本文整理汇总了Python中pyclbr.readmodule_ex函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python readmodule_ex函数的具体用法?Python readmodule_ex怎么用?Python readmodule_ex使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: listclasses
def listclasses(self):
dir, file = os.path.split(self.file)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if os.path.normcase(ext) != ".py":
return []
dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(name, [dir] + sys.path)
except ImportError as msg:
return []
items = []
self.classes = {}
for key, cl in dict.items():
if cl.module == name:
s = key
if hasattr(cl, 'super') and cl.super:
supers = []
for sup in cl.super:
if type(sup) is type(''):
sname = sup
sname = sup.name
if sup.module != cl.module:
sname = "%s.%s" % (sup.module, sname)
s = s + "(%s)" % ", ".join(supers)
items.append((cl.lineno, s))
self.classes[s] = cl
list = []
for item, s in items:
return list
示例2: monkey_patch
def monkey_patch():
"""If the CONF.monkey_patch set as True,
this function patches a decorator
for all functions in specified modules.
You can set decorators for each modules
using CONF.monkey_patch_modules.
The format is "Module path:Decorator function".
Parameters of the decorator is as follows.
name - name of the function
function - object of the function
# If CONF.monkey_patch is not True, this function do nothing.
if not CONF.monkey_patch:
# Get list of modules and decorators
for module_and_decorator in CONF.monkey_patch_modules:
module, decorator_name = module_and_decorator.split(':')
# import decorator function
decorator = importutils.import_class(decorator_name)
# Retrieve module information using pyclbr
module_data = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(module)
for key in module_data.keys():
# set the decorator for the class methods
if isinstance(module_data[key], pyclbr.Class):
clz = importutils.import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
for method, func in inspect.getmembers(clz, inspect.ismethod):
setattr(clz, method,
decorator("%s.%s.%s" % (module, key, method), func))
# set the decorator for the function
if isinstance(module_data[key], pyclbr.Function):
func = importutils.import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
setattr(sys.modules[module], key,
decorator("%s.%s" % (module, key), func))
示例3: main
def main(args, out_name):
dict = {}
for mod in args:
if os.path.exists(mod):
path = [os.path.dirname(mod)]
mod = os.path.basename(mod)
if mod.lower().endswith(".py"):
mod = mod[:-3]
path = []
dict.update(pyclbr.readmodule_ex(mod, path))
G = AGraph(strict=False,directed=True)
G.graph_attr['fontname'] = 'Bitstream Vera Sans'
G.graph_attr['fontsize'] = '8'
G.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'BT'
G.node_attr['fontname'] = 'Bitstream Vera Sans'
G.node_attr['fontsize'] = '8'
G.node_attr['shape'] = 'record'
G.edge_attr['fontname'] = 'Bitstream Vera Sans'
G.edge_attr['fontsize'] = '8'
G.edge_attr['arrowhead'] = 'empty'
for obj in dict.values():
if isinstance(obj, pyclbr.Class):
n = G.get_node(obj.name)
n.attr['label'] = '{%s|%s|%s}' % (obj.name, get_members(obj), get_methods(obj))
for sclass in obj.super:
if isinstance(sclass, pyclbr.Class):
G.add_edge(obj.name, sclass.name)
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self,fullname):
fn = fullname + '.py'
if not os.path.exists(fn):
raise ValueError,"Module source file %s does not exist" % fn
m = imp.load_source(fullname,fn)
d = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(fullname)
# remove external defs
d = dict([ (k,v) for k,v in d.items() if v.module == fullname ])
d = sortDict(d)
self.module = m
self.filename = fn
self.fullname = fullname
self.name = self.fullname.split('/')[-1]
self.shortdoc,self.longdoc = splitDocString(sanitize(m.__doc__))
# get classes and functions
self.classes,self.functions = splitDict(d)
for f in self.functions.keys()[:]:
if not hasattr(self.module,f):
# function was probably defined in __main__ section
del self.functions[f]
prt("Classes: %s" % ', '.join(self.classes.keys()))
prt("Functions: %s" % ', '.join(self.functions.keys()))
self.args = self.get_arg_linenrs()
示例5: find_functions_and_classes
def find_functions_and_classes(modulename, path):
"""Parse the file and return [('lineno', 'class name', 'function')]
>>> with open("test1.py", "w") as f:
... f.write(chr(10).join(["def hola():", " pass", "#", "def chau():", " pass", ""]))
... f.write(chr(10).join(["class Test:"," def __init__():",""," pass"]))
>>> results = find_functions_and_classes("test1", ".")
