本文整理汇总了Python中pushbullet.PushBullet.push_note方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python PushBullet.push_note方法的具体用法?Python PushBullet.push_note怎么用?Python PushBullet.push_note使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pushbullet.PushBullet
示例1: send_push
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
def send_push(title, body):
pushbullet = PushBullet(api_key)
if not devices:
pushbullet.push_note(title=title, body=body)
# load devices
d = pushbullet.devices
for i in devices:
d[i].push_note(title=title, body=body)
示例2: PushBulletSender
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PushBulletSender(Sender):
def __init__(self, setting):
super(PushBulletSender, self).__init__(setting)
self.pushbullet = PushBullet(self.config_api)
if hasattr(self, 'config_channel'):
self.pushbullet = self.pushbullet.get_channel(self.config_channel)
def post(self, title, message, url):
if url:
message = '{}\n{}'.format(message, url)
self.pushbullet.push_note(title, message)
示例3: push_note
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
def push_note(self, event):
Pushes a note to the configured pushbullet accounts
host = event.host
title = event.title + ": " + host
message = host + ": " + event.message + " at " + \
event.timestamp.strftime("%H:%M:%S %m/%d/%y")
for key in self.api_keys:
pb = PushBullet(key)
pb.push_note(title, message)
示例4: PushBulletNotificationService
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PushBulletNotificationService(BaseNotificationService):
""" Implements notification service for Pushbullet. """
def __init__(self, api_key):
from pushbullet import PushBullet
self.pushbullet = PushBullet(api_key)
def send_message(self, message="", **kwargs):
""" Send a message to a user. """
title = kwargs.get(ATTR_TITLE)
self.pushbullet.push_note(title, message)
示例5: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class Flow:
def __init__(self, googleapi, api_key, email, **_):
if api_key == 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE':
raise ValueError('Missing api key in settings')
self.email = email
self.pb = PushBullet(api_key)
self.credentials_storage_path = googleapi.credentials_storage_path
self.flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(
self.last_check = None
self.callback = lambda: None
def run(self, callback):
self.callback = callback
authorize_url = self.flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
self.pb.push_link('Google Auth Request', authorize_url, email=self.email)
self.last_check = datetime.now()
def iter_received_codes(self):
pushes = self.pb.get_pushes(modified_after=self.last_check.timestamp())
self.last_check = datetime.now()
for push in pushes:
if push['type'] == 'note' and push['sender_email'] == self.email:
yield push['body'].strip()
def check_response(self):
if self.last_check is None:
for code in self.iter_received_codes():
credential = self.flow.step2_exchange(code)
except (ValueError, FlowExchangeError) as error:
self.pb.push_note('', 'Error: ' + str(error), email=self.email)
self.last_check = None
self.pb.push_note('', 'Authentication complete', email=self.email)
示例6: PushbulletLogHandler
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PushbulletLogHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self, api_key, stack_trace=False):
self.api_key = api_key
self.stack_trace = stack_trace
self.pb_session = PushBullet(self.api_key)
def emit(self, record):
message = '{}'.format(record.getMessage())
if self.stack_trace and record.exc_info:
message += '\n'
message += '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*record.exc_info))
self.pb_session.push_note('' + str(self.level), message)
示例7: PushbulletNotifier
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PushbulletNotifier(AbstractNotifier):
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.pb = PushBullet(api_key)
def notify(self, title, message):
self.pb.push_note(title, message)
def is_enabled():
if Config.pushbullet_token:
return True
return False
def from_config(cls):
return cls(Config.pushbullet_token)
示例8: PB_Alarm
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PB_Alarm(Alarm):
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.client = PushBullet(api_key)
log.info("PB_Alarm intialized.")
push = self.client.push_note("PokeAlarm activated!", "We will alert you about pokemon.")
def pokemon_alert(self, pokemon):
notification_text = "A wild " + pokemon['name'].title() + " has appeared!"
google_maps_link = gmaps_link(pokemon["lat"], pokemon["lng"])
time_text = pkmn_time_text(pokemon['disappear_time'])
push = self.client.push_link(notification_text, google_maps_link, body=time_text)
示例9: pushbullet_post
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
def pushbullet_post(self, issue):
""" Posts to Pushbullet API.
