本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.logical_xor函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python logical_xor函数的具体用法?Python logical_xor怎么用?Python logical_xor使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: hemi_merge
def hemi_merge(self, meth='single', weight=None):
meth : 'single' or 'both'.single, keep roi which appear in a single hemisphere;
both, only keep roi which appear in both hemisphere
weight: weight for each roi, n_subj x n_roi np.array
if self.type is 'scalar':
self.roi_name = [self.roi_name[i] for i in np.arange(0, len(self.roi_name), 2)]
odd_f = np.arange(0, len(self.feat_name), 2)
self.feat_name = [self.feat_name[i] for i in odd_f]
if weight is None:
weight = np.ones(self.meas.shape)
weight[np.isnan(self.meas)] = 0
weight = np.repeat(weight, self.meas.shape[1]/weight.shape[1], axis=1)
if meth is 'single':
for f in odd_f:
meas = self.meas[:, f:f+2]
bool_nan = np.isnan(self.meas)
index = np.logical_xor(bool_nan[:, 0], bool_nan[:, 1])
value = np.where(np.isnan(meas[index, 0]), meas[index, 1], meas[index, 0])
meas[index, :] = np.repeat(value[..., np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
elif meth is 'both':
odd_meas = self.meas[:, odd_f] * weight[:, odd_f]
even_meas = self.meas[:, odd_f+1] * weight[:, odd_f+1]
self.meas = (odd_meas + even_meas)/(weight[:, odd_f] + weight[:, odd_f+1])
self.roi_name = [self.roi_name[i] for i in np.arange(0, len(self.roi_name), 2)]
n_subj, n_feat = self.meas.shape
meas = np.reshape(self.meas, (n_subj, -1, 3))
odd_f = np.arange(0, meas.shape[1], 2)
f_index = []
for i in np.arange(0, meas.shape[1], 2):
for j in [0, 1, 2]:
self.feat_name = [self.feat_name[i] for i in f_index]
if meth is 'single':
for f in odd_f:
f_meas = meas[:, f:f+2, :]
bool_nan = np.isnan(np.prod(f_meas, axis=2))
index = np.logical_xor(bool_nan[:, 0], bool_nan[:, 1])
value = np.where(np.isnan(f_meas[index, 0, :]), f_meas[index, 1, :], f_meas[index, 0, :])
meas[index, f:f+2, :] = np.repeat(value[:, np.newaxis, :], 2, axis=1)
meas[:, odd_f+1, 0] = -meas[:, odd_f+1, 0]
elif meth is 'both':
meas[:, odd_f+1, 0] = -meas[:, odd_f+1, 0]
self.meas = np.reshape((meas[:, odd_f, :] + meas[:, odd_f+1, :])/2, (n_subj, -1))
示例2: calc_link_dis
def calc_link_dis(base_side, side1, side2):
# print base_side.shape, side1.shape, side2.shape
ans = np.zeros_like(base_side, dtype=np.float)
mask = np.ones_like(base_side, dtype=np.bool)
#point on the link
mask_on_line = np.logical_and(base_side == side1+side2, mask)
mask = np.logical_xor(mask, mask_on_line)
ans[mask_on_line] = 0
#the adjaceny points on the link is overlapped
mask_point = np.logical_and(base_side < 1e-10, mask)
mask = np.logical_xor(mask, mask_point)
ans[mask_point] = side1[mask_point]
side1_sqr = side1 * side1
side2_sqr = side2 * side2
base_side_sqr = base_side * base_side
#obtuse case 1
mask_obtuse1 = np.logical_and(side1_sqr > base_side_sqr + side2_sqr, mask)
mask = np.logical_xor(mask, mask_obtuse1)
ans[mask_obtuse1] = side2[mask_obtuse1]
#obtuse case 2
mask_obtuse2 = np.logical_and(side2_sqr > base_side_sqr + side1_sqr, mask)
mask = np.logical_xor(mask, mask_obtuse2)
ans[mask_obtuse2] = side1[mask_obtuse2]
#compute height by Heron's formula
half_p = (base_side[mask] + side1[mask] + side2[mask]) * 0.5 # half perimeter
area = np.sqrt(half_p * (half_p - side1[mask]) * (half_p - side2[mask]) * (half_p - base_side[mask]))
ans[mask] = 2 * area / base_side[mask]
return ans
示例3: pre_compute_threshes_uci
def pre_compute_threshes_uci(features, label, threshes):
:param features:
:param label:
:param threshes:
threshes_cheatsheet = []
n, dim = np.shape(features)
label_plus_one = np.array(label) + 1
n_ones = np.ones((1, n))[0]
for i in range(dim):
cur_f = np.array([x[i] for x in features])
# sorted(cur_f, key= lambda x: x[0])
c_cs = []
if threshes[i][0]:
# discrete feature
for t in threshes[i][1]:
cur_r = cur_f - t
cur_r = np.logical_xor(cur_r, n_ones)
cur_r = np.logical_xor(cur_r, label_plus_one)
# w_err = np.dot(cur_r, d)
# continuous feature
for t in threshes[i][1]:
cur_r = np.sign(cur_f - t) + 1
cur_r = np.logical_xor(cur_r, label_plus_one)