>>> results
[[1, None, 'hola', 0], [4, None, 'chau', 0], [7, 'Test', '__init__', 0]]
# Assumptions: there is only one function/class per line (syntax)
# class attributes & decorators are ignored
# imported functions should be ignored
# inheritance clases from other modules is unhandled (super)doctest for results failed, exception NameError("name 'results' is not defined",)
result = []
module = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(modulename, path=path and [path])
for obj in module.values():
if isinstance(obj, pyclbr.Function) and obj.module == modulename:
# it is a top-level global function (no class)
result.append([obj.lineno, None, obj.name, 0])
elif isinstance(obj, pyclbr.Class) and obj.module == modulename:
# it is a class, look for the methods:
for method, lineno in obj.methods.items():
result.append([lineno, obj.name, method, 0])
# sort using lineno:
result.sort(key=lambda x: x[LINENO])
return result
示例6: profile_cputime
def profile_cputime(module, decorator_name, status):
if status:
# import decorator function
decorator = importutils.import_class(decorator_name)
# Retrieve module information using pyclbr
module_data = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(module)
for key in module_data.keys():
# set the decorator for the class methods
if isinstance(module_data[key], pyclbr.Class):
clz = importutils.import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
for method, func in inspect.getmembers(clz, inspect.ismethod):
if func.func_code.co_name == 'profile_cputime':
setattr(clz, method,
decorator("%s.%s.%s" % (module, key, method), func))
LOG.info(_('Decorated method ' + method))
# set the decorator for the function
if isinstance(module_data[key], pyclbr.Function):
func = importutils.import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
if func.func_code.co_name == 'profile_cputime':
setattr(sys.modules[module], key,
decorator("%s.%s" % (module, key), func))
LOG.info(_('Decorated method ' + key))
LOG.error(_('Invalid module or decorator name '))
LOG.error(_('Exception occurred %s ') % traceback.format_exc())
示例7: listclasses
def listclasses(self):
dir, file = os.path.split(self.file)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if os.path.normcase(ext) != ".py":
return []
dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(name, [dir] + sys.path)
except ImportError, msg:
return []
示例8: pyclbrTest
def pyclbrTest( files ):
" Loop for the library standard parser "
count = 0
for item in files:
tempObj = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(
os.path.basename( item ).replace( ".py", "" ),
[os.path.dirname( item )] )
count += 1
print "pyclbr: processed " + str(count) + " files"
示例9: readpackage_at
def readpackage_at(self, path):
(modules, root) = self.projects.find_package(path)
for module in modules:
if not module:
for item in pyclbr.readmodule_ex(module, [root]).items():
yield item
except ImportError:
示例10: readModule
def readModule(filename, *paths):
contents = readmodule_ex(filename, path=list(paths))
contents = contents.copy()
except (ImportError, ):
contents = {}
except (KeyError, ):
return contents
示例11: listchildren
def listchildren(self):
"Return sequenced classes and functions in the module."
dir, base = os.path.split(self.file)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
if os.path.normcase(ext) != ".py":
return []
tree = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(name, [dir] + sys.path)
except ImportError:
return []
return transform_children(tree, name)
示例12: listobjects
def listobjects(self):
dir, file = os.path.split(self.file)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if os.path.normcase(ext) != ".py":
return []
dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(name, [dir] + sys.path)
except ImportError as msg:
return []
self.classes, items = collect_objects(dict, name)
return [s for item, s in items]
示例13: monkey_patch
def monkey_patch():
"""Patch decorator.
If the Flags.monkey_patch set as True,
this function patches a decorator
for all functions in specified modules.
You can set decorators for each modules
using CONF.monkey_patch_modules.
