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Python DB.get_q_version方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中oasis.lib.DB.get_q_version方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DB.get_q_version方法的具体用法?Python DB.get_q_version怎么用?Python DB.get_q_version使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在oasis.lib.DB的用法示例。


示例1: mark_q

# 需要导入模块: from oasis.lib import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from oasis.lib.DB import get_q_version [as 别名]
def mark_q(qid, answers):
    """ Mark the question according to the answers given in a dictionary and
        return the result in a dictionary:
        input:    {"A1":"0.345", "A2":"fred", "A3":"-26" }
        return:   {"M1": Mark One, "C1": Comment One, "M2": Mark Two..... }
    qtid = DB.get_q_parent(qid)
    version = DB.get_q_version(qid)
    variation = DB.get_q_variation(qid)
    qvars = DB.get_qt_variation(qtid, variation, version)
    if not qvars:
        qvars = {}
        L.warn("markQuestion(%s, %s) unable to retrieve variables." %
            (qid, answers))
    qvars['OaQID'] = int(qid)
    marktype = DB.get_qt_marker(qtid)
    if marktype == 1:    # standard
        marks = mark_q_standard(qvars, answers)
        # We want the latest version of the marker, so no version given
        markerscript = DB.get_qt_att(qtid, "__marker.py")
        if not markerscript:
            markerscript = DB.get_qt_att(qtid, "marker.py")
            L.info("'marker.py' should now be called '__marker.py' (qtid=%s)" % qtid)
        if not markerscript:
            L.info("Unable to retrieve marker script for smart marker question (qtid=%s)!" % qtid)
            marks = mark_q_standard(qvars, answers)
            marks = mark_q_script(qvars, markerscript, answers)
    return marks

示例2: get_q_att_fname

# 需要导入模块: from oasis.lib import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from oasis.lib.DB import get_q_version [as 别名]
def get_q_att_fname(qid, name):
    """ Return (mimetype, filename) with the relevant filename.
        If it's not found in question, look in questiontemplate.
    qtid = DB.get_q_parent(qid)
    variation = DB.get_q_variation(qid)
    version = DB.get_q_version(qid)
    # for the two biggies we hit the question first,
    # otherwise check the question template first
    if name == "image.gif" or name == "qtemplate.html":

        fname = DB.get_q_att_fname(qtid, name, variation, version)
        if fname:
            return DB.get_q_att_mimetype(qtid, name, variation, version), fname
        fname = DB.get_qt_att_fname(qtid, name, version)
        if fname:
            return DB.get_qt_att_mimetype(qtid, name, version), fname
        fname = DB.get_qt_att_fname(qtid, name, version)
        if fname:
            return DB.get_qt_att_mimetype(qtid, name, version), fname
        fname = DB.get_q_att_fname(qtid, name, variation, version)
        if fname:
            return DB.get_q_att_mimetype(qtid, name, variation, version), fname
    return None, None

示例3: render_q_html

# 需要导入模块: from oasis.lib import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from oasis.lib.DB import get_q_version [as 别名]
def render_q_html(q_id, readonly=False):
    """ Fetch the question html and get it ready for display - replacing
        links with appropriate targets and filling in form details."""
        q_id = int(q_id)
        assert q_id > 0
    except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
            "renderQuestionHTML(%s,%s) called with bad qid?" % (q_id, readonly))
    qt_id = DB.get_q_parent(q_id)
        qt_id = int(qt_id)
        assert qt_id > 0
    except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
            "renderQuestionHTML(%s,%s), getparent failed? " % (q_id, readonly))
    variation = DB.get_q_variation(q_id)
    version = DB.get_q_version(q_id)
    data = DB.get_q_att(qt_id, "qtemplate.html", variation, version)
    if not data:
            "Unable to retrieve qtemplate for q_id: %s" % q_id)
        return "QuestionError"
        out = unicode(data, "utf-8")
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
            out = unicode(DB.get_q_att(qt_id, "qtemplate.html", variation, version),
        except UnicodeDecodeError, err:
                "unicode error decoding qtemplate for q_id %s: %s" % (q_id, err))

示例4: get_q_att

# 需要导入模块: from oasis.lib import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from oasis.lib.DB import get_q_version [as 别名]
def get_q_att(qid, name):
    """ Return (mimetype, data) with the relevant attachment.
        If it's not found in question, look in questiontemplate.
    qtid = DB.get_q_parent(qid)
    variation = DB.get_q_variation(qid)
    version = DB.get_q_version(qid)
    # for the two biggies we hit the question first,
    # otherwise check the question template first
    if name == "image.gif" or name == "qtemplate.html":
        data = DB.get_q_att(qtid, name, variation, version)
        if data:
            return DB.get_q_att_mimetype(qtid, name, variation, version), data
        data = DB.get_qt_att(qtid, name, version)
        if data:
            return DB.get_qt_att_mimetype(qtid, name, version), data
        data = DB.get_qt_att(qtid, name, version)
        if data:
            return DB.get_qt_att_mimetype(qtid, name, version), data
        data = DB.get_q_att(qtid, name, variation, version)
        if data:
            return DB.get_q_att_mimetype(qtid, name, variation, version), data
    return None, None

