本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.string_函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python string_函数的具体用法?Python string_怎么用?Python string_使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: setupimgh5
def setupimgh5(f, Nframetotal:int, Nrow:int, Ncol:int, dtype=np.uint16,
writemode='r+', key='/rawimg',cmdlog:str=''):
f: HDF5 handle (or filename)
h: HDF5 dataset handle
if isinstance(f, (str,Path)): # assume new HDF5 file wanted
print('creating', f)
with h5py.File(f, writemode, libver='latest') as F:
return setupimgh5(F,Nframetotal,Nrow,Ncol,dtype,writemode,key)
elif isinstance(f, h5py.File):
h = f.create_dataset(key,
shape = (Nframetotal,Nrow,Ncol),
chunks= (1,Nrow,Ncol), # each image is a chunk
compression_opts=1, #no difference in filesize from 1 to 5, except much faster to use lower numbers!
shuffle= True,
fletcher32= True,
track_times= True)
h.attrs["CLASS"] = np.string_("IMAGE")
h.attrs["IMAGE_VERSION"] = np.string_("1.2")
h.attrs["IMAGE_SUBCLASS"] = np.string_("IMAGE_GRAYSCALE")
h.attrs["DISPLAY_ORIGIN"] = np.string_("LL")
h.attrs['IMAGE_WHITE_IS_ZERO'] = np.uint8(0)
if cmdlog and isinstance(cmdlog,str):
f['/cmdlog'] = cmdlog
raise TypeError(f'{type(f)} is not correct, must be filename or h5py.File HDF5 file handle')
return h
示例2: store_image
def store_image(h5group, data, compression):
if len(data.shape) == 2:
# single event
data = data.reshape(1, data.shape[0], data.shape[1])
if "image" not in h5group:
maxshape = (None, data.shape[1], data.shape[2])
dset = h5group.create_dataset("image",
# Create and Set image attributes:
# HDFView recognizes this as a series of images.
# Use np.string_ as per
# http://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/strings.html#compatibility
dset.attrs.create('CLASS', np.string_('IMAGE'))
dset.attrs.create('IMAGE_VERSION', np.string_('1.2'))
dset.attrs.create('IMAGE_SUBCLASS', np.string_('IMAGE_GRAYSCALE'))
dset = h5group["image"]
oldsize = dset.shape[0]
dset.resize(oldsize + data.shape[0], axis=0)
dset[oldsize:] = data
示例3: _write_buffer
def _write_buffer(self):
self.attrs['version'] = np.string_(__version__)
self.attrs['type'] = np.string_(type(self).__name__)
self['charge'] = self.buffer.charge
self['charge'].attrs['unit'] = self.buffer.charge_unit
self['numMol'] = self.buffer.numMol
self['volume'] = self.buffer.volume
self['volume'].attrs['unit'] = self.buffer.volume_unit
self['temperature'] = self.buffer.temperature
self['temperature'].attrs['unit'] = self.buffer.temperature_unit
self['timeLags'] = self.buffer.timeLags
self['timeLags'].attrs['unit'] = self.buffer.timeLags_unit
self['nCorr'] = self.buffer.nCorr
self['nCorr'].attrs['unit'] = self.buffer.nCorr_unit
def do_dec(dectype):
dec_group = self.require_group(dectype.value)
buf = getattr(self.buffer, dectype.value)
dec_group['decBins'] = buf.decBins
dec_group['decCorr'] = buf.decCorr
dec_group['decPairCount'] = buf.decPairCount
dec_group['decBins'].attrs['unit'] = buf.decBins_unit
dec_group['decCorr'].attrs['unit'] = buf.decCorr_unit
for type_ in DecType:
if getattr(self.buffer, type_.value) is not None:
示例4: write
def write(self, struct_name, data_dict):
"""write data_dict under the group struct_name in the open hdf5 file
:param struct_name: the identificatioon of the structure to write in the hdf5
:param data_dict: The python dictionnary containing the informations to write
if self.file is None:
info = "No file currently open"
group_l1 = self.file.create_group(struct_name)
group_l1.attrs['OCTAVE_GLOBAL'] = np.uint8(1)
group_l1.attrs['OCTAVE_NEW_FORMAT'] = np.uint8(1)
group_l1.create_dataset("type", data=np.string_('scalar struct'), dtype="|S14")
group_l2 = group_l1.create_group('value')
for ftparams in data_dict:
group_l3 = group_l2.create_group(ftparams)
group_l3.attrs['OCTAVE_NEW_FORMAT'] = np.uint8(1)
if type(data_dict[ftparams]) == str:
group_l3.create_dataset("type", (), data=np.string_('sq_string'), dtype="|S10")
if self.octave_targetted_version < 3.8:
group_l3.create_dataset("value", data=np.string_(data_dict[ftparams] + '0'))
group_l3.create_dataset("value", data=np.string_(data_dict[ftparams]))
group_l3.create_dataset("type", (), data=np.string_('scalar'), dtype="|S7")
group_l3.create_dataset("value", data=data_dict[ftparams])
示例5: new_entry
def new_entry(self, entry="entry", program_name="pyFAI",
title="description of experiment",
force_time=None, force_name=False):
Create a new entry
:param entry: name of the entry
:param program_name: value of the field as string
:param title: value of the field as string
:param force_time: enforce the start_time (as string!)
