本文整理汇总了Python中peewee.SqliteDatabase.create_tables方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SqliteDatabase.create_tables方法的具体用法?Python SqliteDatabase.create_tables怎么用?Python SqliteDatabase.create_tables使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类peewee.SqliteDatabase
示例1: TestManage
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
class TestManage(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.db = SqliteDatabase('peewee.db')
def tearDown(self):
def testCreate(self):
self.db.create_tables(ALL_MODELS, safe=True)
示例2: init_models
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
def init_models(app):
if app.config['TESTING']:
database = SqliteDatabase(':memory:')
database = SqliteDatabase('local.db')
], safe=True)
示例3: SqliteDatabase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
import sqlite3
from peewee import Model, SqliteDatabase, DateTimeField, ForeignKeyField, FloatField, CharField
from datetime import datetime
DB = SqliteDatabase('finance-manager.db')
class User(Model):
username = CharField(primary_key=True)
class Meta:
database = DB
class Amount(Model):
user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='amount')
amount = FloatField()
date_time = DateTimeField()
class Meta:
database = DB
DB.create_tables([User, Amount])
示例4: TestBase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def populate_database(self):
self.db = SqliteDatabase('peewee.db')
self.db.create_tables(model.ALL_MODELS, safe=True)
for m in model.ALL_MODELS:
# Config
release = model.Config.create(app_api_key=APP_API_KEY, messaging_api_key=MESSAGING_API_KEY)
admin_user = model.User.create_user(name='Administrator', description='Administrator', email='[email protected]', username=TEST_USER, password=TEST_PASSWORD)
# Groups
admin = model.Group.create(name=TEST_USER, owner=admin_user)
user = model.Group.create(name='user', owner=admin_user)
guest = model.Group.create(name='guest', owner=admin_user)
# Users
model.Device.create(user=admin, name='d2', resource='work', type='computer', dev_id='a')
chloe = model.User.create_user(name='Chloe', username='chloe', password=TEST_PASSWORD)
d = chloe.create_device(name='d2', resource='work', type='computer', dev_id='a')
chloe.create_device(name='d0', resource='home', type='phone', dev_id='b')
chloe.create_device(name='d3', resource='home', type='laptop', dev_id='c')
chloe.create_device(name='d1', resource='work', type='phone', dev_id='d')
model.UserToGroup.create(user=chloe, group=guest)
sunshine = model.User.create_user(name='Sunshine', username='sunshine', password=TEST_PASSWORD)
sunshine.create_device(name='d5', resource='work', type='phone', dev_id='e')
model.UserToGroup.create(user=sunshine, group=user)
model.UserToGroup.create(user=sunshine, group=guest)
p = model.Publication.create(user=sunshine, topic='Life and Times of Sunshine', description='', publish_group=guest, subscribe_group=guest)
model.Message.create(user=sunshine, to_publication=p, subject='First post!')
model.Message.create(user=sunshine, to_publication=p, subject='Eating breakfast')
model.Message.create(user=sunshine, to_publication=p, subject='Time for a nap')
guinness = model.User.create_user(name='Guinness', username='guinness', password=TEST_PASSWORD)
guinness.create_device(name='d7', resource='work', type='phone', dev_id='g')
model.UserToGroup.create(user=guinness, group=guest)
felix = model.User.create_user(name='Felix', username='felix', password=TEST_PASSWORD)
felix.create_device(name='d6', resource='work', type='phone', dev_id='f')
model.UserToGroup.create(user=felix, group=guest)
model.Subscription.create(user=felix, publication=p)
model.Message.create(user=felix, to_publication=p, subject='boring...')
model.Message.create(user=felix, to_user=sunshine, subject='hi sunshine')
model.Message.create(user=felix, to_device=d, subject='hi chloe')
model.Message.create(user=felix, to_user=chloe, subject='hi chloe again')
ducky = model.User.create_user(name='Ducky', username='ducky', password=TEST_PASSWORD)
ducky.create_device(name='d8', resource='work', type='phone', dev_id='h')
model.UserToGroup.create(user=ducky, group=admin)
model.UserToGroup.create(user=ducky, group=user)
model.UserToGroup.create(user=ducky, group=guest)
def setUp(self):
self.app = app.test_client()
def request(self, method, url, auth=None, json_data=None, **kwargs):
headers = kwargs.get('headers', {})
if auth:
