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Python numpy.ptp函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.ptp函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ptp函数的具体用法?Python ptp怎么用?Python ptp使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: gearth_fig

def gearth_fig(llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, pixels=1024):
    Return a Matplotlib `fig` and `ax` handles for a Google-Earth Image.
    TJL - Obtained from 
    aspect = np.cos(np.mean([llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat]) * np.pi/180.0)
    xsize = np.ptp([urcrnrlon, llcrnrlon]) * aspect
    ysize = np.ptp([urcrnrlat, llcrnrlat])
    aspect = ysize / xsize
    if aspect > 1.0:
        figsize = (10.0 / aspect, 10.0)
        figsize = (10.0, 10.0 * aspect)
    if False:
        plt.ioff()  # Make `True` to prevent the KML components from popping-up.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, frameon=False, dpi=pixels//10)
    # KML friendly image.  If using basemap try: `fix_aspect=False`.
    ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
    ax.set_xlim(llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon)
    ax.set_ylim(llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat)
    return fig, ax

示例2: zap_minmax

    def zap_minmax(self,windowsize=20,threshold=4):
        Run NANOGrav algorithm, median zapping. Run per subintegration
        windowsize = 20 frequency bins long
        threshold = 4 sigma
        if not self.can_mitigate():

        nsubint = self.archive.getNsubint()
        nchan = self.archive.getNchan()

        # Prepare data
        data = self.archive.getData(squeeze=False)
        spavg = self.archive.spavg #SinglePulse average profile, no need to invoke creating more SinglePulse instances
        opw = spavg.opw
        if nchan <= windowsize:
            for i in xrange(nsubint):
                for j in xrange(nchan):
                    subdata = data[i,0,:,opw] 
                    compptp = np.ptp(data[i,0,j,opw])
                    ptps = np.zeros(windowsize)
                    for k in xrange(windowsize):
                        ptps[k] = np.ptp(subdata[k,:])

                    med = np.median(ptps)
                    if compptp > threshold*med:

        for i in xrange(nsubint):
            for j in xrange(nchan):
                low = j - windowsize//2
                high = j + windowsize//2

                if low < 0:
                    high = abs(low)
                    low = 0
                elif high > nchan:
                    diff = high - nchan
                    high -= diff
                    low -= diff

                subdata = data[i,0,low:high,opw] 
                compptp = np.ptp(data[i,0,j,opw])
                ptps = np.zeros(windowsize)
                for k in xrange(windowsize):
                    ptps[k] = np.ptp(subdata[k,:])
                #ptps = np.array(map(lambda subdata: np.ptp(subdata),data[i,0,low:high,opw]))

                med = np.median(ptps)
                if compptp > threshold*med:

示例3: get_matching_mask

def get_matching_mask(f_real, Ibox):
    Find the best matching region per level in the feature pyramid    
    maskers = []
    sizers = []
    import numpy.ma as mask
    from scipy.misc import imresize
    for i in range(len(f_real)):
        feature_goods = mask.array(np.sum(np.square(f_real[i]), 2), dtype=np.bool_)
        Ibox_resize = imresize(Ibox, (f_real[i].shape[0], f_real[i].shape[1]))
        Ibox_resize = Ibox_resize.astype(np.float64) / 255.0
        Ibox_goods = Ibox_resize > 0.1
        masker = np.logical_and(feature_goods, Ibox_goods)
        max_indice = np.unravel_index(Ibox_resize.argmax(), Ibox_resize.shape)
        if np.where(masker == True)[0].size == 0:
            masker[max_indice[0], max_indice[1]] = True
        indices = np.where(masker == True)
               np.amin(indices[1]):np.amax(indices[1])] = True
        sizer=[np.ptp(indices[0])+1, np.ptp(indices[1])+1]   
    return(maskers, sizers)

