本文整理汇总了Python中pyasm.biz.ExpressionParser类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ExpressionParser类的具体用法?Python ExpressionParser怎么用?Python ExpressionParser使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: init
def init(my):
list_item_table = ''
my.full_item_list = []
if my.kwargs.has_key( 'list_item_table' ):
list_item_table = my.kwargs.get( 'list_item_table' )
expr = '@SOBJECT(MMS/%s)' % list_item_table
parser = ExpressionParser()
my.full_item_list = parser.eval(expr)
my.el_name = ''
if my.kwargs.has_key( 'element_name' ):
my.el_name = my.kwargs.get( 'element_name' )
my.input_el_name = ''
if my.kwargs.has_key( 'input_element_to_find' ):
my.input_el_name = my.kwargs.get( 'input_element_to_find' )
my.col_to_match = ''
if my.kwargs.has_key( 'column_to_match_value' ):
my.col_to_match = my.kwargs.get( 'column_to_match_value' )
my.col_for_label = ''
if my.kwargs.has_key( 'column_for_label' ):
my.col_for_label = my.kwargs.get( 'column_for_label' )
my.select_element = HtmlElement('select')
示例2: get_group_bottom_wdg
def get_group_bottom_wdg(my, sobjects):
expression = my.get_option("group_bottom")
if not expression:
return None
# parse the expression
my.vars = my.get_vars()
parser = ExpressionParser()
result = parser.eval(expression, sobjects=sobjects, vars=my.vars)
format_str = my.kwargs.get("display_format")
if format_str:
from tactic.ui.widget import FormatValueWdg
format_wdg = FormatValueWdg(format=format_str, value=result)
result = format_wdg
result = str(result)
div = DivWdg()
div.add_style("text-align: right")
# div.add_class( "spt_%s_expr_bottom" % (my.get_name()) )
# add a listener
# for sobject in sobjects:
# if sobject.is_insert():
# continue
# if my.enable_eval_listener:
# my.add_js_expression(div, sobject, expression)
return div
示例3: get_mail_users
def get_mail_users(my, column):
# mail groups
recipients = set()
expr = my.notification.get_value(column, no_exception=True)
if expr:
sudo = Sudo()
# Introduce an environment that can be reflected
env = {
'sobject': my.sobject
#if expr.startswith("@"):
# logins = Search.eval(expr, list=True, env_sobjects=env)
parts = expr.split("\n")
# go through each login and evaluate each
logins = []
for part in parts:
if part.startswith("@") or part.startswith("{"):
results = Search.eval(part, list=True, env_sobjects=env)
# clear the container after each expression eval
# these can just be login names, get the actual Logins
if results:
if isinstance(results[0], basestring):
login_sobjs = Search.eval("@SOBJECT(sthpw/login['login','in','%s'])" %'|'.join(results), list=True)
login_list = SObject.get_values(login_sobjs, 'login')
for result in results:
# the original result could be an email address already
if result not in login_list:
if login_sobjs:
logins.extend( login_sobjs )
elif part.find("@") != -1:
# this is just an email address
logins.append( part )
elif part:
# this is a group
group = LoginGroup.get_by_code(part)
if group:
logins.extend( group.get_logins() )
del sudo
notification_id = my.notification.get_id()
logins = GroupNotification.get_logins_by_id(notification_id)
for login in logins:
return recipients
示例4: cache
def cache(self):
# get the value from cache
from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
parser = ExpressionParser()
logins = parser.eval("@SOBJECT(sthpw/login)")
self.attrs[self.key] = logins
示例5: get_message
def get_message(my):
search_type_obj = my.sobject.get_search_type_obj()
title = search_type_obj.get_title()
subject = my.get_subject()
notification_message = my.notification.get_value("message")
if notification_message:
# parse it through the expression
sudo = Sudo()
parser = ExpressionParser()
snapshot = my.input.get('snapshot')
env_sobjects = {}
# turn prev_data and update_data from input into sobjects
prev_data = SearchType.create("sthpw/virtual")
id_col = prev_data.get_id_col()
if id_col:
del prev_data.data[id_col]
prev_dict = my.input.get("prev_data")
if prev_dict:
for name, value in prev_dict.items():
if value != None:
prev_data.set_value(name, value)
