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Python OrderedDict.keys方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中odict.OrderedDict.keys方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python OrderedDict.keys方法的具体用法?Python OrderedDict.keys怎么用?Python OrderedDict.keys使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在odict.OrderedDict的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from odict import OrderedDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from odict.OrderedDict import keys [as 别名]
class Domain:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()
        self.baseClassifications = OrderedDict()
        self.rawToTrans = OrderedDict()
        self.transToRaw = OrderedDict()
        self.groups = OrderedDict()

    def addSensitivity(self, sensitivity, level):
        if self.sensitivities.has_key(sensitivity) == 0:
            self.sensitivities[sensitivity] = level

    def findSensitivityByName(self, sensitivity):
        for k, v in self.sensitivities.iteritems():
#            print k,v
            if v == sensitivity:
                return sensitivity
        return None

    def addGroup(self, groupName):
        group = Group(groupName)
        self.groups[groupName] = group
        return group

    def addBaseClassification(self, bcName):
        baseClassification = BaseClassification(bcName)
        self.baseClassifications[bcName] = baseClassification
        return baseClassification

    def str(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "Domain name: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Sensitivities:"
        for key in self.sensitivities.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.sensitivities[key])
        str = str + "Base classifications:\n"
        for key in self.baseClassifications.keys():
            str = str + str(self.baseClassifications[key])
        str = str + "Groups:\n"
        for key in self.groups.keys():
            str = str + str(self.groups[key])
#        str = str + "Raw to translated:"
#        for key in self.rawToTrans.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.rawToTrans[key])
#        str = str + "Translated to raw:"
#        for key in self.transToRaw.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.transToRaw[key])
        return str

示例2: get_stats

# 需要导入模块: from odict import OrderedDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from odict.OrderedDict import keys [as 别名]
  def get_stats(self, dim, prefix=''):
    """Get various 1d statistics for the datatable.
    def add_stat(stats, key, val):
      stats[prefix+key] = val
    def get_stat(stats, key):
      return stats[prefix+key]
    #print dim
    #print self.num_cells
    #print self.data
    p = self.get_points(dim)
    s = OrderedDict()
    add_stat(s, 'num_cells', self.num_cells)
    add_stat(s, 'min', np.min(p))
    add_stat(s, 'max', np.max(p))
    add_stat(s, 'average', np.average(p))
    add_stat(s, 'std', np.std(p))
    add_stat(s, 'median', np.median(p))
    add_stat(s, 'gaussian_fit', 
            dim, 100,
            get_stat(s, 'average'),
            get_stat(s, 'std')))

    keys = s.keys()
    vals = np.array([s.values()])
    ret = DataTable(vals, keys, name=self.sub_name('stats for %s' % dim))
    ret.properties['original_table'] = self
    return ret

示例3: cheat

# 需要导入模块: from odict import OrderedDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from odict.OrderedDict import keys [as 别名]
def cheat(url, mappings):
    Modifies BitTorrent tracker URLs, faking the amount of data
    uploaded. All other URLs should pass through unimpeded.

    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)

    if "=" not in parsed.query:
        return url

    query = OrderedDict([i.split("=") for i in parsed.query.split("&")])
    if "uploaded" not in query or query["uploaded"] == "0":
        return url

    if parsed.hostname in mappings:
        multiple = mappings[parsed.hostname]
        if "default" in mappings:
            multiple = mappings["default"]
            return url

    # Don't bother munging the URL if the upload amount isn't going
    # to change.
    if multiple == 1:
        return url

    fakeupload = int(query["uploaded"])

    logger = logging.getLogger("cheatbt")
    logger.debug("%s: %d -> %d" % (parsed.hostname, fakeupload,
                                   fakeupload * multiple))

    fakeupload = fakeupload * multiple
    query["uploaded"] = str(fakeupload)

    new_query = ""
    for k in query.keys():
        new_query += k + "=" + query[k] + "&"
    new_query = new_query[:-1] # Remove trailing "&"

    # <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
    new_url = urlparse.urlunparse((parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path,
                                   parsed.params, new_query, parsed.fragment))

    return new_url

示例4: Model

# 需要导入模块: from odict import OrderedDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from odict.OrderedDict import keys [as 别名]
class Model(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.Identifiers = OrderedDict()
        self.Parameters = OrderedDict()
        self.Variables = OrderedDict()
        self.Equations = OrderedDict()
        self.DifferentialEquations = OrderedDict()
        self.Functions = OrderedDict()
        self.InitialValues = OrderedDict()
        self.Bounds = {}

