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Python protocol.Protocol类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中papyrus.protocol.Protocol的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Protocol类的具体用法?Python Protocol怎么用?Python Protocol使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_create_update

    def test_create_update(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest
        from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection
        from shapely.geometry import Point

        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        # a mock session specific to this test
        class MockSession(object):
            def query(self, mapped_class):
                return {'a': mapped_class(Feature(id='a')),
                        'b': mapped_class(Feature(id='b'))}

            def flush(self):

        proto = Protocol(MockSession, MappedClass, 'geom')

        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = DummyRequest({})
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.body = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "id": "a", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}, {"type": "Feature", "id": "b", "properties": {"text": "bar"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [46, 6]}}]}'  # NOQA
        features = proto.create(request)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(features, FeatureCollection))
        self.assertEqual(len(features.features), 2)
        self.assertEqual(features.features[0].id, 'a')
        self.assertEqual(features.features[0].text, 'foo')
        self.assertTrue(features.features[0].geom.shape.equals(Point(45, 5)))
        self.assertEqual(features.features[1].id, 'b')
        self.assertEqual(features.features[1].text, 'bar')
        self.assertTrue(features.features[1].geom.shape.equals(Point(46, 6)))

示例2: test_delete

    def test_delete(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from geojson import Feature
        from pyramid.response import Response

        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        # a mock session specific to this test
        class MockSession(object):
            def query(self, mapped_class):
                return {'a': mapped_class(Feature())}

            def delete(self, obj):

        # a before_update callback
        def before_delete(request, obj):
            request._log = dict(obj=obj)

        proto = Protocol(MockSession, MappedClass, "geom",
        request = testing.DummyRequest()
        response = proto.delete(request, 'a')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, Response))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 204)

        # test before_delete
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(request, '_log'))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(request._log["obj"], MappedClass))

示例3: test___query

    def test___query(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol, create_attr_filter
        from mock import patch

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom")

        request = testing.DummyRequest()
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("SELECT" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"queryable": "id", "id__eq": "1"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("WHERE" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"queryable": "id", "id__eq": "1"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            filter = create_attr_filter(request, MappedClass)
            query = proto._query(testing.DummyRequest(), filter=filter)
        self.assertTrue("WHERE" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"limit": "2"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("LIMIT" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"maxfeatures": "2"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("LIMIT" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"limit": "2", "offset": "10"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("OFFSET" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"order_by": "text"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("ORDER BY" in query_to_str(query, engine))
        self.assertTrue("ASC" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"sort": "text"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("ORDER BY" in query_to_str(query, engine))
        self.assertTrue("ASC" in query_to_str(query, engine))

        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={"order_by": "text", "dir": "DESC"})
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.all', lambda q : q):
            query = proto._query(request)
        self.assertTrue("ORDER BY" in query_to_str(query, engine))
        self.assertTrue("DESC" in query_to_str(query, engine))

示例4: test_delete_forbidden

    def test_delete_forbidden(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom", readonly=True)
        request = testing.DummyRequest()
        response = proto.delete(request, 1)
        self.assertTrue(response.headers.get('Allow') == "GET, HEAD")
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 405)

示例5: test_delete_notfound

    def test_delete_notfound(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol

        # a mock session specific to this test
        class MockSession(object):
            def query(self, mapped_class):
                return {}

        proto = Protocol(MockSession, self._get_mapped_class(), "geom")
        request = testing.DummyRequest()
        response = proto.delete(request, 1)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 404)

示例6: test_read_notfound

    def test_read_notfound(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound

        class Session(object):
            def query(self, mapped_class):
                return {'a': None}

        proto = Protocol(Session, self._get_mapped_class(), 'geom')
        request = testing.DummyRequest()

        resp = proto.read(request, id='a')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(resp, HTTPNotFound))

示例7: test_create

    def test_create(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.request import Request
        from pyramid.response import Response

