本文整理汇总了Python中pySDC.datatype_classes.mesh.mesh函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mesh函数的具体用法?Python mesh怎么用?Python mesh使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __eval_fexpl
def __eval_fexpl(self, u, t):
Helper routine to evaluate the explicit part of the RHS
u: current values (not used here)
t: current time
explicit part of RHS
fexpl = mesh(self.nvars)
# Copy values of u into pyClaw state object
self.state.q[0, :] = u.values[0, :]
# Evaluate right hand side
tmp = self.solver.dqdt(self.state)
fexpl.values[0, :] = tmp.reshape(self.nvars[1:])
# Copy values of u into pyClaw state object
self.state.q[0, :] = u.values[1, :]
# Evaluate right hand side
tmp = self.solver.dqdt(self.state)
fexpl.values[1, :] = tmp.reshape(self.nvars[1:])
# fexpl.values[0,:] = 0.0*self.mesh
# fexpl.values[1,:] = 0.0*self.mesh
return fexpl
示例2: solve_system
def solve_system(self,rhs,factor,u0,t):
Simple linear solver for (I-dtA)u = rhs
rhs: right-hand side for the nonlinear system
factor: abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required)
u0: initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far)
t: current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs)
solution as mesh
b = rhs.values.flatten()
cb = Callback()
sol, info = LA.gmres( self.Id - factor*self.M, b, x0=u0.values.flatten(), tol=self.gmres_tol, restart=self.gmres_restart, maxiter=self.gmres_maxiter, callback=cb)
# If this is a dummy call with factor==0.0, do not log because it should not be counted as a solver call
if factor!=0.0:
#print "SDC: Number of GMRES iterations: %3i --- Final residual: %6.3e" % ( cb.getcounter(), cb.getresidual() )
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values = unflatten(sol, 4, self.N[0], self.N[1])
return me
示例3: solve_system
def solve_system(self, rhs, factor, u0, t):
Simple linear solver for (I-dtA)u = rhs
rhs: right-hand side for the nonlinear system
factor: abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required)
u0: initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far)
t: current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs)
solution as mesh
M1 = sp.hstack((sp.eye(self.nvars[1]), -factor * self.A))
M2 = sp.hstack((-factor * self.A, sp.eye(self.nvars[1])))
M = sp.vstack((M1, M2))
b = np.concatenate((rhs.values[0, :], rhs.values[1, :]))
sol = LA.spsolve(M, b)
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values[0, :], me.values[1, :] = np.split(sol, 2)
return me
示例4: __eval_fexpl
def __eval_fexpl(self,u,t):
Helper routine to evaluate the explicit part of the RHS
u: current values (not used here)
t: current time
explicit part of RHS
fexpl = mesh(self.nvars)
# Copy values of u into pyClaw state object
self.state.q[0,:,:] = u.values[0,:,:]
# Evaluate right hand side
self.solver.before_step(self.solver, self.state)
tmp = self.solver.dqdt(self.state)
fexpl.values[0,:,:] = unflatten(tmp, 1, self.nvars[1], self.nvars[2])
# Copy values of u into pyClaw state object
#self.state.q[0,:,:] = u.values[1,:,:]
# Evaluate right hand side
#tmp = self.solver.dqdt(self.state)
#fexpl.values[1,:,:] = tmp.reshape(self.nvars[1:])
return fexpl
示例5: u_exact
def u_exact(self,t):
Routine to compute the exact solution at time t
t: current time
exact solution
dtheta = 0.01
H = 10.0
a = 5.0
x_c = -50.0
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values[0,:,:] = 0.0*self.xx
me.values[1,:,:] = 0.0*self.xx
#me.values[2,:,:] = 0.0*self.xx
#me.values[3,:,:] = np.exp(-0.5*(self.xx-0.0)**2.0/0.15**2.0)*np.exp(-0.5*(self.zz-0.5)**2/0.15**2)
#me.values[2,:,:] = np.exp(-0.5*(self.xx-0.0)**2.0/0.05**2.0)*np.exp(-0.5*(self.zz-0.5)**2/0.2**2)
me.values[2,:,:] = dtheta*np.sin( np.pi*self.zz/H )/( 1.0 + np.square(self.xx - x_c)/(a*a))
me.values[3,:,:] = 0.0*self.xx
return me
示例6: check_datatypes_mesh