For future reference, the push_note() function returns two
values. One bool that specificies whether the push was a success
or not, and a dict with additional info.
pb = PushBullet('YOUR-API-KEY')
worked, push = pb.push_note(u"Förseningar", issue)
if not worked:
示例10: PushbulletClient
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PushbulletClient(PushNotificationClient):
_client = None
def get_name(self):
return "Pushbullet"
def set_api_key(self, api):
self._client = PushBullet(api)
except Exception as e:
def send_message(self, title, msg):
self._client.push_note(title=title, body=msg)
except Exception as e:
def set_logger(self, logger):
示例11: push
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
def push(self):
""" Push a task """
p = PushBullet(self.api)
if self.type == 'text':
success, push = p.push_note(self.title, self.message)
elif self.type == 'list':
self.message = self.message.split(',')
success, push = p.push_list(self.title, self.message)
elif self.type == 'link':
success, push = p.push_link(self.title, self.message)
success, push = p.push_file(file_url=self.message, file_name="cat.jpg", file_type="image/jpeg")
示例12: Pushbullet_Alarm
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class Pushbullet_Alarm(Alarm):
def __init__(self, settings):
self.client = PushBullet(settings['api_key'])
log_msg = "Pushbullet Alarm intialized"
if 'name' in settings:
self.name = settings['name']
log_mst = log_msg + ": " + self.name
push = self.client.push_note("PokeAlarm activated!", "We will alert you about pokemon.")
def pokemon_alert(self, pkinfo):
notification_text = pkinfo['alert']
if hasattr(self, 'name') :
notification_text = self.name + ": " + notification_text
gmaps_link = pkinfo['gmaps_link']
time_text = pkinfo['time_text']
push = self.client.push_link(notification_text, gmaps_link, body=time_text)
示例13: PB_Alarm
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
class PB_Alarm(Alarm):
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.client = PushBullet(api_key)
log.info("PB_Alarm intialized.")
push = self.client.push_note("PokeAlarm activated!", "We will alert you about pokemon.")
def pokemon_alert(self, pokemon):
#notification_text = "A wild " + pokemon['name'].title() + " has appeared!"
# Or retrieve a channel by its channel_tag. Note that an InvalidKeyError is raised if the channel_tag does not exist
#your pushbullet channelname
my_channel = self.client.get_channel('YOURCHANNELNAME')
google_maps_link = gmaps_link(pokemon["lat"], pokemon["lng"])
time_text = pkmn_time_text(pokemon['disappear_time'])
notification_text = "("+ pokemon['name'].title() + " found" +"! "+" " + time_text + "."
push = self.client.push_link(notification_text, google_maps_link, body=time_text)
#send to channel
push = self.client.push_link(notification_text, google_maps_link, body=time_text, channel=my_channel)
示例14: mention
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
"""prevent most duplicate mentions (in the case of syncouts)"""
logging.info(_("suppressing duplicate mention for {} ({})").format(event.user.full_name, event.user.id_.chat_id))
if bot.memory.exists(["donotdisturb"]):
if _user_has_dnd(bot, u.id_.chat_id):
logging.info(_("suppressing @mention for {} ({})").format(u.full_name, u.id_.chat_id))
if username_lower == nickname_lower:
if u not in exact_nickname_matches:
if u not in mention_list:
"""prioritise exact nickname matches"""
if len(exact_nickname_matches) == 1:
logging.info(_("prioritising nickname match for {}").format(exact_nickname_matches[0].full_name))
mention_list = exact_nickname_matches
if len(mention_list) > 1 and username_lower != "all":
if conv_1on1_initiator:
text_html = _('{} users would be mentioned with "@{}"! Be more specific. List of matching users:<br />').format(
