本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.lexsort函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python lexsort函数的具体用法?Python lexsort怎么用?Python lexsort使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: VtuMatchLocationsArbitrary
def VtuMatchLocationsArbitrary(vtu1, vtu2, tolerance=1.0e-6):
Check that the locations in the supplied vtus match, returning True if they
match and False otherwise.
The locations may be in a different order.
locations1 = vtu1.GetLocations()
locations2 = vtu2.GetLocations()
if not locations1.shape == locations2.shape:
return False
epsilon = numpy.ones(locations1.shape[1]) * numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps
for j in range(locations1.shape[1]):
epsilon[j] = epsilon[j] * (locations1[:, j].max() - locations1[:, j].min())
for i in range(len(locations1)):
for j in range(len(locations1[i])):
if abs(locations1[i][j]) < epsilon[j]:
locations1[i][j] = 0.0
if abs(locations2[i][j]) < epsilon[j]:
locations2[i][j] = 0.0
# lexical sort on x,y and z coordinates resp. of locations1 and locations2
sort_index1 = numpy.lexsort(locations1.T)
sort_index2 = numpy.lexsort(locations2.T)
# should now be in same order, so we can check for its biggest difference
return abs(locations1[sort_index1] - locations2[sort_index2]).max() < tolerance
示例2: test_sort_index_multicolumn
def test_sort_index_multicolumn(self):
import random
A = np.arange(5).repeat(20)
B = np.tile(np.arange(5), 20)
frame = DataFrame({'A': A, 'B': B,
'C': np.random.randn(100)})
# use .sort_values #9816
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
frame.sort_index(by=['A', 'B'])
result = frame.sort_values(by=['A', 'B'])
indexer = np.lexsort((frame['B'], frame['A']))
expected = frame.take(indexer)
assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
# use .sort_values #9816
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
frame.sort_index(by=['A', 'B'], ascending=False)
result = frame.sort_values(by=['A', 'B'], ascending=False)
indexer = np.lexsort((frame['B'].rank(ascending=False),
expected = frame.take(indexer)
assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
# use .sort_values #9816
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
frame.sort_index(by=['B', 'A'])
result = frame.sort_values(by=['B', 'A'])
indexer = np.lexsort((frame['A'], frame['B']))
expected = frame.take(indexer)
assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
示例3: test_cutting_plane_selector
def test_cutting_plane_selector():
# generate fake data with a number of non-cubical grids
ds = fake_random_ds(64, nprocs=51)
assert all(ds.periodicity)
# test cutting plane against orthogonal plane
for i, d in enumerate("xyz"):
norm = np.zeros(3)
norm[i] = 1.0
for coord in np.arange(0, 1.0, 0.1):
center = np.zeros(3)
center[i] = coord
data = ds.slice(i, coord)
data2 = ds.cutting(norm, center)
assert data.shape[0] == data2.shape[0]
cells1 = np.lexsort((data["x"], data["y"], data["z"]))
cells2 = np.lexsort((data2["x"], data2["y"], data2["z"]))
for d2 in "xyz":
yield assert_equal, data[d2][cells1], data2[d2][cells2]
示例4: negative_gradient
def negative_gradient(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_group=None, **kargs):
y_pred = y_pred.ravel()
# the lambda terms
grad = np.empty_like(y_true, dtype=np.float64)
# for updating terminal regions
self.weights = np.empty_like(y_true, dtype=np.float64)
if sample_group is None:
ix = np.lexsort((y_true, -y_pred))
inv_ix = np.empty_like(ix)
inv_ix[ix] = np.arange(len(ix))
tmp_grad, tmp_weights = _lambda(y_true[ix], y_pred[ix],
grad = tmp_grad[inv_ix]
self.weights = tmp_weights[inv_ix]
for start, end in self._groupby(sample_group):
ix = np.lexsort((y_true[start:end], -y_pred[start:end]))
inv_ix = np.empty_like(ix)
inv_ix[ix] = np.arange(len(ix))
# sort by current score before passing
# and then remap the return values
tmp_grad, tmp_weights = _lambda(y_true[ix + start],
y_pred[ix + start],
grad[start:end] = tmp_grad[inv_ix]
self.weights[start:end] = tmp_weights[inv_ix]
return grad
示例5: preCompute
def preCompute(rowBased_row_array,rowBased_col_array,S_rowBased_data_array):
format affinity/similarity matrix
# Get parameters
if row_indptr[-1]!=data_len: row_indptr=np.concatenate((row_indptr,np.array([data_len])))
if col_indptr[-1]!=data_len: col_indptr=np.concatenate((col_indptr,np.array([data_len])))
#Initialize matrix A, R
#Add random samll value to remove degeneracies
#Convert row_to_col_ind_arr/col_to_row_ind_arr data type to np.int datatype so it is compatible with cython code
return S_rowBased_data_array, A_rowbased_data_array, R_rowbased_data_array,col_indptr,row_indptr,row_to_col_ind_arr,col_to_row_ind_arr,kk_col_index
示例6: set_sort_col
def set_sort_col(self, col_index, add=False):
'''Set the column to sort this table by. If add is true, this column
will be added to the end of the existing sort order (or removed from the
sort order if it is already present.)