示例4: vehicle_fit

def vehicle_fit(surface, up_direction, fore_direction, transport_dimensions):
    Determines if the vehicle can fit into specified dimensions for transport.
    ## Get the vehicle extent in the 3 cartesian directions
    ## determine orientation of the vehicle given the direction up and forward
    coord_array = np.vstack((surface['x'], surface['y'], surface['z'])).T
    side_direction = np.cross(up_direction, fore_direction)

    width = np.ptp(np.dot(coord_array, side_direction))
    height = np.ptp(np.dot(coord_array, up_direction))
    length = np.ptp(np.dot(coord_array, fore_direction))
    #print width, height, length

    ## Store the calculated vehicle dimensions for info only (not an output metric)
    results = {"_vehicle_calculated_dimension": {"vehicle_length[m]": length,
                                                 "vehicle_width[m]": width,
                                                 "vehicle_height[m]": height}}

    ## Check each transport option in turn and write True for any that can fit the vehicle
    trans_compat = results["Transportation_Compatibility"] = {}
    for transport, size in transport_dimensions.items():
        if size["max_length"] < length or size["max_width"] < width or size["max_height"] < height:
            trans_compat[transport] = False
            trans_compat[transport] = True

    return results

示例5: plot_checkpoint

    def plot_checkpoint(self,e):
        filename = "/data/sample_"+str(e)+".png"

        noise = self.sample_latent_space(16)
        images = self.generator.Generator.predict(noise)
        for i in range(images.shape[0]):
            plt.subplot(4, 4, i+1)
            if self.C==1:
                image = images[i, :, :]
                image = np.reshape(image, [self.H,self.W])
                image = (255*(image - np.min(image))/np.ptp(image)).astype(int)
            elif self.C==3:
                image = images[i, :, :, :]
                image = np.reshape(image, [self.H,self.W,self.C])
                image = (255*(image - np.min(image))/np.ptp(image)).astype(int)

示例6: _load_edflib

def _load_edflib(filename):
    """load a multi-channel Timeseries from an EDF (European Data Format) file
    or EDF+ file, using edflib.

      filename: EDF+ file

    import edflib
    e = edflib.EdfReader(filename, annotations_mode='all')
    if np.ptp(e.get_samples_per_signal()) != 0:
        raise Error('channels have differing numbers of samples')
    if np.ptp(e.get_signal_freqs()) != 0:
        raise Error('channels have differing sample rates')
    n = e.samples_in_file(0)
    m = e.signals_in_file
    channelnames = e.get_signal_text_labels()
    dt = 1.0/e.samplefrequency(0)
    # EDF files hold <=16 bits of information for each sample. Representing as
    # double precision (64bit) is unnecessary use of memory. use 32 bit float:
    ar = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=np.float32)
    # edflib requires input buffer of float64s
    buf = np.zeros((n,), dtype=np.float64)
    for i in range(m):
        e.read_phys_signal(i, 0, n, buf)
        ar[:,i] = buf
    tspan = np.arange(0, (n - 1 + 0.5) * dt, dt, dtype=np.float32)
    return Timeseries(ar, tspan, labels=[None, channelnames])

示例7: check

    def check(dms_a, dms_b):
        """Check quadratic energy model between two dms."""
        energy_a_0 = ham.compute_energy()
        focks_a = [np.zeros(dm_a.shape) for dm_a in dms_a]

        delta_dms = []
        for idm in xrange(ham.ndm):
            delta_dms.append(dms_b[idm] - dms_a[idm])
        dots_a = [np.zeros(dm_a.shape) for dm_a in dms_a]

        energy_a_1 = 0.0
        energy_a_2 = 0.0
        for idm in xrange(ham.ndm):
            energy_a_1 += np.einsum('ab,ba', focks_a[idm], delta_dms[idm])*ham.deriv_scale
            energy_a_2 += np.einsum('ab,ba', dots_a[idm], delta_dms[idm])*ham.deriv_scale**2

