本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.rot90函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rot90函数的具体用法?Python rot90怎么用?Python rot90使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: generate_image
def generate_image(data, is_partial=False, content_range=None):
fig = plt.figure()
if data.ndim == 1:
elif data.ndim == 2:
data = np.asarray(data).real
mat = plt.matshow(np.rot90(data), cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
elif data.ndim == 3 and data.shape[-1] in (3, 4):
data = np.array(data)
mat = plt.imshow(np.rot90(data))
raise ValueError('cannot handle dimensions > 3')
bio = BytesIO()
plt.savefig(bio, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, format='png')
return TempResult(
示例2: displayFrame
def displayFrame(self, update_locs):
if self.movie_file:
# Get the current frame.
frame = self.movie_file.loadAFrame(self.cur_frame).astype(numpy.float)
if self.ui.oriCheckBox.isChecked():
frame = numpy.rot90(numpy.rot90(frame))
frame = numpy.transpose(frame)
# Create the 3D-DAOSTORM molecule items.
nm_per_pixel = self.ui.nmPerPixelSpinBox.value()
multi_mols = []
if update_locs and self.multi_list:
multi_mols = self.multi_list.createMolItems(self.cur_frame+1, nm_per_pixel)
# Create the Insight3 molecule items.
i3_mols = []
if update_locs and self.i3_list:
i3_mols = self.i3_list.createMolItems(self.cur_frame+1, nm_per_pixel)
示例3: rotate_data
def rotate_data(bg, overlay, slices_list, axis_name, shape):
# Rotate the data as required
# Return the rotated data, and an updated slice list if necessary
if axis_name == 'axial':
# Align so that right is right
overlay = np.rot90(overlay)
overlay = np.fliplr(overlay)
bg = np.rot90(bg)
bg = np.fliplr(bg)
elif axis_name == 'coronal':
overlay = np.rot90(overlay)
bg = np.rot90(bg)
overlay = np.flipud(np.swapaxes(overlay, 0, 2))
bg = np.flipud(np.swapaxes(bg, 0, 2))
slices_list[1] = [ shape - n - 3 for n in slices_list[1] ]
elif axis_name == 'sagittal':
overlay = np.flipud(np.swapaxes(overlay, 0, 2))
bg = np.flipud(np.swapaxes(bg, 0, 2))
print '\n************************'
print 'ERROR: data could not be rotated\n'
return bg, overlay, slices_list
示例4: modulatePF_unwrapped
def modulatePF_unwrapped(self):
#geometry = self._control.slm.getGeometry()
geometry = self._getGeo()
MOD = -1*self.unwrap()
MOD = np.flipud(MOD)
MOD = np.rot90(MOD)
cx,cy,d = geometry.cx, geometry.cy, geometry.d
# Diameter of phase retrieval output [pxl]:
dPhRt = (self._pupil.k_max/self._pupil.kx.max())*self._pupil.nx
# Zoom needed to fit onto SLM map:
zoom = d/dPhRt
MOD = interpolation.zoom(MOD,zoom,order=0,mode='nearest')
# Flip up down:
#MOD = np.flipud(MOD)
# Flip left right:
#MOD = np.fliplr(MOD)
#MOD = np.rot90(MOD)
MOD = np.rot90(-1.0*MOD) #Invert and rot90
# Shift center:
MOD = interpolation.shift(MOD,(cy-255.5,cx-255.5),order=0,
# Cut out center 512x512:
c = MOD.shape[0]/2
MOD = MOD[c-256:c+256,c-256:c+256]
# Add an 'Other' modulation using the SLM API. Store the index in _modulations:
#index = self._control.slm.addOther(MOD)
index = self._addMOD(MOD)
return index
示例5: do_cut
def do_cut(self, map, affine):
""" Cut the 3D volume into a 2D slice
map: 3D ndarray
The 3D volume to cut
affine: 4x4 ndarray
The affine of the volume
coords = [0, 0, 0]
coords['yxz'.index(self.direction)] = self.coord
x_map, y_map, z_map = [int(round(c)) for c in
if self.direction == 'x':
cut = np.rot90(map[:, y_map, :])
elif self.direction == 'y':
cut = np.rot90(map[x_map, :, :])
elif self.direction == 'z':
cut = np.rot90(map[:, :, z_map])
