本文整理汇总了Python中pyasm.common.Environment.add_warning方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Environment.add_warning方法的具体用法?Python Environment.add_warning怎么用?Python Environment.add_warning使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pyasm.common.Environment
示例1: get_columns
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_columns(my, required_only=False):
if my.search_type == 'sthpw/virtual':
return []
search_type_obj = SearchType.get(my.search_type)
table = search_type_obj.get_table()
from pyasm.biz import Project
db_resource = Project.get_db_resource_by_search_type(my.search_type)
database_name = db_resource.get_database()
db = DbContainer.get(db_resource)
# table may not exist
all_columns = db.get_columns(table)
columns = []
if required_only:
nullables = db.get_column_nullables(table)
for column in all_columns:
null_ok = nullables.get(column)
if not null_ok:
# if there are no required columns
if not columns:
columns = all_columns
columns = all_columns
except SqlException:
Environment.add_warning('missing table', 'Table [%s] does not exist in database [%s]' %(table, database_name))
return []
return columns
示例2: get_display
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_display(my):
widget = Widget()
if not my.select:
return widget
if not my.schema:
Environment.add_warning("No schema defined")
widget.add("No schema defined")
return widget
if not my.search_type:
Environment.add_warning("HierarchicalFilterWdg: Cannot find current search_type")
widget.add("Cannot find current search_type")
return widget
span = SpanWdg(css="med")
parent_type = my.get_parent_type()
if parent_type:
parent_type_obj = SearchType.get(parent_type)
span.add("%s: " % parent_type_obj.get_value("title"))
# assume that there is a code in the parent
my.select.add_empty_option("-- Select --")
my.select.set_option("query", "%s|code|code" % my.parent_type)
return widget
示例3: _process_video
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def _process_video(my, file_name):
if not HAS_FFMPEG:
thumb_web_size = my.get_web_file_size()
thumb_icon_size = (120, 100)
exts = File.get_extensions(file_name)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
icon_file_name = "%s_icon.png" % base
web_file_name = "%s_web.jpg" % base
tmp_icon_path = "%s/%s" % (my.tmp_dir, icon_file_name)
tmp_web_path = "%s/%s" % (my.tmp_dir, web_file_name)
#cmd = '''"%s" -i "%s" -r 1 -ss 00:00:01 -t 1 -s %sx%s -vframes 1 "%s"''' % (ffmpeg, my.file_path, thumb_web_size[0], thumb_web_size[1], tmp_web_path)
import subprocess
subprocess.call([ffmpeg_exe, '-i', my.file_path, "-y", "-ss", "00:00:00","-t","1",\
"-s","%sx%s"%(thumb_web_size[0], thumb_web_size[1]),"-vframes","1","-f","image2", tmp_web_path])
if os.path.exists(tmp_web_path):
my.web_path = tmp_web_path
my.web_path = None
except Exception, e:
Environment.add_warning("Could not process file", \
"%s - %s" % (my.file_path, e.__str__()))
示例4: get_by_code
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_by_code(cls, code, allow_default=False):
'''it is fatal not to have a pipeline, so put a default'''
if not code:
return None
# first look at project specific pipeline
pipeline = Search.get_by_code("config/pipeline", code)
if not pipeline:
pipeline = super(Pipeline,cls).get_by_code(code)
if not pipeline and code == 'task':
# Create a default task pipeline
pipeline = SearchType.create("sthpw/pipeline")
pipeline.set_value("code", "task")
from pyasm.biz import Task
xml = Task.get_default_task_xml()
pipeline.set_value("pipeline", xml)
pipeline.set_value("search_type", "sthpw/task")
if not pipeline and allow_default:
search = Search(cls)
search.add_filter('code', 'default')
pipeline = search.get_sobject()
if not pipeline:
pipeline = cls.create('default', \
'default pipeline', '')
xml = pipeline.get_xml_value("pipeline")
# create a default process for the table
root = xml.get_root_node()
element = xml.create_element("process")
Xml.set_attribute(element,"name", "default_process")
Xml.append_child(root, element)
pipeline.set_value('pipeline', xml.get_xml())
# set the pipeline
Environment.add_warning("pipeline autogenerated", \
"[default] pipeline has just been created.")
