本文整理汇总了Python中pyasm.widget.WidgetConfig类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python WidgetConfig类的具体用法?Python WidgetConfig怎么用?Python WidgetConfig使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_config
def get_config(my):
config = None
config_xml = my.kwargs.get("config_xml")
if config_xml:
config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=config_xml, view=my.view)
return config
# this is the new preferred way of defining CustomLayoutWdg
search = Search("config/widget_config")
if my.category:
search.add_filter("category", my.category)
search.add_filter("category", "CustomLayoutWdg")
if my.search_type:
search.add_filter("search_type", my.search_type)
search.add_filter("view", my.view)
config = search.get_sobject()
if config:
return config
# if it is not defined in the database, look at a config file
includes = my.kwargs.get("include")
if includes:
includes = includes.split("|")
for include in includes:
tmp_path = __file__
dir_name = os.path.dirname(tmp_path)
file_path = "%s/../config/%s" % (dir_name, include)
config = WidgetConfig.get(file_path=file_path, view=my.view)
if config and config.has_view(my.view):
return config
# deprecated approach, assuming a "CustomLayoutWdg" as search_type,
# is deprecated
if not config:
search = Search("config/widget_config")
if my.category:
search.add_filter("category", my.category)
if my.search_type:
search.add_filter("search_type", "CustomLayoutWdg")
search.add_filter("view", my.view)
config = search.get_sobject()
# if not config and my.search_type and my.view:
# config = WidgetConfigView.get_by_search_type(my.search_type, my.view)
# this is the new preferred way of defining CustomLayoutWdg
# NOTE: this finds a definition where search type is not explicitly
# given>
if not config:
search = Search("config/widget_config")
search.add_filter("view", my.view)
search.add_filter("search_type", None)
config = search.get_sobject()
return config
示例2: add_internal_config
def add_internal_config(cls, configs, views):
'''add an internal config based on project base type'''
project = Project.get()
project_type = project.get_base_type()
# catch potential invalid xpath error
if project_type:
tmp_path = __file__
dir_name = os.path.dirname(tmp_path)
file_path="%s/../config/%s-conf.xml" % (dir_name, project_type)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
for view in views:
config = WidgetConfig.get(file_path=file_path, view=view)
if config.get_view_node():
# finally, just look at the DEFAULT config
tmp_path = __file__
dir_name = os.path.dirname(tmp_path)
file_path="%s/../config/%s-conf.xml" % (dir_name, "DEFAULT")
if os.path.exists(file_path):
for view in views:
config = WidgetConfig.get(file_path=file_path, view=view)
if config.get_view_node():
except XmlException, e:
msg = "Error with view [%s]"% ' '.join(views)
error_list = Container.get_seq(cls.ERR_MSG)
if msg not in error_list:
Container.append_seq(cls.ERR_MSG, msg)
print e.__str__()
示例3: get_def_config
def get_def_config(my, def_xml=None):
def_confg = None
my.def_view = my.kwargs.get('definition')
if my.def_view:
#raise TacticException("No definition view defined in custom layout with view [%s]" % my.view)
my.search_type = "CustomLayoutWdg"
search = Search("config/widget_config")
search.add_filter("search_type", my.search_type)
search.add_filter("view", my.def_view)
def_db_config = search.get_sobject()
if not def_db_config:
raise TacticException("Definition config [%s] not defined" % my.def_view)
def_xml = def_db_config.get_xml()
def_config = WidgetConfig.get("definition", xml=def_xml)
# also look inline to see if there are any definitions
if def_xml:
# just use the passed in xml for a definition
def_config = WidgetConfig.get(my.view, xml=def_xml)
return def_config
示例4: get_last_filter_config
def get_last_filter_config(search_type):
# get the last search
view = "saved_search:%s" % search_type
search = Search('config/widget_config')
search.add_filter("view", view)
search.add_filter("search_type", search_type)
config_sobj = search.get_sobject()
config = None
if config_sobj:
config_xml = config_sobj.get_xml_value("config")
config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=config_xml, view='filter')
return config
示例5: get_async_element_wdg
def get_async_element_wdg(my, xml, element_name, load):
tmp_config = WidgetConfig.get("tmp", xml=xml)
display_handler = tmp_config.get_display_handler(element_name)
display_options = tmp_config.get_display_options(element_name)
div = DivWdg()
unique_id = div.set_unique_id()
if load == "sequence":
my.sequence_data.append({"class_name": display_handler, "kwargs": display_options, "unique_id": unique_id})
"type": "load",
"class_name": display_handler,