# Add the auth header if credentials are specified.
headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % b64encode(bytes(auth[0] + ':' + auth[1], 'utf-8')).decode('ascii')
if json:
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(obj=json_data)
kwargs['headers'] = headers
return self.app.open(url, method=method, **kwargs)
示例5: SqliteDatabase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
from peewee import SqliteDatabase, Model, \
CharField, IntegerField, DateField, BlobField
db = SqliteDatabase(':memory:', threadlocals=True)
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class Vehicle(BaseModel):
description = CharField(null=False)
cylinder = IntegerField(null=False)
brand = CharField(null=False)
year = DateField(formats="%Y")
owner = CharField(null=False)
photo = BlobField(null=True)
示例6: SqliteDatabase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
pw = SqliteDatabase('peewee-simple.db')
class Book(Model):
title = CharField(null=True, unique=True)
year_published = IntegerField()
class Meta:
database = pw
class BookResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
name = 'book'
model = Book
class Schema:
year_published = fields.Integer(minimum=1400)
api = Api(app, default_manager=PeeweeManager)
if not isfile('peewee-simple.db'):
if __name__ == '__main__':
示例7: open
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = [s.replace('\ ', ' ') for s in
re.split(r'(?<!\\) ', self.command)] + list(args)
ukwargs = self.DEFAULT_POPEN_ARGS.copy()
if self.shell:
return Popen(cmd, **ukwargs)
class Meta:
database = os_db
# safely create FileCommand table, its const records are referenced in FileType
os_db.create_tables([FileCommand], safe=True)
class FileType(BaseModel):
type = CharField()
mime = CharField(null=True, default=None)
command = ForeignKeyField(FileCommand, null=True, default=None)
DIR = Record(id=1, type="Directory")
PDF = Record(id=2, type="PDF", command=FileCommand.OPEN)
TXT = Record(id=3, type="TXT", command=FileCommand.OPEN)
XML = Record(id=4, type="XML", command=FileCommand.OPEN)
ASP = Record(id=5, type="AS Project", command=FileCommand.ANDROID_STUDIO)
OTH = Record(id=10, type="unknown file")
示例8: SqliteDatabase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
from datetime import datetime
from peewee import SqliteDatabase, CharField, DateTimeField, Model
db = SqliteDatabase("clipboard.db")
class Paste(Model):
text = CharField()
date = DateTimeField()
class Meta:
database = db
def save_new_paste(text):
paste = Paste(text=text, date=datetime.now())
def get_lastest_paste():
for paste in Paste.select().order_by(Paste.date.desc()):
return paste.text
def get_pastes():
return Paste.select().order_by(Paste.date.desc())
示例9: Field
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
name = Field(String, 10)
age = Field(Int, 2)
salary = Field(Float, 14, precision=4)
class Meta:
selector_string = u'01'
database = db
class Address(PeeweeRecord):
typ = Field(Int, 2)
address = Field(String, 10, truncate=True)
phone = Field(String, 20)
class Meta:
selector_string = u'02'
database = db
# read sample file
engine = FixedEngine([Header, Address], selector_slice=(0, 2))
# connect to db
# create tables
db.create_tables([Header, Address])
# write fields to db using save
for r in engine.load('../samples/sample_utf8.txt'):
示例10: SqliteDatabase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
database = SqliteDatabase('kongonline.sqlite', check_same_thread=False)
class Stats(Model):
time_t = IntegerField(null=True)
online = IntegerField(null=True)
games = IntegerField(null=True)
class Meta:
database = database
db_table = 'stats'
def write_info(time, online, games):
Stats.create(time_t=time, online=online, games=games)
def get_last(num=10):
ret = []
for item in Stats.select().order_by(Stats.time_t.desc()).limit(num):
time = dt.fromtimestamp(item.time_t).strftime('%y-%m-%d|%H:%M:%S')
ret.append((time, item.online, item.games))
return ret
def count_entries():
return Stats.select().count()
database.create_tables((Stats,), safe=True)
示例11: AgentBook
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
class AgentBook(object):
def __init__(self, db):
""" Initialize the manager for deferred messages and serialized
db - absolute path to database file (sqlite)
self.db = SqliteDatabase(db)
self.db.create_tables([AgentInfo, AgentMessage], True)
def delete_info(self, agent):
""" Delete stored information for a given agent.
agent - agent name
scoutlog.info('deleting stored information of agent %s' % agent)
info = AgentInfo.get(AgentInfo.agent == agent)
except AgentInfo.DoesNotExist:
scoutlog.error('no information to delete for agent %s' % agent)
return False
return True
def delete_messages(self, agent):
""" Delete stored messages for a given agent.
agent - agent name
scoutlog.info('deleting stored messages of agent %s' % agent)
query = AgentMessage.delete().where(AgentMessage.agent == agent)
return True
def get_info(self, agent):
""" Return the stored information (if any).
agent - agent name
scoutlog.info('obtaining stored information of agent %s' % agent)
return AgentInfo.get(AgentInfo.agent == agent).info
except AgentInfo.DoesNotExist:
scoutlog.error('no information stored for agent %s' % agent)
return None
def get_messages(self, agent):
""" Return all messages for a given agent.
agent - agent name
scoutlog.info('obtaining stored stored messages for agent %s' % agent)
return [a.message for a in AgentMessage.select().where(
AgentMessage.agent == agent)]
# Not found?
scoutlog.warning('no messages for agent %s' % agent)
return []
def store_info(self, parser):
""" Store serialized information for a given agent.