# Sometimes, a pipeline is instantiated without calling set_pipeline()
# to be looked into
if pipeline and not pipeline.get_processes():
return pipeline
示例5: get_file_info
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_file_info(xml, file_objects, sobject, snapshot, show_versionless=False, is_list=False, protocol='http'):
info = {}
#TODO: {'file_type': [file_type]: [path], 'base_type': [base_type]: [file|directory|sequence]}
if is_list:
info = []
repo_info = {}
info['_repo'] = repo_info
nodes = xml.get_nodes("snapshot/file")
for node in nodes:
type = Xml.get_attribute(node, "type")
file_code = Xml.get_attribute(node, "file_code")
file_object = file_objects.get(file_code)
if not file_object:
if isinstance(info, dict):
info[type] = ThumbWdg.get_no_image()
info.append((type, ThumbWdg.get_no_image()))
Environment.add_warning("No file object", "No file object found for file code '%s'" % file_code)
file_name = file_object.get_full_file_name()
web_dir = sobject.get_web_dir(snapshot, file_object=file_object)
# handle a range if it exists
file_range = file_object.get_value("file_range")
if file_range:
from pyasm.biz import FileGroup, FileRange
file_range = FileRange.get(file_range)
file_names = FileGroup.expand_paths(file_name, file_range)
# just check the first frame
if file_names:
file_name = file_names[0]
path = "%s/%s" % (web_dir, file_name)
if protocol != "file":
path = urllib.pathname2url(path)
if isinstance(info, dict):
info[type] = path
lib_dir = sobject.get_lib_dir(snapshot, file_object=file_object)
repo_info[type] = "%s/%s" % (lib_dir, file_name)
info.append((type, path))
return info
示例6: get_to
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_to(my):
# add the assigned user to the list of users sent.
recipients = super(TaskAssignEmailHandler, my).get_to()
task = my.sobject
assigned = task.get_value("assigned")
login = Login.get_by_login(assigned)
if not login:
Environment.add_warning("Non existent user", "User %s does not exist" % assigned)
return recipients
return recipients
示例7: execute
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def execute(self):
# check file name
file_name = os.path.basename(self.file_path)
ext = File.get_extension(file_name)
type = string.lower(ext)
if type == "pdf":
self._process_pdf( file_name )
elif type != "psd" and type in File.NORMAL_EXT:
# skip icon generation for normal or video files
elif type in File.VIDEO_EXT:
self._process_video( file_name )
except IOError, e:
'''This is an unknown file type. Do nothing and except as a
print("WARNING: ", e.__str__())
Environment.add_warning("Unknown file type", e.__str__())
示例8: get_display
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_display(my):
sobject = my.get_current_sobject()
import qb
except ImportError:
Environment.add_warning("Qube not installed", "Qube not installed")
return "---"
dispatcher_id = sobject.get_value("dispatcher_id")
all_jobinfo = qb.jobinfo(filters={'id': dispatcher_id})
if not all_jobinfo:
return "---"
job_info = all_jobinfo[0]
status = job_info.get('status')
timestart = job_info.get('timestart')
timecomplete = job_info.get('timecomplete')
timeelapsed = int(timecomplete) - int(timestart)
return "%s (%ss)" % (status, timeelapsed)
示例9: create
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def create(src_sobject, dst_sobject, context="reference", direction="both"):
project_code = Project.get_project_code()
if not context:
context = "reference"
# ensure that the connection doesn't already exist
search = Search("sthpw/connection")
search.add_sobject_filter(src_sobject, prefix="src_")
search.add_sobject_filter(dst_sobject, prefix="dst_")
if search.get_count():
Environment.add_warning("Already connected", "%s is already connected to %s" % (src_sobject.get_code(), dst_sobject.get_code() ) )
connection = SearchType.create("sthpw/connection")
connection.set_value("src_search_type", src_sobject.get_search_type() )
connection.set_value("dst_search_type", dst_sobject.get_search_type() )
