本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.pad函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python pad函数的具体用法?Python pad怎么用?Python pad使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: eval
def eval(self, data, label, lens):
predictions = []
vals = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]/self.batch_size):
D = data[range(self.batch_size*i,self.batch_size*(i+1))]
L = label[range(self.batch_size*i,self.batch_size*(i+1))]
if lens is not None:
l = lens[range(self.batch_size*i,self.batch_size*(i+1))]
feed_dict={self.dataset:D, self.labels:L, self.lengths:l}
feed_dict={self.dataset:D, self.labels:L}
predictions.extend(self.sess.run(self.correct_prediction, feed_dict))
vals.extend(self.sess.run(tf.argmax(self.logits,1), feed_dict))
last_chunk = self.batch_size*(i+1)
gap = self.batch_size - (data.shape[0] - last_chunk)
D = np.pad(data[last_chunk:], ((0,gap),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
L = np.pad(label[last_chunk:], ((0,gap),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
if lens is not None:
l = np.pad(lens[last_chunk:], (0,gap), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
feed_dict={self.dataset:D, self.labels:L, self.lengths:l}
feed_dict={self.dataset:D, self.labels:L}
predictions.extend(self.sess.run(self.correct_prediction, feed_dict)[:self.batch_size - gap])
vals.extend(self.sess.run(tf.argmax(self.logits,1), feed_dict)[:self.batch_size - gap])
print vals
return 100.0*sum(predictions)/len(predictions)
示例2: SMeval
def SMeval(self, DWi, DU, Dlens, DWj, keep_predictions=False):
Runs eval on dev/test data with the option to return predictions or performance
predictions = []
for i in range(len(DWi)/self.batch_size):
batch_range = range(self.batch_size*i,self.batch_size*(i+1))
wi = DWi[batch_range]
wj = DWj[batch_range]
U = DU[batch_range]
lens = Dlens[batch_range]
feed_dict = {self.cur_world: wi, self.next_world: wj, self.inputs: U, self.lengths: lens}
if keep_predictions:
predictions.extend(self.sess.run(tf.argmax(self.logits,1), feed_dict))
predictions.extend(self.sess.run(self.correct_prediction, feed_dict))
## Grab the extras
last_chunk = self.batch_size*(i+1)
gap = self.batch_size - (len(DWi) - last_chunk)
wi = np.pad(DWi[last_chunk:], ((0,gap),(0,0), (0,0), (0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
wj = np.pad(DWj[last_chunk:], ((0,gap),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
U = np.pad(DU[last_chunk:], ((0,gap),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
lens = np.pad(Dlens[last_chunk:], ((0,gap)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
feed_dict = {self.cur_world: wi, self.next_world: wj, self.inputs: U, self.lengths: lens}
if keep_predictions:
predictions.extend(self.sess.run(tf.argmax(self.logits,1), feed_dict)[:self.batch_size - gap])
return predictions
predictions.extend(self.sess.run(self.correct_prediction, feed_dict)[:self.batch_size - gap])
return 100.0*sum(predictions)/len(predictions)
示例3: padding
def padding(nframes, x, y):
""" Dirty hacky padding for a minimum of nframes """
b_a = (nframes - 1) / 2 # before // after
x_2 = copy.deepcopy(x)
on_x_2 = False
x_f = zeros((x.shape[0], nframes * x.shape[1]), dtype='float32')
for i in xrange(x.shape[0]):
if y[i] == '!ENTER[2]' and y[i-1] != '!ENTER[2]': # TODO general case
on_x_2 = not on_x_2
if on_x_2:
x_2[i - b_a:i, :] = 0.0
