本文整理汇总了Python中pyaid.json.JSON.JSON.fromFile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python JSON.fromFile方法的具体用法?Python JSON.fromFile怎么用?Python JSON.fromFile使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pyaid.json.JSON.JSON
示例1: _deployResources
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def _deployResources(cls):
""" On windows the resource folder data is stored within the application install directory.
However, due to permissions issues, certain file types cannot be accessed from that
directory without causing the program to crash. Therefore, the stored resources must
be expanded into the user's AppData/Local folder. The method checks the currently
deployed resources folder and deploys the stored resources if the existing resources
either don't exist or don't match the currently installed version of the program. """
if not OsUtils.isWindows() or not PyGlassEnvironment.isDeployed:
return False
storagePath = PyGlassEnvironment.getInstallationPath('resource_storage', isDir=True)
storageStampPath = FileUtils.makeFilePath(storagePath, 'install.stamp')
resourcePath = PyGlassEnvironment.getRootResourcePath(isDir=True)
resourceStampPath = FileUtils.makeFilePath(resourcePath, 'install.stamp')
resousrceData = JSON.fromFile(resourceStampPath)
storageData = JSON.fromFile(storageStampPath)
if resousrceData['CTS'] == storageData['CTS']:
return False
except Exception as err:
FileUtils.mergeCopy(storagePath, resourcePath)
return True
示例2: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def __init__(self, containerPath, isRemoteDeploy =False, sourceRootFolder ='src', **kwargs):
"""Creates a new instance of Site."""
super(Site, self).__init__()
self.errorCount = 0
self.warningCount = 0
self._staticPaths = []
self._logger = ArgsUtils.getLogger(self, kwargs)
self._sourceRootFolderName = sourceRootFolder
# NGinx root path in which all files reside
self._containerPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath(containerPath, isDir=True)
# Location of the source files used to create the website
self._sourceWebRootPath = FileUtils.createPath(containerPath, sourceRootFolder, isDir=True)
# Locations where files should be deployed. If the target root path is None, which is the
# default value, the local web root path is used in its place.
if isRemoteDeploy:
self._targetWebRootPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath(
tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='staticFlow_'), isDir=True)
self._targetWebRootPath = None
self._localWebRootPath = FileUtils.createPath(
containerPath, ArgsUtils.get('localRootFolder', 'root', kwargs), isDir=True)
path = FileUtils.createPath(self.sourceWebRootPath, '__site__.def', isFile=True)
self._data.data = JSON.fromFile(path, throwError=True)
except Exception, err:
self.writeLogError(u'Unable to load site definition file: "%s"' % path, error=err)
示例3: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def __init__(self, site):
""" Creates a new instance of RobotFileGenerator """
self.site = site
self._data = JSON.fromFile(self.definitionPath)
except Exception, err:
self._data = [{'USER_AGENT':'*'}]
示例4: _loadSettings
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def _loadSettings(self):
if self._settings is not None:
return self._settings
if not os.path.exists(self._path):
self._settings = dict()
return self._settings
self._settings = JSON.fromFile(self._path)
if self._settings is None:
return dict()
return self._settings
示例5: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def __init__(self, localRootPath, sourceWebRootPath, forceHtml =False, forceAll =False, **kwargs):
"""Creates a new instance of S3SiteDeployer."""