connection.set_value("src_search_id", src_sobject.get_id() )
connection.set_value("dst_search_id", dst_sobject.get_id() )
connection.set_value("context", context)
connection.set_value("project_code", project_code)
if direction == "both":
connection = SearchType.create("sthpw/connection")
connection.set_value("src_search_type", dst_sobject.get_search_type() )
connection.set_value("dst_search_type", src_sobject.get_search_type() )
connection.set_value("src_search_id", dst_sobject.get_id() )
connection.set_value("dst_search_id", src_sobject.get_id() )
connection.set_value("context", context)
connection.set_value("project_code", project_code)
return connection
示例10: get_source_link
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_source_link(my, node):
search_type = Xml.get_attribute(node, "search_type")
search_id = Xml.get_attribute(node, "search_id")
context = Xml.get_attribute(node, "context")
version = Xml.get_attribute(node, "version")
source_snapshot = Snapshot.get_by_version(search_type, search_id, \
context, version )
if not source_snapshot:
Environment.add_warning("Snapshot not found", "Reference snapshot for [%s|%s] does not exist" \
% (search_type, search_id) )
return ''
#raise WidgetException( "Reference snapshot in '%s' does not exist" \
# % snapshot.get_id() )
source = source_snapshot.get_sobject()
# get the file link
file_name = source_snapshot.get_name_by_type("main")
path = "%s/%s" % (source_snapshot.get_web_dir(), file_name)
return HtmlElement.href("Source: %s" %source.get_value("code"), \
ref=path )
示例11: preprocess
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def preprocess(self):
# protect against the case where there is a single sobject that
# is an insert (often seen in "insert")
if self.is_preprocessed == True:
skip = False
if len(self.sobjects) == 1:
if not self.sobjects[0].has_value("search_type"):
skip = True
if not skip:
search_types = SObject.get_values(self.sobjects, 'search_type', unique=True)
search_codes = SObject.get_values(self.sobjects, 'search_code', unique=True)
search_ids = None
except Exception as e:
print "WARNING: ", e
search_ids = SObject.get_values(self.sobjects, 'search_id', unique=True)
search_codes = None
search_types = []
search_codes = []
# if there is more than one search_type, then go get each parent
# individually
# NOTE: this is very slow!!!!
ref_sobjs = []
if len(search_types) > 1:
ref_sobjs = []
for tmp_sobj in self.sobjects:
ref_sobj = tmp_sobj.get_parent()
if ref_sobj:
warning = "Dangling reference: %s" % tmp_sobj.get_search_key()
Environment.add_warning(warning, warning)
except SearchException as e:
# skips unknown search_type/project
print e.__str__()
elif len(search_types) == 1:
search_type = self.sobjects[0].get_value("search_type")
if search_codes != None:
ref_sobjs = Search.get_by_code(search_type, search_codes)
ref_sobjs = Search.get_by_id(search_type, search_ids)
except SearchException as e:
# skips unknown search_type/project
print e.__str__()
# TODO: None defaults to search_key, should be empty
self.ref_sobj_dict = SObject.get_dict(ref_sobjs, None)
# when drawn as part of a TbodyWdg, we want to disable the calculation
# of most things so that it will not try to display a prev row
if self.get_option('disable') == 'true':
self.ref_sobj_dict = None
self.empty = True
self.is_preprocessed = True
示例12: get_schema_wdg
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def get_schema_wdg(my, schema):
web = WebContainer.get_web()
div = DivWdg()
div.add_style("margin: 10 0 10 0")
if not schema:
Environment.add_warning("No schema", "No schema found")
return div
schema_xml = schema.get_xml_value("schema")
code = schema.get_code()
schema_search_types = schema_xml.get_values("schema/search_type/@name")
if not schema_search_types:
title = DivWdg()
view_margin_top = '4px'
title.add_styles( "margin-top: %s; margin-bottom: 3px; vertical-align: middle" % view_margin_top )
if not web.is_IE():
title.add_styles( "margin-left: -10px; margin-right: -10px;" )
