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Python path.getctime函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中os.path.getctime函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python getctime函数的具体用法?Python getctime怎么用?Python getctime使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _check_if_tg_required

    def _check_if_tg_required(self, tg_symbol):
        """Checks if the rule associated with tg_symbol should be ran or not. It's true if:
        - The target isn't an existing file (then it's a rule, or a file that needs to be created)
        - One of the rule's dependencies isn't a file
        - One of the rule's dependency is a file, and has a more recent timestamp

        # checking if it's a file
        tg_filepath = join(self.makefile_folder, tg_symbol.name)
        if not isfile(tg_filepath):
            return True

        # checking the dependency
        for dependency in self.rule_table[tg_symbol].dependencies:
            dep_filepath = join(self.makefile_folder, dependency.name)

            if isfile(join(self.makefile_folder, dependency.name)):
                # dep have a more recent timestamp than tgt
                if getctime(dep_filepath) > getctime(tg_filepath): # checking the timestamp
                    return True
                # Assuming that the Makefile is valid and the required file "dependency" is a target of another rule
                return True

        return False

示例2: execute

    def execute(self, context):
        # 1. Save scene, and set environment variables.
        if bpy.data.filepath == '':
            self.full_file_path = bpy.data.filepath
            self.file_name = split(self.full_file_path)[1][:-6]
            self.file_directory = dirname(self.full_file_path)

            # 2. Check if 5 minutes has passed since last save. If it has, save new version. Else, just save.
            self.version_number = '-0001'
            self.old_version_number = self.version_number
            while exists(join(self.file_directory, self.file_name + self.version_number + '.blend')) == True:
                self.old_version_number = self.version_number
                self.version_number = int(self.version_number[1:])
                self.version_number += 1
                self.append_number = ''
                for i in range(4 - len(str(self.version_number))):
                    self.append_number += '0'
                self.append_number += str(self.version_number)
                self.version_number = '-' + self.append_number

                self.previous_time = getctime(join(self.file_directory, self.file_name + self.old_version_number + '.blend'))

            except FileNotFoundError:
                self.previous_time = getctime(self.full_file_path)

            if (time() - self.previous_time) >= 300: # Check if 5 minutes has passed (300 seconds).
                self.new_file_name = self.file_name + self.version_number
                copyfile(join(self.file_directory, self.file_name + '.blend'), join(self.file_directory, self.new_file_name + '.blend'))

        return {'FINISHED'}

示例3: createDict

def createDict(path, root={}):
    pathList = listdir(path)
    for i, item in enumerate(pathList):
        file_path = path_join(path, item)
        if item not in ignore_dir and exists(file_path):
            if isdir(file_path):
                if not root.get(item, False):
                    root[item] = {"type": "dir", "files": {}}
                createDict(file_path, root[item]["files"])
                if not root.get(item, False):
                    log("new file " + file_path)
                    root[item] = {"type": "file",
                                  "file_size": getsize(file_path),
                                  "mtime": getmtime(file_path), 
                                  "ctime": getctime(file_path),
                                  "md5": md5(file_path),
                                  "sha256": sha256(file_path)}
                    if root[item]["mtime"] != getmtime(file_path):
                        log("rehashing " + file_path)
                        root[item] = {"type": "file",
                                      "file_size": getsize(file_path),
                                      "mtime": getmtime(file_path), 
                                      "ctime": getctime(file_path),
                                      "md5": md5(file_path),
                                      "sha256": sha256(file_path)}
    return root

