本文整理汇总了Python中psychopy.gui.fileOpenDlg函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python fileOpenDlg函数的具体用法?Python fileOpenDlg怎么用?Python fileOpenDlg使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: load
def load(self, fileName=''):
"""read and return header + row x col data from a pickle file
if not fileName:
fileName = self.defaultFileName
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
_base = os.path.basename(fileName)
fullPathList = gui.fileOpenDlg(tryFileName=_base,
allowed="All files (*.*)|*.*")
if fullPathList:
fileName = fullPathList[0] # wx.MULTIPLE -> list
if os.path.isfile(fileName) and fileName.endswith('.pkl'):
f = open(fileName, 'rb')
# Converting newline characters.
if PY3:
# 'b' is necessary in Python3 because byte object is
# returned when file is opened in binary mode.
buffer = f.read().replace(b'\r\n',b'\n').replace(b'\r',b'\n')
buffer = f.read().replace('\r\n','\n').replace('\r','\n')
contents = pickle.loads(buffer)
if self.parent:
self.parent.conditionsFile = fileName
return contents
elif not os.path.isfile(fileName):
print('file %s not found' % fileName)
print('only .pkl supported at the moment')
示例2: csvFromPsydat
def csvFromPsydat(self, evt=None):
from psychopy import gui
from psychopy.tools.filetools import fromFile
names = gui.fileOpenDlg(allowed='*.psydat',
prompt=_translate("Select .psydat file(s) to extract"))
for name in names or []:
filePsydat = os.path.abspath(name)
print("psydat: {0}".format(filePsydat))
exp = fromFile(filePsydat)
if filePsydat.endswith('.psydat'):
fileCsv = filePsydat[:-7]
fileCsv = filePsydat
fileCsv += '.csv'
print(' -->: {0}'.format(os.path.abspath(fileCsv)))
示例3: load
def load(self, fileName=''):
"""read and return header + row x col data from a pickle file
if not fileName:
fileName = self.defaultFileName
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
fullPathList = gui.fileOpenDlg(tryFileName=os.path.basename(fileName),
allowed="All files (*.*)|*.*")
if fullPathList:
fileName = fullPathList[0] # wx.MULTIPLE -> list
if os.path.isfile(fileName) and fileName.endswith('.pkl'):
f = open(fileName)
contents = cPickle.load(f)
if self.parent:
self.parent.conditionsFile = fileName
return contents
elif not os.path.isfile(fileName):
print('file %s not found' % fileName)
print('only .pkl supported at the moment')
from os import path
from psychopy import misc, gui
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from scipy import stats
#choose some data files to analyse
filenames = gui.fileOpenDlg(allowed="*.csv")
#loop through the files
for thisFilename in filenames:
print thisFilename
thisDat = pd.read_csv(thisFilename)
#filter out bad data
filtered = thisDat[ thisDat['rt']<=1.0 ]
filtered = filtered[ filtered['corr']==1 ]
#separate conflicting from congruent reaction times
conflict = filtered[filtered.description == 'conflict']
congruent = filtered[filtered.description != 'conflict']
#get mean/std.dev
meanConfl = scipy.mean(conflict.rt)
semConfl = scipy.std(conflict.rt, ddof=1)
meanCongr = scipy.mean(congruent.rt)
semCongr = scipy.std(congruent.rt, ddof=1)
print "Conflict = %.3f (std=%.3f)" %(meanConfl, semConfl)
print "Congruent = %.3f (std=%.3f)" %(meanCongr, semCongr)
#run a t-test
t, p = stats.ttest_ind(conflict.rt, congruent.rt)
示例5: isinstance
#!/usr/bin/env python
#This analysis script takes one or more staircase datafiles as input from a GUI
#It then plots the staircases on top of each other on the left
#and a combined psychometric function from the same data
#on the right
from psychopy import data, gui, core
from psychopy.tools.filetools import fromFile
import pylab, scipy
files = gui.fileOpenDlg('.')
