本文整理汇总了Python中pyanaconda.iutil.startProgram函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python startProgram函数的具体用法?Python startProgram怎么用?Python startProgram使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: start_program_reset_handlers_test
def start_program_reset_handlers_test(self):
"""Test the reset_handlers parameter of startProgram."""
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as testscript:
# Just hang out and do nothing, forever
while true ; do sleep 1 ; done
# Start a program with reset_handlers
proc = iutil.startProgram(["/bin/sh", testscript.name])
with timer(5):
# Kill with SIGPIPE and check that the python's SIG_IGN was not inheritted
# The process should die on the signal.
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, -(signal.SIGPIPE))
# Start another copy without reset_handlers
proc = iutil.startProgram(["/bin/sh", testscript.name], reset_handlers=False)
with timer(5):
# Kill with SIGPIPE, then SIGTERM, and make sure SIGTERM was the one
# that worked.
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, -(signal.SIGTERM))
示例2: startVncConfig
def startVncConfig(self):
"""Attempt to start vncconfig"""
self.log.info(_("Attempting to start vncconfig"))
vncconfigcommand = [self.root+"/usr/bin/vncconfig", "-nowin", "-display", ":%s" % constants.X_DISPLAY_NUMBER]
# Use startProgram to run vncconfig in the background
iutil.startProgram(vncconfigcommand, stdout=self.openlogfile(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
示例3: connectToView
def connectToView(self):
"""Attempt to connect to self.vncconnecthost"""
maxTries = 10
self.log.info(_("Attempting to connect to vnc client on host %s..."), self.vncconnecthost)
if self.vncconnectport != "":
hostarg = self.vncconnecthost + ":" + self.vncconnectport
hostarg = self.vncconnecthost
vncconfigcommand = [self.root+"/usr/bin/vncconfig", "-display", ":%s" % constants.X_DISPLAY_NUMBER, "-connect", hostarg]
for _i in range(maxTries):
vncconfp = iutil.startProgram(vncconfigcommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # vncconfig process
err = vncconfp.communicate()[1].decode("utf-8")
if err == '':
return True
elif err.startswith("connecting") and err.endswith("failed\n"):
self.log.info(_("Will try to connect again in 15 seconds..."))
self.log.error(P_("Giving up attempting to connect after %d try!\n",
"Giving up attempting to connect after %d tries!\n",
maxTries), maxTries)
return False
示例4: execute
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass, users, payload):
""" Execute the addon
:param storage: Blivet storage object
:param ksdata: Kickstart data object
:param instClass: Anaconda installclass object
:param users: Anaconda users object
:param payload: object managing packages and environment groups
for the installation
if not self.enabled:
log.info("Executing docker addon")
