本文整理汇总了Python中opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox.error方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python MessageBox.error方法的具体用法?Python MessageBox.error怎么用?Python MessageBox.error使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox
示例1: _checkImportNodeMsg
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def _checkImportNodeMsg(self):
return self._checkImportNode()
except Exception, e:
MessageBox.error(self, 'This is not a valid XML structure.', \
'''%s.\n\n%s''' % (e, self.ATTENTION))
return None
示例2: addParam
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def addParam(self):
assert self.has_selected_item()
item = self.selected_item()
node = item.node
window = addParamGui(self.manager.base_widget, None)
if window.exec_() == window.Accepted:
name = str(window.nameEdit.text())
typ = str(window.typeComboBox.currentText())
default = str(window.defaultEdit.text())
required = str(window.requiredComboBox.currentText())
attributes = {'name': name, 'param_type': typ, 'required': required}
node = Element('param', attributes)
node.text = default
if self.model.insertRow(0, self.selected_index(), node) == False:
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self.view,
text = 'Parameter Name Exists',
detailed_text = ('The parameter name to add is "%s" '
'but there is already a parameter with that name.' %
示例3: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def __init__(self, parent_widget):
QDialog.__init__(self, parent_widget)
settings_directory = os.path.join(os.environ['OPUS_HOME'], 'settings')
self._config_filename = os.path.join(settings_directory, 'database_server_configurations.xml')
root = ElementTree(file=self._config_filename).getroot()
view = XmlView(self)
model = XmlModel(root)
delegate = XmlItemDelegate(view)
# Turns out that Qt Garbage collects the model (and delegate) if we don't explicitly
# bind it to a Python object in addition to using the PyQt .setModel() method.
view._model = model
view._delegate = delegate
self.tree_view = view
self.xml_root = root
except IOError, ex:
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self,
text = 'Could not initialize Database Settings',
detailed_text = str(ex))
self.xml_root = None
self._config_filename = ''
self.configFile = None
示例4: execToolConfig
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def execToolConfig(self):
Show the dialog box for executing a "tool config"
A tool config is has a pointer to an existing tool (a "tool hook") but
can provide an alternative configuration.
assert self.has_selected_item()
# First we need to get the hooked node that we want to run
node = self.selected_item().node
hooked_tool_name = node.find('tool_hook').text
hooked_tool_node = get_tool_node_by_name(self.project, hooked_tool_name)
if hooked_tool_node is None:
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self.view,
text = 'Invalid tool hook',
detailed_text = ('This tool config points to a tool named "%s" '
'but there is no tool with that name in this project.' %
# Open up a GUI element and populate with variable's
tool_lib_node = get_tool_library_node(self.project)
params = {'tool_path': get_path_to_tool_modules(self.project)}
window = ExecuteToolGui(parent_widget = self.manager.base_widget,
tool_node = hooked_tool_node,
tool_config = node,
tool_library_node = tool_lib_node,
示例5: execBatch
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def execBatch(self):
''' Present a dialog to execute a set of tool configurations '''
assert self.has_selected_item()
# Node representing the set to execute
tool_set_node = self.selected_item().node
# map tool config nodes in set -> name of the hooked node
tool_config_to_tool_name = {}
tool_config_nodes = tool_set_node[:]
for tool_config_node in tool_config_nodes:
hook_node = tool_config_node.find('tool_hook')
hooked_tool_name = str(hook_node.text or '').strip()
hooked_tool_node = get_tool_node_by_name(self.project, hooked_tool_name)
module_name = hooked_tool_node.find('class_module').text
module_name = hooked_tool_node.find('class_module').text
tool_path = get_path_to_tool_modules(self.project)
import_path = tool_path + '.' + module_name
importString = "from %s import opusRun" % (import_path)
tool_config_to_tool_name[tool_config_node] = import_path
except Exception, e:
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self.view,
text = 'Invalid module name',
detailed_text = ('This tool points to a module named "%s", ' % import_path + \
'but there is no module with that name, or module returned import error: %s. ' \
% formatExceptionInfo()
示例6: execToolFile
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def execToolFile(self):
Show a dialog box that lets the user configure and execute a
assert self.has_selected_item()
tool_lib_node = get_tool_library_node(self.project)
params = {'tool_path': get_path_to_tool_modules(self.project)}
tool_node = self.selected_item().node
module_name = tool_node.find('class_module').text
import_path = params['tool_path'] + '.' + module_name
importString = "from %s import opusRun" % (import_path)
except Exception, e:
print e
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self.view,
text = 'Invalid module name',
detailed_text = ('This tool points to a module named "%s", ' % import_path + \
'but there is no module with that name, or module returned import error: %s. ' \
% formatExceptionInfo()
示例7: execToolFile
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def execToolFile(self):
Show a dialog box that lets the user configure and execute a
assert self.has_selected_item()
tool_lib_node = get_tool_library_node(self.project)
params = {"tool_path": get_path_to_tool_modules(self.project)}
tool_node = self.selected_item().node
module_name = tool_node.find("class_module").text