        # print 'energy_a_0', energy_a_0
        # print 'energy_a_1', energy_a_1
        # print 'energy_a_2', energy_a_2

        # Compute interpolation and compare
        energies_x = np.zeros(npoint)
        energies_2nd_order = np.zeros(npoint)
        derivs_x = np.zeros(npoint)
        derivs_2nd_order = np.zeros(npoint)
        for ipoint in xrange(npoint):
            x = xs[ipoint]
            dms_x = []
            for idm in xrange(ham.ndm):
                dm_x = dms_a[idm]*(1-x) + dms_b[idm]*x
            energies_x[ipoint] = ham.compute_energy()
            for idm in xrange(ham.ndm):
                derivs_x[ipoint] += np.einsum('ab,ba', focks_a[idm], delta_dms[idm]) * \

            energies_2nd_order[ipoint] = energy_a_0 + x*energy_a_1 + 0.5*x*x*energy_a_2
            derivs_2nd_order[ipoint] = energy_a_1 + x*energy_a_2
            # print '%5.2f %15.8f %15.8f' % (x, energies_x[ipoint], energies_2nd_order[ipoint])

        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
            pt.plot(xs, energies_x, 'ro')
            pt.plot(xs, energies_2nd_order, 'k-')
            pt.plot(xs, derivs_x, 'ro')
            pt.plot(xs, derivs_2nd_order, 'k-')

        assert abs(energies_x - energies_2nd_order).max()/np.ptp(energies_x) < threshold
        assert abs(derivs_x - derivs_2nd_order).max()/np.ptp(derivs_x) < threshold
        return energy_a_0, energy_a_1, energy_a_2

示例8: plot_histogram

def plot_histogram( ax ):
    """Here we take the data from ROI (between aN and bN). A 100 ms window (size
    = 10) slides over it. At each step, we get min and max of window, store
    these values in a list. 

    We plot histogram of the list
    global newtime, time
    roiData = sensor[aN:bN]
    baselineData = np.concatenate( (sensor[:aN], sensor[bN:]) )
    windowSize = 10
    histdataRoi = []
    for i in range( len(roiData) ):
        window = roiData[i:i+windowSize]
        histdataRoi.append( np.ptp( window ) ) # peak to peak

    histdataBaseline = []
    for i in range( len(baselineData) ):
        window = baselineData[i:i+windowSize]
        histdataBaseline.append( np.ptp( window ) )

    plt.hist( histdataBaseline
            , bins = np.arange( min(histdataBaseline), max(histdataBaseline), 5)
            , normed = True, label = 'baseline (peak to peak)'
            , alpha = 0.7
    plt.hist( histdataRoi
            , bins = np.arange( min(histdataRoi), max(histdataRoi), 5)
            , normed = True , label = 'ROI (peak to peak)'
            , alpha = 0.7
    # plt.title('Histogram of sensor readout')
    plt.legend(loc='best', framealpha=0.4)

示例9: draw_group

    def draw_group(data, panel_params, coord, ax, **params):
        data = coord.transform(data, panel_params)
        fill = to_rgba(data['fill'], data['alpha'])
        color = to_rgba(data['color'], data['alpha'])
        ranges = coord.range(panel_params)

        # For perfect circles the width/height of the circle(ellipse)
        # should factor in the dimensions of axes
        bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(
        ax_width, ax_height = bbox.width, bbox.height

        factor = ((ax_width/ax_height) *
        size = data.loc[0, 'binwidth'] * params['dotsize']
        offsets = data['stackpos'] * params['stackratio']

        if params['binaxis'] == 'x':
            width, height = size, size*factor
            xpos, ypos = data['x'], data['y'] + height*offsets
        elif params['binaxis'] == 'y':
            width, height = size/factor, size
            xpos, ypos = data['x'] + width*offsets, data['y']

        circles = []
        for xy in zip(xpos, ypos):
            patch = mpatches.Ellipse(xy, width=width, height=height)