title.add_looks( "navmenu_header" )
title_label = SpanWdg()
title_label.add_styles( "margin-left: 6px; padding-bottom: 2px;" )
title_label.add_looks( "fnt_title_5 fnt_bold" )
title_label.add("%s Schema" % code.capitalize())
#title.add_style("margin-top: 7px")
#title.add_style("font-weight: bold")
#title.add_style("font-size: 1.1em")
#title.add_style("color: black")
#underline = HtmlElement.hr()
#underline.add_style("color: black")
#underline.add_style("size: 1px")
#underline.add_style("margin-top: -3px")
div.add( title )
for schema_search_type in schema_search_types:
search_type_obj = SearchType.get(schema_search_type)
except SearchException:
title = "<span style='color: #F44'>? %s</span>" % schema_search_type
title = search_type_obj.get_title()
span = DivWdg()
span.add_style("padding: 1px")
options = {
'search_type': schema_search_type,
'view': 'table',
'schema_default_view': 'true',
link = my.get_link_wdg("schema", "main_body", title, options)
# walk up the tree
current_type = schema_search_type
has_parent = False
while 1:
parent_type = schema.get_parent_type(current_type)
if parent_type and parent_type != '*':
span.add(" ")
has_parent = True
if has_parent:
span.add("+ ")
current_type = parent_type
return div
示例13: _process_image
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def _process_image(self, file_name):
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
# get all of the extensions
exts = File.get_extensions(file_name)
frame = 0
if len(exts) == 2:
frame = int(exts[0])
base = base.replace(".%s" % exts[0], '' )
except ValueError:
frame = 0
if frame:
icon_file_name = "%s_icon.%s.png" % (base, exts[0])
web_file_name = "%s_web.%s.jpg" % (base, exts[0])
icon_file_name = "%s_icon.png" % base
web_file_name = "%s_web.jpg" % base
tmp_icon_path = "%s/%s" % (self.tmp_dir, icon_file_name)
tmp_web_path = "%s/%s" % (self.tmp_dir, web_file_name)
# create the web image
if self.texture_mode:
self._resize_texture(self.file_path, tmp_web_path, 0.5)
self.web_path = tmp_web_path
# create the icon
thumb_size = (120,100)
self._resize_image(tmp_web_path, tmp_icon_path, thumb_size)
except TacticException:
self.icon_path = None
self.icon_path = tmp_icon_path
elif self.icon_mode: # just icon, no web
# create the icon only
thumb_size = (120,100)
self._resize_image(self.file_path, tmp_icon_path, thumb_size)
except TacticException:
self.icon_path = None
self.icon_path = tmp_icon_path
thumb_size = self.get_web_file_size()
self._resize_image(self.file_path, tmp_web_path, thumb_size)
except TacticException:
self.web_path = None
self.web_path = tmp_web_path
# create the icon
thumb_size = (120,100)
self._resize_image(tmp_web_path, tmp_icon_path, thumb_size)
except TacticException:
self.icon_path = None
self.icon_path = tmp_icon_path
# check icon file size, reset to none if it is empty
# TODO: use finally in Python 2.5
if self.web_path:
web_path_size = os.stat(self.web_path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
if not web_path_size:
self.web_path = None
if self.icon_path:
icon_path_size = os.stat(self.icon_path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
if not icon_path_size:
self.icon_path = None
except IOError, e:
Environment.add_warning("Could not process file", \
"%s - %s" % (self.file_path, e.__str__()))
self.web_path = None
self.icon_path = None
示例14: _process_video
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def _process_video(self, file_name):
if not HAS_FFMPEG:
thumb_web_size = self.get_web_file_size()
thumb_icon_size = (120, 100)
exts = File.get_extensions(file_name)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
icon_file_name = "%s_icon.png" % base
web_file_name = "%s_web.jpg" % base
tmp_icon_path = "%s/%s" % (self.tmp_dir, icon_file_name)
tmp_web_path = "%s/%s" % (self.tmp_dir, web_file_name)
#cmd = '''"%s" -i "%s" -r 1 -ss 00:00:01 -t 1 -s %sx%s -vframes 1 "%s"''' % (ffmpeg, self.file_path, thumb_web_size[0], thumb_web_size[1], tmp_web_path)
