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Python numeric.dtype函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.core.numeric.dtype函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dtype函数的具体用法?Python dtype怎么用?Python dtype使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_upgrade

    def test_upgrade(self):
        "Tests the upgrade method."

        converter = StringConverter()
        assert_equal(converter._status, 0)

        # test int
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'0'), 0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1)

        # On systems where integer defaults to 32-bit, the statuses will be
        # offset by one, so we check for this here.
        import numpy.core.numeric as nx
        status_offset = int(nx.dtype(nx.integer).itemsize < nx.dtype(nx.int64).itemsize)

        # test int > 2**32
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'17179869184'), 17179869184)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1 + status_offset)

        # test float
        assert_allclose(converter.upgrade(b'0.'), 0.0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 2 + status_offset)

        # test complex
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'0j'), complex('0j'))
        assert_equal(converter._status, 3 + status_offset)

        # test str
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'a'), b'a')
        assert_equal(converter._status, len(converter._mapper) - 1)

示例2: __init__

 def __init__(self, pyfunc, otypes='', doc=None):
     self.thefunc = pyfunc
     self.ufunc = None
     nin, ndefault = _get_nargs(pyfunc)
     if nin == 0 and ndefault == 0:
         self.nin = None
         self.nin_wo_defaults = None
         self.nin = nin
         self.nin_wo_defaults = nin - ndefault
     self.nout = None
     if doc is None:
         self.__doc__ = pyfunc.__doc__
         self.__doc__ = doc
     if isinstance(otypes, types.StringType):
         self.otypes = otypes
         for char in self.otypes:
             if char not in typecodes['All']:
                 raise ValueError, "invalid otype specified"
     elif iterable(otypes):
         self.otypes = ''.join([_nx.dtype(x).char for x in otypes])
         raise ValueError, "output types must be a string of typecode characters or a list of data-types"
     self.lastcallargs = 0

示例3: _parseFormats

    def _parseFormats(self, formats, aligned=0):
        """ Parse the field formats """

        if formats is None:
            raise ValueError, "Need formats argument"
        if isinstance(formats, list):
            if len(formats) < 2:
            formats = ','.join(formats)
        dtype = sb.dtype(formats, aligned)
        fields = dtype.fields
        if fields is None:
            dtype = sb.dtype([('f1', dtype)], aligned)
            fields = dtype.fields
        keys = dtype.names
        self._f_formats = [fields[key][0] for key in keys]
        self._offsets = [fields[key][1] for key in keys]
        self._nfields = len(keys)

示例4: view

 def view(self, obj):
         if issubclass(obj, ndarray):
             return ndarray.view(self, obj)
     except TypeError:
     dtype = sb.dtype(obj)
     if dtype.fields is None:
         return self.__array__().view(dtype)
     return ndarray.view(self, obj)

示例5: _createdescr

    def _createdescr(self, byteorder):
        descr = sb.dtype({'names':self._names,
        if (byteorder is not None):
            byteorder = _byteorderconv[byteorder[0]]
            descr = descr.newbyteorder(byteorder)

        self._descr = descr

示例6: fromrecords

def fromrecords(
    """Creates a MaskedRecords from a list of records.

    The data in the same field can be heterogeneous, they will be promoted
    to the highest data type.  This method is intended for creating
    smaller record arrays.  If used to create large array without formats
    defined, it can be slow.

    If formats is None, then this will auto-detect formats. Use a list of
    tuples rather than a list of lists for faster processing.
    # reclist is in fact a mrecarray .................
    if isinstance(reclist, MultiTimeSeries):
        mdescr = reclist.dtype
        shape = reclist.shape
        return MultiTimeSeries(reclist, dtype=mdescr)
    # No format, no dtype: create from to arrays .....
    _data = mrecfromrecords(
    _dtype = _data.dtype
    # Check the names for a '_dates' .................
    newdates = None
    _names = list(_dtype.names)
    reserved = [n for n in _names if n.lower() in ["dates", "_dates"]]
    if len(reserved) > 0:
        newdates = _data[reserved[-1]]
        [_names.remove(n) for n in reserved]
        _dtype = numeric.dtype([t for t in _dtype.descr if t[0] not in reserved])
        _data = [_data[n] for n in _names]
    newdates = __getdates(dates=dates, newdates=newdates, length=len(_data), freq=freq, start_date=start_date)
    return MultiTimeSeries(_data, dates=newdates, dtype=_dtype, names=_names)