# w_err = np.dot(cur_r, d)
# n_err = np.dot(cur_r, n_ones)
return threshes_cheatsheet
示例4: export
def export(): # type: () -> None
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
inputs=['x', 'y'],
# 2d
x = (np.random.randn(3, 4) > 0).astype(np.bool)
y = (np.random.randn(3, 4) > 0).astype(np.bool)
z = np.logical_xor(x, y)
expect(node, inputs=[x, y], outputs=[z],
# 3d
x = (np.random.randn(3, 4, 5) > 0).astype(np.bool)
y = (np.random.randn(3, 4, 5) > 0).astype(np.bool)
z = np.logical_xor(x, y)
expect(node, inputs=[x, y], outputs=[z],
# 4d
x = (np.random.randn(3, 4, 5, 6) > 0).astype(np.bool)
y = (np.random.randn(3, 4, 5, 6) > 0).astype(np.bool)
z = np.logical_xor(x, y)
expect(node, inputs=[x, y], outputs=[z],
示例5: get_land_mask
def get_land_mask(self, points):
'''Get a landmask respecting lakes, and ponds in island in lake
as water
:param points: List of lat, lon pairs
:type points: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape Nx2
:return: Boolean land mask
:rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape N
lats = points[:, 0]
lons = points[:, 1]
west, east, south, north = (lons.min(), lons.max(),
lats.min(), lats.max())
relevant_polygons = self.get_polygons_within(west, east, south, north)
mask = num.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=num.bool)
for p in relevant_polygons:
if (p.is_land() or p.is_antarctic_grounding_line() or
mask += p.contains_points(points)
elif p.is_lake() or p.is_pond_in_island_in_lake():
water = p.contains_points(points)
num.logical_xor(mask, water, out=mask)
return mask
示例6: score
def score(filename):
Score individual image files for the genetic algorithm.
The idea is to derive predictive factors for the langmuir performance
(i.e., max power) based on the connectivity, phase fractions, domain sizes,
etc. The scoring function should be based on multivariate fits from a database
of existing simulations. To ensure good results, use robust regression techniques
and cross-validate the best-fit.
:param filename: image file name
:type filename: str
:return score (ideally as an estimated maximum power in W/(m^2))
:rtype float
# this works around a weird bug in scipy.misc.imread with 1-bit images
# open them with PIL as 8-bit greyscale "L" and then convert to ndimage
pil_img = Image.open(filename)
image = misc.fromimage(pil_img.convert("L"))
width, height = image.shape
if width != 256 or height != 256:
print "Size Error: ", filename
# isize = analyze.interface_size(image)
ads1, std1 = analyze.average_domain_size(image)
# we now need to invert the image to get the second domain size
inverted = (image < image.mean())
ads2, std2 = analyze.average_domain_size(inverted)
#overall average domain size
ads = (ads1 + ads2) / 2.0
# transfer distances
# connectivity
td1, connect1, td2, connect2 = analyze.transfer_distance(image)
spots = np.logical_xor(image,
ndimage.binary_erosion(image, structure=np.ones((2,2))))
erosion = np.count_nonzero(spots)
spots = np.logical_xor(image,
ndimage.binary_dilation(image, structure=np.ones((2,2))))
dilation = np.count_nonzero(spots)
# fraction of phase one
nonzero = np.count_nonzero(image)
fraction = float(nonzero) / float(image.size)
# scores zero at 0, 1 and maximum at 0.5
ps = fraction*(1.0-fraction)
# from simulations with multivariate nonlinear regression
return (-1.98566e8) + (-1650.14)/ads + (-680.92)*math.pow(ads,0.25) + \
1.56236e7*math.tanh(14.5*(connect1 + 0.4)) + 1.82945e8*math.tanh(14.5*(connect2 + 0.4)) \
+ 2231.32*connect1*connect2 \
+ (-4.72813)*td1 + (-4.86025)*td2 \
+ 3.79109e7*ps**8 \
+ 0.0540293*dilation + 0.0700451*erosion
示例7: render_points_as_image
def render_points_as_image(self,points,bounds,resolution):
Polygon data: a list of coordinates of points that
define the corners of a polygon
Bounds: The top right hand corner of the square inside which all
of the points in the polygon data will fit (x,x) (these are technically
coordinates, but they should be the same for the sake of squares)
Resolution: The resolution of the output image; a single number,
all output images are square
Output: a black and white image (stored as a matrix of Booleans)."""