update_data = SearchType.create("sthpw/virtual")
id_col = update_data.get_id_col()
if id_col:
del update_data.data[id_col]
update_dict = my.input.get("update_data")
if update_dict:
for name, value in update_dict.items():
if value != None:
update_data.set_value(name, value)
if snapshot:
env_sobjects = {
'snapshot': snapshot
env_sobjects['prev_data'] = prev_data
env_sobjects['update_data'] = update_data
notification_message = parser.eval(notification_message, my.sobject, env_sobjects=env_sobjects, mode='string')
del sudo
return notification_message
message = "%s %s" % (title, my.sobject.get_name())
message = '%s\n\nReport from transaction:\n%s\n' % (message, subject)
return message
示例6: get_item_div
def get_item_div(self, sobject):
''' get the item div the sobject'''
top = DivWdg()
top.add_style("padding: 3px 2px")
item_div = DivWdg()
top.add(item_div, "item_div")
item_div.add_style("text-overflow: ellipsis")
item_div.add_style("white-space: nowrap")
item_div.add_style("width: 80%")
item_div.add_attr('title','Click to remove')
item_div.add_style("display", "inline-block")
item_div.add_style("vertical-align", "top")
item_div.add_style("overflow", "hidden")
icon_div = DivWdg()
icon = IconWdg(icon="BS_REMOVE")
icon_div.add_behavior( {
'type': 'click_up',
#'cbjs_action': '''spt.dg_table_action.sobject_drop_remove(evt,bvr)'''
'cbjs_action': '''spt.drop.sobject_drop_remove(evt,bvr)'''
} )
icon.add_style("opacity: 0.3")
icon_div.add_style("display", "inline-block")
icon_div.add_style("vertical-align", "top")
#self.menu.set_over(item_div, event="mousein")
#self.menu.set_out(top, event="mouseleave")
# set this as the place for the display value to go
add_icon = True
if sobject:
if add_icon:
self._add_icon(sobject, item_div)
if self.display_expr:
display_value = Search.eval(self.display_expr, sobjects = sobject, single=True)
display_value = sobject.get_display_value()
if isinstance(display_value, list):
display_value = display_value[0]
item_div.add( display_value )
self.values.append( SearchKey.get_by_sobject(sobject) )
return top
示例7: get_subject
def get_subject(my):
subject = my.notification.get_value("subject",no_exception=True)
if subject:
# parse it through the expression
sudo = Sudo()
parser = ExpressionParser()
subject = parser.eval(subject, my.sobject, mode='string')
del sudo
subject = '%s - %s' %(my.sobject.get_update_description(), my.command.get_description())
return subject
示例8: get_display
def get_display(my):
filter_data = FilterData.get_from_cgi()
values = filter_data.get_values("custom", "year")
year = 0
for value in values:
if value:
year = int(value)
if not year:
date = Date()
year = int(date.get_year())
sobject = my.get_current_sobject()
id = sobject.get_id()
column = my.get_option("column")
month = int( my.get_option('month') )
end_year = year
end_month = month + 1
if end_month > 12:
end_month = 1
end_year += 1
search_type = 'MMS/personal_time_log'
if year:
search = Search(search_type)
search.add_filter('login_id', id)
search.add_filter('work_performed_date', '%s-%0.2d-01' % (year,month), '>')
search.add_filter('work_performed_date', '%s-%0.2d-01' % (end_year,end_month), '<')
sobjects = search.get_sobjects()
sobjects = []
if sobjects:
parser = ExpressionParser()
sum = parser.eval("@SUM(%s.%s)" % (search_type,column),sobjects=sobjects)
sum = 0
div = DivWdg()
return div
示例9: get_display
def get_display(my):
sobject = my.get_current_sobject()
expression = my.get_option("expression")
parser = ExpressionParser()
value = parser.eval(expression, sobject)
div = DivWdg()
div.add_style("text-align: center")
if value == False:
div.add( IconWdg("XXX", IconWdg.DOT_GREEN) )
div.add( IconWdg("YYY", IconWdg.DOT_RED) )
return div
示例10: get_message
def get_message(my):
search_type_obj = my.sobject.get_search_type_obj()
title = search_type_obj.get_title()
subject = my.get_subject()
notification_message = my.notification.get_value("message")
if notification_message:
# parse it through the expression
sudo = Sudo()
parser = ExpressionParser()
