本文整理汇总了Python中pyasm.common.Common.get_full_class_name方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Common.get_full_class_name方法的具体用法?Python Common.get_full_class_name怎么用?Python Common.get_full_class_name使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pyasm.common.Common
示例1: get_display
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_display(my):
div = DivWdg()
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(my)
from tactic.ui.panel import HashPanelWdg
widget = HashPanelWdg.get_widget_from_hash("/index", return_none=True)
widget = None
if not widget:
class_path = class_path.replace("IndexWdg", "IndexWdg2")
kwargs = {}
div.add_behavior( {
'type': 'load',
'class_path': class_path,
'kwargs': kwargs,
'cbjs_action': '''
spt.dom.load_js(["popup.js"], function() {
spt.panel.load(bvr.src_el, bvr.class_path, bvr.kwargs);
} )
return div
示例2: get_section_wdg
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_section_wdg(my, view, editable=True, default=False):
title = ""
if editable:
edit_mode = "edit"
edit_mode = "read"
kwargs = {
"title": title,
"config_search_type": my.search_type,
"view": view,
"width": "300",
"mode": edit_mode,
"default": str(default),
if view in ["definition", "custom_definition"]:
kwargs["recurse"] = "false"
from view_section_wdg import ViewSectionWdg
section_wdg = ViewSectionWdg(**kwargs)
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(section_wdg)
section_div = DivWdg(css="spt_panel")
section_div.add_style("display: block")
section_div.set_attr("spt_class_name", class_path)
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if name == "config":
section_div.set_attr("spt_%s" % name, value)
return section_div
示例3: get_section_wdg
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_section_wdg(my, view, editable=True, default=False):
title = ""
if editable:
edit_mode = 'edit'
edit_mode = 'read'
kwargs = {
'title': title,
'config_search_type': my.search_type,
'view': view,
'width': '300',
'mode': edit_mode,
'default': str(default)
if view in ["definition", "custom_definition"]:
kwargs['recurse'] = "false"
from view_section_wdg import ViewSectionWdg
section_wdg = ViewSectionWdg(**kwargs)
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(section_wdg)
section_div = DivWdg(css='spt_panel')
section_div.add_style("display: block")
section_div.set_attr('spt_class_name', class_path)
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if name == "config":
section_div.set_attr("spt_%s" % name, value)
return section_div
示例4: set_as_panel
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def set_as_panel(my, widget):
widget.add_attr("spt_class_name", Common.get_full_class_name(my) )
for name, value in my.kwargs.items():
widget.add_attr("spt_%s" % name, value)
示例5: get_section_wdg
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_section_wdg(self, view, editable=True, default=False):
title = ""
target_id = "sobject_relation"
if editable:
edit_mode = 'edit'
edit_mode = 'read'
kwargs = {
'title': title,
'config_search_type': self.search_type,
'view': view,
'target_id': target_id,
'width': '300',
'prefix': 'manage_side_bar',
'mode': edit_mode,
'default': str(default)
if view in ["definition", "custom_definition"]:
kwargs['recurse'] = "false"
section_wdg = ViewSectionWdg(**kwargs)
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(section_wdg)
section_div = DivWdg()
section_div.add_style("display: block")
section_div.set_attr('spt_class_name', class_path)
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if name == "config":
section_div.set_attr("spt_%s" % name, value)
return section_div
示例6: get_example_chooser_content
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_example_chooser_content(self):
choice_list_div = DivWdg()
choice_list_div.add_styles( "background: #202020; color: #999999; border: 1px solid black; " \
"border-top: 0px;" )
example_wdg_classes = self._get_example_widget_classes()
choice_list_div.add( "<br/>" )
for ex_wdg_class in example_wdg_classes:
ex_wdg = ex_wdg_class()
ex_title = ex_wdg.get_example_title()