output_image = np.zeros((resolution,resolution), dtype=bool)
step_size = bounds[1] * 2.0 / resolution
#Tack the first point onto the end, to make looping through
#adjacent pairs of points easier
points = np.append(points,[points[0]],axis = 0)
#Make sure all points are positive
points = points + bounds[1]
#Scale the points so rounding them to whole numbers will place
#them within the output resolution
points = points / step_size
#Round the points to prevent future rounding errors
points = np.floor(points)
for i in range(len(points)-1):
#For each pair of points
p1 = points[i]
p2 = points[i+1]
#Calculate the slope
slope = (p2[1]-p1[1])/(p2[0]-p1[0])
#Then for each step (of 1) in the y-direction from p1 to p2
for y_step in range(int(np.abs(p2[1]-p1[1]))):
if slope:
if p2[1] > p1[1]:
#Find which x value corresponds to the new y value (using the slope)
new_y = int(p1[1] + y_step)
new_x = int(p1[0] + y_step/slope)
new_y = int(p1[1] - y_step)
new_x = int(p1[0] - y_step/slope)
#Then invert every pixel to the left of the new point.
#This very nicely fills in the shape, regardless of concavity/convexity.
output_image[-new_y][0:new_x] = np.logical_xor(True,output_image[-new_y][0:new_x])
for point in points[:-1]:
#The above algorithm consistently leaves a couple corners with lines not inverted correctly
#This for loop fixes that with only a small increase in runtime
if output_image[-point[1]][0]:
output_image[-point[1]][0:point[0]] = np.logical_xor(True,output_image[-point[1]][0:point[0]])
return output_image
示例8: intersect
def intersect(a, b, c, d) :
a = np.array(a)
b = np.array(b)
c = np.array(c)
d = np.array(d)
def ccw(a, b, c) :
cross = (a[0, :]-b[0, :])*(c[1, :]-b[1, :])
cross -= (a[1, :]-b[1, :])*(c[0, :]-b[0, :])
return cross > 0
c1 = np.logical_xor(ccw(a, b, c), ccw(a, b, d))
c2 = np.logical_xor(ccw(c, d, a), ccw(c, d, b))
return np.logical_and(c1, c2)
示例9: chk_c
def chk_c(arr):
for sw in range(0,arr.size):
for it in range(0,arr.size):
if np.logical_xor(xr,arr[it])==True:
示例10: shape_symmetry
def shape_symmetry(image, center, major_axis, attrs={}, debug=False):
# pad to make image center coincide with symmetry center
lesion_mask, _ = pad_for_rotation(image[..., 3], center)
rotated = rotate(lesion_mask, 90-major_axis.angle)
flipped = rotated[:,::-1]
diff = np.logical_xor(rotated, flipped)
pixels_diff = diff.sum() / 2.
major_ratio = pixels_diff / rotated.sum()
if debug:
print """\
==== Shape Symmetry ====
--- Major Axis ---
num of pixels : %d
shape sym ratio : %.3f
""" % (pixels_diff, major_ratio)
rotated = rotate(lesion_mask, 180-major_axis.angle)
flipped = rotated[:,::-1]
diff = np.logical_xor(rotated, flipped)
pixels_diff = diff.sum() / 2.
minor_ratio = pixels_diff / rotated.sum()
if debug:
print """\
--- Minor Axis ---
num of pixels : %d
shape sym ratio : %.3f
""" % (pixels_diff, minor_ratio)
('Shape Asymmetry Major Ratio', major_ratio),
('Shape Asymmetry Minor Ratio', minor_ratio),
('--Shape Asymmetry Score', (major_ratio > 0.13)*1 + (minor_ratio > 0.15)*1),
示例11: black_tophat
def black_tophat(image, selem=None, out=None):
"""Return black top hat of an image.