:param force_name: force the entry name as such, without numerical suffix.
:return: the corresponding HDF5 group
if not force_name:
nb_entries = len(self.get_entries())
entry = "%s_%04i" % (entry, nb_entries)
entry_grp = self.h5.require_group(entry)
entry_grp.attrs["NX_class"] = numpy.string_("NXentry")
entry_grp["title"] = numpy.string_(title)
entry_grp["program_name"] = numpy.string_(program_name)
if force_time:
entry_grp["start_time"] = numpy.string_(force_time)
entry_grp["start_time"] = numpy.string_(get_isotime())
return entry_grp
示例6: test_roundtrip_strings_with_fill_value
def test_roundtrip_strings_with_fill_value(self):
values = np.array(['ab', 'cdef', np.nan], dtype=object)
encoding = {'_FillValue': np.string_('X'), 'dtype': np.dtype('S1')}
original = Dataset({'x': ('t', values, {}, encoding)})
expected = original.copy(deep=True)
expected['x'][:2] = values[:2].astype('S')
with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:
self.assertDatasetIdentical(expected, actual)
original = Dataset({'x': ('t', values, {}, {'_FillValue': '\x00'})})
if not isinstance(self, Only32BitTypes):
# these stores can save unicode strings
expected = original.copy(deep=True)
if isinstance(self, BaseNetCDF4Test):
# netCDF4 can't keep track of an empty _FillValue for VLEN
# variables
expected['x'][-1] = ''
elif (isinstance(self, (NetCDF3ViaNetCDF4DataTest,
NetCDF4ClassicViaNetCDF4DataTest)) or
(has_netCDF4 and type(self) is GenericNetCDFDataTest)):
# netCDF4 can't keep track of an empty _FillValue for nc3, either:
# https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/273
expected['x'][-1] = np.string_('')
with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:
self.assertDatasetIdentical(expected, actual)
示例7: _convert_list
def _convert_list(self, value):
"""Convert a string into a typed numpy array.
If it is not possible it returns a numpy string.
numpy_values = []
values = value.split(" ")
types = set([])
for string_value in values:
v = self._convert_scalar_value(string_value)
result_type = numpy.result_type(*types)
if issubclass(result_type.type, (numpy.string_, six.binary_type)):
# use the raw data to create the result
return numpy.string_(value)
elif issubclass(result_type.type, (numpy.unicode_, six.text_type)):
# use the raw data to create the result
return numpy.unicode_(value)
return numpy.array(numpy_values, dtype=result_type)
except ValueError:
return numpy.string_(value)
示例8: _write_dataset
def _write_dataset(f, ds):
f[ds.name] = ds.data
dsobj = f[ds.name]
if ds.comment:
dsobj.attrs['COMMENT'] = np.string_(ds.comment)
if ds._display_name:
dsobj.attrs['DISPLAY_NAME'] = np.string_(ds.display_name)
if ds.quantity:
dsobj.attrs['QUANTITY'] = np.string_(ds.quantity)
if ds.unit:
dsobj.attrs['UNIT'] = np.string_(ds.unit)
if ds.display_unit != ds.unit:
dsobj.attrs['DISPLAY_UNIT'] = np.string_(ds.display_unit)
for ri in range(len(ds.scales)):
s = ds.scales[ri]
sobj = f[s.name]
dsobj.dims.create_scale(sobj, s.scale_name)
return dsobj
示例9: setup_root_attr
def setup_root_attr(f, extension=None):
Write the root metadata for this file
f : an h5py.File object
The file in which to write the data
if extension is None:
extension = "ED-PIC"
# Required attributes
f.attrs["openPMD"] = numpy.string_("1.0.0")
f.attrs["openPMDextension"] = ext_list[extension]
f.attrs["basePath"] = numpy.string_("/data/%T/")
f.attrs["meshesPath"] = numpy.string_("meshes/")
f.attrs["particlesPath"] = numpy.string_("particles/")
f.attrs["iterationEncoding"] = numpy.string_("groupBased")
f.attrs["iterationFormat"] = numpy.string_("/data/%T/")
# Recommended attributes
f.attrs["author"] = numpy.string_("NN")
f.attrs["software"] = numpy.string_("simex_platform")
f.attrs["softwareVersion"] = numpy.string_("0.2")
f.attrs["date"] = numpy.string_( datetime.datetime.now(tzlocal()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'))
示例10: _cal_cesaro
def _cal_cesaro(self):
Calculate Cesaro data
def cesaro_integrate(y, x):
cesaro = integrate.cumtrapz(y, x, initial=0)
cesaro = integrate.cumtrapz(cesaro, x, initial=0)
return cesaro
self.buffer.nDCesaro = cesaro_integrate(self.buffer.nCorr,
# Unit: nCorr (L^2 T^-2), nDCesaro (L^2)
self.buffer.nDCesaro_unit = np.string_(
self.buffer.nDTotalCesaro = np.sum(
self.buffer.nDCesaro *
(self.zz * self.ww)[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)
self.buffer.nDTotalCesaro_unit = np.string_(
def do_dec(buf):
buf.decDCesaro = cesaro_integrate(
buf.decCorr, self.buffer.timeLags)
buf.decDCesaro_unit = np.string_(
for type_ in DecType:
buf = getattr(self.buffer, type_.value)
if buf is not None:
示例11: to_hdf5
def to_hdf5(self, group):
"""Write reaction to an HDF5 group
group : h5py.Group
HDF5 group to write to
group.attrs['mt'] = self.mt
if self.mt in REACTION_NAME:
group.attrs['label'] = np.string_(REACTION_NAME[self.mt])
group.attrs['label'] = np.string_(self.mt)
group.attrs['Q_value'] = self.q_value
group.attrs['center_of_mass'] = 1 if self.center_of_mass else 0
for T in self.xs:
Tgroup = group.create_group(T)
if self.xs[T] is not None:
dset = Tgroup.create_dataset('xs', data=self.xs[T].y)
if hasattr(self.xs[T], '_threshold_idx'):
threshold_idx = self.xs[T]._threshold_idx + 1
threshold_idx = 1
dset.attrs['threshold_idx'] = threshold_idx
for i, p in enumerate(self.products):
pgroup = group.create_group('product_{}'.format(i))
示例12: get_roi_hdf5
def get_roi_hdf5(hdf5FileName, hdf5FileName_ROI, run, rois, detector_names, pede_thr=-1, dark_file=""):
if rois == []:
for d in detector_names:
if len(rois) != len(detector_names):
print "ERROR: please put one ROI per detector!"
