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Python Population.sample方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中population.Population.sample方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Population.sample方法的具体用法?Python Population.sample怎么用?Python Population.sample使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在population.Population的用法示例。


示例1: run_synth_test

# 需要导入模块: from population import Population [as 别名]
# 或者: from population.Population import sample [as 别名]
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    # Parse command line args
    (options, args) = parse_cmd_line_args()
    print "Creating master population object"
    model = make_model(options.model, N=options.N)
    popn = Population(model)

    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, "geweke_results.pkl")
    if os.path.exists(results_file) and not options.force_recompute:
        with open(results_file) as f:
            x_smpls = cPickle.load(f)

        x0 = popn.sample()
        data = gen_synth_data(popn, x0, options.N, options.T)

        # Perform inference
        N_samples = 1000
        x_smpls = geweke_test(popn, data, N_samples=N_samples)

        # Save results
        print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
        with open(results_file, "w") as f:
            cPickle.dump(x_smpls, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot empirical parameter distributions
    print "Plotting results."
    plot_geweke_results(popn, x_smpls, model, resdir=options.resultsDir)

示例2: sample_network_from_prior

# 需要导入模块: from population import Population [as 别名]
# 或者: from population.Population import sample [as 别名]
def sample_network_from_prior(model):
    Sample a network from the prior
    popn = Population(model)
    x_true = popn.sample()
    A_true = x_true['net']['graph']['A']

    return popn, x_true, A_true

示例3: PWLinear

# 需要导入模块: from population import Population [as 别名]
# 或者: from population.Population import sample [as 别名]
class PWLinear(object):
    Use an array of (non-negative) function values on a grid to define a 
    piecewise-linear pdf.  Methods evaluate the pdf and draw samples from it.

    # We'll ignore periods with marginal density below exp(smallexp)
    # times the max.  exp(-21) = 7.6e-10 (~ 1/billion).
    smallexp = -21.

    def __init__(self, lo=None, hi=None, vals=None, absc=None,
                 step='lin', logvals=False, cut=1.e-9):
        Define a piecewise linear probability density from an array of 
        (non-negative) function values.  The algorithm targets use with
        very large arrays that might include large regions of negligibly
        small values and should remain efficient in that case.
        lo, hi : real
            If provided, these define the domain of the pdf, and `vals` is
            assumed to be values on a uniform grid over the domain.  `absc`
            must not be provided if `lo` and `hi` are provided.
        absc : array_like
            If provided, this array specifies the argument (abscissa) for each 
            value in `vals`.  `lo` and `hi` must not be provided if `absc` is
            provided.  `step` is ignored.
        vals : array_like
            Non-negative values defining the pdf.  They need not be normalized.
        cut : real
            Specifies a cutoff; density values a factor of `cut` below the
            maximum density will be treated as zero.  Must be nonzero if
            `logvals` is True.
        # Define the domain and abscissas.
        if not (lo is None) and not (hi is None):
            if step != 'lin':
                raise NotImplementedError('Only linear step is implemented!')
            self.lo, self.hi = lo, hi
            self.n = len(vals)
            self.step = 'lin'
            self.absc, self.delta = linspace(lo, hi, self.n, retstep=True)
        elif absc is None:
            raise ValueError('Must specify either lo and hi, or absc!')
            self.n = len(vals)
            if len(absc) != self.n:
                raise ValueError('Length mismatch between absc and vals!')
            self.lo, self.hi = absc[0], absc[-1]
            self.absc = absc
            self.step = None  # indicates arbitrary step sizes

        # Define and select the non-negligible values, 'weight values.'
        if logvals:
            wvals = vals - max(vals)
            selected = (wvals > log(cut)).nonzero()[0]
            negl = (wvals <= log(cut)).nonzero()[0]
            wvals[selected] = exp(wvals[selected])
            wvals[negl] = 0.
            wvals = vals/max(vals)
            selected = (wvals > cut).nonzero()[0]

        # Break up the selection into contiguous regions.
        # First get lists of indices to nonzero values in each region.
        regions = []
        region = [ selected[0] ]
        for n in selected[1:]:
            if n==region[-1]+1:
                region = [n]

        # Now adjust interior boundaries to include a bounding zero value.
        # Just keep track of the range spanned by each region.
        # Start with first region, which may start at index 0.
        lo, hi = regions[0][0], regions[0][-1]
        if lo > 0 and wvals[lo] > 0.:  # must do 2nd test in case cut=0.
            lo -= 1
        if hi < self.n-1 and wvals[hi] > 0.:
            hi += 1
        ranges = [ (lo, hi) ]
        # Run over remaining regions.
        for region in regions[1:]:
            lo, hi = region[0], region[-1]
            if wvals[lo] > 0.:
                lo -= 1
            if hi < self.n-1 and wvals[hi] > 0.:
                hi += 1

        # Now, by region, count intervals and calculate weights for nonzero
        # intervals.
        self.n_intvls = 0
        self.regions = []
        nz_wts = []  # wts for regions with nonzero support
        nz_intvls = []

示例4: gibbs_sample

# 需要导入模块: from population import Population [as 别名]
# 或者: from population.Population import sample [as 别名]
def gibbs_sample(population, 
    Sample the posterior distribution over parameters using MCMC.
    N = population.model['N']

    # Draw initial state from prior if not given
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = population.sample()
        if init_from_mle:
            print "Initializing with coordinate descent"
            from models.model_factory import make_model, convert_model
            from population import Population
            mle_model = make_model('standard_glm', N=N)
            mle_popn = Population(mle_model)
            mle_x0 = mle_popn.sample()