if not files:
#get the data from all the files
allIntensities, allResponses = [],[]
for thisFileName in files:
thisDat = fromFile(thisFileName)
assert isinstance(thisDat, data.StairHandler)
allIntensities.append( thisDat.intensities )
allResponses.append( thisDat.data )
#plot each staircase
colors = 'brgkcmbrgkcm'
lines, names = [],[]
for fileN, thisStair in enumerate(allIntensities):
#names = files[fileN]
示例6: main
def main(file_name=None):
""" Run the analysis on data in a file"""
# Define these two within the scope of main:
def func(pars):
a,b,c = pars
return a*(x**2) + b*x + c
def errfunc(pars):
return y-func(pars)
if file_name is None:
#path_to_files = '/Volumes/Plata1/Shared/Ariel/texture_data/'
file_name = fileOpenDlg()[0]
p,l,data_rec = utils.get_data(file_name)
neutral = data_rec[np.where(data_rec['neutral'])]
peripheral = data_rec[np.where(data_rec['neutral']==0)]
cond_str = ['Neutral', 'Cued']
colors = ['b','r']
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
print("SOA used was: %s msec"%(1000*p[' texture_dur']))
print("% correct: ")
for cond_idx,cond_rec in enumerate([neutral,peripheral]):
correct = cond_rec['correct']
ecc = cond_rec['target_ecc']
#Bin the eccentricities:
a = np.floor(ecc)
eccs_used = np.unique(a)
#Initialize counters:
b = np.zeros(len(eccs_used))
c = np.zeros(len(eccs_used))
#Loop over the trials and add the correct to one counter and the number of
#trials to the other:
for i in xrange(len(correct)):
idx = np.where(eccs_used==np.floor(ecc[i]))
p_correct = b/c
print("%s: %s "%(cond_str[cond_idx], np.mean(p_correct)*100))
for i,p in enumerate(p_correct):
x = []
y = []
for i,this_ecc in enumerate(eccs_used):
x = np.hstack([x,c[i]*[this_ecc]])
y = np.hstack([y,c[i]*[p_correct[i]]])
guess = 1,1,1
fit, mesg = leastsq(errfunc,guess)
x = np.arange(0,np.max(x),0.01)
ax.set_xlabel('Eccentricity (degrees)')
ax.set_ylabel('Proportion correct responses')
fig_name = 'figures/' + file_name.split('.')[0].split('/')[-1] + '.png'
os.system('open %s'%fig_name)
示例7: Workbook
#libs for handling excel files:
from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
from openpyxl.writer.excel import ExcelWriter
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter
#use a file open dialog to choose the files to include
files = gui.fileOpenDlg(tryFilePath=".", allowed='*.psydat')
if not files:#user pressed cancel
xlBook = Workbook()
xlsxWriter = ExcelWriter(workbook = xlBook)
xlSheet = xlBook.worksheets[0]#use the first worksheet (index 0)
xlSheet.title = groupName
#make a header row
for condition in outCols.keys():
xlSheet.cell(outCols[condition]+'1').value = condition
outRow = 2#starting row for data
#do the actual analysis, file-by-file
condNames = []
for fileName in files:
示例8: isinstance
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This analysis script takes one or more staircase datafiles as input from a GUI
# It then plots the staircases on top of each other on the left
# and a combined psychometric function from the same data
# on the right
from psychopy import data, gui, misc, core, compatibility
import pylab, scipy
import numpy as np
files = gui.fileOpenDlg(".")
if not files:
# get the data from all the files
allIntensities, allResponses = [], []
for thisFileName in files:
thisDat = compatibility.fromFile(thisFileName)
assert isinstance(thisDat, data.StairHandler)
# plot each staircase
colors = "brgkcmbrgkcm"
lines, names = [], []
for fileN, thisStair in enumerate(allIntensities):
# lines.extend(pylab.plot(thisStair))
# names = files[fileN]
示例9: files
'session': 1,
# overwrite params struct if you just saved a new parameter set
if saveParams:
expInfo['paramsFile'] = [newParamsFilename,'Load...']
#present a dialogue to change select params
dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(expInfo, title=scriptName, order=['subject','session','skipPrompts','paramsFile'])
if not dlg.OK:
core.quit() # the user hit cancel, so exit
# find parameter file
if expInfo['paramsFile'] == 'Load...':
dlgResult = gui.fileOpenDlg(prompt='Select parameters file',tryFilePath=os.getcwd(),
allowed="PICKLE files (.pickle)|.pickle|All files (.*)|")
expInfo['paramsFile'] = dlgResult[0]
# load parameter file
if expInfo['paramsFile'] not in ['DEFAULT', None]: # otherwise, just use defaults.
