本文整理汇总了Python中pyNastran.bdf.bdf.BDF类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BDF类的具体用法?Python BDF怎么用?Python BDF使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_op2_bcell_01
def test_op2_bcell_01(self):
folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'models'))
bdf_filename = os.path.join(folder, 'other', 'bcell9p0.bdf')
op2_filename = os.path.join(folder, 'other', 'bcell9p0.op2')
make_geom = False
write_bdf = False
write_f06 = True
debug = False
op2file = os.path.join(folder, op2_filename)
bdf = BDF(debug=False)
bdf.read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=False)
debug = False
debug_file = 'debug.out'
op2 = OP2(debug=debug, debug_file=debug_file)
assert os.path.exists(debug_file), os.listdir('.')
self._verify_ids(bdf, op2, isubcase=1)
msg = ''
for isubcase, keys in sorted(iteritems(op2.subcase_key)):
if len(keys) != 1:
msg += 'isubcase=%s keys=%s len(keys) != 1\n' % (isubcase, keys)
if len(keys) == 0:
if isubcase != keys[0]:
msg += 'isubcase=%s != key0=%s keys=%s\n' % (isubcase, keys[0], keys)
if msg:
assert msg == '', msg
示例2: test_include_end_02
def test_include_end_02(self):
with codec_open('a.bdf', 'w') as f:
f.write('BEGIN BULK\n')
f.write("INCLUDE 'b.bdf'\n\n")
with codec_open('b.bdf', 'w') as f:
f.write("INCLUDE 'c.bdf'\n\n")
with codec_open('c.bdf', 'w') as f:
model = BDF(log=log, debug=False)
self.assertEqual(len(model.nodes), 5)
self.assertEqual(model.nnodes, 5, 'nnodes=%s' % model.nnodes)
示例3: test_disable_cards
def test_disable_cards(self):
bdf_filename = os.path.join(root_path, '..', 'models',
'solid_bending', 'solid_bending.bdf')
model = BDF(debug=False)
assert len(model.elements) == 0, len(model.elements)
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, make_geom=True,
debug=False, log=None, debug_file=None):
Initializes the OP2 object
:param make_geom: reads the BDF tables (default=False)
:param debug: enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger (default=False)
:param log: a logging object to write debug messages to
(.. seealso:: import logging)
:param debug_file: sets the filename that will be written to (default=None -> no debug)
assert make_geom == True, make_geom
BDF.__init__(self, debug=debug, log=log)
OP2.__init__(self, debug, log=log, debug_file=debug_file)
self.make_geom = make_geom
示例5: test_dmig_4
def test_dmig_4(self):
model = BDF(debug=False)
bdf_name = os.path.join(test_path, 'dmig.bdf')
model.read_bdf(bdf_name, xref=False, punch=True)
out = model.dmigs['IMAGS'].get_matrix(is_sparse=False)
IMAGS_actual, rows_reversed, cols_reversed = out
#print "---IMAGS_actual---\n", IMAGS_actual
IMAGS_expected_real = [
[1.0, 0.5, 0.25],
[0.5, 2.0, 0.75],
[0.25, 0.75, 3.0],
IMAGS_expected_imag = [
[1.1, 0.51, 0.251],
[0.51, 2.1, 0.751],
[0.251, 0.751, 3.1],
a_matrix = model.dmigs['IMAGS']
assert len(a_matrix.GCi) == 6, 'len(GCi)=%s GCi=%s matrix=\n%s' % (len(a_matrix.GCi), a_matrix.GCi, a_matrix)
assert len(a_matrix.GCj) == 6, 'len(GCj)=%s GCj=%s matrix=\n%s' % (len(a_matrix.GCj), a_matrix.GCj, a_matrix)
IMAGS_expected = array(IMAGS_expected_real) + array(IMAGS_expected_imag)*1j
msg = '\n%s_actual\n%s\n\n----' % ('IMAGS', IMAGS_actual)
msg += '\n%s_expected\n%s\n----' % ('IMAGS', IMAGS_expected)
msg += '\n%s_delta\n%s\n----' % ('IMAGS', IMAGS_actual-IMAGS_expected)
self.assertTrue(array_equal(IMAGS_expected, IMAGS_actual), msg)
示例6: test_pbeam_11
def test_pbeam_11(self):
model = BDF()
lines = [
#'PBEAM 1 1 1.e8 1.e8 1.e8 10. 1.',
#' NO 1. 3.e5 3.e8 3.e8 10. 1.',
'PBEAM 1 1 1.+8 1.+8 1.+8 10. 1.',
' NO 1. 300000. 3.+8 3.+8 10. 1.',
model.add_card(lines, 'PBEAM', is_list=False)
lines_expected = [
'PBEAM 1 1 1.+8 1.+8 1.+8 10. 1.',
' NO 1. 300000. 3.+8 3.+8 10. 1.',
prop = model.properties[1]
lines_actual = prop.write_card().split('\n')
msgA = ''
for line_expected, line_actual in zip(lines_expected, lines_actual):
#assert line_expected == line_actual, line_actual
actual = str(line_actual)
expected = str(line_expected)
msg = msgA + '\nactual = %r\n' % actual