len(mention_list), username, conversation_name)
for u in mention_list:
text_html += u.full_name
if bot.memory.exists(['user_data', u.id_.chat_id, "nickname"]):
text_html += ' (' + bot.memory.get_by_path(['user_data', u.id_.chat_id, "nickname"]) + ')'
text_html += '<br />'
bot.send_message_parsed(conv_1on1_initiator, text_html)
logging.info(_("@{} not sent due to multiple recipients").format(username_lower))
"""send @mention alerts"""
for u in mention_list:
alert_via_1on1 = True
"""pushbullet integration"""
if bot.memory.exists(['user_data', u.id_.chat_id, "pushbullet"]):
pushbullet_config = bot.memory.get_by_path(['user_data', u.id_.chat_id, "pushbullet"])
if pushbullet_config is not None:
if pushbullet_config["api"] is not None:
pb = PushBullet(pushbullet_config["api"])
success, push = pb.push_note(
_("{} mentioned you in {}").format(
if success:
logging.info(_("{} ({}) alerted via pushbullet").format(u.full_name, u.id_.chat_id))
alert_via_1on1 = False # disable 1on1 alert
logging.warning(_("pushbullet alert failed for {} ({})").format(u.full_name, u.id_.chat_id))
if alert_via_1on1:
"""send alert with 1on1 conversation"""
conv_1on1 = bot.get_1on1_conversation(u.id_.chat_id)
if conv_1on1:
_("<b>{}</b> @mentioned you in <i>{}</i>:<br />{}").format(
event.text)) # prevent internal parser from removing <tags>
logging.info(_("{} ({}) alerted via 1on1 ({})").format(u.full_name, u.id_.chat_id, conv_1on1.id_))
if bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'mentionerrors'):
_("@mention didn't work for <b>{}</b>. User must say something to me first.").format(
logging.warning(_("user {} ({}) could not be alerted via 1on1").format(u.full_name, u.id_.chat_id))
if noisy_mention_test:
text_html = _("<b>@mentions:</b><br />")
if len(user_tracking["failed"]["one2one"]) > 0:
text_html = text_html + _("1-to-1 fail: <i>{}</i><br />").format(", ".join(user_tracking["failed"]["one2one"]))
if len(user_tracking["failed"]["pushbullet"]) > 0:
text_html = text_html + _("PushBullet fail: <i>{}</i><br />").format(", ".join(user_tracking["failed"]["pushbullet"]))
if len(user_tracking["ignored"]) > 0:
text_html = text_html + _("Ignored (DND): <i>{}</i><br />").format(", ".join(user_tracking["ignored"]))
if len(user_tracking["mentioned"]) > 0:
text_html = text_html + _("Alerted: <i>{}</i><br />").format(", ".join(user_tracking["mentioned"]))
text_html = text_html + _("Nobody was successfully @mentioned ;-(<br />")
if len(user_tracking["failed"]["one2one"]) > 0:
text_html = text_html + _("Users failing 1-to-1 need to say something to me privately first.<br />")
bot.send_message_parsed(event.conv, text_html)
示例15: print
# 需要导入模块: from pushbullet import PushBullet [as 别名]
# 或者: from pushbullet.PushBullet import push_note [as 别名]
if settings.pushbullet_use_channel:
channels = p.channels
for channel in channels:
#print dev.device_iden + ' ' + dev.nickname
if channel.channel_tag == settings.pushbullet_channel_tag:
sendto_channel = channel
if not sendto_channel:
logger.error('PushBullet channel configured, but tag "' + settings.pushbullet_channel_tag + '" not found')
print('PushBullet channel configured, but tag "' + settings.pushbullet_channel_tag + '" not found')
except AttributeError, e:
logger.error('PushBullet channel settings not found - ' + str(e))
print('PushBullet channel settings not found, see settings_example.py - ' + str(e))
for disruption in changed_disruptions:
message = format_disruption(disruption)
#print message
if sendto_channel:
sendto_channel.push_note(message['header'], message['message'])
p.push_note(message['header'], message['message'], sendto_device)
if trips:
for trip in trips:
if trip.has_delay:
message = format_trip(trip)
#print message
#p.push_note('title', 'body', sendto_device)
p.push_note(message['header'], message['message'], sendto_device)