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        class MockSession(object):
            def add(self, o):
            def flush(self):

        # a before_update callback
        def before_create(request, feature, obj):
            if not hasattr(request, '_log'):
                request._log = []
            request._log.append(dict(feature=feature, obj=obj))

        proto = Protocol(MockSession, MappedClass, "geom",

        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = Request({})
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.body = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}, {"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}]}'
        self.assertEqual(len(request.response_callbacks), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(Session.new), 2)
        for obj in Session.new:
            self.assertEqual(obj.text, 'foo')
            self.assertEqual(obj.geom.shape.x, 45)
            self.assertEqual(obj.geom.shape.y, 5)

        # test before_create
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(request, '_log'))
        self.assertEqual(len(request._log), 2)
        self.assertEqual(request._log[0]['feature'].properties['text'], 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(request._log[0]['obj'], None)
        self.assertEqual(request._log[1]['feature'].properties['text'], 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(request._log[1]['obj'], None)

        # test response status
        response = Response(status_int=400)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 201)

示例8: test__filter_attrs

    def test__filter_attrs(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol, create_attr_filter
        from geojson import Feature

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom")
        feature = Feature(properties={'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar', 'foobar': 'foobar'})
        request = testing.DummyRequest(params={'attrs': 'bar,foo'})

        feature = proto._filter_attrs(feature, request)

        self.assertEqual(feature.properties, {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'})

示例9: test_create_badrequest

    def test_create_badrequest(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom")
        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = DummyRequest({})
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.body = '{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}'  # NOQA
        response = proto.create(request)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 400)

示例10: test_create_forbidden

    def test_create_forbidden(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.request import Request
        from StringIO import StringIO

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom", readonly=True)
        # we need an actual Request object here, for body_file to do its job
        request = Request({})
        request.body_file = StringIO('{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}, {"type": "Feature", "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}]}')
        response = proto.create(request)
        self.assertTrue(response.headers.get('Allow') == "GET, HEAD")
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 405)

示例11: test_update_forbidden

    def test_update_forbidden(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom", readonly=True)
        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = DummyRequest({})
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.body = '{"type": "Feature", "id": 1, "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}'  # NOQA
        response = proto.update(request, 1)
        self.assertTrue(response.headers.get('Allow') == "GET, HEAD")
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 405)

示例12: test_count

    def test_count(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from mock import patch

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom")

        # We make Query.count return the query and just check it includes
        # "SELECT". Yes, not so good!
        request = testing.DummyRequest()
        with patch('sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.count', lambda q : q):
            query = proto.count(request)
        self.assertTrue("SELECT" in query_to_str(query, engine))

示例13: test_create_empty

    def test_create_empty(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest

        engine = self._get_engine()
        Session = self._get_session(engine)
        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        proto = Protocol(Session, MappedClass, "geom")

        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = DummyRequest({})
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.body = '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []}'
        resp = proto.create(request)
        self.assertEqual(resp, None)

示例14: test_update_badrequest

    def test_update_badrequest(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest

        # a mock session specific to this test
        class MockSession(object):
            def query(self, mapped_class):
                return {'a': {}}

        proto = Protocol(MockSession, self._get_mapped_class(), "geom")

        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = DummyRequest({})
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.body = '{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}'
        response = proto.update(request, 'a')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 400)

示例15: test_update_notfound

    def test_update_notfound(self):
        from papyrus.protocol import Protocol
        from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest

        MappedClass = self._get_mapped_class()

        # a mock session specific to this test
        class MockSession(object):
            def query(self, mapped_class):
                return {}
        proto = Protocol(MockSession, MappedClass, "geom")
        # we need an actual Request object here, for body to do its job
        request = DummyRequest({})
        request.method = 'PUT'
        request.body = '{"type": "Feature", "id": 1, "properties": {"text": "foo"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [45, 5]}}'  # NOQA
        response = proto.update(request, 1)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 404)