ex_desc = ex_wdg.get_example_description()
ex_class_path = Common.get_full_class_name( ex_wdg )
ex_div = DivWdg()
ex_div.add_styles( "color: #999999; padding: 8px; padding-left: 20px; cursor: pointer;" )
ex_div.add_behavior( {'type': 'click_up',
'cbjs_action': 'spt.ui_play.show_example("%s");' % ex_class_path } )
ex_div.add( ex_title )
choice_list_div.add( ex_div )
choice_list_div.add( "<br/>" )
return choice_list_div
示例7: setup_ajax
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def setup_ajax(my, display_id):
# set up ajax
ajax = AjaxLoader()
ajax_inputs = my.get_ajax_inputs()
for input in ajax_inputs:
ajax.set_option(input, my.__dict__.get(input))
ajax_elements = my.get_ajax_elements()
for element in ajax_elements:
return ajax.get_on_script()
示例8: get_display_single_on_load_bvr
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_display_single_on_load_bvr(self):
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(self)
top = DivWdg()
top.add_styles("border: 1px solid black;")
count = self.kwargs.get('count')
print "count: ", count
if count:
count = int(count)
count = 0
top.add('top: %s' % count)
top.add_class('my_dynamic_add_div_%s' % count)
max = 10
if count == 0:
top.add_behavior( {
'type': 'load',
'cbjs_action': '''
var server = TacticServerStub.get();
var widget_class = '%s';
var count = 1;
var max = %s;
var main = $('main_body');
for( var c=count; c <= max; c++ ) {
spt.app_busy.show("Dynamic Loading ...", "Loading widget with count of " + c);
var div = document.createElement('div');
args = { "count": '' + c };
html = server.get_widget(widget_class, {"args": args}) + '<br/>';
spt.behavior.replace_inner_html(div, html);
''' % (class_path, max)
} )
return top
示例9: set_as_panel
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def set_as_panel(my, widget, class_name='spt_panel', kwargs=None):
my.top = widget
widget.add_attr("spt_class_name", Common.get_full_class_name(my) )
if not kwargs:
kwargs = my.kwargs
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if name == 'class_name':
if value == None:
if type(value) not in types.StringTypes:
value = str(value)
# replace " with ' in case the kwargs is a dict
value = value.replace('"', "'")
widget.add_attr("spt_%s" % name, value)
示例10: get_sobject_wdg
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_sobject_wdg(my, sobject, search_type, view="table", title="", show_count=True):
key = search_type
search_type_obj = SearchType.get(search_type)
if not title:
title = search_type_obj.get_title()
content_id ='sub_sobj_%s_%s' % (key, sobject.get_id())
title_id = '%s_head_%s' % (key, sobject.get_id())
div = DivWdg(id=content_id)
head = DivWdg()
title_span = my._get_title_span(title)
dyn_load = AjaxLoader(display_id=content_id)
args_dict = {'sobj_search_type': sobject.get_search_type()}
args_dict['search_id'] = sobject.get_id()
args_dict['search_type'] = search_type
args_dict['view'] = view
dyn_load.set_load_class(Common.get_full_class_name(my), load_args=args_dict)
on_script = dyn_load.get_on_script(load_once=True)
swap_wdg = my._get_swap_wdg(title_id)
swap_wdg.add_action_script(on_script, "toggle_display('%s')" %content_id)
my.add_title_style(title_span, title_id, swap_wdg)
if show_count:
search = my._get_sobject_search(sobject, search_type)
title_span.add(" ( %s )" % search.get_count() )
return head, div
示例11: get_section_wdg
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_section_wdg(my, view, editable=True, default=False):
from panel_wdg import SideBarBookmarkMenuWdg
title = ""
target_id = "sobject_relation"
if editable:
edit_mode = 'edit'
edit_mode = 'read'
kwargs = {
'title': title,
'config_search_type': my.search_type,
'view': view,
'target_id': target_id,
'width': '300',
'prefix': 'manage_side_bar',
'mode': edit_mode,
'default': str(default)
if view in ["definition", "custom_definition"]:
kwargs['recurse'] = "false"
kwargs['sortable'] = "true"
section_wdg = SectionListWdg(**kwargs)
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(section_wdg)
