本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.vectorize函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python vectorize函数的具体用法?Python vectorize怎么用?Python vectorize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: standing
def standing(self, version, plot):
dx = 0.1
dy = 0.1
self.dx = dx
self.dy = dy
b = 0.0
V = 0.0
Lx = 5
Ly = 5
T = 6
test = "plug"
A = 1
B = 1
mx = 2.0
my = 2.0
kx = mx * np.pi / Lx
ky = my * np.pi / Ly
I = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: A * np.cos(kx * x) * np.cos(ky * y))
q = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: 2)
f = np.vectorize(lambda x, y, t: 0)
c = np.sqrt(q(1, 1))
w = np.sqrt(q(1, 1) * (kx ** 2 + ky ** 2))
ue = np.vectorize(lambda x, y, t: A * np.cos(kx * x) * np.cos(ky * y) * np.cos(w * t))
m = 6
h = 1.0
err = np.zeros(m + 1)
R, T, V = convergence_rates(version, solver, ue, m, h, Lx, Ly, T, b, V, I, q, f, plot=False)
for i in range(len(R)):
print "For dt = %.4f, the convergence rate is %.4f" % (T[i], R[i])
示例2: make_gaussian_conv_plots
def make_gaussian_conv_plots(m, nvals):
Compute mean of means, std of means for many values of n
Plot against expected mean, std of mean as function of n
mean_of_means = np.vectorize(lambda x: np.mean(mean_unif_samp(m,x)))
std_of_means = np.vectorize(lambda x: np.std(mean_unif_samp(m,x)))
mns = mean_of_means(nvals)
stds = std_of_means(nvals)
mu = 0.5
std_expect = std_of_mean_unif(m)
plt.plot(nvals,mns, 'ko')
plt.xlabel('Number of %d-sample sums' % (m))
plt.ylabel('Mean of means')
plt.plot(nvals,stds, 'ko')
plt.xlabel('Number of %d-sample sums' % (m))
plt.ylabel('Standard deviations of means')
示例3: fire
def fire(self, x):
sigmoid = lambda x: 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x))
z = np.vectorize(sigmoid)(self.hidden_weight.dot(np.r_[np.array([1]), x]))
y = np.vectorize(sigmoid)(self.output_weight.dot(np.r_[np.array([1]), z]))
return (z, y)
示例4: solve_linalg
def solve_linalg(k, T, F0, F1, f):
N, h = len(X), L/len(X)
I = np.eye(N)
S,Y = np.meshgrid(X,X)
abs_func = np.vectorize(apply_abs)
F0, F1 = partial(F0, k), partial(F1, k)
G0 = lambda i,j: abs_func(i, j, F0, F0) - b*h
G1 = lambda i,j: abs_func(i, j, F1, lambda x: -F1(x)) - b*h*h*(i+j-.5)
A = weight_matrix(
lambda i,j: (j-i)*G0(-i,j) - G1(-i,j)/h,
lambda i,j: G1(-i,j)/h - (j-i-1)*G0(-i,j)
B = weight_matrix(
lambda i,j: (j+i)*G0(i,j) - G1(i,j)/h,
lambda i,j: G1(i,j)/h - (j+i-1)*G0(i,j)
#splot(X, A*T(np.abs(S-Y)/k)/k)
#splot(X, B*T((S+Y)/k)/k)
phi = solve(a*I - A*T(np.abs(S-Y)/k)/k + B*T((S+Y)/k)/k, f(X))
p_xy = -(k*(T2(0)-T2(1./k)) + np.trapz((T1((L-X)/k) - T1((L+X)/k))*phi, X))*2/a
Phi = np.outer(phi,np.ones(N))
Q = np.trapz(T2((L-X)/k)-T2((L+X)/k) + np.trapz((T1(np.abs(S-Y)/k) - T1((S+Y)/k))*Phi, X)/k, X)/2/a
#splot(X, K(*XX))
#py.plot(X, phi)
w = np.vectorize(lambda x: 0 if x==0 else x*np.log(x)/a)
ww = lambda x: k*x*x*(2*np.log(x)-1)/4/a
#print >> sys.stderr, k, np.trapz(phi, X), np.trapz(phi - w((L-X)/k), X) + ww(L/k)
print >> sys.stderr, k, p_xy, np.trapz(phi, X)/2, Q
#np.savetxt(sys.stdout, np.transpose((X, phi)), fmt='%1.4e')
return k, p_xy, np.trapz(phi, X)/2, Q
示例5: __call__
def __call__(self, mass, taper=False, integral_form=False, **kwargs):
""" Unclear if integral_form is right..."""