self._logger = ArgsUtils.getLogger(self, kwargs)
self._localRootPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath(localRootPath, isDir=True)
self._sourceWebRootPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath(sourceWebRootPath, isDir=True)
self._forceHtml = forceHtml
self._forceAll = forceAll
self._cdnRootPath = None
siteData = JSON.fromFile(FileUtils.createPath(
sourceWebRootPath, '__site__.def', isFile=True), throwError=True)
except Exception, err:
u'Failed to read __site__.def file. Check to make sure JSON is valid.', err)
siteData = {}
示例6: _deployWalker
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def _deployWalker(self, args, path, names):
# Skip CDN file uploads when not walking the CDN root path explicitly
if not args['cdn'] and path.find(StaticFlowEnvironment.CDN_ROOT_PREFIX) != -1:
for name in names:
namePath = FileUtils.createPath(path, name)
if os.path.isdir(namePath) or StringUtils.ends(name, self._SKIP_EXTENSIONS):
headersPath = namePath + '.headers'
if os.path.exists(headersPath):
headers = JSON.fromFile(headersPath)
headers = dict()
if self._forceAll:
lastModified = None
elif self._forceHtml and StringUtils.ends(name, self._FORCE_HTML_EXTENSIONS):
lastModified = None
lastModified = ArgsUtils.extract('_LAST_MODIFIED', None, headers)
if lastModified:
lastModified = TimeUtils.webTimestampToDateTime(lastModified)
kwargs = dict(
key=u'/' + namePath[len(self._localRootPath):].replace(u'\\', u'/').strip(u'/'),
maxAge=headers.get('max-age', -1),
eTag=headers.get('eTag', None),
if StringUtils.ends(name, self._STRING_EXTENSIONS):
result = self._bucket.put(
result = self._bucket.putFile(filename=namePath, **kwargs)
if result:
self._logger.write(u'DEPLOYED: ' + unicode(namePath) + u'->' + unicode(kwargs['key']))
示例7: _processFolderDefinitions
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def _processFolderDefinitions(self, path):
cd = ConfigsDict(JSON.fromFile(path))
directory = FileUtils.getDirectoryOf(path)
for item in os.listdir(directory):
# Only find content source file types
if not StringUtils.ends(item, ('.sfml', '.html')):
# Skip files that already have a definitions file
itemPath = FileUtils.createPath(directory, item, isFile=True)
itemDefsPath = itemPath.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.def'
if os.path.exists(itemDefsPath):
test = SiteProcessUtils.testFileFilter(
cd.get(('FOLDER', 'NAME_FILTER')))
if not test:
JSON.toFile(itemDefsPath, dict(), pretty=True)
return True
示例8: activate
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
def activate(self):
path = CompilerDeckEnvironment.getProjectPath('NativeExtensions', isDir=True)
for item in os.listdir(path):
itemPath = FileUtils.createPath(path, item)
if not os.path.isdir(itemPath):
settingsPath = FileUtils.createPath(itemPath, 'compiler', 'settings.vcd', isFile=True)
if not os.path.exists(settingsPath):
settings = JSON.fromFile(settingsPath)
if not settings:
DataListWidgetItem(settings.get('LABEL', item), self.widget.aneList, ident=item, data={
'settings':settings })
示例9: print
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
import os
import sys
from pyaid.file.FileUtils import FileUtils
from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON
from pyaid.system.SystemUtils import SystemUtils
FOLDER_NAME = 'Statistical-Results'
rootPath = FileUtils.getDirectoryOf(__file__)
localAnalysisPath = FileUtils.makeFolderPath(rootPath, '..', 'resources', 'local', 'analysis')
analysisConfigPath = FileUtils.makeFilePath(localAnalysisPath, 'analysis.json')
config = JSON.fromFile(analysisConfigPath)
if 'OUTPUT_PATH' not in config:
rootTargetPath = localAnalysisPath
rootTargetPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath(config['OUTPUT_PATH'], isDir=True)
targetPath = FileUtils.makeFolderPath(rootTargetPath, FOLDER_NAME)
if os.path.exists(targetPath):
outputPath = FileUtils.makeFolderPath(rootPath, 'output')
if not SystemUtils.copy(outputPath, targetPath, echo=True):
print('[FAILED]: Deployment')
示例10: unicode
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON
from cadence.enums.TrackPropEnum import TrackPropEnum
from cadence.enums.TrackPropEnum import TrackPropEnumOps
data = JSON.fromFile('/Users/scott/Desktop/test.json')
result = []
for entry in data:
out = {
TrackPropEnum.SECTOR.name:u'1' }
skipped = False
for n,v in entry.iteritems():
enum = TrackPropEnumOps.getTrackPropEnumByName(n)
if not enum:
if enum == TrackPropEnum.TRACKWAY_NUMBER:
v = unicode(v).lstrip(u'0')
if not v:
skipped = True
out[n] = v
elif enum.unique:
out[n] = v
elif enum in [TrackPropEnum.X, TrackPropEnum.Z, TrackPropEnum.ROTATION]:
out[n] = v
if not skipped:
# 需要导入模块: from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyaid.json.JSON.JSON import fromFile [as 别名]
from pyaid.json.JSON import JSON
from pyglass.app.PyGlassEnvironment import PyGlassEnvironment
from cadence.models.tracks import Tracks_Track
# Load the json data for the tracks
items = JSON.fromFile('C:\\Users\\sernst\\Desktop\\test_with_all_tracks.json')
# For each item in the definition file, create a track entry in the database
for item in items:
track = Tracks_Track.MASTER(trackData=item)
print 'Operation Complete!'