The format is "Module path:Decorator function".
Example: 'manila.api.ec2.cloud:' \
Parameters of the decorator is as follows.
(See manila.openstack.common.notifier.api.notify_decorator)
name - name of the function
function - object of the function
# If CONF.monkey_patch is not True, this function do nothing.
if not CONF.monkey_patch:
# Get list of modules and decorators
for module_and_decorator in CONF.monkey_patch_modules:
module, decorator_name = module_and_decorator.split(':')
# import decorator function
decorator = importutils.import_class(decorator_name)
# Retrieve module information using pyclbr
module_data = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(module)
for key in module_data.keys():
# set the decorator for the class methods
if isinstance(module_data[key], pyclbr.Class):
clz = importutils.import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
# NOTE(vponomaryov): we need to distinguish class methods types
# for py2 and py3, because the concept of 'unbound methods' has
# been removed from the python3.x
if six.PY3:
member_type = inspect.isfunction
member_type = inspect.ismethod
for method, func in inspect.getmembers(clz, member_type):
clz, method,
decorator("%s.%s.%s" % (module, key, method), func))
# set the decorator for the function
if isinstance(module_data[key], pyclbr.Function):
func = importutils.import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
setattr(sys.modules[module], key,
decorator("%s.%s" % (module, key), func))
示例14: checkModule
def checkModule(self, moduleName, module=None, ignore=()):
''' succeed iff pyclbr.readmodule_ex(modulename) corresponds
to the actual module object, module. Any identifiers in
ignore are ignored. If no module is provided, the appropriate
module is loaded with __import__.'''
if module == None:
module = __import__(moduleName, globals(), {}, [])
dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(moduleName)
# Make sure the toplevel functions and classes are the same.
for name, value in dict.items():
if name in ignore:
self.assertHasattr(module, name, ignore)
py_item = getattr(module, name)
if isinstance(value, pyclbr.Function):
self.assertEquals(type(py_item), FunctionType)
self.assertEquals(type(py_item), ClassType)
real_bases = [base.__name__ for base in py_item.__bases__]
pyclbr_bases = [ getattr(base, 'name', base)
for base in value.super ]
self.assertListEq(real_bases, pyclbr_bases, ignore)
actualMethods = []
for m in py_item.__dict__.keys():
if type(getattr(py_item, m)) == MethodType:
foundMethods = []
for m in value.methods.keys():
if m[:2] == '__' and m[-2:] != '__':
self.assertListEq(foundMethods, actualMethods, ignore)
self.assertEquals(py_item.__module__, value.module)
self.assertEquals(py_item.__name__, value.name, ignore)
# can't check file or lineno
# Now check for missing stuff.
for name in dir(module):
item = getattr(module, name)
if type(item) in (ClassType, FunctionType):
self.assertHaskey(dict, name, ignore)
示例15: scanfuncs
def scanfuncs(filename, prefixes, cython=False):
""" Return list of function names from ``filename`` that begin with prefix.
This *does not* import the Python file, so this is safe to use, but
functionality is limited to retrieving names of basic functions defined
within global scope of the file.
This *does*, however, import Cython files (if applicable).
# Used by: findarenas, findbenchmarks
path, name = os.path.split(filename)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
# Should `cython` be a keyword argument, or should we just infer it?
cython = cython or ext == '.pyx'
if not cython:
funcs = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(name, [path])
funcnames = []
for key, val in funcs.items():
if (any(key.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes) and
val.file == filename):
return funcnames
# Scan Cython file. We need to import it.
import pyximport
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
# Make sure local imports work for the given file
sys.path.insert(0, path)
pyximport.build_module(name, filename)
mod = pyximport.load_module(name, filename)
except ImportError:
# There is most likely a '*.py' file that shares the same
# base name as the '*.pyx' file we are trying to import.
# Removing the directory from sys.path should fix this,
# but will disable local importing.
mod = pyximport.load_module(name, filename)
# Undo making local imports work
if sys.path[0] == path:
funcnames = []
for funcname in mod.__dict__:
if any(funcname.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes):
return funcnames