if taper:
def num_func(x, mass_):
tf = (1-(mass_/x)**(1-self.j))**0.5
return self.imf(x)*(1./x)**(1-self.j) * (2/((1+self.Rmdot**2*x**1.5)**0.5+1)) * tf
def integrate(lolim, mass_):
integral = scipy.integrate.quad(num_func, lolim, self.mmax, args=(mass_,), **kwargs)[0]
return integral
numerator = np.vectorize(integrate)(np.where(self.mmin < mass, mass, self.mmin), mass)
def num_func(x):
return self.imf(x)*(1./x)**(1-self.j) * (2/((1+self.Rmdot**2*x**1.5)**0.5+1))
def integrate(lolim):
integral = scipy.integrate.quad(num_func, lolim, self.mmax, **kwargs)[0]
return integral
numerator = np.vectorize(integrate)(np.where(self.mmin < mass, mass, self.mmin))
result = (1-self.j) * mass**(1-self.j) * numerator / self.denominator
if integral_form:
warnings.warn("The 'integral form' of the Chabrier PMF is not correctly normalized; "
"it is just PMF(m) * m")
return result * self.normfactor * mass
raise ValueError("Integral version not yet computed")
return result * self.normfactor
示例6: get_dir_tot_ele
def get_dir_tot_ele(x, y, z, slope, aspect):
sun_gap = get_sun_gap_ele(x, y)
ele = z
def get_incidence_ele(zeni, azi, slope_in, aspect_in):
inc = np.arccos(np.cos(np.deg2rad(zeni)) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(slope_in))
+ np.sin(np.deg2rad(zeni)) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(slope_in))
* np.cos(azi - np.deg2rad(aspect_in)))
return inc
f_incidence = np.vectorize(get_incidence_ele, excluded=['slope_in', 'aspect_in'])
incidence = f_incidence(zeni_c, azi_c, slope, aspect)
def get_trans_ele(zeni, elevation, transmittance):
m = np.exp(-0.000118 * elevation - 1.638 * np.power(10, -9) * elevation * elevation) / \
(np.cos(np.deg2rad(zeni)) + 0.50572 * np.power((96.07995 - zeni), -1.6364))
return np.power(transmittance, m)
f_trans = np.vectorize(get_trans_ele, excluded=['elevation', 'transmittance'])
trans = f_trans(zeni_c, ele, beta)
def get_dir_ele(time_p_ele, sun_gap_ele, incidence_ele, trans_ele):
# incidence = get_incidence_angle(zeni_c_ele, azi_c_ele, slope, aspect)
dir_ele = 1.367 * trans_ele * time_p_ele * sun_gap_ele * np.cos(incidence_ele)
if dir_ele < 0.0:
return 0.0
return dir_ele
f_dir = np.vectorize(get_dir_ele)
dir_array = f_dir(time_p, sun_gap, incidence, trans)
dir_tot = np.sum(dir_array)
return dir_tot
示例7: __call__
def __call__(self, luminosity, taper=False, integral_form=False, **kwargs):
""" Unclear if integral_form is right..."""
