本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.power函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python power函数的具体用法?Python power怎么用?Python power使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: grad_EVzxVzxT_by_hyper_exact
def grad_EVzxVzxT_by_hyper_exact(self, EVzxVzxT_list_this, Z, A, B, hyperno):
P = Z.shape[0]
R = Z.shape[1]
N = A.shape[0]
if hyperno != 0:
return EVzxVzxT_list_this * 0
alpha = self.length_scale * self.length_scale
I = np.identity(R)
S = np.diag(B[0, :] * B[0, :])
Sinv = np.diag(1 / B[0, :] * B[0, :])
C = I * alpha
Cinv = I * (1 / alpha)
CinvSinv = 2 * Cinv + Sinv
CinvSinv_inv = np.diag(1 / CinvSinv.diagonal())
dC = self.length_scale * I
dCinv = -Cinv.dot(dC).dot(Cinv)
dCinvSinv = 2 * dCinv
dCinvSinv_inv = -CinvSinv_inv.dot(dCinvSinv).dot(CinvSinv_inv)
S1 = (
- dCinv.dot(CinvSinv_inv).dot(Cinv)
- Cinv.dot(dCinvSinv_inv).dot(Cinv)
- Cinv.dot(CinvSinv_inv).dot(dCinv)
S2 = -Sinv.dot(dCinvSinv_inv).dot(Sinv)
S3 = Sinv.dot(dCinvSinv_inv).dot(Cinv) + Sinv.dot(CinvSinv_inv).dot(dCinv)
S4 = dCinv.dot(CinvSinv_inv).dot(Cinv) + Cinv.dot(dCinvSinv_inv).dot(Cinv) + Cinv.dot(CinvSinv_inv).dot(dCinv)
T1s = np.tile(Z.dot(S1).dot(Z.T).diagonal(), [P, 1])
T1 = np.tile(T1s, [N, 1, 1])
T2s = T1s.T
T2 = np.tile(T2s, [N, 1, 1])
T3 = np.tile(Z.dot(S4).dot(Z.T), [N, 1, 1])
T4 = np.tile(A.dot(S2).dot(A.T).diagonal(), [P, 1]).T
T4 = np.expand_dims(T4, axis=2)
T4 = np.repeat(T4, P, axis=2)
T5 = A.dot(S3).dot(Z.T)
T5 = np.expand_dims(T5, axis=2)
T5 = np.repeat(T5, P, axis=2)
T6 = np.swapaxes(T5, 1, 2)
SCinvI = 2 * Cinv.dot(S) + I
SCinvI_inv = np.diag(1 / SCinvI.diagonal())
(temp, logDetSCinvI) = np.linalg.slogdet(SCinvI)
detSCinvI = np.exp(logDetSCinvI)
dDetSCinvI = -0.5 * np.power(detSCinvI, -0.5) * SCinvI_inv.dot(2 * dCinv).dot(S).trace()
expTerm = EVzxVzxT_list_this / np.power(detSCinvI, -0.5)
res = EVzxVzxT_list_this * (-0.5 * T1 - 0.5 * T2 + T3 - 0.5 * T4 + T5 + T6) + dDetSCinvI * expTerm
res = np.sum(res, axis=0)
return res
示例2: test_convolve2d_king
def test_convolve2d_king(self):
gfn = lambda r, s: np.power(2*np.pi*s**2,-1)*np.exp(-r**2/(2*s**2))
kfn = lambda r, s, g: np.power(2*np.pi*s**2,-1)*(1.-1./g)* \
kfn0 = lambda x, y, mux, muy, s, g: kfn(np.sqrt((x-mux)**2+(y-muy)**2),s,g)
xaxis = Axis.create(-3,3,501)
yaxis = Axis.create(-3,3,501)
x, y = np.meshgrid(xaxis.center,yaxis.center)
xbin, ybin = np.meshgrid(xaxis.width,yaxis.width)
r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
# Scalar Input
mux = 0.5
muy = -0.2
mur = (mux**2+muy**2)**0.5
gsig = 0.1
ksig = 0.2
kgam = 4.0
fval0 = np.sum(kfn0(x,y,mux,muy,ksig,kgam)*gfn(r,gsig)*xbin*ybin)
fval1 = convolve2d_king(lambda t: gfn(t,gsig),mur,ksig,kgam,3.0,
# fval2 = convolve2d_gauss(lambda t: kfn(t,ksig,kgam),mur,gsig,3.0,
# nstep=1000)
# print fval0, fval1, fval2, fval1/fval0
示例3: test_power_zero
def test_power_zero(self):
# ticket #1271
zero = np.array([0j])
one = np.array([1 + 0j])
cinf = np.array([complex(np.inf, 0)])
cnan = np.array([complex(np.nan, np.nan)])
def assert_complex_equal(x, y):
x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real)
assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag)
# positive powers
for p in [0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.6]:
assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, p), zero)
# zero power
assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, 0), one)
assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, 0 + 1j), cnan)
# negative power
for p in [0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.6]:
assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, -p), cnan)
assert_complex_equal(np.power(zero, -1 + 0.2j), cnan)
def test_fast_power(self):
x = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.int16)
assert (x ** 2.00001).dtype is (x ** 2.0).dtype
示例4: reg_score_function
def reg_score_function(X, y, mean, scale, shape, skewness):
""" GAS Skew t Regression Update term using gradient only - native Python function
X : float
datapoint for the right hand side variable
y : float
datapoint for the time series
mean : float
location parameter for the Skew t distribution
scale : float
scale parameter for the Skew t distribution
shape : float
tail thickness parameter for the Skew t distribution
skewness : float
skewness parameter for the Skew t distribution
- Score of the Skew t family
m1 = (np.sqrt(shape)*sp.gamma((shape-1.0)/2.0))/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.gamma(shape/2.0))
mean = mean + (skewness - (1.0/skewness))*scale*m1
if (y-mean)>=0:
return ((shape+1)/shape)*((y-mean)*X)/(np.power(skewness*scale,2) + (np.power(y-mean,2)/shape))
return ((shape+1)/shape)*((y-mean)*X)/(np.power(scale,2) + (np.power(skewness*(y-mean),2)/shape))
示例5: check_skew_expect
def check_skew_expect(distfn, arg, m, v, s, msg):
if np.isfinite(s):
m3e = distfn.expect(lambda x: np.power(x-m, 3), arg)
npt.assert_almost_equal(m3e, s * np.power(v, 1.5),
decimal=5, err_msg=msg + ' - skew')
示例6: molar_heat_capacity_p
def molar_heat_capacity_p(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params):
Returns the heat capacity [J/K/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa]
and temperature [K].
a, b, c = mt.tait_constants(params)
T = temperature
T_e = params['T_einstein']
n = params['n']
Pth = self.__relative_thermal_pressure(T, params)
ksi_over_ksi_0 = einstein.molar_heat_capacity_v(T, T_e, n) \
/ einstein.molar_heat_capacity_v(params['T_0'], T_e, n)
dintVdpdT = (params['V_0'] * params['a_0'] * params['K_0'] * a * ksi_over_ksi_0) * (
np.power((1. + b * (pressure - params['P_0'] - Pth)), 0. - c) - np.power((1. - b * Pth), 0. - c))
dSdT0 = params['V_0'] * params['K_0'] * np.power((ksi_over_ksi_0 * params['a_0']), 2.0) * \
(np.power((1. + b * (pressure - params['P_0'] - Pth)), -1. - c) -
np.power((1. + b * (-Pth)), -1. - c))
x = T_e/T
dCv_einstdT = -(einstein.molar_heat_capacity_v(T, T_e, n) *
( 1 - 2./x + 2./(np.exp(x) - 1.) ) * x/T)
dSdT1 = -dintVdpdT * dCv_einstdT \
/ einstein.molar_heat_capacity_v(T, T_e, n)
dSdT = dSdT0 + dSdT1
return self.molar_heat_capacity_p0(temperature, params) + temperature * dSdT
示例7: power_sutera_reweighing
def power_sutera_reweighing(Y, f_pow=lambda x: 1):
"""Re-weights the time series giving more value to the values of the time
serie when there are a low global activity.
.. [1] Antonio Sutera et al. Simple connectome inference from partial
correlation statistics in calcium imaging
## 0. Prepare variables needed
m = Y.shape[1]
global_y = np.sum(Y, axis=1)
## 1. Transformation
Yt = np.zeros(Y.shape)
for j in range(m):
Yt[:, j] = np.power((Y[:, j] + 1.),
np.power((1.+np.divide(1., global_y)),
# Correct global 0
Yt[global_y == 0, :] = 1.
return Yt
示例8: velocidadlimpio
def velocidadlimpio(self):
#sino no llega al 2, asi funciona
v = np.arange(-3, 3,1)
[x,y] = np.meshgrid(v,v)
z=np.multiply(x,np.exp( -np.power(x,2) - np.power(y,2) ))
#Matplotlib t invierte el orden de las matrices a diferenciade matlab
[py,px] = np.gradient(z,1,1)
print 'x '+str(x)
print 'y '+str(y)
print 'z '+str(z)
print 'px '+str(px)
print 'py '+str(py)
#q = plt.quiver(X, Y, u, v, angles='xy', scale=40, color=['r'])
#p = plt.quiverkey(q,1,16.5,50,"50 m/s",coordinates='data',color='r')
#primero los rangos, despues los valores q contiene
q = plt.quiver(x,y, px, py)
p = plt.quiverkey(q,1,16.5,50,"50 m/s",coordinates='data',color='r')
print 'Fourth plot loaded...'