        #---------Some builtin functions-------
        self.Functions['exp'] = [('math.exp')]
        self.Functions['log'] = [('math.log')]
        self.Functions['log10'] = [('math.log10')]
        self.Functions['pow'] = [('math.pow')]
        self.Functions['sqrt'] = [('math.sqrt')]

        self.Functions['sin'] = [('math.sin')]
        self.Functions['cos'] = [('math.cos')]
        self.Functions['tan'] = [('math.tan')]
        self.Functions['hypot'] = [('math.hypot')]

        self.Functions['asin'] = [('math.asin')]
        self.Functions['acos'] = [('math.acos')]
        self.Functions['atan'] = [('math.atan')]

        self.Functions['radians'] = [('math.radians')]
        self.Functions['degrees'] = [('math.degrees')]

    def addInitialValue(self, name, value):
        self.InitialValues[name] = value

    def addIdentifier(self, name):
        if name not in self.Identifiers.keys():
            self.Identifiers[name] = 'id_' + str(len(self.Identifiers)).zfill(3)

        return self.Identifiers[name]

    def addVariable(self, id):
        attrs_present, parts = has_attributes(id)
        if attrs_present:
            raise EquationSenseError, 'Cannot use attributes in equation'

        if not self.Variables.has_key(id):
            self.Variables[id] = 0.0

        return 'x[' + str(self.Variables.index(id)) + ']'

    def addEquation(self, LHS, RHS, eqn_id = None):
        if eqn_id is None:
            eqn_id = '#' + str(len(self.Equations) + 1)

        self.Equations[eqn_id] = (LHS, RHS)

    def addVariableBound(self, id, lower_bound, upper_bound):
        existing = self.Bounds.get(id, None)

        if existing:
            if lower_bound is not None:
                existing = (float(lower_bound), existing[1])
            if upper_bound is not None:
                existing = (existing[0], float(upper_bound))

            self.Bounds[id] = existing
            if lower_bound is not None:
                lower_bound = float(lower_bound)
            if upper_bound is not None:
                upper_bound = float(upper_bound)

            self.Bounds[id] = (lower_bound, upper_bound)

    def addParameter(self, id, value):

        attrs_present, parts = has_attributes(id)
        if attrs_present:
            actual_id = id.split('.')[0]
            parts = [p.lower() for p in parts]

            if len(parts) == 1 and 'guess' in parts:
                self.addInitialValue(actual_id, value)
            elif len(parts) == 1 and 'min' in parts:
                self.addVariableBound(actual_id, value, None)
            elif len(parts) == 1 and 'max' in parts:
                self.addVariableBound(actual_id, None, value)
                raise EquationSenseError, 'Only supports guess, min and max attributes'

            #Check if the id is in the variable map, if it is delete it
            #and place it in the parameters map

            #This happens when a parameters is defined after its use
            #in an equation

示例5: Config

# 需要导入模块: from odict import OrderedDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from odict.OrderedDict import keys [as 别名]
class Config(dict):
    def __init__(self, user_file=None):
        self.config = OrderedDict()
        self.user_file = user_file
    def set_user_file(self, user_file):
        self.user_file = user_file
    def add_category(self, category):
        if not self.config.has_key(category):
            self.config[category] = OrderedDict()
    def add_setting(self, category, setting, value, about='', type=0, stub=False, **kwargs):
        assert category != None, 'Must specify a category'
        assert setting != None, 'Must specify a setting'
        assert value != None, 'Must specify a value'
        if not self.config[category].has_key(setting):
            self.config[category][setting] = OrderedDict()
        self.config[category][setting]['value'] = value
        if not stub:
            self.config[category][setting]['about'] = about
            self.config[category][setting]['type'] = type
            for k in kwargs:
                self.config[category][setting][k] = kwargs[k]
    def get_setting(self, category, setting, complete=False):
        assert category != None, 'Must specify a category'
        assert setting != None, 'Must specify a setting'
        assert self.config.has_key(category), 'Category does not exist'
        assert self.config[category].has_key(setting), 'Setting in category does not exist'
        assert self.config[category][setting].has_key('value'), 'Setting in category has no value'
        if complete:
            return self.config[category][setting]
            return self.config[category][setting]['value']
    def update_setting_value(self, category, setting, value):
        assert category != None, 'Must specify a category'
        assert setting != None, 'Must specify a setting'
        assert value != None, 'Must specify a value'
        if self.config.has_key(category):
            if self.config[category].has_key(setting):
                self.config[category][setting]['value'] = value
    def get_settings(self, category):
        assert category != None, 'Must specify a category'
        assert self.config.has_key(category), 'Category does not exist'
        return self.config[category].keys()
    def get_categories(self):
        return self.config.keys()
    def update_from_string(self, json_config):
            config = json.loads(json_config)
            for c in config.keys():
                for s in config[c].keys():
                    self.update_setting_value(c, s, config[c][s]['value'])
        except ValueError:
            sys.stderr.write('Empty or malformed config file found!\n')
    def update_from_user_file(self):
        if self.user_file and os.path.isfile(self.user_file):
            with open(self.user_file, 'r') as f:
                return self.update_from_string(f.read())
    def get_running_config(self):
        tmpCfg = {}
        for category in self.config.keys():
            tmpCfg[category] = {}
            for setting in self.config[category].keys():
                tmpCfg[category][setting] = self.config[category][setting]['value']
        return tmpCfg
    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.get_running_config(), separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True)        

