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Python numeric.ones函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.core.numeric.ones函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ones函数的具体用法?Python ones怎么用?Python ones使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __train__

    def __train__(self, data, labels):
        l = labels.reshape((-1,1))
        self.__trainingData__ = data
        self.__trainingLabels__ = l
        N = len(l)
        H = zeros((N,N))
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(N):
                H[i,j] = self.__trainingLabels__[i]*self.__trainingLabels__[j]*self.__kernelFunc__(self.__trainingData__[i],self.__trainingData__[j])
        f = -1.0*ones(labels.shape)
        lb = zeros(labels.shape)
        ub = self.C * ones(labels.shape)
        Aeq = labels
        beq = 0.0
        suppressOut = True
        if suppressOut:
            devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w')
            oldstdout_fno = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno())
            os.dup2(devnull.fileno(), 1)
        p = QP(matrix(H),f.tolist(),lb=lb.tolist(),ub=ub.tolist(),Aeq=Aeq.tolist(),beq=beq)
        r = p.solve('cvxopt_qp')
        if suppressOut:
            os.dup2(oldstdout_fno, 1)
        lim = 1e-4
        r.xf[where(abs(r.xf)<lim)] = 0
        self.__lambdas__ = r.xf
        nonzeroindexes = where(r.xf>lim)[0]
#        l1 = nonzeroindexes[0]
#        self.w0 = 1.0/labels[l1]-dot(self.w,data[l1])
        self.numSupportVectors = len(nonzeroindexes)

示例2: select

def select(condlist, choicelist, default=0):
    """ Return an array composed of different elements of choicelist
    depending on the list of conditions.

    condlist is a list of condition arrays containing ones or zeros

    choicelist is a list of choice arrays (of the "same" size as the
    arrays in condlist).  The result array has the "same" size as the
    arrays in choicelist.  If condlist is [c0, ..., cN-1] then choicelist
    must be of length N.  The elements of the choicelist can then be
    represented as [v0, ..., vN-1]. The default choice if none of the
    conditions are met is given as the default argument.

    The conditions are tested in order and the first one statisfied is
    used to select the choice. In other words, the elements of the
    output array are found from the following tree (notice the order of
    the conditions matters):

    if c0: v0
    elif c1: v1
    elif c2: v2
    elif cN-1: vN-1
    else: default

    Note that one of the condition arrays must be large enough to handle
    the largest array in the choice list.

    n = len(condlist)
    n2 = len(choicelist)
    if n2 != n:
        raise ValueError, "list of cases must be same length as list of conditions"
    choicelist.insert(0, default)
    S = 0
    pfac = 1
    for k in range(1, n+1):
        S += k * pfac * asarray(condlist[k-1])
        if k < n:
            pfac *= (1-asarray(condlist[k-1]))
    # handle special case of a 1-element condition but
    #  a multi-element choice
    if type(S) in ScalarType or max(asarray(S).shape)==1:
        pfac = asarray(1)
        for k in range(n2+1):
            pfac = pfac + asarray(choicelist[k])
        if type(S) in ScalarType:
            S = S*ones(asarray(pfac).shape, type(S))
            S = S*ones(asarray(pfac).shape, S.dtype)
    return choose(S, tuple(choicelist))

示例3: lpc

 def lpc(self, x0 = None, X=None, weights = None):
   ''' Will return the scaled curve if self._lpcParameters['scaled'] = True, to return the curve on the same scale as the originally input data, call getCurve with unscale = True
   x0 : 2-dim numpy.array containing #rows equal to number of explicitly defined start points
   and #columns equal to dimension of the feature space points; seeds for the start points algorithm
   X : 2-dim numpy.array containing #rows equal to number of data points and #columns equal to dimension 
   of the feature space points   
   weights : see self._followxSingleDirection docs
   if X is None:
     if self.Xi is None:
       raise ValueError, 'Data points have not yet been set in this LPCImpl instance. Either supply as X parameter to this function or call setDataPoints'
   N = self.Xi.shape[0]
   if self._lpcParameters['binary'] or weights is None:
     self._weights = ones(N, dtype = float)
     self._weights = array(weights, dtype = float)
     if self._weights.shape != (N):
       raise ValueError, 'Weights must be one dimensional of vector of weights with size equal to the sample size'
   #TODO add initialization relevant for other branches
   m = self.x0.shape[0] #how many starting points were actually generated
   way = self._lpcParameters['way']
   self._curve = [self._followx(self.x0[j], way = way, weights = self._weights) for j in range(m)]
   return self._curve

示例4: vander

def vander(x, N=None):
    Generate a Van der Monde matrix.

    The columns of the output matrix are decreasing powers of the input
    vector.  Specifically, the i-th output column is the input vector to
    the power of ``N - i - 1``. Such a matrix with a geometric progression
    in each row is named Van Der Monde, or Vandermonde matrix, from
    Alexandre-Theophile Vandermonde.

    x : array_like
        1-D input array.
    N : int, optional
        Order of (number of columns in) the output. If `N` is not specified,
        a square array is returned (``N = len(x)``).

    out : ndarray
        Van der Monde matrix of order `N`.  The first column is ``x^(N-1)``,
        the second ``x^(N-2)`` and so forth.