raise ValueError('Invalid value for direction %s' %
return cut
示例6: findRotationScaleTranslation
def findRotationScaleTranslation(image1, image2, window=None, highpass=None):
image1 = normalize(image1)
image2 = normalize(image2)
rotation, scale, rsvalue = findRotationScale(image1, image2, window, highpass)
shape = image2.shape[0]*2, image2.shape[1]*2
r = rotateScaleOffset(image2, -rotation, 1.0/scale, (0.0, 0.0), shape)
o = ((shape[0] - image1.shape[0])/2, (shape[1] - image1.shape[1])/2)
i = numpy.zeros(shape, image1.dtype)
i[o[0]:o[0] + image1.shape[0], o[1]:o[1] + image1.shape[1]] = image1
fft1 = numpy.fft.rfft2(i)
fft2 = numpy.fft.rfft2(r)
pc = phaseCorrelate(fft1, fft2, fft=True)
peak, value = findPeak(pc)
r180 = numpy.rot90(numpy.rot90(r))
fft2 = numpy.fft.rfft2(r180)
pc = phaseCorrelate(fft1, fft2, fft=True)
peak180, value180 = findPeak(pc)
if value < value180:
peak = peak180
value = value180
rotation = (rotation + 180.0) % 360.0
r = r180
return rotation, scale, peak, rsvalue, value
示例7: plot_spectrogram
def plot_spectrogram(pred_spectrogram, path, info=None, split_title=False, target_spectrogram=None, max_len=None):
if max_len is not None:
target_spectrogram = target_spectrogram[:max_len]
pred_spectrogram = pred_spectrogram[:max_len]
if info is not None:
if split_title:
title = split_title_line(info)
title = info
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
# Set common labels
fig.text(0.5, 0.18, title, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=16)
#target spectrogram subplot
if target_spectrogram is not None:
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
im = ax1.imshow(np.rot90(target_spectrogram), interpolation='none')
ax1.set_title('Target Mel-Spectrogram')
fig.colorbar(mappable=im, shrink=0.65, orientation='horizontal', ax=ax1)
ax2.set_title('Predicted Mel-Spectrogram')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(211)
im = ax2.imshow(np.rot90(pred_spectrogram), interpolation='none')
fig.colorbar(mappable=im, shrink=0.65, orientation='horizontal', ax=ax2)
plt.savefig(path, format='png')
示例8: _axialShow
def _axialShow(data, slice, overlay = False,
surface = None):
similar to _coronalshow
if not overlay:
plt.imshow(np.rot90(data[:, slice, :], k=1),
cmap = plt.cm.gray , aspect = 'auto',
interpolation = 'nearest')
if overlay:
overlayD = np.ma.masked_array(data, data == 0)
if surface =='wm':
plt.imshow(np.rot90(overlayD[:, slice, :], k=1),
cmap = plt.cm.Reds, vmax = 1.2, vmin = 0,
aspect = 'auto',
interpolation = 'nearest')
if surface == 'pial':
plt.imshow(np.rot90(overlayD[:, slice, :], k=1),
cmap = plt.cm.hot, vmax = 1.2, vmin = 0,
aspect = 'auto',
interpolation = 'nearest')
return None
示例9: strel
def strel(l,d):
print 'strel(',l,',',d,')'
def _get_rect_shape(l):
if l % 2 == 0:
return l,l
w,h = _get_rect_shape(l)
d = float(d)
m = math.tan(math.radians(d))
if d <= 45.0:
x1 = w
y1 = m*x1
_line = line
elif d <= 90.0:
y1 = h
x1 = y1 / m
_line = line2
elif d <= 180.0:
output = strel(l, d-90.0)
return np.rot90(output)
m = np.zeros((w,h))
x1,y1 = int(math.ceil(x1)), int(math.ceil(y1))
for x,y in _line(0,0,x1,y1):
m[x][y] = 1
m = np.rot90(m)
output = np.zeros(m.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
output[0:w/2+1, h/2:h] = m[w/2:w+1, 0:h/2+1]
output[w/2:w+1, 0:h/2+1] = np.rot90(output[0:w/2+1, h/2:h],2)
return output
示例10: _load_textures
def _load_textures(self):
marker_one_textures = {}
marker_two_textures = {}
# load images
image_green = cv2.imread('{}green.png'.format(self.FILE_PATH))