x[i - b_a:i, :] = 0.0
if i+b_a < y.shape[0] and '!EXIT' in y[i] and not '!EXIT' in y[i+b_a]:
# TODO general case
if on_x_2:
x_2[i+b_a:i+2*b_a+1, :] = 0.0
x[i+b_a:i+2*b_a+1, :] = 0.0
if on_x_2:
x_f[i] = pad(x_2[max(0, i - b_a):i + b_a + 1].flatten(),
(max(0, (b_a - i) * x.shape[1]),
max(0, ((i+b_a+1) - x.shape[0]) * x.shape[1])),
'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
x_f[i] = pad(x[max(0, i - b_a):i + b_a + 1].flatten(),
(max(0, (b_a - i) * x.shape[1]),
max(0, ((i+b_a+1) - x.shape[0]) * x.shape[1])),
'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
return x_f
示例4: paddingAnswers
def paddingAnswers(answerSheet1, blankSheet1):
numRowsA, numColsA, numBandsA, dataTypeA = ipcv.dimensions(answerSheet1)
numRowsB, numColsB, numBandsB, dataTypeB = ipcv.dimensions(blankSheet1)
print numRowsB, numColsB
if numBandsA == 3:
answerSheet = cv2.cvtColor(answerSheet1, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
elif numBandsA == 1:
answerSheet = answerSheet1
if numBandsB == 3:
blankSheet = cv2.cvtColor(blankSheet1, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
elif numBandsB == 1:
blankSheet = blankSheet1
pad = numpy.absolute(numRowsA - numColsA)/2.0
maxCount = numpy.max(blankSheet)
if (numRowsA-numColsA) % 2 != 0:
answerSheet = numpy.pad(answerSheet, ((0,0),(pad,pad+1)), 'constant', constant_values=((maxCount, maxCount),(maxCount,maxCount)))
elif (numRowsA-numColsA) % 2 == 0:
answerSheet = numpy.pad(answerSheet, ((0,0),(pad,pad)), 'constant', constant_values=((maxCount, maxCount),(maxCount,maxCount)))
pad1 = numpy.absolute(numRowsB - numColsB)/2.0
maxCount = numpy.max(blankSheet)
if (numRowsB-numColsB) % 2 != 0:
blankSheet = numpy.pad(blankSheet, ((0,0),(pad1,pad1+1)), 'constant', constant_values=((maxCount, maxCount),(maxCount,maxCount)))
elif (numRowsA-numColsA) % 2 == 0:
blankSheet = numpy.pad(blankSheet, ((0,0),(pad1,pad1)), 'constant', constant_values=((maxCount, maxCount),(maxCount,maxCount)))
return answerSheet, blankSheet
示例5: tile_images_make_tiles
def tile_images_make_tiles(data, padsize=1, padval=0, width=None, highlights = None):
height,width = get_tiles_height_width(data.shape[0], desired_width = width)
# Old one-way padding, no highlights
#padding = ((0, width*height - data.shape[0]), (0, padsize), (0, padsize)) + ((0, 0),) * (data.ndim - 3)
#data = np.pad(data, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=(padval, padval))
# New two-way padding with highlights
#padding = ((0, width*height - data.shape[0]), (padsize, padsize), (padsize, padsize)) + ((0, 0),) * (data.ndim - 3)
#print 'tile_images: data min,max =', data.min(), data.max()
#padder = SmartPadder()
##data = np.pad(data, padding, mode=jy_pad_fn)
#data = np.pad(data, padding, mode=padder.pad_function)
#print 'padder.calls =', padder.calls
# New new way, two-way padding with highlights
if highlights is not None:
assert len(highlights) == data.shape[0]
padding = ((0, width*height - data.shape[0]), (padsize, padsize), (padsize, padsize)) + ((0, 0),) * (data.ndim - 3)
# First pad with constant vals
padval = tuple((padval,))
assert len(padval) in (1,3), 'padval should be grayscale (len 1) or color (len 3)'
if len(padval) == 1:
data = np.pad(data, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=(padval, padval))
data = np.pad(data, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
for cc in (0,1,2):
