPE, grid=cuda_grid_shape)    
        # autoinit.context.synchronize()
        #print "Near stations list:"
        #print near_stations_gpu
        print "\n----CALCULATION----"
        t_start = time.time()
        n_pass = 0
        active_cells = list(self.active_cells) # make a working list of map cells that are accessible
        print "N active cells:", len(active_cells)
        while (n_pass < self.N_ITERATIONS) :
            n_pass += 1    
            active_cells_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(active_cells).astype(np.int32))
            # Pay attention to grid sizes when testing: if you don't run the integrator on the coordinates connected to stations, 
            # they don't move... so the whole thing stabilizes in a couple of cycles.    
            # Stations are worked on in blocks to avoid locking up the GPU with one giant kernel.
#            for subset_low in range(0, n_stations, self.STATION_BLOCK_SIZE) :
            for subset_low in range(1) : # changed to try integrating more often
                subset_high = subset_low + self.STATION_BLOCK_SIZE
                if subset_high > n_stations : subset_high = n_stations
                sys.stdout.write( "\rpass %03i / station %04i of %04i / total runtime %03.1f min " % (n_pass, subset_high, n_stations, (time.time() - t_start) / 60.0) )