示例4: bgzip_and_tabix

def bgzip_and_tabix(fpath, reuse=False, tabix_parameters='', **kwargs):
    gzipped_fpath = join(fpath + '.gz')
    tbi_fpath = gzipped_fpath + '.tbi'

    if reuse and \
           file_exists(gzipped_fpath) and (getctime(gzipped_fpath) >= getctime(fpath) if file_exists(fpath) else True) and \
           file_exists(tbi_fpath) and getctime(tbi_fpath) >= getctime(gzipped_fpath):
        info('Actual compressed file and index exist, reusing')
        return gzipped_fpath

    info('Compressing and tabixing file, writing ' + gzipped_fpath + '(.tbi)')
    bgzip = which('bgzip')
    tabix = which('tabix')
    if not bgzip:
        err('Cannot index file because bgzip is not found')
    if not tabix:
        err('Cannot index file because tabix is not found')
    if not bgzip and not tabix:
        return fpath

    if isfile(gzipped_fpath):
    if isfile(tbi_fpath):

    info('BGzipping ' + fpath)
    cmdline = '{bgzip} {fpath}'.format(**locals())

    info('Tabixing ' + gzipped_fpath)
    cmdline = '{tabix} {tabix_parameters} {gzipped_fpath}'.format(**locals())

    return gzipped_fpath

示例5: is_modified

def is_modified ( abs_path, is_file, max_age=48, feature_enabled=False,
    image_file_pattern=compile('^.*$') ):
    """Check if a file was created between now and now minus the given
    max age in hours. Return false if this feature is not configured."""

    if not feature_enabled:
        return False

    oldest_epoch = time() - ( max_age * 60.0 * 60.0 )
    is_modified = False
    last_change = 0

    # on files just check the file ..
    if is_file:
        if (path.getctime(abs_path) >= oldest_epoch or
            path.getmtime(abs_path) >= oldest_epoch):
            is_modified = True
        last_change = max(path.getctime(abs_path), path.getmtime(abs_path))
    # on folders find all images file and check those for changes (
    # if we would just inspect the folder we'll get updates, e.g., simply
    # because the folder was touched.
        files = findfiles( abs_path, image_file_pattern, doprint=False)
        for subfile in files:
            if (path.getctime(subfile) >= oldest_epoch or
                path.getmtime(subfile) >= oldest_epoch):
                is_modified = True
            last_change = max(
                last_change, path.getctime(abs_path), path.getmtime(abs_path))

    return is_modified, last_change

示例6: needs_update

def needs_update(arg,dirname,names):
    last_built = path.getctime('%s.root'%dirname)

    times = []
    for name in names:
    arg[0] = (last_built < max(times))    

示例7: filesort

 def filesort(file1, file2):
     """ sort by create time """
     ctime1 = getctime(file1)
     ctime2 = getctime(file2)
     if ctime1 < ctime2:
         return -1
     elif ctime1 == ctime2:
         return 0
         return 1

示例8: infos_ogr

def infos_ogr(shapepath):
    u""" Uses gdal/ogr functions to extract basic informations about shapefile
    given as parameter and store into the corresponding dictionary. """
    global dico_infos_couche, dico_champs, liste_chps
    source = ogr.Open(shapepath, 0)     # OGR driver
    couche = source.GetLayer()          # get the layer
    objet = couche.GetFeature(0)        # get the first object (index 0)
    geom = objet.GetGeometryRef()       # get the geometry
    def_couche = couche.GetLayerDefn()  # get the layer definitions
    srs = couche.GetSpatialRef()        # get spatial system reference
    srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG()              # try to determine the EPSG code
    # Storing into the dictionary
    dico_infos_couche[u'nom'] = path.basename(shapepath)
    dico_infos_couche[u'titre'] = dico_infos_couche[u'nom'][:-4].replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
    dico_infos_couche[u'nbr_objets'] = couche.GetFeatureCount()
    dico_infos_couche[u'nbr_attributs'] = def_couche.GetFieldCount()
    dico_infos_couche[u'proj'] = unicode(srs.GetAttrValue("PROJCS")).replace('_', ' ')
    dico_infos_couche[u'EPSG'] = unicode(srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1))
    '''dico_infos_couche[u'EPSG'] = u"Projection : " + \
                                 unicode(srs.GetAttrValue("PROJCS")).replace('_', ' ') + \
                                 u" - Code EPSG : " + \
                                 unicode(srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1))'''
    # type géométrie
    if geom.GetGeometryName() == u'POINT':
        dico_infos_couche[u'type_geom'] = u'Point'
    elif u'LINESTRING' in geom.GetGeometryName():
        dico_infos_couche[u'type_geom'] = u'Ligne'
    elif u'POLYGON' in geom.GetGeometryName():
        dico_infos_couche[u'type_geom'] = u'Polygone'
        dico_infos_couche[u'type_geom'] = geom.GetGeometryName()
    # Spatial extent (bounding box)
    dico_infos_couche[u'Xmin'] = round(couche.GetExtent()[0],2)
    dico_infos_couche[u'Xmax'] = round(couche.GetExtent()[1],2)
    dico_infos_couche[u'Ymin'] = round(couche.GetExtent()[2],2)
    dico_infos_couche[u'Ymax'] = round(couche.GetExtent()[3],2)

