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Python numpy.sum函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.sum函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python sum函数的具体用法?Python sum怎么用?Python sum使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_decimate

def test_decimate():
    """Test decimation of digitizer headshapes with too many points."""
    # load headshape and convert to meters
    hsp_mm = _get_ico_surface(5)['rr'] * 100
    hsp_m = hsp_mm / 1000.

    # save headshape to a file in mm in temporary directory
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    sphere_hsp_path = op.join(tempdir, 'test_sphere.txt')
    np.savetxt(sphere_hsp_path, hsp_mm)

    # read in raw data using spherical hsp, and extract new hsp
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        raw = read_raw_kit(sqd_path, mrk_path, elp_txt_path, sphere_hsp_path)
    assert_true(any('more than' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    # collect headshape from raw (should now be in m)
    hsp_dec = np.array([dig['r'] for dig in raw.info['dig']])[8:]

    # with 10242 points and _decimate_points set to resolution of 5 mm, hsp_dec
    # should be a bit over 5000 points. If not, something is wrong or
    # decimation resolution has been purposefully changed
    assert_true(len(hsp_dec) > 5000)

    # should have similar size, distance from center
    dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((hsp_m - np.mean(hsp_m, axis=0))**2, axis=1))
    dist_dec = np.sqrt(np.sum((hsp_dec - np.mean(hsp_dec, axis=0))**2, axis=1))
    hsp_rad = np.mean(dist)
    hsp_dec_rad = np.mean(dist_dec)
    assert_almost_equal(hsp_rad, hsp_dec_rad, places=3)

示例2: _lmvnpdffull

def _lmvnpdffull(obs, means, covars):
    Log probability for full covariance matrices.

    WARNING: In certain cases, this function will modify in-place
    some of the covariance matrices

    from scipy import linalg
    import itertools
    if hasattr(linalg, 'solve_triangular'):
        # only in scipy since 0.9
        solve_triangular = linalg.solve_triangular
        # slower, but works
        solve_triangular = linalg.solve
    n_obs, n_dim = obs.shape
    nmix = len(means)
    log_prob = np.empty((n_obs, nmix))
    for c, (mu, cv) in enumerate(itertools.izip(means, covars)):
            cv_chol = linalg.cholesky(cv, lower=True)
        except linalg.LinAlgError:
            # The model is most probabily stuck in a component with too
            # few observations, we need to reinitialize this components
            cv[:] = 10 * np.eye(cv.shape[0])
            cv_chol = cv
        cv_log_det = 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(cv_chol)))
        cv_sol = solve_triangular(cv_chol, (obs - mu).T, lower=True).T
        log_prob[:, c] = -.5 * (np.sum(cv_sol ** 2, axis=1) + \
                           n_dim * np.log(2 * np.pi) + cv_log_det)

    return log_prob

示例3: measure_objects

 def measure_objects(self, operand, workspace):
     '''Performs the measurements on the requested objects'''
     objects = workspace.get_objects(operand.operand_objects.value)
     if objects.has_parent_image:
         area_occupied = np.sum(objects.segmented[objects.parent_image.mask]>0)
         perimeter = np.sum(outline(np.logical_and(objects.segmented != 0,objects.parent_image.mask)))
         total_area = np.sum(objects.parent_image.mask)
         area_occupied = np.sum(objects.segmented > 0)
         perimeter = np.sum(outline(objects.segmented) > 0)
         total_area = np.product(objects.segmented.shape)
     m = workspace.measurements
                             np.array([area_occupied], dtype=float ))
                             np.array([perimeter], dtype=float ))
                             np.array([total_area], dtype=float))
     if operand.should_save_image.value:
         binary_pixels = objects.segmented > 0
         output_image = cpi.Image(binary_pixels,
                                  parent_image = objects.parent_image)

示例4: torgerson

def torgerson(distances, n_components=2):
    Perform classical mds (Torgerson scaling).