import subprocess
# Attempt to resize only if necessary. Requires ffprobe call.
# (More recent version of ffmpeg support the argument
# -vf scale="'if(gt(iw, 640), 640, iw)':'if(gt(ih, 6400), 6400, -1)'"
# allowing for scaling which preserves aspect ratio and only scales
# when necessary. For now, it is necessary to query video size.)
free_aspect_ratio = thumb_web_size[1] == -1
command = ["ffprobe", "-print_format", "json", "-select_streams", "v:0", "-show_entries", "stream=height,width", self.file_path]
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
data = jsonloads(out)
streams = data.get("streams") or []
sample_stream = streams[0]
width = int(sample_stream.get("width"))
height = int(sample_stream.get("height"))
max_width = thumb_web_size[0]
max_height = max_width*10 if free_aspect_ratio else thumb_web_size[1]
if width < max_width and height < max_height:
# Resizing is not necessary
size_option = ""
size = ""
elif not free_aspect_ratio and (width > max_width or height > max_height):
size_option = "-s"
size = "%sx%s" % (thumb_web_size[0], thumb_web_size[1])
if width > height:
size_option = "-vf"
size = "scale=%s:-1" % thumb_web_size[0]
elif height > width:
aspect_ratio = float(float(height)/(width))
if aspect_ratio >= 10:
size_option = "-vf"
size = "scale=-1:%s" % max_height
new_height = max_height
new_width = float(new_height)/height
if new_width > max_width:
new_width = max_width
new_height = height*float(new_width)/width
size_option = "-vf"
size = "scale=%s:-1" % max_width
size_option = "-vf"
size = "scale=-1:%s" % max_height
except Exception as e:
if free_aspect_ratio:
size_option = "-vf"
size = "scale=%s:-1" % thumb_web_size[0]
size_option = "-s"
size = "%sx%s" % (thumb_web_size[0], thumb_web_size[1])
command = [ffmpeg_exe, '-i', self.file_path, "-y", "-ss", "00:00:00","-t","1"]
if size_option and size:
command.extend([size_option, size])
command.extend(["-vframes","1","-f","image2", tmp_web_path])
if os.path.exists(tmp_web_path):
self.web_path = tmp_web_path
self.web_path = None
except Exception as e:
Environment.add_warning("Could not process file", \
"%s - %s" % (self.file_path, e.__str__()))
subprocess.call([ffmpeg_exe, '-i', self.file_path, "-y", "-ss", "00:00:00","-t","1",\
"-s","%sx%s"%(thumb_icon_size[0], thumb_icon_size[1]),"-vframes","1","-f","image2", tmp_icon_path])
if os.path.exists(tmp_icon_path):
示例15: _process_image
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Environment import add_warning [as 别名]
def _process_image(my, file_name):
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
# get all of the extensions
exts = File.get_extensions(file_name)
frame = 0
if len(exts) == 2:
frame = int(exts[0])
base = base.replace(".%s" % exts[0], '' )
except ValueError:
frame = 0
if frame:
icon_file_name = "%s_icon.%s.png" % (base, exts[0])
web_file_name = "%s_web.%s.jpg" % (base, exts[0])
icon_file_name = "%s_icon.png" % base
web_file_name = "%s_web.jpg" % base
tmp_icon_path = "%s/%s" % (my.tmp_dir, icon_file_name)
tmp_web_path = "%s/%s" % (my.tmp_dir, web_file_name)
# create the web image
if my.texture_mode:
my._resize_texture(my.file_path, tmp_web_path, 0.5)
my.web_path = tmp_web_path
# create the icon
thumb_size = (120,100)
my._resize_image(tmp_web_path, tmp_icon_path, thumb_size)
my.icon_path = tmp_icon_path
elif my.icon_mode: # just icon, no web
# create the icon only
thumb_size = (120,100)
my._resize_image(my.file_path, tmp_icon_path, thumb_size)
my.icon_path = tmp_icon_path
from pyasm.prod.biz import ProdSetting
web_file_size = ProdSetting.get_value_by_key('web_file_size')
thumb_size = (640, 480)
if web_file_size:
parts = re.split('[\Wx]+', web_file_size)
thumb_size = (640, 480)
if len(parts) == 2:
thumb_size = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]))
except ValueError:
thumb_size = (640, 480)
my._resize_image(my.file_path, tmp_web_path, thumb_size)
my.web_path = tmp_web_path
# create the icon
thumb_size = (120,100)
my._resize_image(tmp_web_path, tmp_icon_path, thumb_size)
my.icon_path = tmp_icon_path
# check icon file size, reset to none if it is empty
# TODO: use finally in Python 2.5
if my.web_path:
web_path_size = os.stat(my.web_path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
if not web_path_size:
my.web_path = None
if my.icon_path:
icon_path_size = os.stat(my.icon_path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
if not icon_path_size:
my.icon_path = None
except IOError, e:
Environment.add_warning("Could not process file", \
"%s - %s" % (my.file_path, e.__str__()))
my.web_path = None
my.icon_path = None