# load params file
params = fromFile(expInfo['paramsFile'])
# transfer skipPrompts from expInfo (gui input) to params (logged parameters)
params['skipPrompts'] = expInfo['skipPrompts']
# print params to Output
print 'params = {'
for key in sorted(params.keys()):
print " '%s': %s"%(key,params[key]) # print each value as-is (no quotes)
print '}'
示例10: main
def main(file_name=None):
""" Run the analysis on data in a file"""
# Define these two within the scope of main:
def func(pars):
a, b, c = pars
return a * (x ** 2) + b * x + c
def errfunc(pars):
return y - func(pars)
if file_name is None:
# path_to_files = '/Volumes/Plata1/Shared/Ariel/texture_data/'
file_name = fileOpenDlg()[0]
p, l, data_rec = utils.get_data(file_name)
# For backwards compatibility, check if this variable exists:
if "eye_moved" in l:
data_rec = data_rec[np.where(data_rec["eye_moved"] == 0)]
neutral = data_rec[np.where(data_rec["neutral"])]
peripheral = data_rec[np.where(data_rec["neutral"] == 0)]
cond_str = ["Neutral", "Cued"]
colors = ["b", "r"]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
print("SOA used was: %s msec" % (1000 * p[" texture_dur"]))
print("% correct: ")
for cond_idx, cond_rec in enumerate([neutral, peripheral]):
correct = cond_rec["correct"]
ecc = cond_rec["target_ecc"]
# Bin the eccentricities:
a = np.floor(ecc)
eccs_used = np.unique(a)
# Initialize counters:
b = np.zeros(len(eccs_used))
c = np.zeros(len(eccs_used))
# Loop over the trials and add the correct to one counter and the number of
# trials to the other:
for i in xrange(len(correct)):
idx = np.where(eccs_used == np.floor(ecc[i]))
b[idx] += correct[i]
c[idx] += 1.0
p_correct = b / c
print("%s: %s " % (cond_str[cond_idx], np.mean(p_correct) * 100))
for i, p in enumerate(p_correct):
ax.plot(eccs_used[i], p, "o", color=colors[cond_idx], markersize=c[i])
x = []
y = []
for i, this_ecc in enumerate(eccs_used):
x = np.hstack([x, c[i] * [this_ecc]])
y = np.hstack([y, c[i] * [p_correct[i]]])
guess = 1, 1, 1
fit, mesg = leastsq(errfunc, guess)
x = np.arange(0, np.max(x), 0.01)
ax.plot(x, func(fit), "--", color=colors[cond_idx], label=cond_str[cond_idx])
ax.set_xlim([-1, 13])
ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1])
ax.set_xlabel("Eccentricity (degrees)")
ax.set_ylabel("Proportion correct responses")
fig_name = "figures/" + file_name.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1] + ".png"
os.system("open %s" % fig_name)
示例11: open
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import next
import csv, codecs
from psychopy import gui
filename = gui.fileOpenDlg('.', allowed='*.csv')[0]
#use csv from python (not from numpy) due to handling newlines within quote char
with open(filename, 'rU') as csvFile:
spamreader = csv.reader(csvFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', dialect=csv.excel)
headers = next(spamreader)
print('headers:', type(headers), headers)
for thisRow in spamreader:
thisEntry = {}
for fieldN, thisFieldName in enumerate(headers):
thisEntry[thisFieldName] = thisRow[fieldN]
companHead="Your Company or Institution"
nameHead='Your name (or anon, but a name is nicer)'
testimHead='Your thoughts on PsychoPy'
posnHead = 'Your position'
with open('testimonialsText.html', 'wb') as outFile:
for thisEntry in entries:
outFile.write(' <hr>%s <p>\n' %(thisEntry[testimHead].replace('\n', '<br>')))
nameStr = ' - <em>%s' %thisEntry[nameHead]
if thisEntry[posnHead]:
"""This is not a particularly useful example of saving out
csv files from a set of psydat files
from os import path
from psychopy import misc, gui
#select some files to use
filenames = gui.fileOpenDlg(allowed="*.psydat")
#loop through the files
for thisFilename in filenames:
#get a new name
fileNoExt, fileExt = path.splitext(thisFilename)
newName = fileNoExt+"NEW.csv"
#load and save
dat = misc.fromFile(thisFilename)
print 'saved', newName
示例13: enumerate
import analysis_utils as ana
contrast = []
correct = []
if __name__=="__main__":
bootstrap_n = 1000
#Weibull params set in analysis_utils: The guessing rate is 0.25 for 4afc
guess = 0.5
flake = 0.01
slope = 3.5
file_names = gui.fileOpenDlg(tryFilePath='./data')
for file_idx, file_name in enumerate(file_names):
print file_idx
if file_idx == 0:
file_stem = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
file_stem = file_stem + file_name[-8]
p, l, data_rec = ana.get_data(str(file_name))
trials_per_condition = float(p[' trials_per_block'])*(float(p[' num_blocks'])/2.0)
print trials_per_condition
contrast = np.ones([len(file_names)*trials_per_condition,1])
correct = np.ones([len(file_names)*trials_per_condition,1])
data_rec = csv2rec(file_name)
contrast_this_run = data_rec['annulus_target_contrast']
correct_this_run = data_rec['correct']
示例14: files
# 2D Fast Fourier Transform on the lum, lm and s components of natural scenes - March 2011
from psychopy import misc, core, visual, event, data, gui
from scipy import fftpack
import scipy, Image, copy, pylab, glob
import numpy as np
import radialProfile, radial_data
from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
from openpyxl.writer.excel import ExcelWriter
#files = glob.glob('C:\Documents and Settings\lpxrs\My Documents\Colour Data\Image Statistics\McGill Image Library/Textures/*.tif')
#files = gui.fileOpenDlg('.', allowed = "JPEG files (*.jpg) | *.jpg")
files = gui.fileOpenDlg('.', allowed = "TIFF files (*.tif) | *.tif")
if not files:
counter = 2
#Name of file where data will be saved
#fName = "Textures2.xlsx"
#Create Excel File
wb = Workbook()
ew = ExcelWriter(workbook = wb)
ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
ws.title = "Raw Data"