if not add:
if len(self.sortcols)>0 and col_index in self.sortcols:
# If this column is already sorted, flip it
self.row_order = self.row_order[::-1]
self.sortdir = -self.sortdir
self.sortdir = 1
self.sortcols = [col_index]
# If this column hasn't been sorted yet, then sort descending
self.row_order = np.lexsort(self.data[:,self.col_order][:,self.sortcols[::-1]].T.tolist())
if len(self.sortcols)>0 and col_index in self.sortcols:
self.sortcols += [col_index]
if self.sortcols==[]:
# if all sort columns have been toggled off, reset row_order
self.row_order = np.arange(self.data.shape[0])
self.row_order = np.lexsort(self.data[:,self.sortcols[::-1]].T.tolist())
self.ordered_data = self.data[self.row_order,:][:,self.col_order]
示例7: fullCheck
def fullCheck(self,a):
# Check that atoms repeats over a
bp1, bp2, bp3 = self.bp1, self.bp2, self.bp3
atomtypes = N.unique(self.snr)
passed = True
for atomtype in atomtypes:
sameatoms = N.argwhere(self.snr==atomtype)
samexyz = self.xyz[sameatoms]
samexyz = samexyz.reshape((-1, 3))
shifted = samexyz+a.reshape((1,3))
# Move inside PBC
samexyz = moveIntoCell(samexyz,self.pbc[0,:],self.pbc[1,:],self.pbc[2,:],self.accuracy)
shifted = moveIntoCell(shifted,self.pbc[0,:],self.pbc[1,:],self.pbc[2,:],self.accuracy)
# Should be the same if sorted!
ipiv = N.lexsort(N.round(N.transpose(samexyz)/self.accuracy))
samexyz = samexyz[ipiv,:]
ipiv = N.lexsort(N.round(N.transpose(shifted)/self.accuracy))
shifted = shifted[ipiv,:]
if not N.allclose(samexyz,shifted,atol=self.accuracy):
passed = False
return passed
示例8: loc_vector_labels
def loc_vector_labels(x):
"""Identify unique labels from the vector of image labels
x - a vector of one label or dose per image
returns labels, labnum, uniqsortvals
labels - a vector giving an ordinal per image where that ordinal
is an index into the vector of unique labels (uniqsortvals)
labnum - # of unique labels in x
uniqsortvals - a vector containing the unique labels in x
# Get the index of each image's label in the sorted array
order = np.lexsort((x,))
reverse_order = np.lexsort((order,))
# Get a sorted view of the labels
sorted_x = x[order]
# Find the elements that start a new run of labels in the sorted array
# ex: 0,0,0,3,3,3,5,5,5
# 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0
# Then cumsum - 1 turns into:
# 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2
# and sorted_x[first_occurrence] gives the unique labels in order
first_occurrence = np.ones(len(x), bool)
first_occurrence[1:] = sorted_x[:-1] != sorted_x[1:]
sorted_labels = np.cumsum(first_occurrence) - 1
labels = sorted_labels[reverse_order]
uniqsortvals = sorted_x[first_occurrence]
return (labels, len(uniqsortvals), uniqsortvals)
示例9: test_03_01_graph
def test_03_01_graph(self):
'''Make a simple graph'''