    ..note ::
        If the distances are euclidean then this is equivalent to projecting
        the original data points to the first `n` principal components.

    distances = np.asarray(distances)
    assert distances.shape[0] == distances.shape[1]
    N = distances.shape[0]
    # O ^ 2
    D_sq = distances ** 2

    # double center the D_sq
    rsum = np.sum(D_sq, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    csum = np.sum(D_sq, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    total = np.sum(csum)
    D_sq -= rsum / N
    D_sq -= csum / N
    D_sq += total / (N ** 2)
    B = np.multiply(D_sq, -0.5, out=D_sq)

    U, L, _ = np.linalg.svd(B)
    if n_components > N:
        U = np.hstack((U, np.zeros((N, n_components - N))))
        L = np.hstack((L, np.zeros((n_components - N))))
    U = U[:, :n_components]
    L = L[:n_components]
    D = np.diag(np.sqrt(L))
    return np.dot(U, D)

示例5: sum_to_shape

def sum_to_shape(X, s):
    Sum axes of the array such that the resulting shape is as given.

    Thus, the shape of the result will be s or an error is raised.
    # First, sum and remove axes that are not in s
    if np.ndim(X) > len(s):
        axes = tuple(range(-np.ndim(X), -len(s)))
        axes = ()
    Y = np.sum(X, axis=axes)

    # Second, sum axes that are 1 in s but keep the axes
    axes = ()
    for i in range(-np.ndim(Y), 0):
        if s[i] == 1:
            if np.shape(Y)[i] > 1:
                axes = axes + (i,)
            if np.shape(Y)[i] != s[i]:
                raise ValueError("Shape %s can't be summed to shape %s" %
                                 (np.shape(X), s))
    Y = np.sum(Y, axis=axes, keepdims=True)
    return Y

示例6: dice_

def dice_(seg, gt):
    intersection = 2. * np.sum(seg * gt)
    denominator = (np.sum(np.square(seg)) + np.sum(np.square(gt)))
    if denominator == 0:
        return 1.
    similarity = intersection / denominator
    return similarity

示例7: dist_tree

 def dist_tree(self, other, tol=1e-8):
     if self.ndim == 2:
         from . import d2 as sim
         from . import d3 as sim
     assert self.ndim == other.ndim
     if self.gamma != 0 or other.gamma != 0:
         assert np.abs(self.gamma - other.gamma) <= tol
         gamma = (self.gamma + other.gamma) / 2.0
         box = sim.LeesEdwardsBox(sim.Vec(1,1), gamma)
         box = sim.OriginBox(1.0)
     sz1 = self.size_indices()
     assert(len(sz1) == 2)
     cutoff1 = int(np.sum(sz1[0]))
     sz2 = other.size_indices()
     assert(len(sz2) == 2)
     cutoff2 = int(np.sum(sz2[0]))
     vs1 = [sim.Vec(*xy) for idx in sz1 for xy in self.rs[idx]]
     vs2 = [sim.Vec(*xy) for idx in sz2 for xy in other.rs[idx]]
     tree = sim.JammingTreeBD(box, sim.vecvector(vs1), sim.vecvector(vs2), cutoff1, cutoff2)
     return tree

示例8: compute_size

    def compute_size(fonts, layout):
        """Compute width + height for the layout + line boxes + text boxes."""
        for line in layout.children:
            for box in line.children:
                if isinstance(box, TextBox):
                    font = fonts.font(box.style)
                    box.width = font.width(box.text)

                    # Box baseline is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates
                    alignment_baseline = box.style["alignment-baseline"]
                    if alignment_baseline == "alphabetic":
                        box.baseline = 0
                    elif alignment_baseline == "central":
                        box.baseline = font.ascent * 0.5
                    elif alignment_baseline == "hanging":
                        box.baseline = font.ascent
                    elif alignment_baseline == "middle":
                        box.baseline = font.ascent * 0.35
                        raise ValueError("Unknown alignment-baseline value: %s" % alignment_baseline)