示例7: __new__

    def __new__(subtype, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
        warnings.warn('the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to '
                      'represent matrices or deal with linear algebra (see '
                      'numpy-for-matlab-users.html). '
                      'Please adjust your code to use regular ndarray.',
                      PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        if isinstance(data, matrix):
            dtype2 = data.dtype
            if (dtype is None):
                dtype = dtype2
            if (dtype2 == dtype) and (not copy):
                return data
            return data.astype(dtype)

        if isinstance(data, N.ndarray):
            if dtype is None:
                intype = data.dtype
                intype = N.dtype(dtype)
            new = data.view(subtype)
            if intype != data.dtype:
                return new.astype(intype)
            if copy: return new.copy()
            else: return new

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = _convert_from_string(data)

        # now convert data to an array
        arr = N.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        ndim = arr.ndim
        shape = arr.shape
        if (ndim > 2):
            raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
        elif ndim == 0:
            shape = (1, 1)
        elif ndim == 1:
            shape = (1, shape[0])

        order = 'C'
        if (ndim == 2) and arr.flags.fortran:
            order = 'F'

        if not (order or arr.flags.contiguous):
            arr = arr.copy()

        ret = N.ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, arr.dtype,
        return ret

示例8: test_upgrade

    def test_upgrade(self):
        "Tests the upgrade method."

        converter = StringConverter()
        assert_equal(converter._status, 0)

        # test int
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade('0'), 0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1)

        # On systems where long defaults to 32-bit, the statuses will be
        # offset by one, so we check for this here.
        import numpy.core.numeric as nx
        status_offset = int(nx.dtype(nx.int_).itemsize < nx.dtype(nx.int64).itemsize)

        # test int > 2**32
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade('17179869184'), 17179869184)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1 + status_offset)

        # test float
        assert_allclose(converter.upgrade('0.'), 0.0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 2 + status_offset)

        # test complex
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade('0j'), complex('0j'))
        assert_equal(converter._status, 3 + status_offset)

        # test str
        # note that the longdouble type has been skipped, so the
        # _status increases by 2. Everything should succeed with
        # unicode conversion (5).
        for s in ['a', u'a', b'a']:
            res = converter.upgrade(s)
            assert_(type(res) is unicode)
            assert_equal(res, u'a')
            assert_equal(converter._status, 5 + status_offset)

示例9: __new__

    def __new__(subtype, shape, dtype=None, buf=None, offset=0, strides=None,
                formats=None, names=None, titles=None,
                byteorder=None, aligned=False):

        if dtype is not None:
            descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
            descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

        if buf is None:
            self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, (record, descr))
            self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, (record, descr),
                                      buffer=buf, offset=offset,
        return self

示例10: __new__

    def __new__(subtype, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
        if isinstance(data, matrix):
            dtype2 = data.dtype
            if (dtype is None):
                dtype = dtype2
            if (dtype2 == dtype) and (not copy):
                return data
            return data.astype(dtype)

        if isinstance(data, N.ndarray):
            if dtype is None:
                intype = data.dtype
                intype = N.dtype(dtype)
            new = data.view(subtype)
            if intype != data.dtype:
                return new.astype(intype)
            if copy: return new.copy()
            else: return new

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = _convert_from_string(data)

        # now convert data to an array
        arr = N.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        ndim = arr.ndim
        shape = arr.shape
        if (ndim > 2):
            raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
        elif ndim == 0:
            shape = (1, 1)
        elif ndim == 1:
            shape = (1, shape[0])

        order = False
        if (ndim == 2) and arr.flags.fortran:
            order = True

        if not (order or arr.flags.contiguous):
            arr = arr.copy()

        ret = N.ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, arr.dtype,
        return ret

