本文整理汇总了Python中pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib.StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime方法的具体用法?Python StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime怎么用?Python StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib.StatsDateLib
示例1: buildCsvFileName
# 需要导入模块: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib import StatsDateLib [as 别名]
# 或者: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib.StatsDateLib import getYearMonthDayInStrfTime [as 别名]
def buildCsvFileName( infos ):
@summary: Builds and returns the file name to use for the csv file.
@param infos: _CvsInfos instance containing the required
information to build up the file name.
@return: Return the built up file name.
global _
paths = StatsPaths()
paths.setPaths( infos.outputLanguage )
machinesStr = str(infos.machinesForLabels).replace('[','').replace( ']','' ).replace(',', '').replace("'","").replace( '"','').replace( ' ','' )
currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch (infos.start) )
currentWeek = time.strftime( "%W", time.gmtime( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch (infos.start) ) )
fileName = paths.STATSCSVFILES
if infos.span == "daily":
fileName = fileName + "/" + _("daily/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay )
elif infos.span == "weekly":
fileName = fileName + "/" + _("weekly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear, currentWeek )
elif infos.span == "monthly":
fileName = fileName + "/" + _("monthly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear, currentMonth )
elif infos.span == "yearly":
fileName = fileName + "/" + _("yearly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear )
StatsDateLib.setLanguage( LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage() )
return fileName
示例2: printWebPage
# 需要导入模块: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib import StatsDateLib [as 别名]
# 或者: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib.StatsDateLib import getYearMonthDayInStrfTime [as 别名]
<body text="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="000000" bgcolor="#FFF4E5" >
<table width = "100%">
<tr width = "100%">
<div class="left"><b><font size="5">"""
+ _("Yearly graphics for RX sources from MetPx.")
+ """ </font><font size = "2">"""
+ _("*updated monthly")
+ """</font></b></div>
oneFileFound = False
for year in self.years:
parameters = StatsConfigParameters()
machinesStr = (
.replace("[", "")
.replace("]", "")
.replace(",", "")
.replace("'", "")
.replace('"', "")
.replace(" ", "")
currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)
_ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)
file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSCSVFILES + _("yearly/rx/%s/%s.csv") % (machinesStr, currentYear)
webLink = _("csvFiles/yearly/rx/%s/%s.csv") % (machinesStr, currentYear)
_ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)
if os.path.isfile(file):
if oneFileFound == False:
"<div class='right'><font size='2' color='black'" + _("CSV files") + " : "
oneFileFound = True
fileHandle.write("""<a href="%s" class="blackLinks">%.4s.csv </a>""" % (webLink, currentYear))
if oneFileFound == True:
示例3: printWebPage
# 需要导入模块: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib import StatsDateLib [as 别名]
# 或者: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib.StatsDateLib import getYearMonthDayInStrfTime [as 别名]
<td bgcolor="#006699">
<font color = "white">""" + _("List of available daily graphics.") + """</font>
for rxName in rxNamesArray :
if rxNames[rxName] == "" :
fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"> %s</td> """ %(rxName))
fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ + _("Days") + """ : """ )
machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription( rxNames[rxName] )
fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"><div class="left"> %s</div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """ %(rxName, rxNames[rxName].replace("'","").replace('"','').replace( ",", ", "), machineName ) )
fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ + _("Days") + """ : """ )
for day in self.days:
currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( day )
_ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)
file = file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("daily/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
webLink = _("archives/daily/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
_ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
if os.path.isfile( file ):
fileHandle.write( """<a target ="%s" href="%s">"""%( rxName, webLink) + "%s" %StatsDateLib.getDayOfTheWeek(day) + """ </a>""" )
else :
fileHandle.write( """</td></tr>""" )
fileHandle.write( """
<h2>""" + _("Daily graphics for TX clients from MetPx.") + """ <font size = "2">""" +_("*updated hourly") + """</font></h2>
<div class="tableContainer">
<td bgcolor="#006699">
<div class = "txTableEntry">
<font color = "white">
示例4: printWebPage
# 需要导入模块: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib import StatsDateLib [as 别名]
# 或者: from pxStats.lib.StatsDateLib.StatsDateLib import getYearMonthDayInStrfTime [as 别名]
<td bgcolor="#006699" title =" """ +_( "Display the total of files received by all sources.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("FileCount") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/fileCount_%s.html' """%(self.displayedLanguage)+ """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
<td bgcolor="#006699" title =" """ +_( "Display the total of errors that occured during all the receptions.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("Errors") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/errors_%s.html' """%(self.displayedLanguage)+ """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
""" )
for timeType in timeTypes:
fileHandle.write( """
<td bgcolor="#99FF99" > %s %s</td>
""" %(( timeType[0].upper() + timeType[1:] ), updateFrequency[timeType] ) )
if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
timeContainer = self.days
elif timeType == timeTypes[1] :
timeContainer = self.weeks
elif timeType == timeTypes[2] :
timeContainer = self.months
elif timeType == timeTypes[3] :
timeContainer = self.years
for type in rxTypes:
fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ )
for x in timeContainer:
year, month, day = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( x )
week = time.strftime( "%W", time.gmtime(x))
if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
file = _("%sdaily/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, month, type, day )
webLink = _("archives/daily/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, month, type, day )
elif timeType == timeTypes[1]:
file = _("%sweekly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, type, week )
webLink = _("archives/weekly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, type, week )
elif timeType == timeTypes[2]:
file = _("%smonthly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, type, month )
webLink = _("archives/monthly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, type, month )
elif timeType == timeTypes[3]:
file = _("%syearly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, type, year )
webLink = _("archives/yearly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, type, year )
if os.path.isfile(file):
if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
label = time.strftime( "%a", time.gmtime(x))
elif timeType == timeTypes[1]:
label = week
elif timeType == timeTypes[2]:
label = month
elif timeType == timeTypes[3]:
label = year
fileHandle.write( """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">"""%( label, webLink ) + "%s" %label + """ </a>""" )
fileHandle.write( """</td>""" )
fileHandle.write( """</tr>""" )