image_yellow = cv2.imread('{}yellow.png'.format(self.FILE_PATH))
image_blue = cv2.imread('{}blue.png'.format(self.FILE_PATH))
image_pink = cv2.imread('{}pink.png'.format(self.FILE_PATH))
image_saltwash = np.rot90(cv2.imread('{}saltwash.jpg'.format(self.FILE_PATH)), 2)
image_halo = np.rot90(cv2.imread('{}halo.jpg'.format(self.FILE_PATH)), 2)
# load textures for marker one
marker_one_textures[TEXTURE_FRONT] = None
marker_one_textures[TEXTURE_RIGHT] = image_green
marker_one_textures[TEXTURE_BACK] = image_yellow
marker_one_textures[TEXTURE_LEFT] = image_blue
marker_one_textures[TEXTURE_TOP] = image_pink
# load textures for marker two
marker_two_textures[TEXTURE_FRONT] = image_saltwash
marker_two_textures[TEXTURE_RIGHT] = image_green
marker_two_textures[TEXTURE_BACK] = image_halo
marker_two_textures[TEXTURE_LEFT] = image_blue
marker_two_textures[TEXTURE_TOP] = image_pink
return (marker_one_textures, marker_two_textures)
示例11: _coronalShow
def _coronalShow(data, slice, overlay = False,
surface = None):
function to plot T1 volume and pial/WM surfaces
data: nibabel loaded numpy array
slice: integer indicating number of the desired slice
overlay: boolean indicating whether the data is an overlay or not
surface: string indicating what kind of surface is overlay (wm or pial)
if not overlay:
plt.imshow(np.rot90(data[:, :, slice], k=3),
cmap = plt.cm.gray , aspect = 'auto',
interpolation = 'nearest')
if overlay:
overlayD = np.ma.masked_array(data, data == 0)
if surface =='wm':
plt.imshow(np.rot90(overlayD[:,:, slice], k=3),
cmap = plt.cm.Reds, vmax = 1.2, vmin = 0,
aspect = 'auto',
interpolation = 'nearest')
if surface == 'pial':
plt.imshow(np.rot90(overlayD[:, :, slice], k=3),
cmap = plt.cm.hot, vmax = 1.2, vmin = 0,
aspect = 'auto',
interpolation = 'nearest')
return None
示例12: get_chunk_info
def get_chunk_info(self,closeFile = True):
"""Preloads region header information."""
if self._locations:
self._chunks = None
self._locations = [0]*32*32
self._timestamps = []
# go to the beginning of the file
# read chunk location table
locations_index = numpy.reshape(numpy.rot90(numpy.reshape(range(32*32),
(32, 32)), -self.get_north_rotations()), -1)
for i in locations_index:
self._locations[i] = self._read_chunk_location()
# read chunk timestamp table
timestamp_append = self._timestamps.append
for _ in xrange(32*32):
self._timestamps = numpy.reshape(numpy.rot90(numpy.reshape(
self._timestamps, (32,32)),self.get_north_rotations()), -1)
if closeFile:
示例13: get_boundry
def get_boundry(pix, width, height):
start = True
finished = False
north = True
xVar = 0
initialCoord = [1, 1]
coord = initialCoord
boundryArr = []
var = 5 # number of pixels to jump accross when filtering
while finished < 4:
coord = search_north_border(pix, width, height, coord, boundryArr) #starting from the north direction
if coord == [0,0]:
xVar += var
coord = [1, xVar]
boundryArr.append(coord) #if it wasn't in a bad position append it
pix[coord[0]][coord[1]] = 500
if xVar >= width:
finished += 1 #completes one more rotation
coord = initialCoord #start from the beginning again
np.rot90(pix) #rotate the image by 90 degrees to begin searching again
nextDir = 'NE' # reinitialise directions
prevDir = ['NE', 'NE', 'NE'] # want the border to search up and away from edge first
temp = height
height = width
width = temp #change the orientation of height and width
pix = process_boundry(pix, width, height, boundryArr)
# print boundryArr
return pix
示例14: random_rotation_90
def random_rotation_90(channels, gt_lbls, probs_rot_90=None):