# Replace 0s with proper color in each channel
data[:padding[0][0], :, :, cc] = padval[cc]
if padding[0][1] > 0:
data[-padding[0][1]:, :, :, cc] = padval[cc]
data[:, :padding[1][0], :, cc] = padval[cc]
if padding[1][1] > 0:
data[:, -padding[1][1]:, :, cc] = padval[cc]
data[:, :, :padding[2][0], cc] = padval[cc]
if padding[2][1] > 0:
data[:, :, -padding[2][1]:, cc] = padval[cc]
if highlights is not None:
# Then highlight if necessary
for ii,highlight in enumerate(highlights):
if highlight is not None:
data[ii,:padding[1][0],:,:] = highlight
if padding[1][1] > 0:
data[ii,-padding[1][1]:,:,:] = highlight
data[ii,:,:padding[2][0],:] = highlight
if padding[2][1] > 0:
data[ii,:,-padding[2][1]:,:] = highlight
# tile the filters into an image
data = data.reshape((height, width) + data.shape[1:]).transpose((0, 2, 1, 3) + tuple(range(4, data.ndim + 1)))
data = data.reshape((height * data.shape[1], width * data.shape[3]) + data.shape[4:])
data = data[0:-padsize, 0:-padsize] # remove excess padding
return (height,width), data
示例6: conv_backward_naive
def conv_backward_naive(dout, cache):
A naive implementation of the backward pass for a convolutional layer.
- dout: Upstream derivatives.
- cache: A tuple of (x, w, b, conv_param) as in conv_forward_naive
Returns a tuple of:
- dx: Gradient with respect to x
- dw: Gradient with respect to w
- db: Gradient with respect to b
# Setting up
x, w, b, conv_param = cache
dx = np.zeros_like(x)
dw = np.zeros_like(w)
db = np.zeros_like(b)
stride = conv_param['stride']
pad = conv_param['pad']
N, C, H, W = x.shape
F, _, HH, WW = w.shape
h_out = 1 + (H + 2 * pad - HH) / stride
w_out = 1 + (W + 2 * pad - WW) / stride
# TODO: Implement the convolutional backward pass. #
# Padding x and dx
x_padded = np.pad(x, [(0, 0), (0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)], mode='constant')
dx_padded = np.pad(dx, [(0, 0), (0, 0), (pad, pad), (pad, pad)], mode='constant')
# Do the convolutions
# For every image, pass it through the filter and update the output
for image in range(N):
for filter in range(F):
# Then, do the convolutions in over H and W
for height in xrange(h_out):
end_point_height = height * stride
for width in xrange(w_out):
end_point_width = width * stride
# Make the convolution window
conv_window = x_padded[image, :, end_point_height:end_point_height + HH,
end_point_width:end_point_width + WW]
# And update the derivatives
db[filter] += dout[image, filter, height, width]
dw[filter] += conv_window * dout[image, filter, height, width]
# Update DX at the convolution window
dx_padded[image, :, end_point_height:end_point_height + HH, end_point_width:end_point_width + WW] += \
w[filter] * \
dout[image, filter, height, width]
# And remove the padding
dx = dx_padded[:, :, pad:pad + H, pad:pad + W]
return dx, dw, db
示例7: deepflow2
def deepflow2( im1=None, im2=None, match=None, options=""):
flow = deepflow2.deepflow2(image1, image2, match=None, options='')
Compute the flow between two images, eventually using given matches.
Images must be HxWx3 numpy arrays (convert to float32).
Match is an optional numpy array argument (None by default, ie no input match), where each row starts by x1 y1 x2 y2.
Options is an optional string argument ('' by default), to set the options. Type deepflow2() to see the list of available options.
The function returns the optical flow as a HxWx2 numpy array."""