if taper:
def num_func(x, luminosity_):
tf = (1-(luminosity_/x)**(1-self.j))**0.5
return self.imf(x)*x**(self.j-self.jf-1) * tf
def integrate(lolim, luminosity_):
integral = scipy.integrate.quad(num_func, lolim, self.mmax, args=(luminosity_,), **kwargs)[0]
return integral
numerator = np.vectorize(integrate)(np.where(self.mmin < luminosity, luminosity, self.mmin), luminosity)
def num_func(x):
return self.imf(x)*x**(self.j-self.jf-1)
def integrate(lolim):
integral = scipy.integrate.quad(num_func, lolim, self.mmax, **kwargs)[0]
return integral
numerator = np.vectorize(integrate)(np.where(self.mmin < luminosity, luminosity, self.mmin))
result = (1-self.j) * luminosity**(1-self.j) * numerator / self.denominator
if integral_form:
warnings.warn("The 'integral form' of the Chabrier PMF is not correctly normalized; "
"it is just PMF(m) * m")
return result * self.normfactor * luminosity
raise ValueError("Integral version not yet computed")
return result * self.normfactor
示例8: velocity_field
def velocity_field(psi): #takes a symbolic function and returns two lambda functions
#to evaluate the derivatives in both x and y.
global w
if velocity_components:
u = lambdify((x,y), eval(x_velocity), modules='numpy')
v = lambdify((x,y), eval(y_velocity), modules='numpy')
if is_complex_potential:
print "Complex potential, w(z) given"
#define u, v symbolically as the imaginary part of the derivatives
u = lambdify((x, y), sympy.im(psi.diff(y)), modules='numpy')
v = lambdify((x, y), -sympy.im(psi.diff(x)), modules='numpy')
#define u,v as the derivatives
print "Stream function, psi given"
u = sympy.lambdify((x, y), psi.diff(y), 'numpy')
v = sympy.lambdify((x, y), -psi.diff(x), 'numpy')
if (branch_cuts): # If it's indicated that there are branch cuts in the mapping,
# then we need to return vectorized numpy functions to evaluate
# everything numerically, instead of symbolically
# This of course results in a SIGNIFICANT time increase
# (I don't know how to handle more than the primitive root
# (symbolically in Sympy
return np.vectorize(u),np.vectorize(v)
# If there are no branch cuts, then return the symbolic lambda functions (MUCH faster)
return u,v
示例9: df_two_degree_counts
def df_two_degree_counts(self, df, col_i, col_j, operation, file_path = None):
# if two columns are the same just return one_degree_count
if col_i == col_j:
return self.df_one_degree_counts(df, col_i, file_path)
if operation == 'per':
task = 'both'
elif operation == 'num':
task = 'two'
print 'unknown operation'
self._df_get_count_tables(df, task, [col_i, col_j], file_path)
i_table = one_count_table[col_i]
ij_table = two_count_table[(col_i, col_j)]
col_i_data = df[col_i].values
col_j_data = df[col_j].values
if operation == 'per': # 'per': percentage of (elem_i, elem_j) in all (elem_i, col_j)
vfunc = np.vectorize(lambda x,y: float(ij_table[x][y])/i_table[x])
col_new = vfunc(col_i_data, col_j_data)
elif operation == 'num': # 'num': number of different kinds of (elem_i, col_j)
vfunc = np.vectorize(lambda x: ij_table[x]['unique'])
col_new = vfunc(col_i_data)
return col_new
示例10: readConfig
def readConfig(self):
configFile = open(self.CNSconfig, 'r')
self.CNSconfigInfo = np.append(np.vectorize(lambda x: parseConfigFindPath(x,configFile))(['root_folder', 'pathPython',
np.vectorize(lambda x: parseConfigFindList(x,configFile))(['masterListSpecies','intragenus','intergenus','subgenome']))
示例11: train_data
def train_data(N=300):
return [X,Y]
示例12: find_ephemeris_lookup_date
def find_ephemeris_lookup_date(tai_beg, tai_end, obs_md_table):
Want to find the 15-minute increment (0, 15, 30, 45) that is sandwiched between the two
passed datetimes. However, spans can be less than 15 minutes, so also need handle this
case; here, will round to whichever increment has the smallest delta between tai_beg
and tai_end. I've not seen it, but I have to assume that spans can also be longer than
15 minutes.