# The skeleton looks something like this:
# . .
# . .
# .
# .
i,j = np.mgrid[-10:11,-10:11]
skel = (i < 0) & (np.abs(i) == np.abs(j))
skel[(i >= 0) & (j == 0)] = True
# Put a single label at the bottom
labels = np.zeros(skel.shape, int)
labels[(i > 8) & (np.abs(j) < 2)] = 1
intensity = np.random.uniform(size = skel.shape)
workspace, module = self.make_workspace(
labels, skel, intensity_image = intensity, wants_graph = True)
edge_graph = self.read_graph_file(EDGE_FILE)
vertex_graph = self.read_graph_file(VERTEX_FILE)
vidx = np.lexsort((vertex_graph["j"], vertex_graph["i"]))
# There should be two vertices at the bottom of the array - these
# are bogus artifacts of the object hitting the edge of the image
for vidxx in vidx[-2:]:
self.assertEqual(vertex_graph["i"][vidxx], 20)
vidx = vidx[:-2]
expected_vertices = ((0,0), (0,20), (10,10), (17,10))
self.assertEqual(len(vidx), len(expected_vertices))
for idx, v in enumerate(expected_vertices):
vv = vertex_graph[vidx[idx]]
self.assertEqual(vv["i"], v[0])
self.assertEqual(vv["j"], v[1])
# Get rid of edges to the bogus vertices
for v in ("v1","v2"):
edge_graph = edge_graph[vertex_graph["i"][edge_graph[v]-1] != 20]
eidx = np.lexsort((vertex_graph["j"][edge_graph["v1"]-1],
expected_edges = (((0,0),(10,10),11, np.sum(intensity[(i <= 0) & (j<=0) & skel])),
((0,20),(10,10),11, np.sum(intensity[(i <= 0) & (j>=0) & skel])),
((10,10),(17,10),8, np.sum(intensity[(i >= 0) & (i <= 7) & skel])))
for i, (v1, v2, length, total_intensity) in enumerate(expected_edges):
ee = edge_graph[eidx[i]]
for ve, v in ((v1, ee["v1"]), (v2, ee["v2"])):
self.assertEqual(ve[0], vertex_graph["i"][v-1])
self.assertEqual(ve[1], vertex_graph["j"][v-1])
self.assertEqual(length, ee["length"])
self.assertAlmostEqual(total_intensity, ee["total_intensity"], 4)
示例10: sortrowsByMultiCol
def sortrowsByMultiCol(data, list_sortCol, isAscending=1):
Sort 2D numpy array by multiple columns
:param data:
:param list_sortCol: e.g. [0, 2, 3], 1st element is most important column to sort, 2nd element is 2nd most important, etc.
:return: sorted data
# data_sort = data # data_sort has to be number
# k_col = len(list_sortCol)-1
# while k_col >= 0:
# idx_col = list_sortCol[k_col]
# t_data = np.float64(data_sort[:,idx_col])
# if isAscending==1:
# data_sort = data_sort[t_data.argsort(),:]
# elif isAscending==0:
# data_sort = data_sort[(-t_data).argsort(),:] # descending order
# k_col -= 1
dataForSort = np.transpose(data[:, list_sortCol[::-1]]) # [start:stop:step] -1 is meant to reverse the order
if isAscending == 1:
idx_sort = np.lexsort(dataForSort) # last row in dataForSort is most important to sort
elif isAscending == 0:
idx_sort = np.lexsort(-dataForSort) # last row in dataForSort is most important to sort
data_sorted = data[idx_sort, :]
return data_sorted
示例11: pearson_correlation
def pearson_correlation(movie_id_1, movie_id_2):
rated_movie1 = ratings[ratings[:, 1] == movie_id_1]
rated_movie2 = ratings[ratings[:, 1] == movie_id_2]
rated_both = np.intersect1d(rated_movie1[:, 0], rated_movie2[:, 0], True)
if len(rated_both) < 15:
return 0
ratings_movie1 = rated_movie1[np.in1d(rated_movie1[:, 0], rated_both), :]
