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Python extensions.new_type函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中psycopg2.extensions.new_type函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python new_type函数的具体用法?Python new_type怎么用?Python new_type使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: register_uuid

    def register_uuid(oids=None, conn_or_curs=None):
        """Create the UUID type and an uuid.UUID adapter."""
        if not oids:
            oid1 = 2950
            oid2 = 2951
        elif type(oids) == list:
            oid1, oid2 = oids
            oid1 = oids
            oid2 = 2951

        def parseUUIDARRAY(data, cursor):
            if data is None:
                return None
            elif data == "{}":
                return []
                return [((len(x) > 0 and x != "NULL") and uuid.UUID(x) or None) for x in data[1:-1].split(",")]

        _ext.UUID = _ext.new_type((oid1,), "UUID", lambda data, cursor: data and uuid.UUID(data) or None)
        _ext.UUIDARRAY = _ext.new_type((oid2,), "UUID[]", parseUUIDARRAY)

        _ext.register_type(_ext.UUID, conn_or_curs)
        _ext.register_type(_ext.UUIDARRAY, conn_or_curs)
        _ext.register_adapter(uuid.UUID, UUID_adapter)

        return _ext.UUID

示例2: _make_casters

def _make_casters():
    inet = new_type((869,), 'INET', cast_interface)
    ainet = new_array_type((1041,), 'INET[]', inet)

    cidr = new_type((650,), 'CIDR', cast_network)
    acidr = new_array_type((651,), 'CIDR[]', cidr)

    return [inet, ainet, cidr, acidr]

示例3: register_inet

def register_inet(oid=None, conn_or_curs=None):
    """Create the INET type and an Inet adapter."""
    if not oid:
        oid = 869
    _ext.INET = _ext.new_type((oid,), "INET", lambda data, cursor: data and Inet(data) or None)
    _ext.register_type(_ext.INET, conn_or_curs)
    return _ext.INET

示例4: register_extensions

def register_extensions(con):
    pgext.register_adapter(Polygon, adapt_wkt)
    pgext.register_adapter(Point, adapt_wkt)
    pgext.register_adapter(LineString, adapt_wkt)

    with con.cursor() as c:
        c.execute('select null::point, null::polygon, null::geometry')
        point_oid, poly_oid = c.description[0][1], c.description[1][1]
        geom_oid = c.description[2][1]

    point = pgext.new_type((point_oid,), 'POINT', cast_wkb)
    polygon = pgext.new_type((poly_oid,), 'POLYGON', cast_wkb)
    geom = pgext.new_type((geom_oid,), 'GEOMETRY', cast_wkb)

示例5: register_ltree

def register_ltree(conn):
    oid = _get_ltree_oids(conn)
    if not oid[0]:
        return False
        array_oid = oid[1]
        oid = oid[0]

    if isinstance(oid, int):
        oid = (oid,)

    if array_oid is not None:
        if isinstance(array_oid, int):
            array_oid = (array_oid,)
            array_oid = tuple([x for x in array_oid if x])

    ltree = extensions.new_type(oid, "LTREE", _cast_fn)
    extensions.register_type(ltree, None)

    if array_oid:
        ltree_array = extensions.new_array_type(array_oid, "LTREEARRAY", ltree)
        extensions.register_type(ltree_array, None)

    return True

示例6: register_ltree

def register_ltree(conn_or_curs, globally=False, oid=None, array_oid=None):
    """Register the ltree adapter and typecaster on the connection or cursor.

    conn, curs, conn_or_curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

    if oid is None:
        oid = get_oids(conn_or_curs, 'ltree')
        if oid is None or not oid[0]:
            raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError(
                "ltree type not found in the database."
            array_oid = oid[1]
            oid = oid[0]

    if isinstance(oid, int):
        oid = (oid,)

    if array_oid is not None:
        if isinstance(array_oid, int):
            array_oid = (array_oid,)
            array_oid = tuple([x for x in array_oid if x])

    # create and register the typecaster
    LTREE = ext.new_type(oid, "LTREE", cast_ltree)
    ext.register_type(LTREE, not globally and conn_or_curs or None)

    if array_oid:
        LTREEARRAY = ext.new_array_type(array_oid, "LTREEARRAY", LTREE)
        ext.register_type(LTREEARRAY, not globally and conn_or_curs or None)

示例7: register_cidr

def register_cidr(oid=None, conn_or_curs=None):
    """Create the CIDR type and an Cidr adapter.

    :param oid: oid for the PostgreSQL :sql:`cidr` type, or 2-items sequence
        with oids of the type and the array. If not specified, use PostgreSQL
        standard oids.
    :param conn_or_curs: where to register the typecaster. If not specified,
        register it globally.
    if not oid:
        oid1 = 650
        oid2 = 651
    elif isinstance(oid, (list, tuple)):
        oid1, oid2 = oid
        oid1 = oid
        oid2 = 651

    _ext.CIDR = _ext.new_type((oid1, ), "CIDR",
            lambda data, cursor: data and Cidr(data) or None)
    _ext.CIDRARRAY = _ext.new_array_type((oid2, ), "CIDRARRAY", _ext.CIDR)

    _ext.register_type(_ext.CIDR, conn_or_curs)
    _ext.register_type(_ext.CIDRARRAY, conn_or_curs)

    return _ext.CIDR

示例8: register_uuid

def register_uuid(oids=None, conn_or_curs=None):
    """Create the UUID type and an uuid.UUID adapter.