    .. [1] Wikipedia, "Vandermonde matrix",

    >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5])
    >>> N = 3
    >>> np.vander(x, N)
    array([[ 1,  1,  1],
           [ 4,  2,  1],
           [ 9,  3,  1],
           [25,  5,  1]])

    >>> np.column_stack([x**(N-1-i) for i in range(N)])
    array([[ 1,  1,  1],
           [ 4,  2,  1],
           [ 9,  3,  1],
           [25,  5,  1]])

    >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5])
    >>> np.vander(x)
    array([[  1,   1,   1,   1],
           [  8,   4,   2,   1],
           [ 27,   9,   3,   1],
           [125,  25,   5,   1]])

    x = asarray(x)
    if N is None:
        N = len(x)
    X = ones((len(x), N), x.dtype)
    for i in range(N - 1):
        X[:, i] = x ** (N - i - 1)
    return X

示例5: gmmEM

def gmmEM(data, K, it,show=False,usekmeans=True):
    #data += finfo(float128).eps*100
    centroid = kmeans2(data, K)[0] if usekmeans else ((max(data) - min(data))*random_sample((K,data.shape[1])) + min(data))
    N = data.shape[0]
    gmm = GaussianMM(centroid)
    if show: gmm.draw(data)
    while it > 0:
        print it," iterations remaining"
        it = it - 1
        # e-step
        gausses = zeros((K, N), dtype = data.dtype)
        for k in range(0, K):
            gausses[k] = gmm.c[k]*mulnormpdf(data, gmm.mean[k], gmm.covm[k])
        sums = sum(gausses, axis=0)
        if count_nonzero(sums) != sums.size:
            raise "Divide by Zero"
        gausses /= sums
        # m step
        sg = sum(gausses, axis=1)
        if count_nonzero(sg) != sg.size:
            raise "Divide by Zero"
        gmm.c = ones(sg.shape) / N * sg
        for k in range(0, K):
            gmm.mean[k] = sum(data * gausses[k].reshape((-1,1)), axis=0) / sg[k]
            d = data - gmm.mean[k]
            d1 = d.transpose()*gausses[k]
        if show: gmm.draw(data)
    return gmm

示例6: polyint

def polyint(p, m=1, k=None):
    """Return the mth analytical integral of the polynomial p.

    If k is None, then zero-valued constants of integration are used.
    otherwise, k should be a list of length m (or a scalar if m=1) to
    represent the constants of integration to use for each integration
    (starting with k[0])
    m = int(m)
    if m < 0:
        raise ValueError, "Order of integral must be positive (see polyder)"
    if k is None:
        k = NX.zeros(m, float)
    k = atleast_1d(k)
    if len(k) == 1 and m > 1:
        k = k[0]*NX.ones(m, float)
    if len(k) < m:
        raise ValueError, \
              "k must be a scalar or a rank-1 array of length 1 or >m."
    if m == 0:
        return p
        truepoly = isinstance(p, poly1d)
        p = NX.asarray(p)
        y = NX.zeros(len(p)+1, float)
        y[:-1] = p*1.0/NX.arange(len(p), 0, -1)
        y[-1] = k[0]
        val = polyint(y, m-1, k=k[1:])
        if truepoly:
            val = poly1d(val)
        return val

示例7: smooth

def smooth(x,window_len=11,window='hanning'):
    """smooth the data using a window with requested size.

    This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal.
    The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal
    (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized
    in the begining and end part of the output signal.

        x: the input signal
        window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer
        window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'
            flat window will produce a moving average smoothing.

        the smoothed signal



    see also:

    numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve

    TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string
    from numpy.core.numeric import ones
    import numpy
    x = numpy.array(x)

    if x.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError, "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays."

    if x.size < window_len:
    #if len(x) < window_len:
        raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size."

    if window_len<3:
        return x

    if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']:
        raise ValueError, "Window is on of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'"

    if window == 'flat': #moving average

    return y[window_len-1:-window_len+1]

示例8: train

 def train(self, data, labels):
     l = labels.reshape((-1,1))
     xy = data * l
     H = dot(xy,transpose(xy))
     f = -1.0*ones(labels.shape)
     lb = zeros(labels.shape)
     ub = self.C * ones(labels.shape)
     Aeq = labels
     beq = 0.0
     p = QP(matrix(H),f.tolist(),lb=lb.tolist(),ub=ub.tolist(),Aeq=Aeq.tolist(),beq=beq)
     r = p.solve('cvxopt_qp')
     r.xf[where(r.xf<1e-3)] = 0
     self.w = dot(r.xf*labels,data)
     nonzeroindexes = where(r.xf>1e-4)[0]
     l1 = nonzeroindexes[0]
     self.w0 = 1.0/labels[l1]-dot(self.w,data[l1])
     self.numSupportVectors = len(nonzeroindexes)