#convert images
if None in (im1,im2):
assert im1.shape == im2.shape, "images must have the same shape"
if im1.dtype != float32:
im1 = im1.astype(float32)
if im2.dtype != float32:
im2 = im2.astype(float32)
h, w, nchannels = im1.shape
assert nchannels==3, "images must have 3 channels"
stride = 4*((w+3)//4)
im1 = pad( rollaxis(im1,2), ((0,0),(0,0),(0, stride-w)), 'constant')
im2 = pad( rollaxis(im2,2), ((0,0),(0,0),(0, stride-w)), 'constant')
# allocate flow
flowx = empty((h,stride), dtype=float32)
flowy = empty((h,stride), dtype=float32)
# compute flow
if match is not None:
assert match.shape[1]>=4
match = ascontiguousarray(match[:,:4], dtype=float32)
deepflow2_numpy( w, flowx, flowy, im1, im2, match, options)
return concatenate ( (flowx[:,:w,None], flowy[:,:w,None]), axis=2)
示例8: local_pad
def local_pad(x): # TODO replace with pad global function
if nf <= 1:
return x
if self._margin:
ma = self._margin
ba = (nf - 1) / 2 # before/after
if x.shape[0] - 2*ma <= 0:
print "shape[0]:", x.shape[0]
print "ma:", ma
if x.shape[1] * nf <= 0:
print "shape[1]:", x.shape[1]
print "nf:", nf
ret = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0] - 2 * ma, x.shape[1] * nf),
if ba <= ma:
for j in xrange(ret.shape[0]):
ret[j] = x[j:j + 2*ma + 1].flatten()
for j in xrange(ret.shape[0]):
ret[j] = numpy.pad(x[max(0, j - ba):j + ba +1].flatten(),
(max(0, (ba - j) * x.shape[1]),
max(0, ((j + ba + 1) - x.shape[0]) * x.shape[1])),
'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
return ret
ret = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1] * nf),
ba = (nf - 1) / 2 # before/after
for j in xrange(x.shape[0]):
ret[j] = numpy.pad(x[max(0, j - ba):j + ba +1].flatten(),
(max(0, (ba - j) * x.shape[1]),
max(0, ((j + ba + 1) - x.shape[0]) * x.shape[1])),
'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
return ret
示例9: _fixOddKernel
def _fixOddKernel(kernel):
"""Take a kernel with odd dimensions and make them even for FFT
kernel : `numpy.array`
a numpy.array
out : `numpy.array`
a fixed kernel numpy.array. Returns a copy if the dimensions needed to change;
otherwise just return the input kernel.
# Note this works best for the FFT if we left-pad
out = kernel
changed = False
if (out.shape[0] % 2) == 1:
out = np.pad(out, ((1, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant')
changed = True
if (out.shape[1] % 2) == 1:
out = np.pad(out, ((0, 0), (1, 0)), mode='constant')
changed = True
if changed:
out *= (np.mean(kernel) / np.mean(out)) # need to re-scale to same mean for FFT
return out
示例10: treatArray
def treatArray(data):
if border_mode == 'keep':
return data
if n_dim == 3:
sh = (data.shape[0], ) + data.shape[2:] # exclude channel (z,x,y)
sh = data.shape[2:] # (x,y)
if border_mode == 'crop':
excess = map(lambda x: int((x[0] - x[1]) // 2), zip(sh, ps))
if n_dim == 3:
data = data[excess[0]:excess[0] + ps[0], :, excess[1]:excess[1] + ps[1], excess[2]:excess[2] + ps[2]]
elif n_dim == 2:
data = data[:, :, excess[0]:excess[0] + ps[0], excess[1]: excess[1] + ps[1]]
excess_l = map(lambda x: int(np.ceil(float(x[0] - x[1]) / 2)), zip(ps, sh))
excess_r = map(lambda x: int(np.floor(float(x[0] - x[1]) / 2)), zip(ps, sh))
if n_dim == 3:
pad_with = [(excess_l[0], excess_r[0]), (0, 0), (excess_l[1], excess_r[1]), (excess_l[2], excess_r[2])]
pad_with = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (excess_l[0], excess_r[0]), (excess_l[1], excess_r[1])]
if border_mode == 'mirror':
data = np.pad(data, pad_with, mode='symmetric')
