本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.savetxt函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python savetxt函数的具体用法?Python savetxt怎么用?Python savetxt使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: create_mat_file
def create_mat_file(data, model_name, outputModelFilesDirectory):
create the .mat file
dimx = None
dimy = None
if len(data.shape) == 1:
dimy = 1
dimx = data.shape[0]
dimx, dimy = data.shape
ppstring = "/PPheights"
for i in range(0, dimy):
ppstring += "\t" + "%1.5e" % (1.0)
ppstring += "\n"
f = open(os.path.join(outputModelFilesDirectory, model_name + ".mat"), "w")
print >> f, "/NumWaves\t%d" % dimy
print >> f, "/NumPoints\t%d" % dimx
print >> f, ppstring
print >> f, "/Matrix"
np.savetxt(f, data, fmt="%1.5e", delimiter="\t")
示例2: _ascii
def _ascii(self):
"""write ascii file(s) w/ data contained in plot"""
if not os.path.exists(self.name): os.makedirs(self.name)
for k, v in self.dataSets.iteritems():
self.name + '/' + self._prettify(k) + '.dat', v, fmt='%.4e'
示例3: to_file
def to_file(self, path, fmt='%.18e', delimiter=' ', newline='\n', header='', footer='', comments='# '):
Save self to a text file. See :func:`np.savetext` for the description of the variables
data = zip(self.mesh, self.values)
np.savetxt(path, data, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, newline=newline,
header=header, footer=footer, comments=comments)
示例4: normalize_input
def normalize_input(params):
if pc_id == 0:
print 'normalize_input'
dt = params['dt_rate'] # [ms] time step for the non-homogenous Poisson process
L_input = np.zeros((params['n_exc'], params['t_stimulus']/dt))
v_max = params['v_max']
if params['log_scale']==1:
v_rho = np.linspace(v_max/params['N_V'], v_max, num=params['N_V'], endpoint=True)
v_rho = np.logspace(np.log(v_max/params['N_V'])/np.log(params['log_scale']),
np.log(v_max)/np.log(params['log_scale']), num=params['N_V'],
endpoint=True, base=params['log_scale'])
v_theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, params['N_theta'], endpoint=False)
index = 0
for i_RF in xrange(params['N_RF_X']*params['N_RF_Y']):
index_start = index
for i_v_rho, rho in enumerate(v_rho):
for i_theta, theta in enumerate(v_theta):
fn = params['input_rate_fn_base'] + str(index) + '.dat'
L_input[index, :] = np.loadtxt(fn)
print 'debug', fn
index += 1
index_stop = index
print 'before', i_RF, L_input[index_start:index_stop, :].sum()
if (L_input[index_start:index_stop, :].sum() > 1):
L_input[index_start:index_stop, :] /= L_input[index_start:index_stop, :].sum()
print 'after', i_RF, L_input[index_start:index_stop, :].sum()
for i in xrange(params['n_exc']):
output_fn = params['input_rate_fn_base'] + str(i) + '.dat'
print 'output_fn:', output_fn
np.savetxt(output_fn, L_input[i, :])
if comm != None:
示例5: _write_dig_points
def _write_dig_points(fname, dig_points):
"""Write points to file
fname : str
Path to the file to write. The kind of file to write is determined
based on the extension: '.txt' for tab separated text file.