"kwargs": display_options,
"cbjs_action": """
spt.panel.async_load(bvr.src_el, bvr.class_name, bvr.kwargs);
loading_div = DivWdg()
loading_div.add_style("margin: auto auto")
loading_div.add_style("width: 150px")
loading_div.add_style("text-align: center")
loading_div.add_style("padding: 20px")
loading_div.add("""<img src="/context/icons/common/indicator_snake.gif" border="0"/> <b>Loading ...</b>""")
return div
示例6: get_async_element_wdg
def get_async_element_wdg(my, xml, element_name, load):
tmp_config = WidgetConfig.get('tmp', xml=xml)
display_handler = tmp_config.get_display_handler(element_name)
display_options = tmp_config.get_display_options(element_name)
div = DivWdg()
unique_id = div.set_unique_id()
if load == "sequence":
my.sequence_data.append( {
'class_name': display_handler,
'kwargs': display_options,
'unique_id': unique_id
} )
div.add_behavior( {
'type': 'load',
'class_name': display_handler,
'kwargs': display_options,
'cbjs_action': '''
spt.panel.async_load(bvr.src_el, bvr.class_name, bvr.kwargs);
} )
loading_div = DivWdg()
loading_div.add_style("margin: auto auto")
loading_div.add_style("width: 150px")
loading_div.add_style("text-align: center")
loading_div.add_style("padding: 20px")
loading_div.add('''<img src="/context/icons/common/indicator_snake.gif" border="0"/> <b>Loading ...</b>''')
return div
示例7: init
def init(my):
"""initialize the widget_config, and from there retrieve the schema_config"""
web = WebContainer.get_web()
my.search_type = my.kwargs.get("search_type")
element_name = my.kwargs.get("element_name")
my.view = my.kwargs.get("view")
# FIXME: comment out the assert for now to avoid error screen
if not my.view:
my.view = "table"
# assert my.view
my.config_xml = my.kwargs.get("config_xml")
if not my.config_xml:
my.config_xml = web.get_form_value("config_xml")
my.default = my.kwargs.get("default") == "True"
cbk = ManageSearchTypeDetailCbk(search_type=my.search_type, view=my.view, element_name=element_name)
my.config_string = ""
my.data_type_string = ""
my.name_string = ""
my.title_string = ""
my.nullable_string = ""
my.has_column = True
if element_name:
if my.config_xml:
my.config_string = my.config_xml
whole_config_string = "<config><%s>%s</%s></config>" % (my.view, my.config_xml, my.view)
config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=whole_config_string, view=my.view)
my.config = WidgetConfigView(my.search_type, my.view, [config])
# don't pass in default here
my.config = my.get_config(my.search_type, my.view)
node = my.config.get_element_node(element_name)
if node is not None:
config_xml = my.config.get_xml()
my.config_string = config_xml.to_string(node)
my.title_string = config_xml.get_attribute(node, "title")
schema_config = SearchType.get_schema_config(my.search_type)
attributes = schema_config.get_element_attributes(element_name)
my.data_type_string = attributes.get("data_type")
# double_precision is float
if my.data_type_string == "double precision":
my.data_type_string = "float"
my.name_string = attributes.get("name")
my.nullable_string = attributes.get("nullable")
my.is_new_column = attributes.get("new") == "True"
# a database columnless widget
if not my.name_string:
my.has_column = False
示例8: _get_main_config
def _get_main_config(self, view, process_names):
'''get the main config for this table layout'''
xml = Xml()
root = xml.get_root_node()
view_node = xml.create_element(view)
xml.append_child(root, view_node)
for idx, process_name in enumerate(process_names):
element = xml.create_element('element')
Xml.set_attribute(element, 'name', process_name)
xml.append_child(view_node, element)
display = xml.create_element('display')
if self.element_class:
Xml.set_attribute(display, 'class',self.element_class)
Xml.set_attribute(display, 'class', "tactic.ui.app.NoteTableElementWdg")
xml.append_child(element, display)
op_element = xml.create_data_element('parent_key', self.search_key)
xml.append_child(display, op_element)
config_xml = xml.to_string()
widget_config = WidgetConfig.get(view=view, xml = config_xml)
widget_config_view = WidgetConfigView('sthpw/note', view, [widget_config])
return widget_config_view
示例9: _get_template_config
def _get_template_config(self):
base_dir = Environment.get_install_dir()
file_path="%s/src/config2/search_type/search/DEFAULT-conf.xml" % base_dir
if os.path.exists(file_path):
widget_config = WidgetConfig.get(file_path=file_path, view='template')
return widget_config
示例10: get_folder_wdg
def get_folder_wdg(my, element_name, config, options, base_path, current_path, info, personal, use_same_config):
li = HtmlElement.li()
title = my._get_title(config, element_name)
title_wdg = DivWdg()
ul = HtmlElement.ul()
