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Python attributetools.setAttribute函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中psychopy.tools.attributetools.setAttribute函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python setAttribute函数的具体用法?Python setAttribute怎么用?Python setAttribute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _set

    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=None):
        """Use this to set attributes of your stimulus after initialising it.


        attrib : a string naming any of the attributes of the stimulus (set during init)
        val : the value to be used in the operation on the attrib
        op : a string representing the operation to be performed (optional) most maths operators apply ('+','-','*'...)


            myStim.set('rgb',0) #will simply set all guns to zero (black)
            myStim.set('rgb',0.5,'+') #will increment all 3 guns by 0.5
            myStim.set('rgb',(1.0,0.5,0.5),'*') # will keep the red gun the same and halve the others

        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in [tuple,list]:

        #change the attribute as requested
        setAttribute(self, attrib, val, log, op)

        #update the actual coherence for the requested coherence and nDots
        if attrib in ['nDots','coherence']:

示例2: setOris

    def setOris(self, value, operation='', log=None):
        """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
        but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.

        # call attributeSetter
        setAttribute(self, 'oris', value, log, operation)

示例3: setPhases

 def setPhases(self, value, operation="", log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.
     # in the case of Nx1 list/array, setAttribute would fail if not this:
     value = self._makeNx2(value)
     setAttribute(self, "phases", value, log, operation)  # call attributeSetter

示例4: setAutoDraw

    def setAutoDraw(self, val, log=None):
        """Add or remove a stimulus from the list of stimuli that will be
        automatically drawn on each flip

            - val: True/False
                True to add the stimulus to the draw list, False to remove it
        if val:
            self.play(log=False)  # set to play in case stopped
        #add to drawing list and update status
        setAttribute(self, 'autoDraw', val, log)

示例5: _set

    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        """Deprecated. Use methods specific to the parameter you want to set.

        e.g. ::

             stim.pos = [3,2.5]
             stim.ori = 45
             stim.phase += 0.5

        NB this method does not flag the need for updates any more - that is
        done by specific methods as described above.
        if op is None:
            op = ''
        # format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in (tuple, list):
            val = numpy.array(val, float)

        setAttribute(self, attrib, val, log, op)

示例6: setWidth

 def setWidth(self, width, operation='', log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setAttribute(self, 'width', width, log, operation)

示例7: setRadialPhase

 def setRadialPhase(self, value, operation='', log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setAttribute(self, 'radialPhase', value, log,
                  operation)  # calls the attributeSetter

示例8: setRadius

 def setRadius(self, radius, log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message"""
     setAttribute(self, 'radius', radius, log)

示例9: setEnd

 def setEnd(self, end, log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.
     setAttribute(self, 'end', end, log)

示例10: setFlipVert

 def setFlipVert(self, newVal=True, log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message"""
     setAttribute(self, 'flipVert', newVal, log)

示例11: setHeight

 def setHeight(self, height, log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message. """
     setAttribute(self, 'height', height, log)

示例12: setDepth

 def setDepth(self, newDepth, operation='', log=None):
     """DEPRECATED. Depth is now controlled simply by drawing order.
     setAttribute(self, 'depth', newDepth, log, operation)

示例13: setColor

def setColor(obj, color, colorSpace=None, operation='',
             rgbAttrib='rgb',  # or 'fillRGB' etc
             colorAttrib='color',  # or 'fillColor' etc
             colorSpaceAttrib=None,  # e.g. 'colorSpace' or 'fillColorSpace'
    """Provides the workings needed by setColor, and can perform this for
    any arbitrary color type (e.g. fillColor,lineColor etc).

    OBS: log argument is deprecated - has no effect now.
    Logging should be done when setColor() is called.

    # how this works:
    # rather than using obj.rgb=rgb this function uses setattr(obj,'rgb',rgb)
    # color represents the color in the native space
    # colorAttrib is the name that color will be assigned using
    #   setattr(obj,colorAttrib,color)
    # rgb is calculated from converting color
    # rgbAttrib is the attribute name that rgb is stored under,
    #   e.g. lineRGB for obj.lineRGB
    # colorSpace and takes name from colorAttrib+space e.g.
    # obj.lineRGBSpace=colorSpace

    if colorSpaceAttrib is None:
        colorSpaceAttrib = colorAttrib + 'Space'

    # Handle strings and returns immediately as operations, colorspace etc.
    # does not apply here.
    if isinstance(color, basestring):
        if operation not in ('', None):
            raise TypeError('Cannot do operations on named or hex color')
        if color.lower() in colors.colors255:
            # set rgb, color and colorSpace
            setattr(obj, rgbAttrib,
                    np.array(colors.colors255[color.lower()], float))
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = 'named'  # e.g. 3rSpace='named'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color  # e.g. obj.color='red'
        elif color[0] == '#' or color[0:2] == '0x':
            # e.g. obj.rgb=[0,0,0]
            setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, np.array(colors.hex2rgb255(color)))
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = 'hex'  # eg obj.colorSpace='hex'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color  # eg Qr='#000000'
            # we got a string, but it isn't in the list of named colors and
            # doesn't work as a hex
            raise AttributeError(
                "PsychoPy can't interpret the color string '%s'" % color)

        # If it wasn't a string, do check and conversion of scalars,
        # sequences and other stuff.
        color = val2array(color, length=3)  # enforces length 1 or 3

        if color is None:
            setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, None)  # e.g. obj.rgb=[0,0,0]
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = None  # e.g. obj.colorSpace='hex'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = None  # e.g. obj.color='#000000'

    # at this point we have a numpy array of 3 vals
    # check if colorSpace is given and use obj.colorSpace if not
    if colorSpace is None:
        colorSpace = getattr(obj, colorSpaceAttrib)
        # using previous color space - if we got this far in the
        # _stColor function then we haven't been given a color name -
        # we don't know what color space to use.
        if colorSpace in ('named', 'hex'):
            logging.error("If you setColor with a numeric color value then"
                          " you need to specify a color space, e.g. "
                          "setColor([1,1,-1],'rgb'), unless you used a "
                          "numeric value previously in which case PsychoPy "
                          "will reuse that color space.)")
    # check whether combining sensible colorSpaces (e.g. can't add things to
    # hex or named colors)
    if operation != '' and getattr(obj, colorSpaceAttrib) in ['named', 'hex']:
        msg = ("setColor() cannot combine ('%s') colors "
               "within 'named' or 'hex' color spaces")
        raise AttributeError(msg % operation)
    elif operation != '' and colorSpace != getattr(obj, colorSpaceAttrib):
        msg = ("setColor cannot combine ('%s') colors"
               " from different colorSpaces (%s,%s)")
        raise AttributeError(msg % (operation, obj.colorSpace, colorSpace))
    else:  # OK to update current color
        if colorSpace == 'named':
            # operations don't make sense for named
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color
            setAttribute(obj, colorAttrib, color, log=False,
                         operation=operation, stealth=True)
    # get window (for color conversions)
    if colorSpace in ['dkl', 'lms']:  # only needed for these spaces
        if hasattr(obj, 'dkl_rgb'):
            win = obj  # obj is probably a Window
        elif hasattr(obj, 'win'):
            win = obj.win  # obj is probably a Stimulus

示例14: setSpeed

 def setSpeed(self, val, op='', log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setAttribute(self, 'speed', val, log, op)

示例15: setFieldCoherence

 def setFieldCoherence(self, val, op='', log=None):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setAttribute(self, 'coherence', val, log, op)  # calls attributeSetter