# This gets called after installation, before initramfs regeneration and kickstart %post scripts.
execWithRedirect("mount", ["-o", "bind", getSysroot()+"/var/lib/docker", "/var/lib/docker"])
execWithRedirect("mount", ["-o", "bind", getSysroot()+"/etc/docker", "/etc/docker"])
# Start up the docker daemon
log.debug("Starting docker daemon")
docker_cmd = ["docker", "daemon"]
if ksdata.selinux.selinux:
docker_cmd += ["--selinux-enabled"]
# Add storage specific arguments to the command
docker_cmd += self.storage.docker_cmd(storage, ksdata, instClass, users)
docker_cmd += ["--ip-forward=false", "--iptables=false"]
docker_cmd += self.extra_args
docker_proc = startProgram(docker_cmd, stdout=open("/tmp/docker-daemon.log", "w"), reset_lang=True)
log.debug("Running docker commands")
script = AnacondaKSScript(self.content, inChroot=False, logfile="/tmp/docker-addon.log")
# Kill the docker process
log.debug("Shutting down docker daemon")
log.debug("Writing docker configs")
self.storage.write_configs(storage, ksdata, instClass, users)
# Rewrite the OPTIONS entry with the extra args and/or storage specific changes
docker_cfg = SimpleConfigFile(getSysroot()+"/etc/sysconfig/docker")
options = self.storage.options(docker_cfg.get("OPTIONS"))
if self.save_args:
log.info("Adding extra args to docker OPTIONS")
options += " " + " ".join(self.extra_args)
docker_cfg.set(("OPTIONS", options))
except IOError as e:
log.error("Error updating OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/docker: %s", e)
# Copy the log files to the system
dstdir = "/var/log/anaconda/"
os.makedirs(dstdir, exist_ok=True)
for l in ["docker-daemon.log", "docker-addon.log"]:
shutil.copy2("/tmp/"+l, dstdir+l)
示例5: test_still_running
def test_still_running():
with timer(5):
# Run something forever so we can kill it
proc = iutil.startProgram(["/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"])
iutil.watchProcess(proc, "test1")
# Wait for the SIGCHLD
示例6: execute
def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass, users):
""" Execute the addon
:param storage: Blivet storage object
:param ksdata: Kickstart data object
:param instClass: Anaconda installclass object
:param users: Anaconda users object
log.info("Executing docker addon")
# This gets called after installation, before initramfs regeneration and kickstart %post scripts.
execWithRedirect("mount", ["-o", "bind", getSysroot()+"/var/lib/docker", "/var/lib/docker"])
execWithRedirect("mount", ["-o", "bind", getSysroot()+"/etc/docker", "/etc/docker"])
# Start up the docker daemon
log.debug("Starting docker daemon")
dm_fs = "dm.fs=%s" % self.fstype
pool_name = "dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/%s-docker--pool" % self.vgname
docker_cmd = ["docker", "daemon"]
if ksdata.selinux.selinux:
docker_cmd += ["--selinux-enabled"]
docker_cmd += ["--storage-driver", "devicemapper",
"--storage-opt", dm_fs,
"--storage-opt", pool_name, "--ip-forward=false", "--iptables=false"]
docker_cmd += self.extra_args
docker_proc = startProgram(docker_cmd, stdout=open("/tmp/docker-daemon.log", "w"), reset_lang=True)
log.debug("Running docker commands")
script = AnacondaKSScript(self.content, inChroot=False, logfile="/tmp/docker-addon.log")
# Kill the docker process
log.debug("Shutting down docker daemon")
log.debug("Writing docker configs")
with open(getSysroot()+"/etc/sysconfig/docker-storage", "w") as fp:
fp.write('DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS="--storage-driver devicemapper '
'--storage-opt %s --storage-opt %s"\n' % (dm_fs, pool_name))
with open(getSysroot()+"/etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup", "a") as fp:
fp.write("VG=%s\n" % self.vgname)
# Rewrite the OPTIONS entry with the extra args, if requested.
if self.extra_args and self.save_args:
docker_cfg = SimpleConfigFile(getSysroot()+"/etc/sysconfig/docker")
options = docker_cfg.get("OPTIONS")+" " + " ".join(self.extra_args)
docker_cfg.set(("OPTIONS", options))
except IOError as e:
log.error("Error updating OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/docker: %s", e)
# Copy the log files to the system
dstdir = "/var/log/anaconda/"
os.makedirs(dstdir, exist_ok=True)
for l in ["docker-daemon.log", "docker-addon.log"]:
shutil.copy2("/tmp/"+l, dstdir+l)
示例7: start_yelp
def start_yelp(help_path):
"""Start a new yelp process and make sure to kill any existing ones
:param help_path: path to the help file yelp should load
:type help_path: str or NoneType
log.debug("starting yelp")
global yelp_process
# under some extreme circumstances (placeholders missing)
# the help path can be None and we need to prevent Popen
# receiving None as an argument instead of a string
yelp_process = startProgram(["yelp", help_path or ""], reset_lang=False)
示例8: start_program_stdout_test
def start_program_stdout_test(self):
"""Test redirecting stdout with startProgram."""