notification_message = parser.eval(notification_message, my.sobject, mode='string')
del sudo
return notification_message
message = "%s %s" % (title, my.sobject.get_name())
message = '%s\n\nReport from transaction:\n%s\n' % (message, subject)
return message
示例11: get_bottom_wdg
def get_bottom_wdg(my):
sobjects = my.sobjects
# ignore the first 2 (edit and insert) if it's on the old TableLayoutWdg
if my.get_layout_wdg().get_layout_version() == '1':
sobjects = sobjects[2:]
if not sobjects:
return None
expression = my.get_option("bottom")
if not expression:
return None
# parse the expression
my.vars = my.get_vars()
parser = ExpressionParser()
result = parser.eval(expression, sobjects=sobjects, vars=my.vars)
format_str = my.kwargs.get("display_format")
if format_str:
from tactic.ui.widget import FormatValueWdg
format_wdg = FormatValueWdg(format=format_str, value=result)
result = format_wdg
result = str(result)
div = DivWdg()
div.add_style("text-align: right")
div.add_class( "spt_%s_expr_bottom" % (my.get_name()) )
# add a listener
for sobject in sobjects:
if sobject.is_insert():
if my.enable_eval_listener:
my.add_js_expression(div, sobject, expression)
return div
示例12: get_item_div
def get_item_div(my, sobject):
''' get the item div the sobject'''
top = DivWdg()
top.add_style("padding: 3px 2px")
top.add_attr('title','Click to remove')
# FIXME: put this here for now
top.add_behavior( {
'type': 'click_up',
#'cbjs_action': '''spt.dg_table_action.sobject_drop_remove(evt,bvr)'''
'cbjs_action': '''spt.drop.sobject_drop_remove(evt,bvr)'''
} )
item_div = DivWdg()
item_div.add_style("float: clear")
top.add(item_div, "item_div")
#my.menu.set_over(item_div, event="mousein")
#my.menu.set_out(top, event="mouseleave")
# set this as the place for the display value to go
add_icon = True
if sobject:
if add_icon:
my._add_icon(sobject, item_div)
if my.display_expr:
display_value = Search.eval(my.display_expr, sobjects = sobject, single=True)
display_value = sobject.get_display_value()
if isinstance(display_value, list):
display_value = display_value[0]
item_div.add( display_value )
my.values.append( SearchKey.get_by_sobject(sobject) )
return top
示例13: handle_sobject
def handle_sobject(my, main_sobject, caller, notification, input):
# TODO: deal with parents later
parent = main_sobject.get_parent()
snapshot = input.get('snapshot')
env_sobjects = {}
if snapshot:
env_sobjects = {
'snapshot': snapshot
# get the rules from the database
rules_xml = notification.get_xml_value("rules")
rule_nodes = rules_xml.get_nodes("rules/rule")
is_skipped = True
parser = ExpressionParser()
# process the rules
for rule_node in rule_nodes:
rule = []
group_type = Xml.get_attribute( rule_node, "group" )
rule_key = Xml.get_attribute(rule_node, 'key')
rule_value = Xml.get_attribute(rule_node, 'value')
compare = Xml.get_attribute(rule_node, 'compare')
# evaluate the expression if it exists
expression = Xml.get_node_value(rule_node)
if expression:
result = parser.eval(expression, main_sobject, env_sobjects=env_sobjects)
if not result:
# DEPRECATED: likely the expression complete replaces this
# parse the rule
if group_type == "sobject":
if not my._process_sobject(main_sobject, rule_key, compare):
value = main_sobject.get_value(rule_key, no_exception=True )
elif group_type == "parent":
if not parent or not my._process_sobject(parent, rule_key, compare):
value = parent.get_value(rule_key, no_exception=True )
else: # group_type == 'command'
value = caller.get_info(rule_key)
value = ''
if not value:
# match the rule to the value
p = re.compile(rule_value)
if not p.match(value):
print "... skipping: '%s' != %s" % (value, rule_value)
is_skipped = False
# allow the handler to check for whether an email should be sent
handler = my.get_email_handler(notification, main_sobject, parent, caller, input)
if is_skipped or not handler.check_rule():
my.add_description('Notification not sent due to failure to pass the set rules. Comment out the rules for now if you are just running email test.')
print "sending email!!!"