msg += 'expected = %r' % expected
self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)
示例7: test_include_05
def test_include_05(self):
with codec_open('include5.bdf', 'w') as bdf_file:
bdf_file.write('$ pyNastran: punch=True\n')
bdf_file.write('$ pyNastran: dumplines=True\n')
bdf_file.write("INCLUDE 'include5b.inc'\n\n")
with codec_open('include5b.inc', 'w') as bdf_file:
bdf_file.write('$ GRID comment\n')
bdf_file.write('grid ,5,,5.0\n')
model = BDF(log=log, debug=False)
assert model.echo is False, model.echo
# os.remove('c.bdf')
# os.remove('executive_control.inc')
# os.remove('case_control.inc')
self.assertEqual(len(model.nodes), 4)
self.assertEqual(model.nnodes, 4, 'nnodes=%s' % model.nnodes)
model2 = read_bdf(bdf_filename='include5.bdf', xref=True, punch=False,
log=log, encoding=None)
self.assertEqual(len(model2.nodes), 4)
self.assertEqual(model2.nnodes, 4, 'nnodes=%s' % model.nnodes)
示例8: example4
def example4():
Example 4: Get Element ID & Type - Level 2
# Print the Element ID and its type(e.g. CQUAD4, CTRIA3, etc.) to a file
# note this skips rigidElements
# this example will demonstate:
# - accessing element type information
# our model
import pyNastran
pkg_path = pyNastran.__path__[0]
test_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'solid_bending')
bdf_filename = os.path.join(test_path, 'solid_bending.bdf')
# instantiate the model
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
model = BDF()
model.read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=True)
f = open('junk.out', 'w')
####Method 1 - using objects
for eid,element in sorted(model.elements.items()):
msg = 'eid=%s type=%s\n' %(eid, element.type)
示例9: example5
def example5():
Example 5: Get Elements by Node ID - Level 2
# this example will demonstate:
# - getting the list of elements that share a certain node
# our model
import pyNastran
pkg_path = pyNastran.__path__[0]
test_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'solid_bending')
bdf_filename = os.path.join(test_path, 'solid_bending.bdf')
# instantiate the model
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
model = BDF()
model.read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=True)
f = open('junk.out', 'w')
# given a Node, get the Elements Attached to that Node
# assume node 55
# doesnt support 0d/1d elements yet
nid_to_eids_map = model.get_node_id_to_element_ids_map()
eids = nid_to_eids_map[55]
# convert to elements instead of element IDs
elements = []
for eid in eids:
print("eids = %s" % eids)
print("elements =\n %s" % elements)
示例10: test_solid_03
def test_solid_03(self):
"""checks linear static solid material"""
mid = 2
pid = 4
rho = 0.1
cards = [
# $ Solid Nodes
["GRID", 11, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 12, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 13, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 14, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 15, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0],
["GRID", 16, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0],
["GRID", 17, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0],
["GRID", 18, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0],
# Solids
["CHEXA", 7, pid, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
["CTETRA", 8, pid, 11, 12, 13, 15],
# Solid Nodes
["GRID", 21, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 22, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 23, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0],
["GRID", 24, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0],
["GRID", 25, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0],
["GRID", 26, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0],
["CPENTA", 9, pid, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26],
# static
["PSOLID", pid, mid, 0],
["MAT1", mid, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, rho],
["MATS1", mid, None, "PLASTIC", 0.0, 1, 1, 100000.0],
model = BDF(debug=False)