            # Initialize with MLE under standard GLM
            mle_x0 = coord_descent(mle_popn, data, x0=mle_x0, maxiter=1)

            # Convert between inferred parameters of the standard GLM
            # and the parameters of this model. Eg. Convert unweighted 
            # networks to weighted networks with normalized impulse responses.
            x0 = convert_model(mle_popn, mle_model, mle_x0, population, population.model, x0)

    # Create updates for this population
    serial_updates, parallel_updates = initialize_updates(population)

    # DEBUG Profile the Gibbs sampling loop
    import cProfile, pstats, StringIO
    pr = cProfile.Profile()

    # Alternate fitting the network and fitting the GLMs
    x_smpls = [x0]
    x = x0

    import time
    start_time = time.clock()

    for smpl in np.arange(N_samples):
        # Print the current log likelihood
        lp = population.compute_log_p(x)

        # Compute iters per second
        stop_time = time.clock()
        if stop_time - start_time == 0:
            print "Gibbs iteration %d. Iter/s exceeds time resolution. Log prob: %.3f" % (smpl, lp)
            print "Gibbs iteration %d. Iter/s = %f. Log prob: %.3f" % (smpl,
        start_time = stop_time

        # Go through each parallel MH update
        for parallel_update in parallel_updates:
            for n in np.arange(N):
                parallel_update.update(x, n)

        # Sample the serial updates
        for serial_update in serial_updates:


    s = StringIO.StringIO()
    sortby = 'cumulative'
    ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)

    with open('mcmc.prof.txt', 'w') as f:

    return x_smpls

示例5: Driver

# 需要导入模块: from population import Population [as 别名]
# 或者: from population.Population import sample [as 别名]

    The main function of this class. Returns a 3-tuple: (distribution, spent, individuals_seen)
    'distribution' is a population object representing what we learned about each type.
    'spent' is how much money we paid out, 'individuals_seen' is how many individuals we talked to.
    def run(self):
        if self.constraint_type == COST:
            return self.run_cost_constraint()
        elif self.constraint_type == STEPS:
            return self.run_steps_constraint()
        elif self.constraint_type == BASELINE:
            return self.run_baseline()
            raise ValueError("Unknown constraint type")

    def get_distribution_for_type(self, priv_type):
        return self.population.distribution[priv_type]

    def update_costs(self, cost):

    def update_divergences(self, learned_pop):
        js_div = utils.joint_jsdivergence(self.population.distribution, learned_pop.distribution, self.population.probability, learned_pop.probability)

    def run_cost_constraint(self):
        budget = self.constraint_val
        spent = 0.0
        individuals_seen = 0

        count = [0 for i in range(self.population.num_types)]
        while spent < budget:
            # sample an individual from the population
            (priv_type, cost) = self.population.sample()
            count[priv_type] += 1

            accepted, rejected_offer, accepted_offer = self.offer_process(cost)
            if accepted:
                print "Offer #" + str(i) + ":\t" + str(rejected_offer) + " Rejected\t" + str(accepted_offer) + " Accepted"
                spent += accepted_offer
                ret_type = priv_type
                print "Offer #" + str(i) + ":\t" + str(rejected_offer) + " Rejected"
                ret_type = OFFER_REJECTED

            self.learner.update(ret_type, rejected_offer, accepted_offer)
            individuals_seen += 1

            learned_pop = self.learner.get_prediction()

        #return (self.learner.get_prediction(), spent, individuals_seen, self.divergences)
        self.results["prediction"] = self.learner.get_prediction()
        self.results["spent"] = spent
        self.results["individuals_seen"] = individuals_seen
        return self.results

    def run_steps_constraint(self):
        steps = self.constraint_val
        spent = 0.0
        count = [0 for i in range(self.population.num_types)]

        for i in xrange(steps):
            # sample an individual from the population
            (priv_type, cost) = self.population.sample()

示例6: run_gen_synth_data

# 需要导入模块: from population import Population [as 别名]
# 或者: from population.Population import sample [as 别名]
def run_gen_synth_data():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, args = parse_cmd_line_args()
    # Create the model
    model = make_model(options.model, N=options.N)
    # Set the sparsity level to minimize the risk of unstable networks

    print "Creating master population object"
    popn = Population(model)

    # Sample random parameters from the model
    x_true = popn.sample()

    # Check stability of matrix
    assert check_stability(model, x_true, options.N), "ERROR: Sampled network is unstable!"

    # Save the model so it can be loaded alongside the data
    fname_model = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'model.pkl')
    print "Saving data to %s" % fname_model
    with open(fname_model,'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(model, f, protocol=-1)

    print "Generating synthetic data with %d neurons and %.2f seconds." % \
          (options.N, options.T_stop)

    # Set simulation parametrs
    dt = 0.001
    dt_stim = 0.1
    D_stim = 1
    stim = np.random.randn(options.T_stop/dt_stim, D_stim)

    data = gen_synth_data(options.N, options.T_stop, popn, x_true, dt, dt_stim, D_stim, stim)
    # Set the data so that the population state can be evaluated
    # DEBUG Evaluate the firing rate and the simulated firing rate
    state = popn.eval_state(x_true)
    for n in np.arange(options.N):
        lam_true = state['glms'][n]['lam']
        lam_sim =  popn.glm.nlin_model.f_nlin(data['X'][:,n])
        assert np.allclose(lam_true, lam_sim)

    # Save the data for reuse
    #fname_mat = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'data.mat')
    #print "Saving data to %s" % fname_mat
    #scipy.io.savemat(fname_mat, data, oned_as='row')
    # Pickle the data so we can open it more easily
    fname_pkl = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'data.pkl')
    print "Saving data to %s" % fname_pkl
    with open(fname_pkl,'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(data, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot firing rates, stimulus responses, etc
    plot_results(popn, data['vars'],