f = h5py.File(hdf5FileName, 'r')
f_out = h5py.File(hdf5FileName_ROI, 'a', )
if dark_file != "":
f_dark = h5py.File(dark_file, "r")
run_dst = f["/run_%06d" % run]
detectors_list = []
detector_dstnames = [i for i in run_dst.keys() if i.find("detector_2d") != -1]
for d in detector_dstnames:
if run_dst[d + "/detector_info/detector_name"].value in detector_names:
tag_list = f["/run_%06d/event_info/tag_number_list" % run][:]
DET_INFO_DSET = "/detector_info/detector_name"
RUN_INFO_DST = ["event_info", "exp_info", "run_info"]
file_info = f["file_info"]
f.copy(file_info, f_out)
f_out.create_group("/run_%06d" % run)
print sys.exc_info()[1]
for info_dst in RUN_INFO_DST:
info = run_dst[info_dst]
f.copy(info, f_out["/run_%06d" % run])
for i, dreal in enumerate(detectors_list):
detector_dsetname = "/run_%06d/%s" % (run, dreal)
print detector_dsetname
fout_grp = f_out.create_group(detector_dsetname)
print sys.exc_info()[1]
info = f[detector_dsetname]["detector_info"]
f.copy(info, f_out[detector_dsetname])
if dark_file != "":
print "With dark correction"
sacla_hdf5.get_roi_data(f[detector_dsetname], f_out[detector_dsetname], tag_list, rois[i], pede_thr=pede_thr, dark_matrix=f_dark[dark_dset_names[i]][:])
f_out[detector_dsetname].attrs['dark_filename'] = np.string_(dark_file.split("/")[-1])
print np.string_(dark_file.split("/")[-1])
sacla_hdf5.get_roi_data(f[detector_dsetname], f_out[detector_dsetname], tag_list, rois[i], pede_thr=pede_thr)
#asciiList = [n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in strList]
#f_out[detector_dsetname + "/dark_fname"] = np.string_("aaaaaaaa")
print "Run %s done!" % str(run)
示例13: GetCheckPoint
def GetCheckPoint (self) :
pickle the current iteration of the optimization
return {"population" : np.string_(pickle.dumps(self.optimization_pop)),
"halloffame" : np.string_(pickle.dumps(self.optimization_hof)) }
示例14: init
def init(self, lima_cfg):
Initializes the HDF5 file for writing. Part of prepareAcq.
@param lima_cfg: dictionnary with parameters coming from Lima at the "prepareAcq"
with self._sem:
self.filename = lima_cfg.get("directory")
if not self.filename.endswith('/'): self.filename += '/'
self.filename += lima_cfg.get("prefix")+'.h5'
# silence non serious error messages, which are printed
# because we use h5py in a new thread (not in the main one)
# this is a bug seems to be fixed on newer version !!
# see this h5py issue 206: https://code.google.com/p/h5py/issues/detail?id=206
self.hdf5 = h5py.File(self.filename, 'a')
except IOError:
print ("here e e ")
self.hdf5 = h5py.File(self.filename)
prefix = lima_cfg.get("prefix") or self.CONFIG_ITEMS["hpath"]
if not prefix.endswith("_"):
entries = len([i.startswith(prefix) for i in self.hdf5])
self.hpath = posixpath.join("%s%04d"%(prefix,entries),self.lima_grp)
self.group = self.hdf5.require_group(self.hpath)
self.group.parent.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXentry"
self.group.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXdata"
cfg_grp = self.hdf5.require_group(posixpath.join(self.hpath, self.metadata_grp))
cfg_grp["detector_name"] = numpy.string_(self.detector_name)
for k, v in lima_cfg.items():
if type(v) in types.StringTypes:
cfg_grp[k] = numpy.string_(v)
cfg_grp[k] = v
self.number_of_frames = (max(1, lima_cfg["number_of_frames"]) + self.min_size - 1) // self.min_size * self.min_size
self.min_size = max(1, self.min_size)
self.shape = (self.number_of_frames , lima_cfg.get("dimY", 1), lima_cfg.get("dimX", 1))
self.chunk = (self.min_size, lima_cfg.get("dimY", 1), lima_cfg.get("dimX", 1))
if "dtype" in lima_cfg:
self.dtype = numpy.dtype(lima_cfg["dtype"])
self.dtype = numpy.int32
self.dataset = self.group.require_dataset(self.dataset_name, self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, chunks=self.chunk,
maxshape=(None,) + self.chunk[1:])
self.dataset.attrs["interpretation"] = "image"
self.dataset.attrs["metadata"] = self.metadata_grp
self.dataset.attrs["signal"] = "1"
self.group.parent["title"] = numpy.string_("Raw frames")
self.group.parent["program"] = numpy.string_("LImA HDF5 plugin")
self.group.parent["start_time"] = numpy.string_(self.getIsoTime())
示例15: test_export_averages_hdf5
def test_export_averages_hdf5(self):
time_avg_path = os.path.join(self.filepath, 'time_avg.h5')
self.ds.export_averages(time_avg_path, fmt='HDF5', scale_values=False)
h5_time_avg = h5py.File(time_avg_path, 'r')['time_average']
assert_equal(self.ds.time_averages.astype('uint16'), h5_time_avg)
dim_labels = [dim.label for dim in h5_time_avg.dims]
assert_equal(['z', 'y', 'x', 'c'], dim_labels)