# then get view name from options in order to read a new
# config and recurse ...
options_view_name = options.get('view')
if options_view_name:
if use_same_config:
xml = config.get_xml()
sub_config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=xml)
sub_config = my.get_config( my.config_search_type, options_view_name, default=my.default, personal=personal)
info['level'] += 1
my.generate_section( sub_config, ul, info, base_path=current_path, personal=personal, use_same_config=use_same_config )
info['level'] -= 1
return li
示例11: get_config
def get_config(my):
config_xml = '''
<element name='asset_library'>
<display class='SelectWdg'>
<element name='pipeline_code'>
<display class='SelectWdg'>
my.view = my.kwargs.get("search_view")
if not my.view:
my.view = 'custom_filter'
#view = "custom_filter"
project_code = Project.extract_project_code(my.search_type)
search = Search("config/widget_config", project_code=project_code )
search.add_filter("view", my.view)
search.add_filter("search_type", my.base_search_type)
config_sobj = search.get_sobject()
if config_sobj:
config_xml = config_sobj.get_value("config")
config_xml = '''
# use the one defined in the default config file
file_configs = WidgetConfigView.get_configs_from_file(my.base_search_type, my.view)
if file_configs:
config = file_configs[0]
xml_node = config.get_view_node()
if xml_node is not None:
xml = Xml(config.get_xml().to_string())
config_xml = '<config>%s</config>' %xml.to_string(node=xml_node)
from pyasm.widget import WidgetConfig
config = WidgetConfig.get(view=my.view, xml=config_xml)
return config
示例12: get_config
def get_config(self):
self.view = self.kwargs.get("search_view")
config = self.kwargs.get("search_config")
if not self.view:
self.view = 'custom_filter'
#view = "custom_filter"
project_code = Project.extract_project_code(self.search_type)
search = Search("config/widget_config", project_code=project_code )
search.add_filter("view", self.view)
search.add_filter("search_type", self.base_search_type)
config_sobjs = search.get_sobjects()
from pyasm.search import WidgetDbConfig
config_sobj = WidgetDbConfig.merge_configs(config_sobjs)
if config_sobj:
#config_xml = config_sobj.get("config")
config_xml = config_sobj.get_xml().to_string()
config_xml = config_xml.replace("<", "<")
config_xml = config_xml.replace(">", ">")
config_xml = Common.run_mako(config_xml)
elif config:
config_xml = '''
''' % config
config_xml = '''
# use the one defined in the default config file
file_configs = WidgetConfigView.get_configs_from_file(self.base_search_type, self.view)
if file_configs:
config = file_configs[0]
xml_node = config.get_view_node()
if xml_node is not None:
xml = Xml(config.get_xml().to_string())
config_xml = '<config>%s</config>' %xml.to_string(node=xml_node)
from pyasm.widget import WidgetConfig
config = WidgetConfig.get(view=self.view, xml=config_xml)
return config
示例13: get_config
def get_config(my):
my.view = my.kwargs.get("view")
search = Search("config/widget_config")
search.add_filter("category", "TabWdg")
config_sobj = search.get_sobject()
config_xml = config_sobj.get_value("config")
config = WidgetConfig.get(view=my.view, xml=config_xml)
return config
示例14: get_default_filter_config
def get_default_filter_config(my):
custom_filter_view = my.kwargs.get('custom_filter_view')
config = '''
<element name='Filter'>
<display class='tactic.ui.filter.GeneralFilterWdg'>
''' % {'search_type': my.searchable_search_type, 'prefix_namespace': my.prefix_namespace }
config_xml = Xml()
config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=config_xml, view='filter')
return config
示例15: get_folder_wdg
def get_folder_wdg(self, element_name, config, options, base_path, current_path, info, personal, use_same_config):
attributes = config.get_element_attributes(element_name)
if attributes.get("is_visible") == "false":
li = HtmlElement.li()
li.add_class("main_li unselectable")
title = self._get_title(config, element_name)
title_wdg = DivWdg()
ul = HtmlElement.ul()
ul.add_class("sub_ul unselectable")
# then get view name from options in order to read a new
# config and recurse ...
options_view_name = options.get('view')
if options_view_name:
if use_same_config:
xml = config.get_xml()
sub_config = WidgetConfig.get(xml=xml)
sub_config = self.get_config( self.config_search_type, options_view_name, default=self.default, personal=personal)
info['level'] += 1
self.generate_section( sub_config, ul, info, base_path=current_path, personal=personal, use_same_config=use_same_config )
info['level'] -= 1
return li