for fields in cards:
model.add_card(fields, fields[0], is_list=True)
示例11: test_pbeam_03
def test_pbeam_03(self):
bdf = BDF(debug=False)
lines = [
' , , ,2.0,-4.0',
' ,YES,1.0,5.3,56.2,78.6',
' , , ,2.5,-5.0',
' , , ,1.1, ,2.1,,0.21',
' , , , , ,0.5,,0.0',
card = bdf.process_card(lines)
cardi = BDFCard(card)
card2 = PBEAM.add_card(cardi)
fields = card2.raw_fields()
lines_expected = [
'PBEAM 39 6 2.9 3.5 5.97 0. 0. 0.',
' 0. 0. 2. -4. 0. 0. 0. 0.',
' YES 1. 5.3 56.2 78.6 0. 0. 0.',
' 0. 0. 2.5 -5. 0. 0. 0. 0.',
' 1. 1. 1.1 0. 2.1 2.1 .21 .21',
' 0. 0. 0. 0. .5 .5 0. 0.',
self._compare(fields, lines_expected)
示例12: test_strain
def test_strain(self):
for folder, prefix, subcase in CASES:
bdf = BDF(debug=False)
op2 = OP2(debug=False)
basepath = os.path.join(pkg_path, 'op2', 'test', folder)
bdf.read_bdf(os.path.join(basepath, prefix + '.bdf'))
op2.read_op2(os.path.join(basepath, prefix + '.op2'))
op2_new = data_in_material_coord(bdf, op2)
for vecname in strain_vectors:
vector = getattr(op2_new, vecname).get(subcase)
if vector is None:
name = os.path.join(basepath, '{0}_subcase_{1:02d}.txt'.format(vecname, subcase))
if not os.path.isfile(name):
raise AssertionError('Not found reference result {0}'.format(name))
ref_result = np.loadtxt(name)
data = vector.data
eids = get_eids_from_op2_vector(vector)
check = eids != 0
if 'cquad8' in vecname:
assert np.allclose(data[:, check][:, 0::10, :], ref_result[0::10], rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
assert np.allclose(data[:, check][:, 1::10, :], ref_result[1::10], rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
assert np.allclose(data[:, check], ref_result, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)
示例13: run
def run(self, bdfName):
model = BDF()
model.cardsToRead = get_cards()
cc = model.caseControlDeck
#print cc.subcases
analysisCases = []
for (isub, subcase) in sorted(cc.subcases.iteritems()):
if subcase.hasParameter('LOAD'):
#print analysisCases
for case in analysisCases:
(value, options) = case.get_parameter('STRESS')
print("STRESS value = %s" % (value))
print("STRESS options = %s" % (options))
if case.hasParameter('TEMPERATURE(INITIAL)'):
(value, options) = case.get_parameter('TEMPERATURE(INITIAL)')
print('value = %s' % (value))
print('options = %s' % (options))
raise NotImplementedError('TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) not supported')
#sys.exit('starting case')
self.runCase(model, case)
示例14: test_cpenta_01
def test_cpenta_01(self):
"""tests a cpenta15"""
lines = [
'+PN2,209,210,217, , , ,213,214,',
bdf = BDF(debug=False)
card = bdf.process_card(lines)
card = BDFCard(card)
solid = CPENTA15.add_card(card, comment='cpenta15')
solid.write_card(size=8, is_double=False)
solid.write_card(size=16, is_double=False)
node_ids = solid.node_ids
assert node_ids == [201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207,
209, 210, 217, None, None, None, 213, 214, 218], node_ids
nids = [201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207,
209, 210, 217, None, None, None, 213, 214, 218]
CPENTA.add_card(card, comment='spike')
eid = 85
pid = 22
bdf.add_cpenta(eid, pid, nids, comment='spike')
示例15: add_card
def add_card(self, card_lines, card_name, comment='', is_list=True):
card_name = card_name.upper()
if card_name in ['DEQATN']:
card_obj = card_lines
card = card_lines
if is_list:
fields = card_lines
fields = to_fields(card_lines, card_name)
# apply OPENMDAO syntax
if self._is_dynamic_syntax:
fields = [self._parse_dynamic_syntax(field) if '%' in
field[0:1] else field for field in fields]
card = wipe_empty_fields([interpret_value(field, fields)
if field is not None
else None for field in fields])
else: # leave everything as strings
card = wipe_empty_fields(fields)
card_obj = BDFCard(card)
if card_name == 'HYPER':
hyper = HYPER(card_obj, comment)
self.hyper[hyper.pid] = hyper
elif card_name == 'FLOW':
flow = FLOW(card_obj, comment)
self.flow[flow.flow_id] = flow
BDF.add_card(self, card, card_name, comment=comment, is_list=True)