本文整理汇总了Python中openlibrary.api.OpenLibrary类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python OpenLibrary类的具体用法?Python OpenLibrary怎么用?Python OpenLibrary使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: load
def load():
"""Loads documents to"""
documents = {}
for f in find("data"):
doc = simplejson.load(open(f))
documents[doc['key']] = doc
keys = topological_sort(documents.keys(),
get_children=lambda key: [k for k in get_references(documents[key]) if not k.startswith("/type/")])
from openlibrary.api import OpenLibrary
ol = OpenLibrary("")
print ol.save_many([documents[k] for k in keys], comment="documents copied from openlibrary.org")
示例2: main
def main():
global options
options, args = parse_options()
ol = OpenLibrary(options.server)
for pattern in args:
docs = ol.query({"key~": pattern, "*": None}, limit=1000)
for doc in marshal(docs):
if doc['type']['key'] == '/type/template':
write(make_path(doc), get_value(doc, 'body'))
elif doc['type']['key'] == '/type/template':
write(make_path(doc), get_value(doc, 'macro'))
示例3: write_to_ol
def write_to_ol(olkey, oljson):
ol = OpenLibrary("http://openlibrary.org")
# Log in [daniel, sam]
logged_in = False
for attempt in range(5):
logged_in = True
print 'ol.autologin() error; retrying'
if not logged_in:
sys.exit('Failed to log in.')
ol.save(olkey, oljson, 'Adding Table of Contents')
示例4: add_cover_to_work
def add_cover_to_work(w):
if 'cover_edition' in w:
q = {'type':'/type/edition', 'works':w['key'], 'publish_date': None, 'languages': '/l/eng'}
cover_edition = pick_cover(query_iter(q))
if not cover_edition:
q = {'type':'/type/edition', 'works':w['key'], 'publish_date': None}
cover_edition = pick_cover(query_iter(q))
if not cover_edition:
w['cover_edition'] = Reference(cover_edition)
if ol is None:
rc = read_rc()
ol = OpenLibrary("http://openlibrary.org")
ol.login('WorkBot', rc['WorkBot'])
print ol.save(w['key'], w, 'added cover to work')
示例5: main
def main():
global options
options, args = parse_options()
ol = OpenLibrary(options.server)
for pattern in args:
docs = ol.query({"key~": pattern, "*": None}, limit=1000)
for doc in marshal(docs):
# Anand: special care to ignore bad documents in the database.
if "--duplicate" in doc['key']:
if doc['type']['key'] == '/type/template':
write(make_path(doc), get_value(doc, 'body'))
elif doc['type']['key'] == '/type/macro':
write(make_path(doc), get_value(doc, 'macro'))
示例6: main
def main():
options, args = parse_args()
if options.src.startswith("http://"):
src = OpenLibrary(options.src)
src = Disk(options.src)
if options.dest.startswith("http://"):
dest = OpenLibrary(options.dest)
section = "[%s]" % web.lstrips(options.dest, "http://").strip("/")
if section in read_lines(os.path.expanduser("~/.olrc")):
dest.login("admin", "admin123")
dest = Disk(options.dest)
for list_key in options.lists:
copy_list(src, dest, list_key, comment=options.comment)
keys = args
keys = list(expand(src, keys))
copy(src, dest, keys, comment=options.comment, recursive=options.recursive)
示例7: main
def main(server):
ol = OpenLibrary(server)
volumes = ol.query({'type': '/type/volume', 'limit': False, '*': None, 'edition': {'*': None}})
volumes = dict((v['key'], v) for v in volumes)
editions = dict((v['edition']['key'], v['edition']) for v in volumes.values() if v['edition'])
def make_volume(v):
d = {}
v['type'] = {'key': '/type/volume'}
for k in ['type', 'ia_id', 'volume_number']:
if k in v:
d[k] = v[k]
return d
for e in editions.values():
e['volumes'] = []
for v in volumes.values():
if v.get('edition'):
e = editions[v.get('edition')['key']]
for e in editions.values():
e['volumes'] = sorted(e['volumes'], key=lambda v: v['volume_number'])
print 'linking volumes to %d editions' % len(editions)
ol.save_many(editions.values(), 'link volumes')
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self, username, password):
"""Takes a username and password of a bot account to establish a connection to OL.
self.ol = OpenLibrary()
self.ol.login(username, password)
self.pagreg = re.compile(r"[^\s]\s+[:;]$")
self.emptypagreg = re.compile(r"[,.:;]+$")
self.formatdict = simplejson.load(codecs.open("formatdict.json", "rb", "utf-8"))
self.enc2 = codecs.getencoder("ascii")
self.savebuffer = {}
self.badrecords = []
self.aucache = {}
self.wocache = {}
#self.formatcache = NKCache("ol_books_formats", api_key = "cfdeaeda-4a22-4ae7-a2bf-1634da98fa1b")
self.logfile = codecs.EncodedFile(open("vacuumbot-log.tsv", "ab"), "unicode_internal", "utf-8", "replace")
示例9: main
def main():
ol = OpenLibrary()
plugin = sys.argv[1]
all_docs = []
for pattern in sys.argv[2:]:
docs = ol.query({"key~": pattern, "*": None}, limit=1000)
for doc in all_docs:
doc['plugin'] = plugin
print ol.save_many(all_docs, comment="Marked as part of %s plugin." % plugin)
示例10: main
def main(server):
ol = OpenLibrary(server)
scan_records = ol.query(type='/type/scan_record', limit=False, edition={'*': None})
editions = (r['edition'] for r in scan_records)