dig_points : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_points, 3)
_, ext = op.splitext(fname)
dig_points = np.asarray(dig_points)
if (dig_points.ndim != 2) or (dig_points.shape[1] != 3):
err = ("Points must be of shape (n_points, 3), "
"not %s" % (dig_points.shape,))
raise ValueError(err)
if ext == '.txt':
with open(fname, 'wb') as fid:
version = __version__
now = dt.now().strftime("%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
fid.write(b("% Ascii 3D points file created by mne-python version "
"{version} at {now}\n".format(version=version,
fid.write(b("% {N} 3D points, "
"x y z per line\n".format(N=len(dig_points))))
np.savetxt(fid, dig_points, delimiter='\t', newline='\n')
msg = "Unrecognized extension: %r. Need '.txt'." % ext
raise ValueError(msg)
示例6: write_connectivity_zip
def write_connectivity_zip(self, conn_dir, weigths, tracts, cortical, region_names, centers, areas, orientations, atlas):
tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
file_weigths = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'weights.txt')
file_tracts = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'tract_lengths.txt')
file_cortical = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'cortical.txt')
file_centers = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'centers.txt')
file_areas = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'areas.txt')
file_orientations = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, 'average_orientations.txt')
numpy.savetxt(file_weigths, weigths, fmt='%d')
numpy.savetxt(file_tracts, tracts, fmt='%.3f')
numpy.savetxt(file_cortical, cortical, fmt='%d')
with open(str(file_centers), "w") as f:
for idx, (val_x, val_y, val_z) in enumerate(centers):
f.write("%s %.2f %.2f %.2f\n" % (region_names[idx], val_x, val_y, val_z))
numpy.savetxt(file_areas, areas, fmt='%.2f')
numpy.savetxt(file_orientations, orientations, fmt='%.2f %.2f %.2f')
filename = os.path.join(conn_dir, OutputConvFiles.CONNECTIVITY_ZIP.value.replace("%s", atlas))
with ZipFile(filename, 'w') as zip_file:
zip_file.write(file_weigths, os.path.basename(file_weigths))
zip_file.write(file_tracts, os.path.basename(file_tracts))
zip_file.write(file_cortical, os.path.basename(file_cortical))
zip_file.write(file_centers, os.path.basename(file_centers))
zip_file.write(file_areas, os.path.basename(file_areas))
zip_file.write(file_orientations, os.path.basename(file_orientations))
示例7: main
def main(simulations, outname, edgeorevent, plot, savedata):
mysimulations=open(simulations, 'r').readlines()
# (min_count, max_count) = (5,12)
(min_count, max_count) = (0,500)
for i in xrange(len(mysimulations)):
if len(line.strip().split('\t')) ==3:
(dir, blocks, events)=line.strip().split('\t')
(dir, simid, blocks, events)=line.strip().split('\t')
statsfile=os.path.join(dir, "%s.stats" % edgeorevent)
truecount=data.TP[type] + data.FN[type]
if truecount >= min_count and truecount <= max_count:
sys.stderr.write("truecount is %d\n" % (truecount))
datfile=os.path.join(dir, "%s.dat" % edgeorevent)
add_scores(datfile, truescores, fpscores)
if savedata:
np.savetxt("%s.tp.txt" % outname, np.array(truescores))
np.savetxt("%s.fp.txt" % outname, np.array(fpscores))
if plot:
sys.stderr.write("making plot...\n")
make_histograms(truescores, fpscores, title)
示例8: save_fxye
def save_fxye(self,filename):
f.writelines(['Automatically generated file {} from PDViPeR \n'.format(splitext(basename(filename))[0]),
'BANK\t1\t{0}\t{1}\tCONS\t{2}\t{3} 0 0 FXYE \n'.format(len(newx),len(self.data[:,1]),newx[0],newx[1]-newx[0])])
savetxt(filename, newdata, fmt='%1.6f')
示例9: saveTheta
def saveTheta(self,fileName):
Records theta under numpy format