        coll = mcoll.PatchCollection(circles,

示例10: process_raw_all

def process_raw_all(field = 'AEGIS'):
    #### Reprocess *all* of the FLTs with variable backgrounds that 
    #### weren't already refit above
    import glob
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import unicorn
    import threedhst
    from threedhst import catIO
    files = glob.glob('/3DHST/Spectra/Work/BACKGROUND/%s/*G141_orbit.dat'%(field))
    redo_list = []
    for file in files:
        bg = catIO.Readfile(file, save_fits=False, force_lowercase=True)
        var_bg = np.ptp(bg.bg[1:]) > 0.15
        no_skip = True
        if os.path.exists('%sq_flt.fits' %(os.path.split(file)[-1].split('j_')[0])): 
            im2flt_key = threedhst.utils.gethead('%sq_flt.fits' %(os.path.split(file)[-1].split('j_')[0]), keys=['IMA2FLT'])
            if im2flt_key[0] == '': 
                no_skip = True
                no_skip = False
        print rawfile, np.ptp(bg.bg[1:]), var_bg, no_skip, var_bg & no_skip
        if var_bg & no_skip:
            if not os.path.exists(rawfile):
                print '%s does not exist!'%(rawfile)
            unicorn.prepare.make_IMA_FLT(raw=rawfile, pop_reads=[])

示例11: main

def main(clp, center_stddev, **kwargs):
    Obtain Gaussian filtered 2D x,y histograms and the maximum values in them
    as centers.

    # Standard deviation values for the Gaussian filter.
    st_dev_lst = (center_stddev * .5, center_stddev, center_stddev * 2.)

    # Obtain center coordinates using Gaussian filters with different
    # standard deviation values, applied on the 2D (x,y) histogram.
    cents_xy, hist_2d_g, cents_bin_2d = center_xy(
        clp['hist_2d'], clp['xedges'], clp['yedges'], st_dev_lst)

    # Raise a flag if the standard deviation for either coordinate is larger
    # than 10% of that axis range. Use the full x,y positions list to
    # calculate the STDDEV.
    flag_center_std = False
    stddev = np.std(zip(*cents_xy[:3]), 1)
    if stddev[0] > 0.1 * np.ptp(clp['xedges']) or \
            stddev[1] > 0.1 * np.ptp(clp['yedges']):
        flag_center_std = True

    clp['flag_center_std'], clp['cents_xy'], clp['hist_2d_g'],\
        clp['cents_bin_2d'], clp['st_dev_lst'] = flag_center_std, cents_xy,\
        hist_2d_g, cents_bin_2d, st_dev_lst

    return clp

示例12: _test

    def _test( self, deltas ):
        # "Passing" behavior is more like the original (slower, more energy).
        # "Failing" behavior is more optimized (faster, less energy).

        fitness = np.array( self.get_fitness( deltas ) )
        if len( fitness ) == 0:
            return self.UNRESOLVED
        if np.any( fitness == 0 ):
            return self.UNRESOLVED
        m = np.mean( fitness, axis = 0 )
        s = np.std( fitness, axis = 0 )
        sqrtn = np.sqrt( fitness.shape[ 0 ] )
        for i in range( fitness.shape[ 1 ] ):
            infomsg( "   ", m[ i ], "+/-", 1.96 * s[ i ] / sqrtn )
        for i in range( fitness.shape[ 1 ] ):
            if np.ptp( self.optimized[ ::, i ] ) == 0 and \
                    np.ptp( fitness[ ::, i ] ) == 0 and \
                    self.optimized[ 0, i ] == fitness[ 0, i ]:
                # Optimized and fitness are all the same value, likely because
                # we are comparing the optimized variant to itself. This counts
                # as a fail, since they are clearly drawn from the same distro.
            pval = mannwhitneyu( self.optimized[ ::, i ], fitness[ ::, i ] )[ 1 ]
            if pval < options.alpha and m[ i ] < self.mean[ i ]:
                return self.PASS
        return self.FAIL