# process 1000 editions at a time.
while True:
chunk = take(1000, editions)
if not chunk:
print 'linking %d editions' % len(chunk)
for e in chunk:
e['scan_records'] = [{'key': '/scan_record' + e['key']}]
ol.save_many(chunk, 'link scan records')
示例11: Flask
import MySQLdb
import datetime
import re
import sys
from openlibrary.api import OpenLibrary, Reference
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, flash, redirect, url_for, g
from collections import defaultdict
app = Flask(__name__)
re_edition_key = re.compile('^/books/OL(\d+)M$')
ol = OpenLibrary('http://openlibrary.org/')
ol.login('EdwardBot', 'As1Wae9b')
def before_request():
g.db = MySQLdb.connect(db='merge_editions')
def after_request(r):
return r
re_nonword = re.compile(r'\W', re.U)
rows = 200
app.secret_key = 'rt9%s#)5kid$!u*[email protected]*$f2f_%[email protected]%=7f%v4&78^m4p7c'
示例12: OpenLibrary
from __future__ import print_function
import MySQLdb, datetime, re, sys
from openlibrary.api import OpenLibrary, Reference
from pprint import pprint
import six
conn = MySQLdb.connect(db='merge_editions')
cur = conn.cursor()
re_edition_key = re.compile('^/books/OL(\d+)M$')
re_work_key = re.compile('^/works/OL(\d+)W$')
ol = OpenLibrary('http://openlibrary.org/')
ol.login('EdwardBot', 'As1Wae9b')
re_iso_date = re.compile('^(\d{4})-\d\d-\d\d$')
re_end_year = re.compile('(\d{4})$')
def get_publish_year(d):
if not d:
m = re_iso_date.match(d)
if m:
return int(m.group(1))
m = re_end_year.match(d)
if m:
return int(m.group(1))
{'lc_classifications': ['PZ7.H558 Ru'], 'dewey_number': ['[E]']}
示例13: OpenLibrary
from openlibrary.catalog.marc.fast_parse import get_subfield_values, get_first_tag, get_tag_lines, get_subfields, BadDictionary
from openlibrary.catalog.utils.query import query_iter, withKey
from openlibrary.catalog.utils import mk_norm
from openlibrary.catalog.read_rc import read_rc
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint, pformat
from openlibrary.catalog.utils.edit import fix_edition
from openlibrary.catalog.importer.db_read import get_mc
from urllib import urlopen
from openlibrary.api import OpenLibrary
from lxml import etree
from time import sleep, time, strftime
from openlibrary.catalog.marc.marc_subject import get_work_subjects, four_types
import simplejson as json
ol = OpenLibrary("http://openlibrary.org")
re_skip = re.compile(r'\b([A-Z]|Co|Dr|Jr|Capt|Mr|Mrs|Ms|Prof|Rev|Revd|Hon|etc)\.$')
re_work_key = re.compile('^/works/OL(\d+)W$')
re_lang_key = re.compile('^/(?:l|languages)/([a-z]{3})$')
re_author_key = re.compile('^/(?:a|authors)/(OL\d+A)$')
re_ia_marc = re.compile('^(?:.*/)?([^/]+)_(marc\.xml|meta\.mrc)(:0:\d+)?$')
ns = '{http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim}'
ns_leader = ns + 'leader'
ns_data = ns + 'datafield'
def has_dot(s):
return s.endswith('.') and not re_skip.search(s)
示例14: read_rc
from openlibrary.catalog.marc.fast_parse import get_subfield_values, get_first_tag, get_tag_lines, get_subfields, BadDictionary
from openlibrary.catalog.utils.query import query_iter, set_staging, query
from openlibrary.catalog.utils import mk_norm
from openlibrary.catalog.read_rc import read_rc
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint, pformat
from openlibrary.catalog.utils.edit import fix_edition
from openlibrary.catalog.importer.db_read import get_mc
import urllib2
from openlibrary.api import OpenLibrary, Reference
from lxml import etree
from time import sleep, time
rc = read_rc()
ol = OpenLibrary("http://openlibrary.org")
ol.login('WorkBot', rc['WorkBot'])
fh_log = open('/1/edward/logs/WorkBot', 'a')
def write_log(cat, key, title):
print >> fh_log, (("%.2f" % time()), cat, key, title)
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)
re_skip = re.compile('\b([A-Z]|Co|Dr|Jr|Capt|Mr|Mrs|Ms|Prof|Rev|Revd|Hon|etc)\.$')
re_ia_marc = re.compile('^(?:.*/)?([^/]+)_(marc\.xml|meta\.mrc)(:0:\d+)?$')
ns = '{http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim}'
ns_leader = ns + 'leader'
ns_data = ns + 'datafield'
示例15: OpenLibrary
import csv, httplib, sys, codecs, re
from openlibrary.api import OpenLibrary
from pprint import pprint, pformat
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)
h1 = httplib.HTTPConnection('www.archive.org')
ol = OpenLibrary('http://openlibrary.org/')
#ol.login('EdwardBot', 'As1Wae9b')
input_file = '/home/edward/Documents/smashwords_ia_20110325.csv'
input_file = '/home/edward/Documents/smashwords_ia_20110325-extended-20110406.csv'
#headings = ['Distributor', 'Author Name', 'Author Bio', 'Publisher', 'SWID',
# 'Book Title', 'Price', 'Short Book Description', 'Long Book Description',
# 'ISBN', 'BISAC I', 'BISAC II', 'Where to buy']
# ['Distributor', 'Author Name', 'Author Bio', 'Publisher', 'SWID',
# 'Book Title', 'Pub. Date @ Smashwords', 'Price', 'Short Book Description',
# 'Long Book Description', 'ISBN', 'BISAC I', 'BISAC II', 'Word Count (Approx.)',
# 'Where to buy']
authors = {}
titles = set()
isbn = set()
name_map = {
'JA Konrath': 'J. A. Konrath'