# FIXME: get rid of this id
id = "ManageSideBarBookmark_" + view
section_div = DivWdg(id=id)
section_div.add_style("display: block")
section_div.set_attr('spt_class_name', class_path)
for name, value in kwargs.items():
if name == "config":
section_div.set_attr("spt_%s" % name, value)
return section_div
示例12: get_display_on_load_bvr_on_each_widget
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_display_on_load_bvr_on_each_widget(self):
class_path = Common.get_full_class_name(self)
top = DivWdg()
top.add_styles("border: 1px solid black;")
count = self.kwargs.get('count')
print "count: ", count
if count:
count = int(count)
count = 0
count += 1
top.add('top: %s' % count)
top.add_class('my_dynamic_add_div_%s' % count)
if count < 10:
top.add_behavior( {
'type': 'load',
'cbjs_action': '''
var server = TacticServerStub.get();
var widget_class = '%s';
var args = {
count: '%s'
var html = server.get_widget(widget_class, {args:args});
var main = $('main_body');
var div = document.createElement('div');
spt.behavior.replace_inner_html(div, html);
''' % (class_path, count)
} )
return top
示例13: serialize
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def serialize(my):
'''provide the ability for a widget to serialize itself'''
xml = Xml()
# create the top element
element = xml.create_element("element")
xml.set_attribute(element, "name", my.name)
# create the display handler
display = xml.create_element("display")
xml.set_attribute(display, "class", Common.get_full_class_name(my) )
# create the options
for name, value in my.kwargs.items():
if value:
option = xml.create_text_element(name, value)
else: # avoid the \n in the textContent of the textNode
option = xml.create_element(name)
return xml.to_string(element)
示例14: get_display
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_display(my):
my.kwargs['search_key'] = 'prod/asset?project=sample3d&code=chr001'
custom = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
This is html
<textarea class='spt_test spt_input' name='description'>
<input class='spt_input' type='text' name='title'/>
<input class='spt_button1' type='button' value='Press Me'/>
<input class='spt_button2' type='button' value='Press Me2'/>
<input class='spt_button3' type='button' value='Calendar'/>
<input class='spt_refresh' type='button' value='Refresh'/>
<display class='tactic.ui.widget.CalendarWdg'/>
Much simpler!!!
<elemeent class='CalendarWdg' blah='adasf'/>
<behavior class='spt_button1'>{
"type": "click_up",
"cbjs_action": '''
//var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_panel");
//var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top);
<behavior class='spt_button2'>{
"type": "click_up",
"cbjs_action": "alert(bvr.kwargs.search_key);"
<behavior class='spt_button3'>{
"type": "click_up",
"cbjs_action": '''
spt.panel.load('main_body', bvr.class_name, bvr.kwargs);
//spt.panel.load('main_body', 'tactic.ui.widget.CalendarWdg', bvr.kwargs);
<behavior class='spt_refresh'>{
"type": "click_up",
"cbjs_action": '''
var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_panel");
xml = Xml()
top = DivWdg()
inner = DivWdg()
html_node = xml.get_node("custom/html")
html = xml.to_string(html_node)
behaviors = xml.get_nodes("custom/behavior")
for behavior in behaviors:
css_class = Xml.get_attribute(behavior, 'class')
value = Xml.get_node_value(behavior)
value = eval(value)
# add the kwargs to this so behaviors have access
value['kwargs'] = my.kwargs
value['class_name'] = Common.get_full_class_name(my)
'type': 'load',
'value': value,
'css_class': css_class,
'cbjs_action': '''
var el = bvr.src_el.getElement("."+bvr.css_class);
if (!el) {
alert("WARNING: element ["+bvr.css_clsss+"] does not exist");
spt.behavior.add( el, bvr.value);
示例15: get_subdisplay
# 需要导入模块: from pyasm.common import Common [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasm.common.Common import get_full_class_name [as 别名]
def get_subdisplay(my, views):
div = DivWdg()
div.set_attr('spt_class_name', Common.get_full_class_name(my))
div.add( my.get_bookmark_menu_wdg("", None, views) )
return div