示例11: fromrecords

def fromrecords(recList, dtype=None, intNullVal=None):
	""" This function was taken from np.core.records and updated to
			support conversion null integers to intNullVal

	nfields = len(recList[0])
	shape = None 
	descr = sb.dtype((np.core.records.record, dtype))

		retval = sb.array(recList, dtype=descr)
	except TypeError:  # list of lists instead of list of tuples
		shape = (len(recList),)
		_array = np.core.records.recarray(shape, descr)
			for k in range(_array.size):
				_array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
		except TypeError:
			convs = []
			ncols = len(dtype.fields)
			for _k in dtype.names:
				_v = dtype.fields[_k]
				if _v[0] in [np.int16, np.int32, np.int64]:
					convs.append(lambda x: intNullVal if x is None else x)
					convs.append(lambda x: x)
			convs = tuple(convs)
			convF = lambda x: [convs[_](x[_]) for _ in range(ncols)]

			for k in range(k, _array.size):
					_array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
				except TypeError:
					_array[k] = tuple(convF(recList[k]))
		return _array
		if shape is not None and retval.shape != shape:
			retval.shape = shape

	res = retval.view(numpy.core.records.recarray)

	return res

示例12: fromstring

def fromstring(datastring, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, formats=None,
               names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """ create a (read-only) record array from binary data contained in
    a string"""

    if dtype is None and formats is None:
        raise ValueError, "Must have dtype= or formats="

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

    itemsize = descr.itemsize
    if (shape is None or shape == 0 or shape == -1):
        shape = (len(datastring)-offset) // itemsize

    _array = recarray(shape, descr, buf=datastring, offset=offset)
    return _array

示例13: array

def array(obj, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, strides=None, formats=None,
          names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None, copy=True):
    """Construct a record array from a wide-variety of objects.

    if isinstance(obj, (type(None), str, file)) and (formats is None) \
           and (dtype is None):
        raise ValueError("Must define formats (or dtype) if object is "\
                         "None, string, or an open file")

    kwds = {}
    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = sb.dtype(dtype)
    elif formats is not None:
        dtype = format_parser(formats, names, titles,
                              aligned, byteorder)._descr
        kwds = {'formats': formats,
                'names' : names,
                'titles' : titles,
                'aligned' : aligned,
                'byteorder' : byteorder

    if obj is None:
        if shape is None:
            raise ValueError("Must define a shape if obj is None")
        return recarray(shape, dtype, buf=obj, offset=offset, strides=strides)
    elif isinstance(obj, str):
        return fromstring(obj, dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset, **kwds)

    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
        if isinstance(obj[0], (tuple, list)):
            return fromrecords(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwds)
            return fromarrays(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwds)

    elif isinstance(obj, recarray):
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            new = obj.view(dtype)
            new = obj
        if copy:
            new = new.copy()
        return new

    elif isinstance(obj, file) or isinstance(obj, StringIO.StringIO):
        return fromfile(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset)

    elif isinstance(obj, ndarray):
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            new = obj.view(dtype)
            new = obj
        if copy:
            new = new.copy()
        res = new.view(recarray)
        if issubclass(res.dtype.type, nt.void):
            res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
        return res

        interface = getattr(obj, "__array_interface__", None)
        if interface is None or not isinstance(interface, dict):
            raise ValueError("Unknown input type")
        obj = sb.array(obj)
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            obj = obj.view(dtype)
        res  = obj.view(recarray)
        if issubclass(res.dtype.type, nt.void):
            res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
        return res

示例14: fromtextfile

def fromtextfile(
    fname, delimitor=None, commentchar="#", missingchar="", dates_column=None, varnames=None, vartypes=None, dates=None
    """Creates a multitimeseries from data stored in the file `filename`.