示例13: _get_domain_area

 def _get_domain_area(self, inlets=None, outlets=None):
     logger.warning('Attempting to estimate inlet area...will be low')
     network = self.project.network
     # Abort if network is not 3D
     if np.sum(np.ptp(network['pore.coords'], axis=0) == 0) > 0:
         raise Exception('The network is not 3D, specify area manually')
     if inlets is None:
         inlets = self._get_inlets()
     if outlets is None:
         outlets = self._get_outlets()
     inlets = network['pore.coords'][inlets]
     outlets = network['pore.coords'][outlets]
     if not iscoplanar(inlets):
         logger.error('Detected inlet pores are not coplanar')
     if not iscoplanar(outlets):
         logger.error('Detected outlet pores are not coplanar')
     Nin = np.ptp(inlets, axis=0) > 0
     if Nin.all():
         logger.warning('Detected inlets are not oriented along a '
                        + 'principle axis')
     Nout = np.ptp(outlets, axis=0) > 0
     if Nout.all():
         logger.warning('Detected outlets are not oriented along a '
                        + 'principle axis')
     hull_in = ConvexHull(points=inlets[:, Nin])
     hull_out = ConvexHull(points=outlets[:, Nout])
     if hull_in.volume != hull_out.volume:
         logger.error('Inlet and outlet faces are different area')
     area = hull_in.volume  # In 2D volume=area, area=perimeter
     return area

示例14: preprocess

def preprocess():
    numberTrain = 50000
    numberAttribute = 784
    with open('AI_quick_draw.pickle', 'rb') as open_ai_quick:
        train_data1 = pickle.load(open_ai_quick)
        train_label1 = pickle.load(open_ai_quick)
        test_data = pickle.load(open_ai_quick)
        test_label = pickle.load(open_ai_quick)
    train_data1 = train_data1.astype(np.float64) / 255.0
    test_data = test_data.astype(np.float64) / 255.0
    permutation = np.random.permutation(range(train_data1.shape[0]))
    validation_data = train_data1[permutation[numberTrain:], :]
    validation_label = train_label1[permutation[numberTrain:]]
    train_data = train_data1[permutation[0:numberTrain], :]
    train_label = train_label1[permutation[0:numberTrain]]
    toRemove = []
    for i in range(numberAttribute):
        if np.ptp(train_data[:, i]) == 0.0 and \
                        np.ptp(validation_data[:, i]) == 0.0:
    train_data = np.delete(train_data, toRemove, axis=1)
    test_data = np.delete(test_data, toRemove, axis=1)
    validation_data = np.delete(validation_data, toRemove, axis=1)
    print("Preprocessing Done!")
    return train_data, train_label, validation_data, validation_label, test_data, test_label

示例15: resample

def resample(old_dispersion, new_dispersion):
    Resample a spectrum to a new dispersion map while conserving total flux.

    :param old_dispersion:
        The original dispersion array.

    :type old_dispersion:

    :param new_dispersion:
        The new dispersion array to resample onto.

    :type new_dispersion:

    data = []
    old_px_indices = []
    new_px_indices = []
    for i, new_wl_i in enumerate(new_dispersion):

        # These indices should span just over the new wavelength pixel.
        indices = np.unique(np.clip(
            old_dispersion.searchsorted(new_dispersion[i:i + 2], side="left") \
                + [-1, +1], 0, old_dispersion.size - 1))
        N = np.ptp(indices)

        if N == 0:
            # 'Fake' pixel.

        # Sanity checks.
        assert (old_dispersion[indices[0]] <= new_wl_i \
            or indices[0] == 0)
        assert (new_wl_i <= old_dispersion[indices[1]] \
            or indices[1] == old_dispersion.size - 1)

        fractions = np.ones(N)

        # Edges are handled as fractions between rebinned pixels.
        _ = np.clip(i + 1, 0, new_dispersion.size - 1)
        lhs = old_dispersion[indices[0]:indices[0] + 2]
        rhs = old_dispersion[indices[-1] - 1:indices[-1] + 1]
        fractions[0]  = (lhs[1] - new_dispersion[i])/np.ptp(lhs)
        fractions[-1] = (new_dispersion[_] - rhs[0])/np.ptp(rhs)

        # Being binned to a single pixel. Prevent overflow from fringe cases.
        fractions = np.clip(fractions, 0, 1)
        fractions /= fractions.sum()

        new_px_indices.extend([i] * N) # Mark the new pixel indices affected.
        old_px_indices.extend(np.arange(*indices)) # And the old pixel indices.

    return scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((data, (old_px_indices, new_px_indices)),
        shape=(old_dispersion.size, new_dispersion.size))