    # Fields
    i = 0
    while i < def_couche.GetFieldCount():
        dico_champs[def_couche.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName()] = def_couche.GetFieldDefn(i).GetTypeName(),\
        i = i+1

    dico_infos_couche[u'date_actu'] = unicode(localtime(path.getmtime(shapepath))[2]) +\
                                   u'/'+ unicode(localtime(path.getmtime(shapepath))[1]) +\
                                   u'/'+ unicode(localtime(path.getmtime(shapepath))[0])
    dico_infos_couche[u'date_creation'] = unicode(localtime(path.getctime(shapepath))[2]) +\
                                   u'/'+ unicode(localtime(path.getctime(shapepath))[1]) +\
                                   u'/'+ unicode(localtime(path.getctime(shapepath))[0])
    # end of function
    return dico_infos_couche, dico_champs, liste_chps

示例9: generate_demand_time_df

def generate_demand_time_df():
    cols = ["demand", "capacity", "day", "comp_time"]
    data = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
    counter = 0
    for i, c, d in product(demands, [1, 4], range(1, 8)):
        s, e = get_demand_comp_filenames(i, c, d)
        diff = (path.getctime(e) - path.getctime(s)) / 2878
        if diff > 500:
            diff = 2.9
        data.loc[counter] = [i, c, d - 1, diff]
        counter += 1
    return data

示例10: upgrade_static_files

    def upgrade_static_files(self):
        """This method allows for updating a selection of static files
        with corresponding files residing in a hidden .pyntrest  folder
        in your main image folder. This comes in handy when you want  to
        update the CSS or favicon without touching the core implementation."""

        pyn_config_folder = path.join(self.main_images_path, '.pyntrest')

        # these files can be overridden
        changeable_files = [
           path.join('res', 'favicon.png'),
           path.join('res', 'favicon-apple.png'),
           path.join('css', 'pyntrest-main.css'),

        for ch_file in changeable_files:

            # the changeable file at its final destination
            if 'index' in ch_file:
                exis_file = path.join(TEMPLATE_DIRS[0], 'pyntrest', ch_file)
                exis_file = path.join(self.static_path, ch_file)
            # the candidate file from the main images folder
            cand_file = path.join(pyn_config_folder, ch_file)

            if not file_exists(exis_file) and not file_exists(cand_file):
                # no target file and no custom file --> copy from default
                print ('Creating file \'{}\' from default.'.format(exis_file))
                copyfile(exis_file + '.default', exis_file)
            elif not file_exists(exis_file) and file_exists(cand_file):
                # no target file but custom file --> copy from custom
                print ('Creating file \'{}\' from version at \'{}\'.'
                       .format(exis_file, cand_file))
                copyfile(cand_file, exis_file)

