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Python numpy.issubsctype函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.issubsctype函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python issubsctype函数的具体用法?Python issubsctype怎么用?Python issubsctype使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: plot_cub_as_curve

def plot_cub_as_curve(c, colors=None, plot_kwargs=None, legend_prefix='',
                      show_axis_labels=True, show_legend=False, axes=None):
    Plot a cuboid (ndims <= 2) as curve(s).
    If the input is 1D: one single curve.
    If the input is 2D:
       * multiple curves are plotted: one for each domain value on the 1st axis.
       * legends are shown to display which domain value is associated
         to which curve.

        - colors (dict <domain value>: <matplotlib color>):
            associate domain values of the 1st axis to color curves
        - plot_kwargs (dict <arg name>:<arg value>):
            dictionary of named argument passed to the plot function
        - legend_prefix (str): prefix to prepend to legend labels.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    def protect_latex_str(s):
        return s.replace('_','\_')
    axes = axes or plt.gca()
    colors = colors or {}
    plot_kwargs = plot_kwargs or {}
    if c.get_ndims() == 1:
        dom = c.axes_domains[c.axes_names[0]]
        if np.issubsctype(dom.dtype, str):
            dom = np.arange(len(dom))
        axes.plot(dom, c.data, **plot_kwargs)
        if np.issubsctype(c.axes_domains[c.axes_names[0]], str):
            set_int_tick_labels(axes.xaxis, c.axes_domains[c.axes_names[0]],
    elif c.get_ndims() == 2:
        for val, sub_c in c.split(c.axes_names[0]).iteritems():
            pkwargs = plot_kwargs.copy()
            col = colors.get(val, None)
            if col is not None:
                pkwargs['color'] = col
            pkwargs['label'] = protect_latex_str(legend_prefix + \
                                                 c.axes_names[0] + \
                                                 '=' + str(val))
            plot_cub_as_curve(sub_c, plot_kwargs=pkwargs, axes=axes,
        if show_legend:

        raise Exception('xndarray has too many dims (%d), expected at most 2' \

    if show_axis_labels:
        if c.get_ndims() == 1:

示例2: test_float32_input

def test_float32_input():
    # Check that an float32 input is correctly output as float32
    Yl, Yh = dtwavexfm2(lena.astype(np.float32))
    assert np.issubsctype(Yl.dtype, np.float32)
    assert np.all(list(np.issubsctype(x.dtype, np.complex64) for x in Yh))

    lena_recon = dtwaveifm2(Yl, Yh)
    assert np.issubsctype(lena_recon.dtype, np.float32)

示例3: test_float32_input_inv

def test_float32_input_inv():
    # Check that an float32 input is correctly output as float32
    Yl, Yh = dtwavexfm(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).astype(np.float32))
    assert np.issubsctype(Yl.dtype, np.float32)
    assert np.all(list(np.issubsctype(x.dtype, np.complex64) for x in Yh))

    recon = dtwaveifm(Yl, Yh)
    assert np.issubsctype(recon.dtype, np.float32)

示例4: test_float32_recon

def test_float32_recon():
    # Check that an float32 input is correctly output as float32
    Yl, Yh = dtwavexfm3(ellipsoid.astype(np.float32))
    assert np.issubsctype(Yl.dtype, np.float32)
    assert np.all(list(np.issubsctype(x.dtype, np.complex64) for x in Yh))

    recon = dtwaveifm3(Yl, Yh)
    assert np.issubsctype(recon.dtype, np.float32)

示例5: is_range_domain

def is_range_domain(d):
    #print 'd:', d.dtype
    if not (np.issubsctype(d.dtype, np.unicode) or \
            np.issubsctype(d.dtype, np.str) or (d.size==1)):
        delta = np.diff(d)
        return (delta == delta[0]).all()
        return False

示例6: _encode_sql_value

def _encode_sql_value(val):
    if np.issubsctype(type(val), np.str_):
        return sqlite3.Binary(val)
    elif np.issubsctype(type(val), np.bool_):
        return bool(val)
    elif np.issubsctype(type(val), np.integer):
        return int(val)
    elif np.issubsctype(type(val), np.floating):
        return float(val)
        return val

示例7: _encode_sql_value

def _encode_sql_value(val):
    # This is a non-trivial speedup for bulk inserts (e.g. creating thousands
    # of events while loading a file):
    if type(val) in ok_types:
        return val
    if np.issubsctype(type(val), np.str_):
        return sqlite3.Binary(val)
    elif np.issubsctype(type(val), np.bool_):
        return bool(val)
    elif np.issubsctype(type(val), np.integer):
        return int(val)
    elif np.issubsctype(type(val), np.floating):
        return float(val)
        return val

示例8: convert_value_read

def convert_value_read(value):
    """Convert attribute value from bytes to string."""
    if isinstance(value, bytes):
        return value.decode()
    elif not np.isscalar(value) and np.issubsctype(value, np.bytes_):
        return value.astype(np.str_)
    return value

示例9: isnan

def isnan(a):
    isnan is equivalent to np.isnan, except that it returns False instead of
    raising a TypeError if the argument is an array of non-numeric.
    if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
        return np.issubsctype(a, np.floating) and np.isnan(a)
        return np.isnan(a)

示例10: appropriate_complex_type_for

def appropriate_complex_type_for(X):
    """Return an appropriate complex data type depending on the type of X. If X
    is already complex, return that, if it is floating point return a complex
    type of the appropriate size and if it is integer, choose an complex
    floating point type depending on the result of :py:func:`numpy.asfarray`.