vectfunc = np.vectorize(tai_str_to_datetime)
tai_end_dt = vectfunc(tai_end)
tai_beg_dt = vectfunc(tai_beg)
vectfunc = np.vectorize(get_ephemeris_block_in_interval)
mask = (tai_end_dt - tai_beg_dt) <= ephemeris_max_block_size
ret = np.zeros((len(tai_end_dt),), dtype=dt.datetime)
ret[mask] = vectfunc(tai_beg_dt[mask], tai_end_dt[mask])
def _lookup_str_format(dtval):
if isinstance(dtval, dt.datetime):
return dtval.strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
return ""
vectfunc = np.vectorize(_lookup_str_format)
ret = vectfunc(ret)
return ret[mask], obs_md_table[mask]
示例13: cohort_results
def cohort_results(self, group_fields):
df_grouped = self.dataframe.groupby(group_fields)
if self.coalation_type == 'best':
df = df_grouped.max()
df['pob'] = np.vectorize(percentage_marks)(df['pMark'], df['qMark'])
df = df.drop(['pMark', 'qMark', 'aID', 'qNum'], axis=1)
df['Colour'] = np.vectorize(colourise)(df['pob'])
df.rename(columns={'pob': 'Cohort Max percentage'}, inplace=True)
if group_fields == ['qTopic']:
df = df.drop(['qModule'], axis=1)
elif group_fields == ['qModule']:
df = df.drop(['qTopic'], axis=1)
elif self.coalation_type == 'mean':
df = df_grouped.mean()
df['pob'] = np.vectorize(percentage_marks)(df['pMark'], df['qMark'])
df = df.drop(['pMark', 'qMark', 'aID', 'qNum'], axis=1)
# round off ALL values in the dataframe to 2 decimal places
df = np.round(df, 2)
df['Colour'] = np.vectorize(colourise)(df['pob'])
df.rename(columns={'pob': 'Cohort Mean percentage'}, inplace=True)
'Uh oh...',
("Something went wrong."
"Please close the analysis screen and try again."))
return df
示例14: class_results
def class_results(self, tSet, group_fields):
filtered = self.dataframe[self.dataframe['teaching_set'].isin([tSet])]
cols = ['qModule', 'qTopic', 'qMark', 'pMark']
df = filtered[cols]
df_grouped = df.groupby(group_fields)
if self.coalation_type == 'best':
df = df_grouped.max()
df['pob'] = np.vectorize(percentage_marks)(df['pMark'], df['qMark'])
df['Colour'] = np.vectorize(colourise)(df['pob'])
df.rename(columns={'pob': 'Class Max percentage'}, inplace=True)
df = df.drop(['pMark', 'qMark'], axis=1)
if group_fields == ['qTopic']:
df = df.drop(['qModule'], axis=1)
elif group_fields == ['qModule']:
df = df.drop(['qTopic'], axis=1)
elif self.coalation_type == 'mean':
df = df_grouped.mean()
df['pob'] = np.vectorize(percentage_marks)(df['pMark'], df['qMark'])
# Round off ALL values in the dataframe to 2 decimal places
# otherwise the mean function will give ridiculous accuracy!
df = np.round(df, 2)
df['Colour'] = np.vectorize(colourise)(df['pob'])
df = df.drop(['pMark', 'qMark'], axis=1)
df.rename(columns={'pob': 'Class Mean percentage'}, inplace=True)
'Uh oh...',
("Something went wrong."
"Please close the analysis screen and try again."))
return df
示例15: getDataFromModel
def getDataFromModel(ModelName):
# meanShape=[]
# pcaMatrix=None
for line in fin.readlines():
data=temp[1].split(" ")
# print data
if label==1:
elif label==2:
# print meanShape.shape,pcaMatrix.shape
# print pcaMatrix
return pcaMatrix,meanShape,alignedSet