# if all rules are met then get the groups for this notification
to_users = handler.get_to()
cc_users = handler.get_cc()
bcc_users = handler.get_bcc()
subject = handler.get_subject()
if len(subject) > 60:
subject = subject[0:60] + " ..."
message = handler.get_message()
except SObjectValueException, e:
raise Exception("Error in running Email handler [%s]. %s" \
%(handler.__class__.__name__, e.__str__()))
示例14: process_data_gather
def process_data_gather( self, search_key, gather_specs, layout_html ):
sobject = Search.get_by_search_key( search_key )
for label,info in gather_specs.iteritems():
if label == "@":
subs_list = info.get("element_subs")
for sub in subs_list:
value = sobject.get_value( sub )
if not value:
value = " "
substitution_tag = "${@.%s}" % sub
layout_html = layout_html.replace( substitution_tag, "%s" % value )
elif info.get("type") == "sobject":
expr = info.get("expr")
expr_vars_list = info.get("expr_vars")
if expr_vars_list:
for e_var in expr_vars_list:
bits = e_var.split("=")
var_name = bits[0]
value = sobject.get_value( bits[1].replace("@.","") )
expr = expr.replace( var_name, "%s" % value )
parser = ExpressionParser()
result = parser.eval( expr )
if result:
if type(result) == types.ListType:
other_sobject = result[0]
other_sobject = result
subs_list = info.get("element_subs")
for sub in subs_list:
src_col = sub
dst_col = sub
if "#" in sub:
sub_bits = sub.split("#")
src_col = sub_bits[0]
dst_col = sub_bits[1]
value = other_sobject.get_value( src_col )
if not value:
value = " "
if "_date" in dst_col:
value = value.split(" ")[0]
if "_time" in dst_col:
time_bits = value.split(" ")[1].split(":")
value = "%s:%s" % (time_bits[0], time_bits[1])
substitution_tag = "${%s.%s}" % (label, dst_col )
layout_html = layout_html.replace( substitution_tag, "%s" % value )
elif info.get("type") == "gather_list_class":
import_stmt = "%s as GatherClass" % info.get("import_stmt")
exec import_stmt
gc = GatherClass( sobject )
item_list = gc.get_items()
subs_list = info.get("element_subs")
for c, item in enumerate(item_list):
for sub in subs_list:
substitution_tag = "${%s[%s].%s}" % (label, c, sub)
layout_html = layout_html.replace( substitution_tag, "%s" % item[ sub ] )
max_id = info.get("max_id")
if max_id > (len(item_list) - 1):
for c in range(len(item_list),max_id+1):
for sub in subs_list:
substitution_tag = "${%s[%s].%s}" % (label, c, sub)
layout_html = layout_html.replace( substitution_tag, " " )
elif info.get("type") == "value":
parser = ExpressionParser()
value = parser.eval( info.get("expr"), sobject )
if not value:
value = " "
layout_html = layout_html.replace( "${%s}" % label, "%s" % value )
return layout_html
示例15: alter_search
def alter_search(self, search):
if self.is_admin_flag:
return True
group = "search_filter"
search_type = search.get_base_search_type()
rules = self.groups.get(group)
if not rules:
from pyasm.biz import ExpressionParser
parser = ExpressionParser()
current_project = None
# preprocess to get a list of rule that will apply
rules_dict = {}
for rule_item in rules.values():
access, dct = rule_item
rule = dct
rule_search_type = rule.get('search_type')
if not rule_search_type:
print "No [search_type] defined in security rule"
# search types must match
if rule_search_type != search_type:
project = rule.get('project')
# to avoid infinite recursion, get the project here
if not current_project:
from pyasm.biz import Project
current_project = Project.get_project_code()
if project and project not in ['*', current_project]:
column = rule.get('column')
rules_list = rules_dict.get(column)
if rules_list == None:
rules_list = []
rules_dict[column] = rules_list
for column, rules_list in rules_dict.items():
if len(rules_list) > 1:
for rule in rules_list:
column = rule.get('column')
value = rule.get('value')
# If a relationship is set, then use that
related = rule.get('related')
sudo = Sudo()
if related:
sobjects = parser.eval(related)
del sudo
# interpret the value
# since the expression runs float(), we want to avoid that a number 5 being converted to 5.0
# if we can't find @ or $
if value.find('@') != -1 or value.find('$') != -1:
values = parser.eval(value, list=True)
elif value.find("|") == -1:
values = value.split("|")
values = [value]
op = rule.get('op')
# TODO: made this work with search.add_op_filters() with the expression parser instead of this
# simpler implementation
if len(values) == 1:
if not op:
op = '='
quoted = True
# special case for NULL
if values[0] == 'NULL':
quoted = False