            #print 'staticfile candidate = {}'.format(cand_file)

            if not file_exists(cand_file):
                continue # nothing to compare

            # get modified / created dates
            efile_ts = max( path.getctime(exis_file), path.getmtime(exis_file))
            cfile_ts = max( path.getctime(cand_file), path.getmtime(cand_file))

            if cfile_ts >= efile_ts:
                print (
                'Updating file \'{}\' with newer version at \'{}\' [{} >> {}].'
                .format(ch_file, cand_file, efile_ts, cfile_ts))
                copyfile(cand_file, exis_file)

示例11: generate_hour_time_df

def generate_hour_time_df():
    cols = ["hour", "day", "comp_time"]
    data = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
    counter = 0
    for i, d in product(["same", "t12", "t19"], range(1, 8)):
        s, e = get_hour_comp_filenames(i, d)
        diff = (path.getctime(e) - path.getctime(s)) / 2878
        if diff > 500:
            diff = 2.9
        data.loc[counter] = [i, d - 1, diff]
        counter += 1
    return data

示例12: generate_time_df

def generate_time_df():
    cols = ["vehicles", "capacity", "waiting_time", "day", "comp_time"]
    data = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
    counter = 0
    for v, c, wt, d in product(vehicles, caps, waiting_times, range(1, 8)):
        s, e = get_comp_filenames(v, c, wt, 0, d)
        diff = (path.getctime(e) - path.getctime(s)) / 2878
        if diff > 500:
            diff = 2.9
        data.loc[counter] = [v, c, wt, d - 1, diff]
        counter += 1
    return data

示例13: generate_interval_time_df

def generate_interval_time_df():
    cols = ["interval", "day", "comp_time"]
    data = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
    counter = 0
    for i, d in product(intervals, range(1, 8)):
        s, e = get_interval_comp_filenames(i, d)
        total_secs = (24 * 60 * 60) / i
        diff = (path.getctime(e) - path.getctime(s)) / total_secs
        if diff > 500:
            diff = 2.9
        data.loc[counter] = [i, d - 1, diff]
        counter += 1
    return data

示例14: _lvm_pickle

def _lvm_pickle(filename):
    """ Reads pickle file (for local use)

    :param filename: filename of lvm file
    :return lvm_data: dict with lvm data
    p_file = '{}.pkl'.format(filename)
    lvm_data = False
    # if pickle file exists and pickle is up-2-date just load it.
    if path.exists(p_file) and path.getctime(p_file) > path.getctime(filename):
        f = open(p_file, 'rb')
        lvm_data = pickle.load(f)
    return lvm_data

示例15: add_existing_album

	def add_existing_album(self, user, oldalbum, oldpath):
		newalbum = path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'content', user, oldalbum)
		if path.exists(newalbum):
			self.debug('album already exists: %s' % newalbum)

		(post, comment, imgid) = self.get_post_comment_id(oldalbum)
		url = 'http://imgur.com/a/%s' % imgid
			album_id = self.add_album(newalbum, user, url, post, comment)
		except Exception as e:
			self.debug('add_existing_album: failed: %s' % str(e))

		for image in listdir(oldpath):
			self.debug('add_existing_album: image=%s' % path.join(oldpath, image))
			fakeimage = post
			if comment != None:
				fakeimage = '%s-%s' % (fakeimage, comment)
			fakeimage = '%s_%s' % (fakeimage, image.split('_')[-1])
			self.add_existing_image(user, fakeimage, path.join(oldpath, image), subdir=oldalbum, album_id=album_id)

			# Add post
			p = Post()
			p.id = post
			p.author = user
			if comment == None: p.url = url
			p.created = path.getctime(oldpath)
			p.subreddit = ''
			p.title = ''
				self.add_post(p, legacy=1)
			except Exception as e:
				#self.debug('add_existing_image: %s' % str(e))

			# Add comment
			if comment != None:
				c = Comment()
				c.id = comment
				c.post_id = post
				c.author = user
				if comment != None: c.body = url
				p.created = path.getctime(oldpath)
					self.add_comment(c, legacy=1)
				except Exception as e:
					#self.debug('add_existing_image: %s' % str(e))