ratings_movie2 = rated_movie2[np.in1d(rated_movie2[:, 0], rated_both), :]
sorted_movie1 = ratings_movie1[np.lexsort((ratings_movie1[:, 0], ))][:, [0, 2]]
sorted_movie2 = ratings_movie2[np.lexsort((ratings_movie2[:, 0], ))][:, [0, 2]]
mean1 = np.mean(ratings_movie1[:, 2])
mean2 = np.mean(ratings_movie2[:, 2])
numerator = 0
denomX = 0
denomY = 0
for i in range(len(sorted_movie1)):
x = sorted_movie1[i][1] - mean1
y = sorted_movie2[i][1] - mean2
numerator += x * y
denomX += x * x
denomY += y * y
if (denomX == 0 or denomY == 0):
return 0
return round(numerator / m.sqrt(denomX * denomY), 3)
示例12: test_hemisphere_subdivide
def test_hemisphere_subdivide():
def flip(vertices):
x, y, z = vertices.T
f = (z < 0) | ((z == 0) & (y < 0)) | ((z == 0) & (y == 0) & (x < 0))
return 1 - 2*f[:, None]
decimals = 6
# Test HemiSphere.subdivide
# Create a hemisphere by dividing a hemi-icosahedron
hemi1 = HemiSphere.from_sphere(unit_icosahedron).subdivide(4)
vertices1 = np.round(hemi1.vertices, decimals)
vertices1 *= flip(vertices1)
order = np.lexsort(vertices1.T)
vertices1 = vertices1[order]
# Create a hemisphere from a subdivided sphere
sphere = unit_icosahedron.subdivide(4)
hemi2 = HemiSphere.from_sphere(sphere)
vertices2 = np.round(hemi2.vertices, decimals)
vertices2 *= flip(vertices2)
order = np.lexsort(vertices2.T)
vertices2 = vertices2[order]
# The two hemispheres should have the same vertices up to their order
nt.assert_array_equal(vertices1, vertices2)
# Create a hemisphere from vertices
hemi3 = HemiSphere(xyz=hemi1.vertices)
nt.assert_array_equal(hemi1.faces, hemi3.faces)
nt.assert_array_equal(hemi1.edges, hemi3.edges)
示例13: sortContours2
def sortContours2( contours, direction = "x" ):#TODO
contourPoints = np.zeros((len(contours),2), dtype = int)
if direction == "x":
a = 1
b = 0
elif direction == "y":
a = 0
b = 1
counter = 0
for cnt in contours:
conResh = np.reshape(cnt,(-1,2))
idx = np.lexsort( (conResh[:,a],conResh[:,b]) )
sortedContours = conResh[idx,:]
contourPoints[counter,:] = sortedContours[0,:] # The coordinate of reference point.
counter = counter + 1
sortedIdx = np.lexsort((contourPoints[:,a], contourPoints[:,b]))
sortedContours = []
referencePoints = []
for idx in sortedIdx:
return sortedContours, referencePoints
示例14: doubleParetoSorting
def doubleParetoSorting(x0, x1):
fronts = [[]]
left = [[]]
right = [[]]
idx = np.lexsort((x1, x0))
idxEdge = np.lexsort((-np.square(x0-0.5), x1))
for i0 in idxEdge[1:]:
if x0[i0]>=left[-1] and x0[i0]<=right[-1]:
#add a new front
#check existing fonts
for i1 in range(len(fronts)):
if x0[i0]<left[i1] or x0[i0]>right[i1]:
if x0[i0]<left[i1]:
left[i1] = x0[i0]
fronts[i1].insert(0, i0)
right[i1] = x0[i0]
return (fronts, idx)
示例15: ssea_ranker
def ssea_ranker (ssea_list, q_val_cutoff, peak_type):
if peak_type == "Amplification":
sign = 1
elif peak_type == "Deletion":
sign = -1
sign_adj = ssea_list*sign
rank_big=np.lexsort((thresh, -sign_adj[:,0]))
ranks_ranked = []
for x in enumerate(rank_big):
ranked = np.array(ranks_ranked)
ranked_sorted = ranked[np.lexsort([ranked[:,0], ranked[:,1]])]
ranks = []
for x in ranked_sorted:
ranks_out = []
for x in xrange(len(ssea_list[:,0])):
if thresh[x]==1:
ranks_out.append('not significant')
return ranks_out