本文整理汇总了Python中ontology.Ontology类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Ontology类的具体用法?Python Ontology怎么用?Python Ontology使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: parse
def parse(oboFile, typedefs):
Parses an OBO (ontology file) creating a correspoinding Ontology
object composed of Term objects that relate to the terms found in the
ontology file.
ontology = Ontology()
## Use groupby to group the lines of our file into chunks of text, some
## stanzas, some typedefs, and other metadata to be processed
with open(oboFile) as f:
for (key, group) in groupby(f, is_data):
if key:
header = group.next().rstrip('\n')
if header.find('[Typedef]') != -1:
dataDict = get_data_as_dict(group)
elif header.find('[Term]') != -1:
dataDict = get_data_as_dict(group, typedefs)
# We are dealing with ontology metadata that should be
# captured in our ontology object.
ontology.metadata.extend([x.strip() for x in group])
return ontology
示例2: decode_resource_path
def decode_resource_path(self, path):
result = None
if path:
decoded = Ontology(self.env, 'ns.medium.resource.url.decode')
decoded['directory'], decoded['file name'] = os.path.split(path)
if 'file name' in decoded and 'directory' in decoded:
# Normalize the directory
# This will replace path framents with canonic values
decoded['directory'] = self.normalize(decoded['directory'])
# Check if the directory resides in a volume
for volume in self.volume.element.values():
if os.path.commonprefix((volume.node['real'], decoded['directory'])) == volume.node['real']:
decoded['volume'] = volume.key
# If a UMID was encoded in the name, infer the home id and media kind
# This will also trigger rule.medium.resource.filename.parse
if 'umid' in decoded:
umid = Umid.decode(decoded['umid'])
if umid:
decoded['media kind'] = umid.media_kind
decoded['home id'] = umid.home_id
# Make the elements of the decoded onlology kernel elements of the result
result = decoded.project('ns.medium.resource.location')
for k,v in decoded.iteritems(): result[k] = v
# set the host and domain
result['host'] = self.host
result['domain'] = self.domain
return result
示例3: set
def set(self):
genealogy = Ontology(self.env, 'ns.service.genealogy', self.document['head']['genealogy'])
self.document['head']['genealogy'] = genealogy.node
# persist document
# refetch the document
self.document = self.env.resolver.resolve(self.uri, self.ontology['query'])
示例4: parse
def parse(self, query):
for source in query["sources"]:
document = json.load(source)
except ValueError as e:
self.log.warning(u"Failed to decode JSON document %s", query["remote url"])
self.log.debug(u"Exception raised %s", unicode(e))
if "process" in query["branch"]:
action = getattr(self, query["branch"]["process"], None)
if action is not None:
document = action(query, document)
self.log.warning(u"Ignoring unknown process function %s", query["branch"]["process"])
if query["branch"]["query type"] == "lookup":
entry = {
"branch": query["branch"],
"record": {
u"head": {u"genealogy": query["parameter"].project("ns.service.genealogy")},
u"body": {u"original": document},
if "namespace" in query["branch"]:
# make a caonical node
entry["record"]["body"]["canonical"] = Ontology(self.env, entry["branch"]["namespace"])
entry["record"]["body"]["canonical"].decode_all(entry["record"]["body"]["original"], self.name)
# Copy indexed values from the canonical node to the genealogy
if "index" in entry["branch"]:
for index in entry["branch"]["index"]:
if index in entry["record"]["body"]["canonical"]:
entry["record"][u"head"][u"genealogy"][index] = entry["record"]["body"][
# Append the entry to the query result
elif query["branch"]["query type"] == "search":
for trigger in query["branch"]["resolve"]:
for element in document[query["branch"]["container"]]:
# Decode a reference
o = Ontology(self.env, trigger["namespace"])
o.decode_all(element, self.name)
# Make a URI and trigger a resolution
ref = o.project("ns.service.genealogy")
uri = trigger["format"].format(**ref)
self.log.debug(u"Trigger %s resolution", uri)
示例5: _load_mediainfo
def _load_mediainfo(self):
command = self.env.initialize_command("mediainfo", self.log)
if command:
command.extend([u"--Language=raw", u"--Output=XML", u"--Full", self.ontology["path"]])
proc_mediainfo = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
proc_grep = Popen([u"grep", u"-v", u"Cover_Data"], stdin=proc_mediainfo.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
raw_xml = proc_grep.communicate()[0]
# parse the DOM
element = ElementTree.fromstring(raw_xml)
if element is not None:
for node in element.findall(u"File/track"):
if "type" in node.attrib:
mtype = self.env.enumeration["mediainfo stream type"].search(node.attrib["type"])
if mtype is not None:
if mtype.node["namespace"]:
# initialize an ontology with the correct namespace
o = Ontology(self.env, mtype.node["namespace"])