def check_datatypes_mesh(init):
import pySDC.datatype_classes.mesh as m
m1 = m.mesh(init)
m2 = m.mesh(m1)
m1.values[:] = 1.0
m2.values[:] = 2.0
m3 = m1 + m2
m4 = m1 - m2
m5 = 0.1*m1
m6 = m1
m7 = abs(m1)
m8 = m.mesh(m1)
assert isinstance(m3,type(m1))
assert isinstance(m4,type(m1))
assert isinstance(m5,type(m1))
assert isinstance(m6,type(m1))
assert isinstance(m7,float)
assert m2 is not m1
assert m3 is not m1
assert m4 is not m1
assert m5 is not m1
assert m6 is m1
assert np.shape(m3.values) == np.shape(m1.values)
assert np.shape(m4.values) == np.shape(m1.values)
assert np.shape(m5.values) == np.shape(m1.values)
assert np.all(m1.values==1.0)
assert np.all(m2.values==2.0)
assert np.all(m3.values==3.0)
assert np.all(m4.values==-1.0)
assert np.all(m5.values==0.1)
assert np.all(m8.values==1.0)
assert m7 >= 0
示例7: u_exact
def u_exact(self,t):
Routine to compute the exact solution at time t
t: current time
exact solution
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values = np.cos(2.0*np.pi*(self.mesh-self.c*t))
return me
示例8: u_exact
def u_exact(self,t):
Routine to compute the exact solution at time t
t: current time
exact solution
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values[0,:] = 0.5*u_initial( self.mesh - (self.cadv + self.cs)*t , self.waveno) - 0.5*u_initial( self.mesh - (self.cadv - self.cs)*t , self.waveno)
me.values[1,:] = 0.5*u_initial( self.mesh - (self.cadv + self.cs)*t , self.waveno) + 0.5*u_initial( self.mesh - (self.cadv - self.cs)*t , self.waveno)
return me
示例9: __eval_fimpl
def __eval_fimpl(self,u,t):
Helper routine to evaluate the implicit part of the RHS
u: current values
t: current time (not used here)
implicit part of RHS
fimpl = mesh(self.nvars)
fimpl.values = self.A.dot(u.values)
return fimpl
示例10: u_exact
def u_exact(self, t):
Dummy routine for the exact solution, currently only passes the initial values
t: current time
mesh type containing the initial values
# thou shall not call this at time > 0
assert t is 0
me = mesh(2)
me.values = self.u0
return me
示例11: prolong_space
def prolong_space(self, G):
Dummy prolongation routine
G: the coarse level data (easier to access than via the coarse attribute)
if isinstance(G, mesh):
F = mesh(G)
elif isinstance(G, rhs_imex_mesh):
F = rhs_imex_mesh(G)
print("Transfer error")
return F
示例12: solve_system
def solve_system(self,rhs,factor,u0,t):
Simple linear solver for (I-dtA)u = rhs
rhs: right-hand side for the nonlinear system
factor: abbrev. for the node-to-node stepsize (or any other factor required)
u0: initial guess for the iterative solver (not used here so far)
t: current time (e.g. for time-dependent BCs)
solution as mesh
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values = LA.spsolve(sp.eye(self.nvars)-factor*self.A,rhs.values)
return me
示例13: u_exact
def u_exact(self,t):
Routine to compute the exact solution at time t
t: current time
exact solution
xc,yc = self.state.grid.p_centers
me = mesh(self.nvars)
me.values[0,:,:] = np.sin(2*np.pi*xc)*np.sin(2*np.pi*yc)
me.values[1,:,:] = np.sin(2*np.pi*xc)*np.sin(2*np.pi*yc)
return me
示例14: eval_f
def eval_f(self,u,t):
Routine to compute the RHS for both components simultaneously
t: current time (not used here)
u: the current values
RHS, 2 components
x1 = u.values[0]
x2 = u.values[1]
f = mesh(2)
f.values[0] = -x2 + x1*(1 - x1**2 - x2**2)
f.values[1] = x1 + 3*x2*(1 - x1**2 - x2**2)
return f
示例15: prolong_space
def prolong_space(self,G):
Prolongation implementation
G: the coarse level data (easier to access than via the coarse attribute)
if isinstance(G,mesh):
u_fine = mesh(self.init_c,val=0)
u_fine.values = self.Pspace.dot(G.values)
elif isinstance(G,rhs_imex_mesh):
u_fine = rhs_imex_mesh(self.init_c)
u_fine.impl.values = self.Pspace.dot(G.impl.values)
u_fine.expl.values = self.Pspace.dot(G.expl.values)
return u_fine