                    # Box top is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates
                    box.top = box.baseline - font.ascent
                    # Box bottom is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates
                    box.bottom = box.baseline - font.descent

                    box.height = box.bottom - box.top
                elif isinstance(box, MarkerBox):
                    font = fonts.font(box.style)

                    box.baseline = 0
                    box.top = box.baseline - font.ascent
                    box.bottom = box.baseline - font.descent
                    box.height = box.bottom - box.top
                    box.width = box.height
                elif isinstance(box, (PushHyperlink, PopHyperlink)):
                    box.baseline = 0
                    box.top = box.baseline
                    box.bottom = box.baseline
                    box.height = box.bottom - box.top
                    box.width = 0
                    raise Exception("Unexpected box type: %s" % box) # pragma: no cover

            # Line top is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates
            line.top = numpy.min([child.top for child in line.children]) if line.children else 0
            # Line bottom is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates
            line.bottom = numpy.max([child.bottom for child in line.children]) if line.children else 0

            actual_line_height = line.bottom - line.top
            explicit_line_height = line.style["line-height"]
            offset = (explicit_line_height - actual_line_height) * 0.5
            if offset > 0:
                line.top -= offset
                line.bottom += offset

            line.width = numpy.sum([child.width for child in line.children]) if line.children else 0
            line.height = line.bottom - line.top

        layout.height = numpy.sum([line.height for line in layout.children]) if layout.children else 0

示例9: cond_entropy

def cond_entropy(period, data, p_bins=10, m_bins=5):
	Compute the conditional entropy for the 
	normalized observations
	if period <= 0:
		return np.PINF
	r = rephase(data, period)
	bins, *_ = np.histogram2d(r[:,0], r[:,1], [p_bins, m_bins],
								[[0,1], [0,1]])
	size = r.shape[0]
	if size > 0:
		divided_bins = bins / size
		arg_positive = divided_bins > 0
		column_sums = np.sum(divided_bins, axis=1)
		column_sums = np.repeat(np.reshape(column_sums,
								(p_bins,1)), m_bins, axis=1)
		select_divided_bins = divided_bins[arg_positive]
		select_column_sums  = column_sums[arg_positive]

		A = np.empty((p_bins, m_bins), dtype=float)
		A[ arg_positive] = select_divided_bins \
                         * np.log(select_column_sums \
                         / select_divided_bins)
		A[~arg_positive] = 0

		return np.sum(A)
		return np.PINF

示例10: fitBrokenToStrips

    def fitBrokenToStrips(self):

        """Fits broken-line to strip data"""

        # convenience views to avoid typos
        bStrip = (self.stripCounts > 10)
        if np.sum(bStrip) < 1:

        x = self.stripFeHs[bStrip]
        y = self.stripMedns[bStrip]  # could come back to this later

        # guess set of parameters
        #guess = [-0.4, -40., -240., 40.]
        guess = [-0.3, 0.0, -250., 0.0]

        # Yes this could all be looped through...

        meritStraight = lambda pars, x, y: oneStraight(x, pars) - y
        meritBroken = lambda pars, x, y: twoStraight(x, pars) - y 

        # do the fitting 
        self.parsStraight, self.successStraight = \
            leastsq(meritStraight,guess[0:2] ,args=(x,y))

        self.parsBroken, self.successBroken = \
            leastsq(meritBroken,guess[:] ,args=(x,y))

        # compute the sum of residuals, over the strips (not the
        # stars)
        self.chisqStraight = np.sum(meritStraight(self.parsStraight, x, y)**2)
        self.chisqBroken = np.sum(meritBroken(self.parsBroken, x, y)**2)