Input: -fileName: name of the file where theta will be recorded
np.savetxt(fileName, self.theta)
示例10: populate_price_array
def populate_price_array(self):
a = random.Random()
b = random.Random()
price = self.price_start
for i in range(0,self.max_periods):
#if (i % 6) == 0:
ra = a.random()
for j in range(0,self.random_walk_probabilities.shape[0]):
if ra <= self.random_walk_probabilities[j,3]:
price_increase = self.random_walk_probabilities[j,0]*0.01
rb = b.random()
if rb < 0.35:
price_increase = -1.0*price_increase
price = price + self.multiplier*price_increase
self.price_array[i] = price
print 'maximum price = ' + str(max(self.price_array))
示例11: _exportDataToText
def _exportDataToText(self, file):
"""Saves textual data to a file
Nt = self.data.shape[0]
N = self.data.shape[1]
# all elements [real] + (all elements - diagonal) [imaginary] + time
Na = N + 1 + N*(N-1)
out = numpy.zeros((Nt, Na), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in range(Nt):
# time
out[i,0] = self.TimeAxis.data[i]
# populations
for j in range(N):
out[i,j+1] = numpy.real(self.data[i,j,j])
# coherences
l = 0
for j in range(N):
for k in range(j+1,N):
out[i,N+1+l] = numpy.real(self.data[i,j,k])
l += 1
out[i,N+1+l] = numpy.imag(self.data[i,j,k])
l += 1
numpy.savetxt(file, out)
示例12: populate_rate_array
def populate_rate_array(self):
a = random.Random()
b = random.Random()
rate = 0.08
for i in range(self.fixed_period,self.max_periods):
# determine a rate increase for this time-step
for j in range(0,self.random_walk_probabilities.shape[0]):
if a.random() <= self.random_walk_probabilities[j,3]:
rate_increase = self.random_walk_probabilities[j,0]*0.01
# determine whether the step is positive or negative
if b.random() < 0.3:
rate_increase = -1.0*rate_increase
# increment the interest rate and store the result
rate += rate_increase
self.rate_array[i] = rate
示例13: exportData
def exportData(self, fn):
hdr = " ;".join([" %s" % s.strip() for s in self.dat[0]])
sel = self.getSelected()
x, y = self.toolbar.roi.get_xy()
w = self.toolbar.roi.get_width()
h = self.toolbar.roi.get_height()
hdr += "\n"
hdr += " ROI (um): X=%.2f Y=%.2f W=%.2f H=%.2f Points=%d Concentration=%g" % (
sum(sel[2]) / (w * h),
except AttributeError:
# No roi
if sel is None:
"Nothing to save yet. Make some selection before trying to export data.", "Nothing to export!"
d = array(sel)
# Shift exported data to the origin
d[0] -= min(d[0])
d[1] -= min(d[1])
np.savetxt(fn, d.T, fmt="%.3f", delimiter=" ", newline="\n", header=hdr, footer="", comments="#")
示例14: create_grp_file
def create_grp_file(data, model_name, gp_var, outputModelFilesDirectory):
create the grp file
dimx = None
dimy = None
if len(data.shape) == 1:
dimy = 1
dimx = data.shape[0]
dimx, dimy = data.shape
data = np.ones(dimx)
if not (gp_var == None):
i = 1
for key in sorted(gp_var.keys()):
for index in gp_var[key]:
data[index] = i
i += 1
f = open(os.path.join(outputModelFilesDirectory, model_name + ".grp"), "w")
print >> f, "/NumWaves\t1"
print >> f, "/NumPoints\t%d\n" % dimx
print >> f, "/Matrix"
np.savetxt(f, data, fmt="%d", delimiter="\t")
示例15: write_ft_input
def write_ft_input(self, filename='workmodl000'):
Output atmosphere model in the format required by the fortran
adding/doubling code.
data_array = np.zeros([self.nlayers, 5])
for x in range(self.nlayers):
layer = getattr(self, self.layer_names[x])
data_array[x,:] = [layer.pi0bl, layer.tau, layer.p,
layer.rp, layer.pi0uv]
#NOTE order difference with writetxt()
#print data_array[x,:] #debug
#open file
f = open(filename, 'w')
self.ablayer, self.abfactor))
np.savetxt(f, data_array, fmt='%10.5f', delimiter=' ')
logging.info("Model written out for RT input.")