import_path = params["tool_path"] + "." + module_name
importString = "from %s import opusRun" % (import_path)
exec (importString)
except Exception, e:
print e
text="Invalid module name",
'This tool points to a module named "%s" '
"but there is no module with that name, or module returned import error." % import_path
示例8: _get_viz_spec
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def _get_viz_spec(self):
viz_type = self.cboVizType.currentText()
translation = self._get_output_types(viz_type)
dataset_name = self.dataset_name
output_type = QString(translation[str(self.cboOutputType.currentText())])
indicators = QString(str(self._get_column_values(column = 0)))
vals = {
'indicators': indicators,
'output_type': output_type,
'dataset_name': dataset_name,
'visualization_type': QString(self._get_type_mapper()[str(viz_type)])
if output_type == 'mapnik_map' or output_type == 'mapnik_animated_map':
vals['mapnik_bucket_labels'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_bucket_labels']
vals['mapnik_bucket_colors'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_bucket_colors']
vals['mapnik_bucket_ranges'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_bucket_ranges']
vals['mapnik_resolution'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_resolution']
vals['mapnik_page_dims'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_page_dims']
vals['mapnik_map_lower_left'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_map_lower_left']
vals['mapnik_map_upper_right'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_map_upper_right']
vals['mapnik_legend_lower_left'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_legend_lower_left']
vals['mapnik_legend_upper_right'] = self.mapnik_options['mapnik_legend_upper_right']
elif output_type == 'fixed_field':
fixed_field_params = QString(str(self._get_column_values(column = 1)))
errorInfo = formatExceptionInfo()
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self,
text = 'Could not get fixed field parameters for all columns',
detailed_text = '')
return None
vals['fixed_field_specification'] = fixed_field_params
vals['id_format'] = self.leOption1.text()
elif output_type == 'sql':
vals['database_name'] = self.leOption1.text()
elif output_type == 'esri':
vals['storage_location'] = self.leOption1.text()
elif output_type in ('tab', 'xls'):
if self.rbSingleTable.isChecked():
output_style = Table.ALL
elif self.rbTablePerIndicator.isChecked():
output_style = Table.PER_ATTRIBUTE
elif self.rbTablePerYear.isChecked():
output_style = Table.PER_YEAR
vals['output_style'] = QString(str(output_style))
if self.appendTypeCheckBox.isChecked():
vals['append_col_type'] = True
vals['append_col_type'] = False
if output_type == 'xls':
vals['storage_location'] = self.leOption1.text()
return vals
示例9: on_buttonBox_accepted
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def on_buttonBox_accepted(self):
ElementTree(self.xml_root).write(self._config_filename, pretty_print=True, with_tail=False)
except IOError, ex:
text = 'A disk error occured when saving the ' +
detailed_text = str(ex))
示例10: on_buttonBox_accepted
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def on_buttonBox_accepted(self):
path = str(self.lePath.text())
if not os.path.exists(path):
msg = 'Cannot import, %s does not exist' % path
MessageBox.warning(mainwindow = self,
text = msg,
detailed_text = '')
cache_directory = path
years = []
for dir in os.listdir(cache_directory):
if len(dir) == 4 and dir.isdigit():
if years == []:
msg = 'Cannot import, %s has no run data'%path
MessageBox.warning(mainwindow = self,
text = msg,
detailed_text = '')
start_year = min(years)
end_year = max(years)
project_name = os.environ['OPUSPROJECTNAME']
run_name = os.path.basename(path)
server_config = ServicesDatabaseConfiguration()
run_manager = RunManager(server_config)
run_id = run_manager._get_new_run_id()
resources = {
'cache_directory': cache_directory,
'description': '',
'years': (start_year, end_year),
'project_name': project_name
run_manager.add_row_to_history(run_id = run_id,
resources = resources,
status = 'done',
run_name = run_name)
logger.log_status('Added run %s of project %s to run_activity table'%(run_name, project_name))
errorInfo = formatExceptionInfo()
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self,
text = 'Could not add run %s of project %s to run_activity table'%(run_name, project_name),
detailed_text = errorInfo)
示例11: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def __init__(self, parent_widget):
QDialog.__init__(self, parent_widget)
desc = "\n".join(
"%(PROTOCOL_TAG)s: Database protocol. Double-click and hold to see the available options.",
"%(HOST_NAME_TAG)s: Host name (and database name for Postgres).",
' * Postgres: Use the format "host_name/database_name" (without quotes).',
" - Leave host_name empty to connect to localhost.",
" - Leave database_name empty (but retain the slash) to connect",
" to the default database for the database user.",
" * Other protocols: Enter the host name only.",
"%(USER_NAME_TAG)s: Database user name",
"%(PASSWORD_TAG)s: Database password",
"To add a new database configuration, please edit",
desc = QtGui.QApplication.translate("DatabaseSettingsEditGui", desc, None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)
desc = unicode(desc) % dict(
(n, eval("DatabaseServerConfiguration.%s" % n))
for n in dir(DatabaseServerConfiguration)
if re.match(".*_TAG$", n)
+ [("conf_file_path", DatabaseServerConfiguration.get_default_configuration_file_path())]
desc = QtCore.QString(desc)
self._config_filename = DatabaseServerConfiguration.get_default_configuration_file_path()
self.xml_root = ElementTree(file=self._config_filename).getroot()
self.base_widget = self.variableBox
self.xml_controller = XmlController_DatabaseConfig(self)