    - `filename` : file name/handle
      Handle of an opened file.  
    - `delimitor` : Character *None*
      Alphanumeric character used to separate columns in the file.
      If None, any (group of) white spacestring(s) will be used.
    - `commentchar` : String *['#']*
      Alphanumeric character used to mark the start of a comment.
    - `missingchar` : String *['']*
      String indicating missing data, and used to create the masks.
    - `datescol` : Integer *[None]*
      Position of the columns storing dates. If None, a position will be 
      estimated from the variable names.
    - `varnames` : Sequence *[None]*
      Sequence of the variable names. If None, a list will be created from
      the first non empty line of the file.
    - `vartypes` : Sequence *[None]*
      Sequence of the variables dtypes. If None, the sequence will be estimated
      from the first non-commented line.  
    Ultra simple: the varnames are in the header, one line"""
    # Try to open the file ......................
    f = openfile(fname)
    # Get the first non-empty line as the varnames
    while True:
        line = f.readline()
        firstline = line[: line.find(commentchar)].strip()
        _varnames = firstline.split(delimitor)
        if len(_varnames) > 1:
    if varnames is None:
        varnames = _varnames
    # Get the data ..............................
    _variables = MA.asarray([line.strip().split(delimitor) for line in f if line[0] != commentchar and len(line) > 1])
    (nvars, nfields) = _variables.shape
    # Check if we need to get the dates..........
    if dates_column is None:
        dates_column = [i for (i, n) in enumerate(list(varnames)) if n.lower() in ["_dates", "dates"]]
    elif isinstance(dates_column, (int, float)):
        if dates_column > nfields:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid column number: %i > %i" % (dates_column, nfields)
        dates_column = [dates_column]
    if len(dates_column) > 0:
        cols = range(nfields)
        [cols.remove(i) for i in dates_column]
        newdates = date_array(_variables[:, dates_column[-1]])
        _variables = _variables[:, cols]
        varnames = [varnames[i] for i in cols]
        if vartypes is not None:
            vartypes = [vartypes[i] for i in cols]
        nfields -= len(dates_column)
        newdates = None
    # Try to guess the dtype ....................
    if vartypes is None:
        vartypes = _guessvartypes(_variables[0])
        vartypes = [numeric.dtype(v) for v in vartypes]
        if len(vartypes) != nfields:
            msg = "Attempting to %i dtypes for %i fields!"
            msg += " Reverting to default."
            warnings.warn(msg % (len(vartypes), nfields))
            vartypes = _guessvartypes(_variables[0])
    # Construct the descriptor ..................
    mdescr = [(n, f) for (n, f) in zip(varnames, vartypes)]
    # Get the data and the mask .................
    # We just need a list of masked_arrays. It's easier to create it like that:
    _mask = _variables.T == missingchar
    _datalist = [masked_array(a, mask=m, dtype=t) for (a, m, t) in zip(_variables.T, _mask, vartypes)]
    newdates = __getdates(dates=dates, newdates=newdates, length=nvars, freq=None, start_date=None)
    return MultiTimeSeries(_datalist, dates=newdates, dtype=mdescr)

示例15: fromfile

def fromfile(fd, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, formats=None,
             names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """Create an array from binary file data

    If file is a string then that file is opened, else it is assumed
    to be a file object.

    >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
    >>> a = N.empty(10,dtype='f8,i4,a5')
    >>> a[5] = (0.5,10,'abcde')
    >>> fd=TemporaryFile()
    >>> a = a.newbyteorder('<')
    >>> a.tofile(fd)
    >>> fd.seek(0)
    >>> r=fromfile(fd, formats='f8,i4,a5', shape=10, byteorder='<')
    >>> print r[5]
    (0.5, 10, 'abcde')
    >>> r.shape

    if (shape is None or shape == 0):
        shape = (-1,)
    elif isinstance(shape, (int, long)):
        shape = (shape,)

    name = 0
    if isinstance(fd, str):
        name = 1
        fd = open(fd, 'rb')
    if (offset > 0):
        fd.seek(offset, 1)
    size = get_remaining_size(fd)

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

    itemsize = descr.itemsize

    shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()
    shapesize = shapeprod*itemsize
    if shapesize < 0:
        shape = list(shape)
        shape[ shape.index(-1) ] = size // -shapesize
        shape = tuple(shape)
        shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()

    nbytes = shapeprod*itemsize

    if nbytes > size:
        raise ValueError(
                "Not enough bytes left in file for specified shape and type")

    # create the array
    if isinstance (fd, file):
       arr = np.fromfile(fd,dtype=descr,count=shape[0])
       read_size = np.dtype(descr).itemsize * shape[0]
       arr = np.fromstring(st, dtype=descr, count=shape[0])

    # TODO: There was a problem with large arrays, don't fully understand
    # but this is more efficient anyway
    #_array = recarray(shape, descr, arr.data)
    _array = arr.view(recarray)

    if name:

    return _array