# Rotate by 0/90/180/270 degrees.
# channels: list (x pathways) of np arrays [channels, x, y, z]. Whole volumes, channels of a case.
# gt_lbls: np array of shape [x,y,z]
# probs_rot_90: {'xy': {'0': fl, '90': fl, '180': fl, '270': fl},
# 'yz': {'0': fl, '90': fl, '180': fl, '270': fl},
# 'xz': {'0': fl, '90': fl, '180': fl, '270': fl} }
if probs_rot_90 is None:
return channels, gt_lbls
for key, plane_axes in zip( ['xy', 'yz', 'xz'], [(0,1), (1,2), (0,2)] ) :
probs_plane = probs_rot_90[key]
if probs_plane is None:
assert len(probs_plane) == 4 # rotation 0, rotation 90 degrees, 180, 270.
assert channels[0].shape[1+plane_axes[0]] == channels[0].shape[1+plane_axes[1]] # +1 cause [0] is channel. Image/patch must be isotropic.
# Normalize probs
sum_p = probs_plane['0'] + probs_plane['90'] + probs_plane['180'] + probs_plane['270']
if sum_p == 0:
for rot_k in probs_plane:
probs_plane[rot_k] /= sum_p # normalize p to 1.
p_rot_90_x0123 = ( probs_plane['0'], probs_plane['90'], probs_plane['180'], probs_plane['270'] )
rot_90_xtimes = np.random.choice(a=(0,1,2,3), size=1, p=p_rot_90_x0123)
for path_idx in range(len(channels)):
channels[path_idx] = np.rot90(channels[path_idx], k=rot_90_xtimes, axes = [axis+1 for axis in plane_axes]) # + 1 cause [0] is channels.
gt_lbls = np.rot90(gt_lbls, k=rot_90_xtimes, axes = plane_axes)
return channels, gt_lbls
示例15: save_3plane_vertical
def save_3plane_vertical(self, X_cut, Y_cut, Z_cut, savefile):
fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(4,3))
for image in self.image_list:
fig.add_subplot(3,1,1) ##### AXIAL
plt.imshow(np.rot90(image[0][self.xmin:self.xmax,self.ymin:self.ymax, Z_cut],3),
cmap=image[1], vmax=image[2], vmin=image[3], alpha=image[4],
extent=[0, self.x_trans*(self.xmax - self.xmin),
0, self.y_trans*(self.ymax - self.ymin)],
fig.add_subplot(3,1,2) ##### COR
plt.imshow(np.rot90(image[0][self.xmin:self.xmax, Y_cut,self.zmin:self.zmax],3),
cmap=image[1], vmax=image[2], vmin=image[3], alpha=image[4],
extent=[0, self.x_trans*(self.xmax - self.xmin),
0, self.z_trans*(self.zmax - self.zmin)],
fig.add_subplot(3,1,3) #### SAG
cmap=image[1], vmax=image[2], vmin=image[3], alpha=image[4],
extent=[0,self.y_trans*(self.ymax - self.ymin),
0, self.z_trans*(self.zmax - self.zmin)],
plt.savefig(savefile, dpi=500, facecolor=[0,0,0], bbox_inches=None,