if border_mode == '0-pad':
data = np.pad(data, pad_with, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
return data
示例11: test_find_center_vo_with_downsampling
def test_find_center_vo_with_downsampling(self):
sim = read_file('sinogram.npy')
sim, ((1000, 1000), (0, 0), (1000, 1000)),
mode="constant", constant_values=0)
cen = find_center_vo(sim)
assert_allclose(cen, 45.28, rtol=0.015)
示例12: __init__
def __init__(self, G_list, max_num_nodes, features='id'):
self.max_num_nodes = max_num_nodes
self.adj_all = []
self.len_all = []
self.feature_all = []
for G in G_list:
adj = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
# the diagonal entries are 1 since they denote node probability
np.asarray(adj) + np.identity(G.number_of_nodes()))
if features == 'id':
elif features == 'deg':
degs = np.sum(np.array(adj), 1)
degs = np.expand_dims(np.pad(degs, [0, max_num_nodes - G.number_of_nodes()], 0),
elif features == 'struct':
degs = np.sum(np.array(adj), 1)
degs = np.expand_dims(np.pad(degs, [0, max_num_nodes - G.number_of_nodes()],
clusterings = np.array(list(nx.clustering(G).values()))
clusterings = np.expand_dims(np.pad(clusterings,
[0, max_num_nodes - G.number_of_nodes()],
self.feature_all.append(np.hstack([degs, clusterings]))
示例13: calcgrad
def calcgrad(i):
combo1=32*np.array( first >= second, dtype=int)
combo2=16*np.array( first >= third, dtype=int)
combo3=8*np.array( first >= fourth, dtype=int)
combo4=4*np.array( second >= third, dtype=int)
combo5=2*np.array( second >= fourth, dtype=int)
combo6=np.array( third >= fourth, dtype=int)
return ldgp
示例14: cross_correlation
def cross_correlation(x, y, maxlag):
Cross correlation with a maximum number of lags.
`x` and `y` must be one-dimensional numpy arrays with the same length.
This computes the same result as
numpy.correlate(x, y, mode='full')[len(a)-maxlag-1:len(a)+maxlag]
The return vaue has length 2*maxlag + 1.
Author: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30677241
Warren Weckesser
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
def _check_arg(x, xname):
x = np.asarray(x)
if x.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('%s must be one-dimensional.' % xname)
return x
x = _check_arg(x, 'x')
y = _check_arg(y, 'y')
py = np.pad(y.conj(), 2*maxlag, mode='constant')
T = as_strided(py[2*maxlag:], shape=(2*maxlag+1, len(y) + 2*maxlag),
strides=(-py.strides[0], py.strides[0]))
px = np.pad(x, maxlag, mode='constant')
return T.dot(px)
示例15: zero_padding
def zero_padding():
samples = 77
rec_period = 4
sampling_rate = samples/rec_period
time = np.linspace(0, rec_period, samples)
sin = np.sin(time*3.75*np.pi)
win = np.hanning(len(sin))
pad_count = 23
padded_sin = np.pad(sin, (0,pad_count), 'constant')
fft = np.fft.rfft(sin)
fft_padded = np.fft.rfft(padded_sin)
bins = (np.fft.rfftfreq(len(sin))*sampling_rate)[1:]
plt.plot(time, sin)
plt.plot(bins, (np.abs(fft))[1:]*2/samples, "o")
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (samples+pad_count)*rec_period/float(samples), samples+pad_count), padded_sin)
plt.plot((np.fft.rfftfreq(len(padded_sin))*sampling_rate)[1:], (np.abs(fft_padded))[1:]*2/samples, "o")
padded_sin_win = np.pad(sin*win, (0, pad_count), 'constant')
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, (samples+pad_count)*rec_period/float(samples), samples+pad_count), padded_sin_win)
plt.plot((np.fft.rfftfreq(len(padded_sin_win))*sampling_rate)[1:], np.abs(np.fft.rfft(padded_sin_win))[1:]*2/samples, "o")
matplotlib2tikz.save( 'myfile.tikz' )