示例6: view

# 需要导入模块: from odict import OrderedDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from odict.OrderedDict import keys [as 别名]
  def view(self, tables):
    """ The view method of this module draws the control panel and the histograms. 
    We need at least one input to be able to draw something.
    if not tables:
      return View(self, 'No tables to show.')
    self.widgets.color.guess_or_remember(('histogram text', tables), ['name'])
    self.widgets.text.guess_or_remember(('histogram colors', tables), ['name'])
    self.widgets.shift.guess_or_remember(('histogram shift', tables), '0.2')
    self.widgets.sort_inside.guess_or_remember(('histogram sort inside', tables), ['similarity'])
    self.widgets.sort_outside.guess_or_remember(('histogram sort outside', tables), ['sort'])
    self.widgets.trim.guess_or_remember(('histogram trim', tables), ['no'])
    self.widgets.trim_thresh.guess_or_remember(('histogram trim thresh', tables), '0')

    sort_inside_options = [('unsort', 'Keep original order'), ('similarity', 'Put similar curves together')]
    sort_inside_options += [(x, 'Sort by %s' % x) for x in tables[0].tags.keys()]
    # Create the control panel view. This will enable users to choose the dimensions. 
    control_panel_view = stack_lines(
        self.widgets.dims.view('Dimension', self.widgets.apply, options_from_table(tables[0])),
        self.widgets.text.view('Text by', self.widgets.apply, tables[0].tags.keys()),
        self.widgets.color.view('Color by', self.widgets.apply, tables[0].tags.keys()),
        self.widgets.shift.view('Shift for multiple curves', self.widgets.apply),
        self.widgets.sort_inside.view('Curve sorting', self.widgets.apply, 
        self.widgets.sort_outside.view('Plot sorting', self.widgets.apply, 
                                      [('sort', 'Put plots with many differences first'), ('unsort', 'Keep original order')],
        self.widgets.trim.view('Trim plots', self.widgets.apply,
            [('yes', 'Convert values lower than threshold to 0'), ('no', 'Don\'t trim')], multiple=False),
        self.widgets.trim_thresh.view('Trim threshold', self.widgets.apply),
    main_views = []
    shift = self.widgets.shift.value_as_float()
    plots_for_legend = OrderedDict()
    colorer = axes.Colorer()
    # Check that the user has already chosen dimensions. Otherwise, ask him 
    # to do so.
    if self.widgets.dims.values.choices:
      timer = MultiTimer(len(self.widgets.dims.values.choices))
      for i, dim in enumerate(self.widgets.dims.values.choices):
          # Go over every dimension and create the histogram:
          # First create a new figure:
          fig = self.create_and_adjust_figure(tables)
          ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
          # Draw the histogram for every input
          plots = []
          sorted_tables = tables
          sort_method = self.widgets.sort_inside.values.choices[0]
          if sort_method == 'unsort':
            sorted_tables = tables
          elif sort_method == 'similarity':
            thresh = None
            if self.widgets.trim.get_choices()[0] == 'yes':
              thresh = self.widgets.trim_thresh.value_as_float()
            # get distances table:
            distances = datatable.ks_distances(tables, dim, thresh)
            # sort by distance
            sorted_tables = greedy_distance_sort(distances, tables)
            # we need to sort by tags:
            tag_for_sort = self.widgets.sort_inside.values.choices[0]
            sorted_tables = sorted(tables, key=lambda table: table.tags[tag_for_sort])
          for i, table in enumerate(sorted_tables):
            color_tags = self.widgets.color.values.choices
            color_key = tuple([table.tags[c] for c in color_tags])
            min_x = None
            if self.widgets.trim.get_choices()[0] =='yes':
              min_x = self.widgets.trim_thresh.value_as_float()
            plot = axes.kde1d(ax, table, dim,
            plots_for_legend[color_key] = plot
          # Add ticks with table names:
          if self.widgets.shift.value_as_float() > 0:
            ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, len(tables)*shift, shift))
            ax.set_yticklabels([t.get_tags(self.widgets.text.values.choices) for t in sorted_tables], size='xx-small')
          # set axes y range:
          ax.set_ylim(bottom = -0.1, top=0.8+shift*(len(sorted_tables)-1))
          # Make sure we don't create the same widget twice. We create a new widget
          # for every dimension asked. 
          widget_key = self._normalize_id(dim)
          if not widget_key in self.widgets:
            self._add_widget(widget_key, Figure)
          figure_widget = self.widgets[widget_key]
          if len(tables) > 1:
            from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
            ks, p_ks = ks_2samp(tables[0].get_cols(dim)[0], tables[1].get_cols(dim)[0])
            ks_view = View(self, 'ks: %.3f, p_ks: %.10f' % (ks, p_ks))
            final_view = stack_lines(ks_view, figure_widget.view(fig))
            ks, p_ks = 0, 0
            final_view = figure_widget.view(fig)
          # Add the new widget's view
          main_views.append((ks, p_ks, final_view))