The black top hat of an image is defined as its morphological closing minus
the original image. This operation returns the dark spots of the image that
are smaller than the structuring element. Note that dark spots in the
original image are bright spots after the black top hat.
image : ndarray
Image array.
selem : ndarray, optional
The neighborhood expressed as a 2-D array of 1's and 0's.
If None, use cross-shaped structuring element (connectivity=1).
out : ndarray, optional
The array to store the result of the morphology. If None
is passed, a new array will be allocated.
out : array, same shape and type as `image`
The result of the morphological black top hat.
>>> # Change dark peak to bright peak and subtract background
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from skimage.morphology import square
>>> dark_on_grey = np.array([[7, 6, 6, 6, 7],
... [6, 5, 4, 5, 6],
... [6, 4, 0, 4, 6],
... [6, 5, 4, 5, 6],
... [7, 6, 6, 6, 7]], dtype=np.uint8)
>>> black_tophat(dark_on_grey, square(3))
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 5, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint8)
if out is image:
original = image.copy()
original = image
out = closing(image, selem, out=out)
if np.issubdtype(out.dtype, np.bool_):
np.logical_xor(out, original, out=out)
out -= original
return out
示例12: _select_coords
def _select_coords(self, coords, prm):
Refinement of QuadricGM._select_coords; we want to choose the correct
intersection point for a set of rays and our *truncated* quadric cone
coords - a 2 by 3 by n array whose each column is the global coordinates
of one intersection point of a ray with the surface.
prm - a 2 by n array (CHECK THIS) giving the parametric location on the
ray where the intersection occurs.
The index of the selected intersection, or None if neither will do.
select = N.empty(prm.shape[1])
# Projects the hit coordinates in a local frame on the z axis.
height = N.sum(N.linalg.inv(self._working_frame)[None,2,:,None]*N.concatenate((coords, N.ones((2,1,coords.shape[-1]))), axis=1), axis=1)
# Checks if the local_z-projected hit coords are in the actual height of the furstum
# and if the parameter is positive so that the ray goes ahead.
inside = (self.z1 <= height) & (height <= self.z2)
positive = prm > 1e-10
hitting = inside & positive
# Choses between the two intersections offered by the surface.
select[N.logical_and(*hitting)] = 1
one_hitting = N.logical_xor(*hitting)
select[one_hitting] = N.nonzero(hitting.T[one_hitting,:])[1]
return select
示例13: encodeMask
def encodeMask(M):
Encode binary mask M using run-length encoding.
:param M (bool 2D array) : binary mask to encode
:return: R (object RLE) : run-length encoding of binary mask
[h, w] = M.shape
M = M.flatten(order='F')
N = len(M)
counts_list = []
pos = 0
# counts
diffs = np.logical_xor(M[0:N-1], M[1:N])
for diff in diffs:
if diff:
pos +=1
counts_list[pos] += 1
# if array starts from 1. start with 0 counts for 0
if M[0] == 1:
counts_list = [0] + counts_list
return {'size': [h, w],
'counts': counts_list ,
示例14: _shift2boolean
def _shift2boolean(self,
Tolerance is used to judge zero/half gird shift.
This value is not necessary to be changed usually.
if q_mesh_shift is None:
shift = np.zeros(3, dtype='double')
shift = np.array(q_mesh_shift, dtype='double')
diffby2 = np.abs(shift * 2 - np.rint(shift * 2))
if (diffby2 < 0.01).all(): # zero/half shift
if is_gamma_center:
is_shift = [0, 0, 0]
else: # Monkhorst-pack
diff = np.abs(shift - np.rint(shift))
is_shift = list(np.logical_xor((diff > 0.1),
(self._mesh % 2 == 0)) * 1)
is_shift = None
return is_shift
示例15: _support_recovery_norm
def _support_recovery_norm(self, X_test, relative=False):
""" accuracy related error pseudo-norm
X_test : positive-definite, symmetric numpy.ndarray of shape (p, p)
the target precision matrix
relative: boolean
whether the error is given as a percentage or as an absolute
number of counts
ell0 pseudo-norm between X_test and the estimator
if relative:
p = X_test.shape[0]
c = p * (p - 1)
c = 2.
return np.sum(np.logical_xor(
np.abs(self.auxiliary_prec_) > machine_eps(0),
np.abs(X_test) > machine_eps(0))) / c