示例9: p_corr
def p_corr(self):
calculate pearson correlation between users
data = self.data
rows = self.rows
(nrows, ncols) = data.shape
p_corr_dict = {}
for row_i in range(nrows):
for row_j in range(nrows):
valide_data_i = [data[row_i, :][n] \
for n in range(ncols) if \
data[row_i, n] != 0 and data[row_j, n] != 0]
valide_data_j = [data[row_j, :][n] \
for n in range(ncols) if \
data[row_i, n] != 0 and data[row_j, n] != 0]
valide_data_i = np.array(valide_data_i) - np.mean(valide_data_i)
valide_data_j = np.array(valide_data_j) - np.mean(valide_data_j)
#print np.dot(data[row_i, :], data[row_j, :])
p_corr = np.dot(valide_data_i, valide_data_j)*1.0/\
p_corr_dict[(rows[row_i], rows[row_j])] = p_corr
return p_corr_dict
示例10: lee_parallel_betachEq11
def lee_parallel_betachEq11(x,n):
mach_bh= lee_mach_bh(rmsV,cs)
return np.log( mach_bh**-2*np.power(mach_bh**n+np.power(beta_ch/beta,n/2.), -1./n) )
示例11: read_excel
def read_excel(file='slab++.xlsx'):
wb = open_workbook(file)
sheet = wb.sheets()[0]
number_of_rows = sheet.nrows
number_of_columns = sheet.ncols
items = []
rows = []
slabs= Catalog()
for row in range(4, number_of_rows):
slab= Slab()
values = []
for col in range(number_of_columns):
if par:
value = sheet.cell(row,col).value
slab.params[par]= float(value)
slab.params[par] = str(value)
# save temperature at 600 km using thermal parameter
phi = slab.params['thermalPar']
z = 6.0
Ta = 1338.0
Tz = Ta * (1.0 - ( (2.0/np.pi)*np.exp(-1.0*( (np.power(np.pi,2.0)*z)/ (np.power(2.32,2.0) * phi) )) ) )
slab.params['Temp600'] = Tz
return slabs
示例12: lee_parallel_neq8
def lee_parallel_neq8(x,beta_ch):
mach_bh= lee_mach_bh(rmsV,cs)
return np.log( mach_bh**-2*np.power(mach_bh**n+np.power(beta_ch/beta,n/2.), -1./n) )
示例13: mdot_magnetic_neq8
def mdot_magnetic_neq8(x,beta_ch):
mach_bh= lee_mach_bh(rmsV,cs)
return mach_bh**-2*np.power(mach_bh**n+np.power(beta_ch/beta,n/2.), -1./n)
示例14: evaluation_10_fold
def evaluation_10_fold(root='./result/pytorch_result.mat'):
ACCs = np.zeros(10)
result = scipy.io.loadmat(root)
for i in range(10):
fold = result['fold']
flags = result['flag']
featureLs = result['fl']
featureRs = result['fr']
valFold = fold != i
testFold = fold == i
flags = np.squeeze(flags)
mu = np.mean(np.concatenate((featureLs[valFold[0], :], featureRs[valFold[0], :]), 0), 0)
mu = np.expand_dims(mu, 0)
featureLs = featureLs - mu
featureRs = featureRs - mu
featureLs = featureLs / np.expand_dims(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(featureLs, 2), 1)), 1)
featureRs = featureRs / np.expand_dims(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(featureRs, 2), 1)), 1)
scores = np.sum(np.multiply(featureLs, featureRs), 1)
threshold = getThreshold(scores[valFold[0]], flags[valFold[0]], 10000)
ACCs[i] = getAccuracy(scores[testFold[0]], flags[testFold[0]], threshold)
# print('{} {:.2f}'.format(i+1, ACCs[i] * 100))
# print('--------')
# print('AVE {:.2f}'.format(np.mean(ACCs) * 100))
return ACCs
示例15: p_jds
def p_jds(Z, L, U, C, M):
coefficient matrix Z
desired numbers of dynamic active sets L
dictionary atom label vector U
the number of classes C
the number of views M
Index matrix I for top-L dynamic active sets
I = np.zeros((L, M))
V = np.zeros((C, M))
_I = np.zeros((C, M))
S = np.zeors(C)
for l in xrange(L):
for i in xrange(C):
c = find(U, i)
for m in xrange(M):
v, t = Max(Z[c, m])
V[i, m] = v
_I[i, m] = c[t]
tmp = np.cumsum(np.power(V[i], 2))[-1]
S[i] = np.power(tmp, 0.5)
_v, _t = Max(S)
I[l, :] = _I[_t,:]
Z[_I[_t,:]] = 0
return I