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Python Person.biography方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pupa.scrape.Person.biography方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Person.biography方法的具体用法?Python Person.biography怎么用?Python Person.biography使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pupa.scrape.Person的用法示例。


示例1: scrape_legislator

# 需要导入模块: from pupa.scrape import Person [as 别名]
# 或者: from pupa.scrape.Person import biography [as 别名]

            val = old.pop(idname, None)
            if val:
                new.add_identifier(val, scheme=scheme)
        for id in old.pop('all_ids'):
            new.add_identifier(id, scheme='openstates')
            self._people[id] = new

        # contact details
        email = old.pop('email', None)
        if email:
            new.add_contact_detail(type='email', value=email, note='')
        office_keys = {'fax': 'fax',
                       'phone': 'voice',
                       'email': 'email',
                       'address': 'address'}
        for office in old.pop('offices'):
            for key, type in office_keys.items():
                if office.get(key):
                    if 'Office Hours' in office[key] and self.state == 'pa':
                        for x in office[key].split('Office Hours: '):
                            if x:
                                new.add_contact_detail(type=type, value=x, note=office['name'])
                        new.add_contact_detail(type=type, value=office[key], note=office['name'])

        # links
        link = old.pop('url', None)
        if link:

        #for utah, conflict of interest is in links
        if self.state == 'ut':
            links = old.pop('+links',[])
            for l in links:
                new.add_link(note="conflict of interest form",url=l)

        # sources
        for source in old.pop('sources'):
            source.pop('retrieved', None)
            source.pop('+page', None)

        # roles
        for role in old.pop('roles'):
            self.process_role(new, role, leg_id=id)

        for role_list in old_roles.values():
            for role in role_list:
                self.process_role(new, role, leg_id=id)

        # ignore most of the names for now
        old.pop('nickname', None)
        new.sort_name = old.pop('last_name')

        #some places have legacy names without underscores
        old.pop('+firstname', None)
        old.pop('+lastname', None)

        gender = old.pop('+gender', None)
        if gender:
            new.gender = gender
        biography = old.pop('+biography', None)
        if biography:
            new.biography = biography
        birth_date = old.pop('+birth_date', None)
        if birth_date:
            new.birth_date = birth_date

        # keys to keep
        to_extras = ['+occupation', '+twitter', '+facebook_url', '+sworn_in_date', '+profession',
                     '+secretary', '+office_hours', '+resident_county', '+district_name',
                     '+leg_status', '+legal_position', '+title', '+start_year',
                     '+end_date', 'occupation', '+oregon_member_id',
                     '+facebook', '+youtube', '+instagram']
        for k in to_extras:
            v = old.pop(k, None)
            if v:
                new.extras[k.replace('+', '')] = v

        # keys not to keep
        to_pop = ['+office_fax', '+phone', '+room', '+fax', '+email', '+url', '+photo', '+notice',
                  '+page', '+suffix', '+city', '+address', '+additional_info_url', '+contact_form',
                  '+fax_number', '+phone_number', '+business_phone', '+email_address', '+img_url',
                  '+office_phone', '+disctict_name', '+office_loc', '+leg_url', '+office',
                  '+district_address', '+capital_address', '+bis_phone', '+capital_phone',
                  '+org_info', '+role', '+other_phone', '+home_phone', '+zip', '+zipcode',
                  '+county', '+capitol_phone', '+image_url', '+header', '+town_represented',
                  '+full_address', '+capitol_address', '+website', '+district_phone',
                  '+district_offices', '+party', '+district', '+capitol_office', '+office_address',
        for k in to_pop:
            old.pop(k, None)

        # ensure we got it all
        assert not old, old.keys()

        return new