    :param oids: oid for the PostgreSQL :sql:`uuid` type, or 2-items sequence
        with oids of the type and the array. If not specified, use PostgreSQL
        standard oids.
    :param conn_or_curs: where to register the typecaster. If not specified,
        register it globally.

    import uuid

    if not oids:
        oid1 = 2950
        oid2 = 2951
    elif isinstance(oids, (list, tuple)):
        oid1, oid2 = oids
        oid1 = oids
        oid2 = 2951

    _ext.UUID = _ext.new_type((oid1, ), "UUID",
            lambda data, cursor: data and uuid.UUID(data) or None)
    _ext.UUIDARRAY = _ext.new_array_type((oid2,), "UUID[]", _ext.UUID)

    _ext.register_type(_ext.UUID, conn_or_curs)
    _ext.register_type(_ext.UUIDARRAY, conn_or_curs)
    _ext.register_adapter(uuid.UUID, UUID_adapter)

    return _ext.UUID

示例9: register_tstz_w_secs

def register_tstz_w_secs(oids=None, conn_or_curs=None):
    """Register alternate type caster for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

    The Python datetime module cannot handle time zones with
    seconds in the UTC offset. There are, however, historical
    "time zones" which contain such offsets, eg. "Asia/Calcutta".
    In many cases those offsets represent true local time.

    If you encounter "unable to parse time" on a perfectly valid
    timestamp you likely want to try this type caster. It truncates
    the seconds from the time zone data and retries casting
    the timestamp. Note that this will generate timestamps
    which are INACCURATE by the number of seconds truncated
    (unless the seconds were 00).

            which OIDs to use this type caster for,
            defaults to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
            a cursor or connection if you want to attach
            this type caster to that only, defaults to
            None meaning all connections and cursors
    if oids is None:
        oids = (1184,)  # hardcoded from PostgreSQL headers

    _ext.TSTZ_W_SECS = _ext.new_type(oids, "TSTZ_W_SECS", _convert_tstz_w_secs)
    _ext.register_type(TSTZ_W_SECS, conn_or_curs)

    return _ext.TSTZ_W_SECS

示例10: register_inet

def register_inet(oid=None, conn_or_curs=None):
    """Create the INET type and an Inet adapter.

    :param oid: oid for the PostgreSQL :sql:`inet` type, or 2-items sequence
        with oids of the type and the array. If not specified, use PostgreSQL
        standard oids.
    :param conn_or_curs: where to register the typecaster. If not specified,
        register it globally.
    import warnings
        "the inet adapter is deprecated, it's not very useful",

    if not oid:
        oid1 = 869
        oid2 = 1041
    elif isinstance(oid, (list, tuple)):
        oid1, oid2 = oid
        oid1 = oid
        oid2 = 1041

    _ext.INET = _ext.new_type((oid1, ), "INET",
            lambda data, cursor: data and Inet(data) or None)
    _ext.INETARRAY = _ext.new_array_type((oid2, ), "INETARRAY", _ext.INET)

    _ext.register_type(_ext.INET, conn_or_curs)
    _ext.register_type(_ext.INETARRAY, conn_or_curs)

    return _ext.INET

示例11: __init__

    def __init__(self, name, oid, attrs):
        self.name = name
        self.oid = oid

        self.attnames = [ a[0] for a in attrs ]
        self.atttypes = [ a[1] for a in attrs ]
        self._create_type(name, self.attnames)
        self.typecaster = _ext.new_type((oid,), name, self.parse)

示例12: _register_inet

def _register_inet(oid=None, conn_or_curs=None):
    """Create the INET type and an Inet adapter."""
    from psycopg2 import extensions as _ext
    if not oid: oid = 869
    _ext.INET = _ext.new_type((oid, ), "INET",
            lambda data, cursor: data and Inet(data) or None)
    _ext.register_type(_ext.INET, conn_or_curs)
    return _ext.INET

示例13: register_cast

    def register_cast(cls, connection):
        cast_function = CAST_MAPPER[cls.type_name()]
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        oid = cursor.description[0][1]

        PGTYPE = new_type((oid,), cls.type_name().upper(), cast_function)

示例14: register_range_caster

def register_range_caster(pgrange, pyrange, oid, subtype_oid, array_oid, scope=None):
    # Create an adapter for this range type
    adapter = partial(cast_raw_range_string, pyrange, subtype_oid=subtype_oid)

    # Create types using adapter
    range_type = new_type((oid,), pgrange, adapter)
    range_array_type = new_array_type((array_oid,), pgrange, range_type)

    register_type(range_type, scope)
    register_type(range_array_type, scope)

示例15: register_citext_type

def register_citext_type(dbapi_con, connection_record):
    def cast_citext(in_str, cursor):
        if in_str == None:
            return None
        return unicode(in_str, cursor.connection.encoding)
    with closing(dbapi_con.cursor()) as c:
        c.execute(b"SELECT pg_type.oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'citext'")
        citext_oid = c.fetchone()
        if citext_oid != None:
            citext_type = new_type(citext_oid, b"CITEXT", cast_citext)