示例9: tranNBO

def tranNBO(trainMatrix,trainCategory):
    numTrainDocs = len(trainMatrix)
    numWords = len(trainMatrix[0])
    pAbusive = sum(trainCategory)/float(numTrainDocs) #某个类发生的概率
    p0Num = ones(numWords)
    p1Num = ones(numWords) #初始样本个数为1,防止条件概率为0,影响结果       
    p0Denom = 2.0
    p1Denom = 2.0
    for i in range(numTrainDocs):
        if trainCategory[i] == 1:
            p1Num += trainMatrix[i]
            p1Denom += sum(trainMatrix[i])
            p0Num += trainMatrix[i]
            p0Denom += sum(trainMatrix[i])
    p1Vect = log(p1Num/p1Denom) #计算类标签为1时,其它属性发生的条件概率
    p0Vect = log(p0Num/p0Denom) #计算类标签为0时,其它属性发生的条件概率
    return p0Vect,p1Vect,pAbusive #返回条件概率喝类标签为1的概率

示例10: hamming

def hamming(M):
    """hamming(M) returns the M-point Hamming window.
    if M < 1:
        return array([])
    if M == 1:
        return ones(1,float)
    n = arange(0,M)
    return 0.54-0.46*cos(2.0*pi*n/(M-1))

示例11: bartlett

def bartlett(M):
    """bartlett(M) returns the M-point Bartlett window.
    if M < 1:
        return array([])
    if M == 1:
        return ones(1, float)
    n = arange(0,M)
    return where(less_equal(n,(M-1)/2.0),2.0*n/(M-1),2.0-2.0*n/(M-1))

示例12: blackman

def blackman(M):
    """blackman(M) returns the M-point Blackman window.
    if M < 1:
        return array([])
    if M == 1:
        return ones(1, float)
    n = arange(0,M)
    return 0.42-0.5*cos(2.0*pi*n/(M-1)) + 0.08*cos(4.0*pi*n/(M-1))

示例13: readFile

 def readFile(self, filePath,fileSize):
         file format
         index1    xx.xxx    yy.yyy
         index2    xx.xxx    yy.yyy
         index3    xx.xxx    yy.yyy
         we eliminate the 'index' and extract two values into a set.
         __fpath=filePath; # path of the file
         __size=fileSize; # number of data items in file
         # these values may subject to change depending on the data.txt format
         from numpy import float64
         # 3 columns. bias value, first value, second value 
         __array= ones((__size,3),float64);
         f=open(__fpath, mode='r', buffering=1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True); 
         print('reading data from file....');
         for i in range(0,__size):
             line= f.readline();
             __firstValue= line[__firstValStart:__firstValEnd];
             __array[i,1]= __firstValue
             __array[i,2]= __secondValue;
         print('data reading complete....');
         return __array;
     except IOError:

示例14: logisticRegression

def logisticRegression(trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels):
    #adjust the data, adding the 'free parameter' to the train data
    trainDataWithFreeParam = hstack((trainData.copy(), ones(trainData.shape[0])[:,newaxis]))
    testDataWithFreeParam = hstack((testData.copy(), ones(testData.shape[0])[:,newaxis]))
    alpha = 10
    oldW = zeros(trainDataWithFreeParam.shape[1])
    newW = ones(trainDataWithFreeParam.shape[1])
    iteration = 0
    trainDataWithFreeParamTranspose = transpose(trainDataWithFreeParam)
    alphaI = alpha * identity(oldW.shape[0])
    while not array_equal(oldW, newW):
        if iteration == 100:
        oldW = newW.copy()
        yVect = yVector(oldW, trainDataWithFreeParam)
        r = R(yVect)

        firstTerm = inv(alphaI + dot(dot(trainDataWithFreeParamTranspose, r), trainDataWithFreeParam))
        secondTerm = dot(trainDataWithFreeParamTranspose, (yVect-trainLabels)) + alpha * oldW
        newW = oldW - dot(firstTerm, secondTerm)
        iteration += 1
    #see how well we did
    numCorrect  = 0
    for x,t in izip(testDataWithFreeParam, testLabels):
        if yScalar(newW, x) >= 0.5:
            if t == 1:
                numCorrect += 1
            if t == 0:
                numCorrect += 1
    return float(numCorrect) / float(len(testLabels))

示例15: vander

def vander(x, N=None):
    Generate the Vandermonde matrix of vector x.

    The i-th column of X is the the (N-i)-1-th power of x.  N is the
    maximum power to compute; if N is None it defaults to len(x).

    x = asarray(x)
    if N is None: N=len(x)
    X = ones( (len(x),N), x.dtype)
    for i in range(N-1):
        X[:,i] = x**(N-i-1)
    return X