parser - zoe MessageParser instance
dst = parser.get('agent')
scoutlog.info('storing information of agent %s' % dst)
new_map = parser._map.copy()
# Prepare for direct dispatch
new_map['dst'] = dst
del new_map['agent']
# Original tags removed! (should only have scout ones)
new_map['tag'] = ['settle!', ]
# Store message
raw_msg = zoe.MessageBuilder(new_map).msg()
AgentInfo.create(agent=dst, info=raw_msg)
except IntegrityError as e:
scoutlog.exception('failed to store information of agent %s' % dst)
def store_message(self, parser):
""" Store deferred messages. Convert special tags to their original
示例12: ZoneBook
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
class ZoneBook(object):
def __init__(self, db):
""" Initialize the manager for agent locations and outpost resource
db - absolute path to database file (sqlite)
self.db = SqliteDatabase(db)
self.db.create_tables([OutpostZone, AgentZone], True)
def get_agents(self):
""" Return a list of agents.
Note that this returns the object rather than just the name in
case other information is wanted.
return list(AgentZone.select())
def get_agent_location(self, name):
""" Get the location for a given agent.
Returns None if it does not exist.
name - name of the agent
scoutlog.info('obtaining location of agent %s' % name)
return AgentZone.get(AgentZone.name == name).location.name
except Exception as e:
scoutlog.warning('could not get location of agent %s' % name)
return None
def get_agents_in(self, outpost_id):
""" Get the agents found in a given location.
outpost_id - outpost id to search for
scoutlog.info('obtaining agents located in %s' % outpost_id)
outpost = OutpostZone.get(OutpostZone.name == outpost_id)
except OutpostZone.DoesNotExist as e:
scoutlog.warning('outpost %s not found in zone book' % outpost_id)
return []
return outpost.agents
def get_agent_names_in(self, outpost_id):
""" Get the agent names found in a given location.
outpost_id - outpost id to search for
scoutlog.info('obtaining agent names located in %s' % outpost_id)
outpost = OutpostZone.get(OutpostZone.name == outpost_id)
except OutpostZone.DoesNotExist as e:
scoutlog.warning('outpost %s not found in zone book' % outpost_id)
return []
return [agent.name for agent in outpost.agents]
def get_outposts(self):
""" Return a list of outposts.
Note that this returns the object rather than just the name in
case other information is wanted.
return list(OutpostZone.select())
def is_outpost_running(self, name):
""" Check if an outpost is known to be running or not.
Returns boolean value.
name - name of the outpost
scoutlog.info('checking if outpost %s is currently running' % name)
return OutpostZone.get(OutpostZone.name == name).is_running
except OutpostZone.DoesNotExist as e:
scoutlog.warning('outpost %s not found in zone book' % name)
return None
def move_agent(self, name, location):
""" Move an agent to the given location.
name - name of the agent
location - new location of the agent
scoutlog.info('moving agent %s to %s' % (name, location))
示例13: SqliteDatabase
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
from peewee import BooleanField, IntegerField, Model, SqliteDatabase, TextField
db = SqliteDatabase('gen/data.db')
class User(Model):
user_id = IntegerField(unique=True)
chat_id = IntegerField()
first_name = TextField()
last_name = TextField(null=True)
is_member = BooleanField() # Current status of user (member/left)
class Meta:
database = db
db.create_tables([User], safe=True)
示例14: Operation
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
class Operation(BaseModel):
timestamp = DateTimeField(primary_key=True)
user = ForeignKeyField(User, related_name="operations", null=True)
chamber = ForeignKeyField(Chamber, related_name='chamber', null=True)
action = CharField(null=True)
locker = CharField(default='Dev Locker')
def __repr__(self):
return '<TRANSACTION> {}'.format(self.timestamp)
def add_operation(chamber=None, action=None, user=None):
now = datetime.utcnow()
op = Operation.create(timestamp=now, chamber=chamber,
action=action, user=user)
return op
# this creates indexes, not sure why
tables = [User, Operation, Chamber]
db.create_tables(tables, True)
def drop_tables():
示例15: get_user
# 需要导入模块: from peewee import SqliteDatabase [as 别名]
# 或者: from peewee.SqliteDatabase import create_tables [as 别名]
database = db
def get_user(user_id):
user = User.get(User.id == user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
user = User.get(User.id == 0)
return user
if __name__ == "__main__":
if User.table_exists():
print("Database Already Exists")
{"id": 0, "name": "Invlid User", "langpair": "!!|!!"},
{"id": 120755813, "name": "Boris", "langpair": "ru|en"},
{"id": 93649293, "name": "Elizaveta", "langpair": "ru|en"},
{"id": 77815902, "name": "James", "langpair": "en|ru"},
{"id": 68382468, "name": "Jill", "langpair": "en|ru"},
{"id": 82080280, "name": "Kyle", "langpair": "en|ru", "admin": True},
{"id": 117778855, "name": "Mickey", "langpair": "en|ru"},
{"id": 97384423, "name": "Nataly", "langpair": "__|__"},
{"id": 96351689, "name": "Transbotor", "langpair": "!!|!!"},