    X = asfarray(X)
    if np.issubsctype(X.dtype, np.complex64) or np.issubsctype(X.dtype, np.complex128):
        return X.dtype
    elif np.issubsctype(X.dtype, np.float32):
        return np.complex64
    elif np.issubsctype(X.dtype, np.float64):
        return np.complex128

    # God knows, err on the side of caution
    return np.complex128

示例11: _copy_array_if_base_present

def _copy_array_if_base_present(a):
    Copies the array if its base points to a parent array.
    if a.base is not None:
        return a.copy()
    elif np.issubsctype(a, np.float32):
        return np.array(a, dtype=np.double)
        return a

示例12: test_ufuncs

def test_ufuncs():
    # Cannot use fixture due to bug in pytest
    fn = Rn(3)

    for name, n_args, n_out, _ in UFUNCS:
        if (np.issubsctype(fn.dtype, np.floating) and
            name in ['bitwise_and', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'invert',
                     'left_shift', 'right_shift']):
            # Skip integer only methods if floating point type
        yield _impl_test_ufuncs, fn, name, n_args, n_out

示例13: _update_colors

    def _update_colors(self, numcolors=None):
        """ Update the colors cache using our color mapper and based
        on our number of levels.  The **mode** parameter accounts for fenceposting:
          - If **mode** is "poly", then the number of colors to generate is 1
            less than the number of levels
          - If **mode** is "line", then the number of colors to generate is
            equal to the number of levels
        if numcolors is None:
            numcolors = len(self._levels)

        colors = self.colors
        # If we are given no colors, set a default for all levels
        if colors is None:
            self._color_map_trait = "black"
            self._colors = [self._color_map_trait_] * numcolors

        # If we are given a single color, apply it to all levels
        elif isinstance(colors, basestring):
            self._color_map_trait = colors
            self._colors = [self._color_map_trait_] * numcolors

        # If we are given a colormap, use it to map all the levels to colors
        elif isinstance(colors, ColorMapper):
            self._colors =  []
            mapped_colors = self.color_mapper.map_screen(array(self._levels))
            for i in range(numcolors):
                self._color_map_trait = tuple(mapped_colors[i])

        # A list or tuple
        # This could be a length 3 or 4 sequence of scalars, which indicates
        # a color; otherwise, this is interpreted as a list of items to
        # be converted via self._color_map_trait.
            if len(colors) in (3,4) and \
                    (isscalar(colors[0]) and issubsctype(type(colors[0]), number)):
                self._color_map_trait = colors
                self._colors = [self._color_map_trait_] * numcolors
                # if the list of colors is shorter than the list of levels, simply
                # repeat colors from the beginning of the list as needed
                self._colors = []
                for i in range(len(self._levels)):
                    self._color_map_trait = colors[i%len(colors)]

        self._colors_cache_valid = True

示例14: test_ufuncs

def test_ufuncs(fn, ufunc):
    name, n_args, n_out, _ = ufunc
    if (np.issubsctype(fn.dtype, np.floating) and
            name in ['bitwise_and',
        # Skip integer only methods if floating point type

    # Get the ufunc from numpy as reference
    ufunc = getattr(np, name)

    # Create some data
    arrays, vectors = example_vectors(fn, n_args + n_out)
    in_arrays = arrays[:n_args]
    out_arrays = arrays[n_args:]
    data_vector = vectors[0]
    in_vectors = vectors[1:n_args]
    out_vectors = vectors[n_args:]

    # Out of place:
    np_result = ufunc(*in_arrays)
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*in_vectors)
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test type of output
    if n_out == 1:
        assert isinstance(odl_result, fn.element_type)
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert isinstance(odl_result[i], fn.element_type)

    # In place:
    np_result = ufunc(*(in_arrays + out_arrays))
    vec_fun = getattr(data_vector.ufunc, name)
    odl_result = vec_fun(*(in_vectors + out_vectors))
    assert all_almost_equal(np_result, odl_result)

    # Test inplace actually holds:
    if n_out == 1:
        assert odl_result is out_vectors[0]
    elif n_out > 1:
        for i in range(n_out):
            assert odl_result[i] is out_vectors[i]

示例15: slice

    def slice(self, columns_specifier):
        """Locate a subset of design matrix columns, specified symbolically.

        A patsy design matrix has two levels of structure: the individual
        columns (which are named), and the :ref:`terms <formulas>` in
        the formula that generated those columns. This is a one-to-many
        relationship: a single term may span several columns. This method
        provides a user-friendly API for locating those columns.

        (While we talk about columns here, this is probably most useful for
        indexing into other arrays that are derived from the design matrix,
        such as regression coefficients or covariance matrices.)

        The `columns_specifier` argument can take a number of forms:

        * A term name
        * A column name
        * A :class:`Term` object
        * An integer giving a raw index
        * A raw slice object

        In all cases, a Python :func:`slice` object is returned, which can be
        used directly for indexing.


          y, X = dmatrices("y ~ a", demo_data("y", "a", nlevels=3))
          betas = np.linalg.lstsq(X, y)[0]
          a_betas = betas[X.design_info.slice("a")]

        (If you want to look up a single individual column by name, use
        if isinstance(columns_specifier, slice):
            return columns_specifier
        if np.issubsctype(type(columns_specifier), np.integer):
            return slice(columns_specifier, columns_specifier + 1)
        if (self.term_slices is not None
            and columns_specifier in self.term_slices):
            return self.term_slices[columns_specifier]
        if columns_specifier in self.term_name_slices:
            return self.term_name_slices[columns_specifier]
        if columns_specifier in self.column_name_indexes:
            idx = self.column_name_indexes[columns_specifier]
            return slice(idx, idx + 1)
        raise PatsyError("unknown column specified '%s'"
                            % (columns_specifier,))
