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Python VoteEvent.start_date方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pupa.scrape.VoteEvent.start_date方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VoteEvent.start_date方法的具体用法?Python VoteEvent.start_date怎么用?Python VoteEvent.start_date使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pupa.scrape.VoteEvent的用法示例。


示例1: scrape_vote

# 需要导入模块: from pupa.scrape import VoteEvent [as 别名]
# 或者: from pupa.scrape.VoteEvent import start_date [as 别名]
    def scrape_vote(self, bill, action_text, url):
        doc = lxml.html.fromstring(self.get(url).text)

        # process action_text - might look like "Vote - Senate Floor -
        # Third Reading Passed (46-0) - 01/16/12"
        if action_text.startswith('Vote - Senate Floor - '):
            action_text = action_text[22:]
            chamber = 'upper'
        elif action_text.startswith('Vote - House Floor - '):
            action_text = action_text[21:]
            chamber = 'lower'

        motion, unused_date = action_text.rsplit(' - ', 1)
            yes_count, no_count = re.findall('\((\d+)-(\d+)\)', motion)[0]
            yes_count = int(yes_count)
            no_count = int(no_count)
        except IndexError:
            self.info("Motion text didn't contain vote totals, will get them from elsewhere")
            yes_count = None
            no_count = None

        if 'Passed' in motion:
            motion = motion.split(' Passed')[0]
            passed = True
        elif 'Adopted' in motion:
            motion = motion.split(' Adopted')[0]
            passed = True
        elif 'Rejected' in motion:
            motion = motion.split(' Rejected')[0]
            passed = False
        elif 'Failed' in motion:
            motion = motion.split(' Failed')[0]
            passed = False
        elif 'Concur' in motion:
            passed = True
        elif 'Floor Amendment' in motion:
            if yes_count and no_count:
                passed = yes_count > no_count
                passed = None
        elif 'overridden' in motion.lower():
            passed = True
            motion = 'Veto Override'
        elif 'Sustained' in motion:
            passed = False
            motion = 'Veto Override'
            raise Exception('unknown motion: %s' % motion)
        vote = VoteEvent(
            result='pass' if passed else 'fail',
        vote.set_count('yes', yes_count)
        vote.set_count('no', no_count)
        vfunc = None

        nobrs = doc.xpath('//nobr/text()')
        for text in nobrs:
            text = text.replace(u'\xa0', ' ')
            if text.startswith('Calendar Date: '):
                if vote.start_date:
                    self.warning('two dates!, skipping rest of bill')
                vote.start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    text.split(': ', 1)[1], '%b %d, %Y %H:%M %p'
            elif 'Yeas' in text and 'Nays' in text and 'Not Voting' in text:
                yeas, nays, nv, exc, absent = re.match(
                        '(\d+) Yeas\s+(\d+) Nays\s+(\d+) Not Voting\s+(\d+) Excused '
                        '\(Absent\)\s+(\d+) Absent'
                    ), text).groups()
                vote.set_count('yes', int(yeas))
                vote.set_count('no', int(nays))
                vote.set_count('other', int(nv) + int(exc) + int(absent))
            elif 'Voting Yea' in text:
                vfunc = 'yes'
            elif 'Voting Nay' in text:
                vfunc = 'no'
            elif 'Not Voting' in text or 'Excused' in text:
                vfunc = 'other'
            elif vfunc:
                if ' and ' in text:
                    legs = text.split(' and ')
                    legs = [text]
                for leg in legs:
                    # Strip the occasional asterisk - see #1512
                    leg = leg.rstrip('*')
                    vote.vote(vfunc, leg)

        vote.pupa_id = url      # contains vote sequence number
        yield vote