示例11: decider

def decider(pp_matrix, ML_dec, t, R_lim, num_annotators,C):

    pp_matrix2 = np.hstack((pp_matrix, ML_dec.reshape((C,1)))) #concatenate transpose of ML_decision to pp_matrix
    v = np.sum(pp_matrix2, axis=1)/np.sum(np.sum(pp_matrix2)) #create vector of normalized sums of pp_matrix2
    maximum = np.amax(v) #initialize maximum, max value of v
    maxIdx = np.argmax(v) #initialize maxIdx, index of max value of v

    if maximum >= t[maxIdx]: #if maximum is above threshold for given class, retire image

        decision = 1
        print('Image is retired')

    elif num_annotators >= R_lim: #if more than R_lim annotators have looked at image and no decision reached, pass to more experience users

        decision = 2
        print('Image is given to the upper class')

    else: #if fewer than R_lim annotators have looked at image, keep image

        decision = 3
        print('More labels are needed for the image')

    image_class = maxIdx

    return decision, image_class

示例12: _LMLgrad_beta

 def _LMLgrad_beta(self, hyperparams):
     LATildeInfTP = numpy.dot(self._LAtildeInv.T, self._P)
     gBeta = .5 * (self.d * (numpy.trace(self._C) + (self.n - self.m) * self._beta_inv - self._psi_0)
                   - self.TrYY + self._TrPP
                   + self._beta_inv ** 2 * self.d * numpy.sum(self._LAtildeInv * self._LAtildeInv)
                   + self._beta_inv * numpy.sum(LATildeInfTP ** 2))
     return -gBeta  # negative because gradient is w.r.t loglikelihood

示例13: std

def std(f):
    x = np.array(range(len(f)))
    # normalize; we do not prefer attributes with many values
    x = x / x.mean()
    xf = np.multiply(f, x)
    x2f = np.multiply(f, np.power(x, 2))
    return np.sqrt((np.sum(x2f) - np.power(np.sum(xf), 2) / np.sum(f)) / (np.sum(f) - 1))

示例14: _beam_map_single

    def _beam_map_single(self, bl_index, f_index):

        p_stokes = [ 0.5 * np.array([[1.0,   0.0], [0.0,  1.0]]),
                     0.5 * np.array([[1.0,   0.0], [0.0, -1.0]]),
                     0.5 * np.array([[0.0,   1.0], [1.0,  0.0]]),
                     0.5 * np.array([[0.0, -1.0J], [1.0J, 0.0]]) ]

        # Get beam maps for each feed.
        feedi, feedj = self.uniquepairs[bl_index]
        beami, beamj = self.beam(feedi, f_index), self.beam(feedj, f_index)

        # Get baseline separation and fringe map.
        uv = self.baselines[bl_index] / self.wavelengths[f_index]
        fringe = visibility.fringe(self._angpos, self.zenith, uv)

        pow_stokes = [ np.sum(beami * np.dot(beamj.conjugate(), polproj), axis=1) * self._horizon for polproj in p_stokes]

        # Calculate the solid angle of each beam
        pxarea = (4*np.pi / beami.shape[0])

        om_i = np.sum(np.abs(beami)**2 * self._horizon[:, np.newaxis]) * pxarea
        om_j = np.sum(np.abs(beamj)**2 * self._horizon[:, np.newaxis]) * pxarea

        omega_A = (om_i * om_j)**0.5

        # Calculate the complex visibility transfer function
        cv_stokes = [ p * (2 * fringe / omega_A) for p in pow_stokes ]

        return cv_stokes

示例15: get_num_diffs

def get_num_diffs(cummulativeFrames):
  shape = cummulativeFrames.shape
  xMax = shape[0]
  yMax = shape[1]

  numBlocks = (xMax * yMax / PIXINCR)
  print numBlocks
  totalDiffs = np.sum(cummulativeFrames)
  totalDiffsAvg = totalDiffs / numBlocks
  print totalDiffsAvg

  xPos = 0 
  yPos = 0

  allDiffs = []

  #print "Starting diffs.."
  diff_count = 0
  while yPos < yMax:
    xPos = 0
    while xPos < xMax:
      chunk = cummulativeFrames[xPos:xPos+PIXINCR, yPos:yPos+PIXINCR]
      diffs = np.sum(chunk)

    for diff in allDiffs: 
      if diff > totalDiffsAvg:
  return diff_count