# Turns out that Qt Garbage collects the model (and delegate) if we don't explicitly
# bind it to a Python object in addition to using the PyQt .setModel() method.
self.tree_view = self.xml_controller.view
except IOError, ex:
MessageBox.error(mainwindow=self, text="Could not initialize Database Settings", detailed_text=str(ex))
self.xml_root = None
self._config_filename = ""
self.configFile = None
示例12: update_model_nested_structure
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def update_model_nested_structure(self, node = None):
Create an XML representation to use for the argument "nested_structure" used by Nested Logit
Models (NLM). The argument is used in the NLMs init() method.
@param node submodel node to construct a nested structure from (default self.submodel_node)
@raise RuntimeError: If the model node could not be updated
@return the created nested_structure node (useful for tests)
node = self.submodel_node if node is None else node
if node.find('nest') is None: # can't create a nested structure if there are no nests
return None
counter = {'current count': 1} # pass object ref to keep increments down the recursive chain
new_nested_structure_node = self._create_nested_structure_xml(node, counter)
except ValueError, ex:
MessageBox.error(self, 'Not all nests have equations assigned to them.', str(ex))
return None
示例13: okToCloseProject
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def okToCloseProject(self):
Called before an operation that causes this project to close.
If the project contains changes; ask if the user wants to save them,
discard them or cancel the operation.
@return: True if the user wishes to proceed with the closing operation.
if not self.project.dirty: return True
question = 'Do you want to save your changes before closing the project?'
user_answer = common_dialogs.save_before_close(question)
if user_answer == common_dialogs.YES:
ok_flag, msg = self.project.save() # cancels on failed save
if not ok_flag:
MessageBox.error(self, "Could not save project", str(msg))
return False
return True
elif user_answer == common_dialogs.NO:
self.project.dirty = False
return True
return False
示例14: _update_variable_from_fields
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def _update_variable_from_fields(self):
''' update the variable with values from the gui widgets '''
self.variable['name'] = str(self.leVarName.text())
self.variable['source'] = str(self.cboVarType.currentText())
self.variable['definition'] = str(self.le_var_def.document().toPlainText())
v = VariableName(self.variable['definition'])
dataset_name = v.get_dataset_name()
interaction_set_names = v.get_interaction_set_names()
except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self,
text = 'parse error for variable',
detailed_text = 'setting dataset name for this variable to <unknown>')
dataset_name = '<unknown>'
interaction_set_names = None
if dataset_name is None and interaction_set_names is not None:
# It's an interaction set. Look up possible names in available_datasets
names = get_available_dataset_names(self.validator.project)
n1 = interaction_set_names[0] + '_x_' + interaction_set_names[1]
if n1 in names:
dataset_name = n1
n2 = interaction_set_names[1] + '_x_' + interaction_set_names[0]
if n2 in names:
dataset_name = n2
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self,
text = 'unable to find an interaction set in available_datasets for this variable',
detailed_text = "tried %s and %s \nbut couldn't find either name in available_datasets \nsetting dataset_name to <unknown>" % (n1,n2) )
dataset_name = '<unknown>'
self.variable['dataset'] = dataset_name
if self.rbUseModel.isChecked():
self.variable['use'] = 'model variable'
elif self.rbUseIndicator.isChecked():
self.variable['use'] = 'indicator'
self.variable['use'] = 'both'
示例15: _run_error
# 需要导入模块: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box import MessageBox [as 别名]
# 或者: from opus_gui.main.controllers.dialogs.message_box.MessageBox import error [as 别名]
def _run_error(self,errorMessage):
text = 'Error in computing or displaying indicator'
MessageBox.error(mainwindow = self, text = text, detailed_text = errorMessage)