本文整理汇总了Python中pulsar.utils.pep.iteritems函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python iteritems函数的具体用法?Python iteritems怎么用?Python iteritems使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __call__
def __call__(self, html, fields, context):
html.data("fields", len(fields))
for name, value in iteritems(fields):
if is_string(value):
html.append(Html("div", value, field=name))
html.append(Html("div", field=name, value=value))
示例2: _auth_header
def _auth_header(self, type, **options):
"""Convert the stored values into a WWW-Authenticate header."""
return '%s %s' % (type.title(), ', '.join((
'%s=%s' % (key, quote_header_value(
value, allow_token=key not in _require_quoting))
for key, value in iteritems(options)
示例3: stream
def stream(self, whitespace=''):
'''This function convert the :class:`css` element into a string.'''
# First we execute mixins
if self.rendered:
raise RuntimeError('%s already rendered' % self)
self.rendered = True
children = self._children
self._children = OrderedDict()
for tag, clist in iteritems(children):
for c in clist:
c._parent = None
s = c.set_parent(self)
if s: # the child (mixin) has return a string, added it.
yield (None, s)
data = []
for k, v in self._attributes:
v = as_value(v)
if v is not None:
data.append('%s %s: %s;' % (whitespace, k, v))
if data:
yield (self.tag, '\n'.join(data))
# yield Mixins and children
for child_list in itervalues(self._children):
if isinstance(child_list, list):
child = child_list[0]
for c in child_list[1:]:
for s in child.stream(whitespace):
yield s
yield None, child_list
示例4: stream_mapping
def stream_mapping(value, request=None):
result = {}
for key, value in iteritems(value):
if isinstance(value, AsyncString):
value = value.render(request)
result[key] = value
return multi_async(result)
示例5: zadd
def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
can be specified in two ways:
As ``*args``, in the form of::
score1, name1, score2, name2, ...
or as ``**kwargs``, in the form of::
name1=score1, name2=score2, ...
The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key::
client.zadd('my-key', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2',
name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
pieces = []
if args:
if len(args) % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
"values and scores")
for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces)
示例6: apply_content
def apply_content(self, elem, content):
elem.data({'id': content.id, 'content_type': content.content_type})
for name, value in chain((('title', content.title),
('keywords', content.keywords)),
if not is_string(value):
elem.data(name, value)
elif value:
elem.append(Html('div', value, field=name))
示例7: _
def _():
for data, tags in iteritems(od):
if tags:
yield ',\n'.join(('%s%s' % (whitespace, t) for t in tags)
) + ' {'
yield data
yield whitespace + '}\n'
yield data
示例8: _spawn_actor
def _spawn_actor(cls, monitor, cfg=None, name=None, aid=None, **kw):
# Internal function which spawns a new Actor and return its
# ActorProxyMonitor.
# *cls* is the Actor class
# *monitor* can be either the ariber or a monitor
kind = None
if issubclass(cls, PoolMixin):
kind = 'monitor'
if monitor:
params = monitor.actorparams()
name = params.pop('name', name)
aid = params.pop('aid', aid)
cfg = params.pop('cfg', cfg)
# get config if not available
if cfg is None:
if monitor:
cfg = monitor.cfg.copy()
cfg = Config()
if not monitor: # monitor not available, this is the arbiter
if kind != 'monitor':
raise TypeError('class %s not a valid monitor' % cls)
kind = 'arbiter'
params = {}
if not cfg.exc_id:
if not aid:
aid = gen_unique_id()[:8]
cfg.set('exc_id', aid)
for key, value in iteritems(kw):
if key in cfg.settings:
cfg.set(key, value)
params[key] = value
if monitor:
if not kind:
if not issubclass(cls, Actor):
raise TypeError('Class %s not a valid actor.' % cls)
kind = cfg.concurrency
if not kind:
raise TypeError('Cannot spawn class %s. not a valid concurrency.'
% cls)
actor_proxy = concurrency(kind, cls, monitor, cfg, name=name,
aid=aid, **params)
# Add to the list of managed actors if this is a remote actor
if isinstance(actor_proxy, Actor):
return actor_proxy
actor_proxy.monitor = monitor
monitor.managed_actors[actor_proxy.aid] = actor_proxy
future = actor_proxy_future(actor_proxy)
return future
示例9: stream_mapping
def stream_mapping(value, request=None):
result = {}
async = False
for key, value in iteritems(value):
if isinstance(value, AsyncString):
value = value.content(request)
value = maybe_async(value)
async = async or isinstance(value, Deferred)
result[key] = value
return multi_async(result) if async else result
示例10: manage_actors
def manage_actors(self, stop=False):
'''Remove :class:`Actor` which are not alive from the
:class:`PoolMixin.managed_actors` and return the number of actors still alive.
:parameter stop: if ``True`` stops all alive actor.
alive = 0
if self.managed_actors:
for aid, actor in list(iteritems(self.managed_actors)):
alive += self.manage_actor(actor, stop)
return alive
示例11: initials
def initials(cls):
'''Iterator over initial field values.
Check the :attr:`Field.initial` attribute for more information.
This class method can be useful when using forms outside web
for name, field in iteritems(cls.base_fields):
initial = field.get_initial(cls)
if initial is not None:
yield name, initial
示例12: poll
def poll(self, timeout=None):
readable, writeable, errors = _select(
self.read_fds, self.write_fds, self.error_fds, timeout)
events = {}
for fd in readable:
events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | READ
for fd in writeable:
events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | WRITE
for fd in errors:
events[fd] = events.get(fd, 0) | ERROR
return list(iteritems(events))
示例13: update
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
if len(args) == 1:
iterable = args[0]
if isinstance(iterable, Mapping):
iterable = iteritems(iterable)
super(Model, self).update(((mstr(k), v)
for k, v in iterable))
self._modified = 1
elif args:
raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %s' % len(args))
if kwargs:
super(Model, self).update(**kwargs)
self._modified = 1
示例14: commit
def commit(self):
'''Commit the transaction.
This method can be invoked once only otherwise an
:class:`.InvalidOperation` occurs.
:return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` which results in this transaction
if self._executed is None:
fut = multi_async((store.execute_transaction(commands) for
store, commands in iteritems(self._commands)))
self._executed = fut
return self._executed
raise InvalidOperation('Transaction already executed.')
示例15: data
def data(self, *args):
'''Add or retrieve data values for this :class:`Html`.'''
data = self._data
if not args:
return data or {}
result, adding = self._attrdata('data', *args)
if adding:
if data is None:
self._extra['data'] = {}
add = self._visitor.add_data
for key, value in iteritems(result):
add(self, key, value)
return self
return result