marker_text = "yo wassup man"
# Create a temporary file that will be written by the program
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as testfile:
# Open a new copy of the file so that the child doesn't close and
# delete the NamedTemporaryFile
stdout = open(testfile.name, 'w')
with timer(5):
proc = iutil.startProgram(["/bin/echo", marker_text], stdout=stdout)
# Rewind testfile and look for the text
testfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
self.assertEqual(testfile.read().strip(), marker_text)
示例9: watch_process_test
def watch_process_test(self):
"""Test watchProcess"""
def test_still_running():
with timer(5):
# Run something forever so we can kill it
proc = iutil.startProgram(["/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 1; done"])
iutil.watchProcess(proc, "test1")
# Wait for the SIGCHLD
self.assertRaises(iutil.ExitError, test_still_running)
# Make sure watchProcess checks that the process has not already exited
with timer(5):
proc = iutil.startProgram(["true"])
self.assertRaises(iutil.ExitError, iutil.watchProcess, proc, "test2")
示例10: do_startup_x11_actions
def do_startup_x11_actions():
"""Start the window manager.
When metacity actually connects to the X server is unknowable, but
fortunately it doesn't matter. metacity does not need to be the first
connection to Xorg, and if anaconda starts up before metacity, metacity
will just take over and maximize the window and make everything right,
fingers crossed.
Add XDG_DATA_DIRS to the environment to pull in our overridden schema
datadir = os.environ.get('ANACONDA_DATADIR', '/usr/share/anaconda')
if 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' in os.environ:
xdg_data_dirs = datadir + '/window-manager:' + os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS']
xdg_data_dirs = datadir + '/window-manager:/usr/share'
childproc = iutil.startProgram(["metacity", "--display", ":1", "--sm-disable"],
env_add={'XDG_DATA_DIRS': xdg_data_dirs})
iutil.watchProcess(childproc, "metacity")
示例11: start_program_preexec_fn_test
def start_program_preexec_fn_test(self):
"""Test passing preexec_fn to startProgram."""
marker_text = "yo wassup man"
# Create a temporary file that will be written before exec
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as testfile:
# Write something to testfile to show this method was run
def preexec():
# Open a copy of the file here since close_fds has already closed the descriptor
testcopy = open(testfile.name, 'w')
with timer(5):
# Start a program that does nothing, with a preexec_fn
proc = iutil.startProgram(["/bin/true"], preexec_fn=preexec)
# Rewind testfile and look for the text
testfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
self.assertEqual(testfile.read(), marker_text)
示例12: setUserPassword
def setUserPassword(self, username, password, isCrypted, lock, algo=None, root="/"):
# Only set the password if it is a string, including the empty string.
# Otherwise leave it alone (defaults to locked for new users) and reset sp_lstchg
if password or password == "":
if password == "":
log.info("user account %s setup with no password", username)
elif not isCrypted:
password = cryptPassword(password, algo)
if lock:
password = "!" + password
log.info("user account %s locked", username)
proc = iutil.startProgram(["chpasswd", "-R", root, "-e"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
proc.communicate(("%s:%s\n" % (username, password)).encode("utf-8"))
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise OSError("Unable to set password for new user: status=%s" % proc.returncode)
# Reset sp_lstchg to an empty string. On systems with no rtc, this
# field can be set to 0, which has a special meaning that the password
# must be reset on the next login.
iutil.execWithRedirect("chage", ["-R", root, "-d", "", username])
示例13: run_command
def run_command(self, command, stdin=None, ignore_failure=False):
process_error = None
sys_root = iutil.getSysroot()
cmd = iutil.startProgram(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=stdin, root=sys_root)
(stdout, stderr) = cmd.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8")
if not ignore_failure and cmd.returncode != 0:
process_error = "{} failed:\nstdout: \"{}\"\nstderr: \"{}\"".format(command, stdout, stderr)
except Exception as e:
process_error = str(e)
if process_error:
raise Exception(process_error)
return (stdout, stderr)