# iterate over the properties and populate the ontology
for item in list(node):
text = item.text
# decode base64 encoded element
if "dt" in item.attrib and item.attrib["dt"] == "binary.base64":
text = base64.b64decode(text)
text = unicode(text, "utf8")
# set the concept on the ontology
o.decode(item.tag, text)
# fix the video encoder settings on video tracks
if mtype.key == "video":
# add the ontology to the stream stack
elif mtype.key == "menu":
menu = Menu(self.env)
for item in list(node):
menu.add(Chapter.from_raw(item.tag, item.text, Chapter.MEDIAINFO))
if menu.valid:
# Release resources held by the element, we no longer need it
示例6: transform
def transform(self, template):
# apply overrides on the pivot location from the template
if 'override' in template:
for k,v in template['override'].iteritems():
self.location[k] = v
# apply track rules from the template
if 'track' in template:
for rule in template['track']:
for branch in rule['branch']:
taken = False
for stream in self.resource.stream:
if stream.match(branch):
taken = True
s = Ontology.clone(stream)
s['resource path digest'] = self.resource.location['path digest']
if 'override' in rule:
for k,v in rule['override'].iteritems(): s[k] = v
if rule['mode'] == 'choose':
if taken and rule['mode'] == 'choose':
return self.taken
示例7: _transcode_ac3
def _transcode_ac3(self, task):
product = task.produce(task.ontology)
if product:
taken = False
for pivot in task.transform.pivot.values():
for stream in pivot.stream:
if not taken and stream['stream kind'] == 'audio':
taken = True
# Clone the hint ontology
product.hint = Ontology.clone(self.hint)
command = self.env.initialize_command('ffmpeg', self.log)
if command:
# make ffmpeg not check for overwrite, we already do this check
# set the number of processing threads
# set the input file
for k,v in stream['ffmpeg parameters'].iteritems():
if v is not None: command.append(unicode(v))
if taken: break
if taken and self.env.check_path_available(product.path, task.ontology['overwrite']):
message = u'Transcode {} --> {}'.format(self.path, product.path)
self.env.execute(command, message, task.ontology['debug'], pipeout=True, pipeerr=False, log=self.log)
示例8: tag
def tag(self, task):
update = Ontology(self.env, 'ns.medium.resource.meta.tag')
meta = self.meta.project('ns.medium.resource.meta.tag')
knowledge = Ontology(self.env, 'ns.medium.resource.meta.tag', self.knowledge['body'])
genealogy = Ontology(self.env, 'ns.service.genealogy', self.knowledge['head']['genealogy'])
# Everything that is in meta but doesn't fit knowledge
# should be replaced with the value in knowledge
for i in meta.keys():
if meta[i] != knowledge[i]:
update[i] = knowledge[i]
# Everything that is in knowledge but not in meta
# should be set to the value in knowledge
for i in knowledge.keys():
if i not in meta:
update[i] = knowledge[i]
modify = []
for k,v in update.iteritems():
prototype = update.namespace.find(k)
if prototype and prototype.node['subler']:
print unicode(modify).encode('utf-8')
示例9: produce
def produce(self, override=None):
# copy the location ontology
p = Ontology.clone(self.location)
# allow the location to recalculate those concepts
del p['volume path']
del p['file name']
del p['directory']
# explicitly set the volume and host from the task
p['host'] = self.env.host
p['volume'] = self.ontology['volume']
# for copy and move we try to set a profile from the source
if self.ontology['action'] in set(('copy', 'move', 'pack')):
if self.resource.meta['profile']:
p['profile'] = self.resource.meta['profile']
# for transcode we try to set the profile from the transform
elif self.ontology['action'] == 'transcode':
for pivot in self.transform.pivot.values():
if 'profile' in pivot.location:
p['profile'] = pivot.location['profile']
# whatever happened, if a profile has been explicitly provided by the task
# it will override anything we set implicitly
if self.ontology['profile']:
p['profile'] = self.ontology['profile']
# if an override was given set some concepts from it
if override:
for i in set((
'stream order',
'resource path digest',
'routing type'
if i in override: p[i] = override[i]
# try to produce a product
product = self.resource.asset.locate_resource(p)
if product:
self.log.error(u'Could not determine destination path from:\n%s', self.env.encode_json(p))
return product
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self):
Ontology.__init__(self, rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://www.loc.gov/mads/rdf/v1#'))
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self):
Ontology.__init__(self, Namespace(u'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'))
示例12: parse
def parse(self, query):
for source in query['sources']:
document = json.load(source)
except ValueError as e:
self.log.warning(u'Failed to decode JSON document %s', query['remote url'])
self.log.debug(u'Exception raised %s', unicode(e))
if 'process' in query['branch']:
# Preprocessing the entry.
# Method should return a document similar to normal itunes api calls
action = getattr(self, query['branch']['process'], None)
if action is not None:
document = action(document)
self.log.warning(u'Ignoring unknown process function %s', query['branch']['process'])
if not document['resultCount'] > 0:
self.log.debug(u'No results found for query %s', query['remote url'])
if query['branch']['query type'] == 'lookup':
for element in document['results']:
for product in query['branch']['produce']:
if satisfies(element, product['condition']):
entry = {
u'head':{ u'genealogy':Ontology(self.env, 'ns.service.genealogy'), },
u'body':{ u'original':element },
# make a caonical node
entry['record']['body']['canonical'] = Ontology(self.env, entry['branch']['namespace'])
entry['record']['body']['canonical'].decode_all(entry['record']['body']['original'], self.name)
# Copy indexed values from the canonical node to the genealogy
if 'index' in entry['branch']:
for index in entry['branch']['index']:
if index in entry['record']['body']['canonical']:
entry['record'][u'head'][u'genealogy'][index] = entry['record']['body']['canonical'][index]
# Only produce once for each element
elif query['branch']['query type'] == 'search':
for trigger in query['branch']['resolve']:
for element in document['results']:
if satisfies(element, trigger['condition']):
# Decode concepts from the element and populate the ontology
o = Ontology(self.env, trigger['namespace'])
o.decode_all(element, self.name)
# Make a URI and trigger a resolution
ref = o.project('ns.service.genealogy')
uri = trigger['format'].format(**ref)
self.log.debug(u'Trigger %s resolution', uri)
示例13: all_url_test
def all_url_test():
l = classgenerator.Library()
l2 = classgenerator.Library()
l2.base_path = ["gentest","lib","ontologies"]
#print ("test of getting global data")
g = test_global_data_files.get_global_data()
#print (g)
predicates = Counter()
subjects = Counter()
predicate_types = Counter()
predicate_types2 = Counter()
objects = Counter()
for x in g:
p = x[1]
s = x[0]
o = x[2]
predicates[p] += 1
subjects[s] += 1
objects[o] += 1
print "predicates"
seen = {}
libs = {}
for (p,v) in predicates.most_common(4230):
if 'openlinksw.com' in p:
if 'cc.rww.io' in p :
p2 = g.namespace_manager.qname(p)
(ns,term) = p2.split(':')
m = g.namespace_manager.store.namespace(ns)
# skip
if str(m) =='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#':
if ns not in seen :
#print "NS",ns, m
if 'ns' in ns:
print "g.namespace_manager.bind(\"{prefix}\",\"{url}\",True) ".format(prefix=ns,url=m)
path = l.get_module(ns,m)
#print ns, m, path
if path:
importl = l.get_import_path(path)
prefix = l.get_import_path(ns)
#print "import {module} as {prefix}".format(module=importl,prefix=ns)
replace= {
'http://purl.org/dc/dcam/' : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcmi/vocabtool/master/build/dcam.rdf'
if str(m) in replace :
o = replace[str(m)]
#print "replacing " ,m,"with", o
m = o
_format = 'guess'
turtles = [
if str(m) in turtles :
_format = 'turtle'
xmls = [
if str(m) in xmls :
_format = 'xml'
o = Ontology(url=m,prefix=prefix,_format=_format)
#print "prefix", prefix, m
## now revisit the graph and link it
for p in libs:
o = libs[p]
prefix = o.prefix
#print "Lib", p, o.path
og = o.fetch(g.namespace_manager)
od = o.extract_graph(og,l, libs)