示例5: render_mark_results_script

# 需要导入模块: from oasis.lib import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from oasis.lib.DB import get_q_version [as 别名]
def render_mark_results_script(qtid, qid, marks, script):
    """Run the provided script to show the marking for the
    version = DB.get_q_version(qid)
    variation = DB.get_q_variation(qid)
    qvars = DB.get_qt_variation(qtid, variation, version)
    questionhtml = render_q_html(qid, readonly=True)
    reshtml = ""
    qvars["__builtins__"] = {'MyFuncs': OqeSmartmarkFuncs,
                             'withinTolerance': script_funcs.within_tolerance,
                             'math': math,
                             'round': round,
                             'float': float,
                             'log': script_funcs.result_log_fn(qid),
                             'dir': dir,
                             'abs': abs,
                             'None': None,
                             'True': True,
                             'False': False,
                             'questionHTML': questionhtml,
                             'int': int,
                             'resultsHTML': reshtml}
    qvars['markeroutput'] = marks
    guesses = [int(var[1:])
               for var in marks.keys()
               if re.search(r"^G([0-9]+)$", var) > 0]
    answers = [int(var[1:])
               for var in marks.keys()
               if re.search(r"^A([0-9]+)$", var) > 0]
    tolerances = [int(var[1:])
                  for var in marks.keys()
                  if re.search(r"^T([0-9]+)$", var) > 0]
    scores = [int(var[1:])
              for var in marks.keys()
              if re.search(r"^M([0-9]+)$", var) > 0]
    comments = [int(var[1:])
                for var in marks.keys()
                if re.search(r"^C([0-9]+)$", var) > 0]
    qvars['guesses'] = {}
    qvars['answers'] = {}
    qvars['tolerances'] = {}
    qvars['scores'] = {}
    qvars['comments'] = {}
    for guess in guesses:
        qvars['guesses'][guess] = marks['G%d' % guess]
    for answer in answers:
        qvars['answers'][answer] = marks['A%d' % answer]
    for tolerance in tolerances:
        qvars['tolerances'][tolerance] = marks['T%d' % tolerance]
    for score in scores:
        qvars['scores'][score] = marks['M%d' % score]
    for comment in comments:
        qvars['comments'][comment] = marks['C%d' % comment]
    qvars['numparts'] = len(answers)
    qvars['parts'] = range(1, len(answers) + 1)
        exec (script, qvars)
    except BaseException:
        (etype, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
                           "Reverting to standard display: __results.py: %s" % (
                           traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb)[-2:]))
    if 'resultsHTML' in qvars:
        if len(qvars['resultsHTML']) > 2:
            reshtml = qvars['resultsHTML']
            for v in qvars.keys():
                reshtml = reshtml.replace("<IMG SRC %s>" % v,
                                        '<IMG SRC="$OaQID$%s" />' % qvars[v])
            reshtml = reshtml.replace("$OaQID$", "%d/" % qid)
            return reshtml
                       "'resultsHTML' not set, using standard renderer.")
    return render_mark_results_standard(qid, marks)

示例6: render_q_html

# 需要导入模块: from oasis.lib import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from oasis.lib.DB import get_q_version [as 别名]
def render_q_html(q_id, readonly=False):
    """ Fetch the question html and get it ready for display - replacing
        links with appropriate targets and filling in form details."""
        q_id = int(q_id)
        assert q_id > 0
    except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
        L.warn("renderQuestionHTML(%s,%s) called with bad qid?" % (q_id, readonly))
    qt_id = DB.get_q_parent(q_id)
        qt_id = int(qt_id)
        assert qt_id > 0
    except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
        L.warn("renderQuestionHTML(%s,%s), getparent failed? " % (q_id, readonly))
    variation = DB.get_q_variation(q_id)
    version = DB.get_q_version(q_id)
    data = DB.get_q_att(qt_id, "qtemplate.html", variation, version)
    if not data:
        L.warn("Unable to retrieve qtemplate for q_id: %s" % q_id)
        return "QuestionError"
        out = unicode(data, "utf-8")
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
            out = unicode(DB.get_q_att(qt_id, "qtemplate.html", variation, version),
        except UnicodeDecodeError as err:
            L.error("unicode error decoding qtemplate for q_id %s: %s" % (q_id, err))
    out = out.replace("This question is not verified yet, please report any error!", "")

    out = out.replace("ANS_", "Q_%d_ANS_" % (q_id,))
    out = out.replace("$IMAGES$",
                      "%s/att/qatt/%s/%s/%s/" %
                      (OaConfig.parentURL, qt_id, version, variation))
    out = out.replace("$APPLET$",
                      "%s/att/qatt/%s/%s/%s/" %
                      (OaConfig.parentURL, qt_id, version, variation))
    out = out.replace("$STATIC$",
                      "%s/att/qtatt/%s/%s/%s/" %
                      (OaConfig.parentURL, qt_id, version, variation))
    if readonly:
        out = out.replace("<INPUT ", "<INPUT READONLY ")
        out = out.replace("<SELECT ", "<SELECT DISABLED=DISABLED STYLE='color: black;'")
    guesses = DB.get_q_guesses(q_id)
    for guess in guesses.keys():
        # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone
        if guesses[guess] == None:  # If it's 0 we want to leave it alone
            guesses[guess] = ""
        if guesses[guess] == "None":
            guesses[guess] = ""
            # for each question
    if guesses:
        for ques in range(25, 0, -1):
            if ("G%d" % ques) in guesses:
                out = out.replace("VAL_%d" % ques, htmlesc(guesses["G%d" % ques]))
                for part in range(50, 0, -1):
                    if guesses["G%d" % ques] == "%s.0" % part or guesses["G%d" % ques] == "%s" % part:
                        out = out.replace("Oa_SEL_%d_%d" % (ques, part),
                        out = out.replace("Oa_CHK_%d_%d" % (ques, part),
                        out = out.replace("Oa_SEL_%d_%d" % (ques, part),
                        out = out.replace("Oa_CHK_%d_%d" % (ques, part),
                out = out.replace("VAL_%d" % (ques,), "")
    for ques in range(25, 0, -1):
        out = out.replace("VAL_%d" % (ques,), "")
    return out
