本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.isrealobj函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python isrealobj函数的具体用法?Python isrealobj怎么用?Python isrealobj使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _coherence_bavg
def _coherence_bavg(fxy, fxx, fyy):
Compute the band-averaged coherency between the spectra of two time series.
input to this function is in the frequency domain
fxy : float array
The cross-spectrum of the time series
fyy,fxx : float array
The spectra of the signals
float :
the band-averaged coherence
if not np.isrealobj(fxx):
fxx = np.real(fxx)
if not np.isrealobj(fyy):
fyy = np.real(fyy)
return (np.abs(fxy.sum()) ** 2) / (fxx.sum() * fyy.sum())
示例2: coherence_spec
def coherence_spec(fxy, fxx, fyy):
Compute the coherence between the spectra of two time series.
Parameters of this function are in the frequency domain.
fxy : array
The cross-spectrum of the time series
fyy, fxx : array
The spectra of the signals
float : a frequency-band-dependent measure of the linear association
between the two time series
See also
if not np.isrealobj(fxx):
fxx = np.real(fxx)
if not np.isrealobj(fyy):
fyy = np.real(fyy)
c = np.abs(fxy) ** 2 / (fxx * fyy)
return c
示例3: fftconv
def fftconv(a, b, axes=(0, 1)):
Compute a multi-dimensional convolution via the Discrete Fourier Transform.
a : array_like
Input array
b : array_like
Input array
axes : sequence of ints, optional (default (0, 1))
Axes on which to perform convolution
ab : ndarray
Convolution of input arrays, a and b, along specified axes
if np.isrealobj(a) and np.isrealobj(b):
fft = rfftn
ifft = irfftn
fft = fftn
ifft = ifftn
dims = np.maximum([a.shape[i] for i in axes], [b.shape[i] for i in axes])
af = fft(a, dims, axes)
bf = fft(b, dims, axes)
return ifft(af * bf, dims, axes)
示例4: same_upto_phase_factor
def same_upto_phase_factor(self, *others, **kwargs):
if sanity_checking_enabled:
if not np.isrealobj(self) or any(not np.isrealobj(o) for o in others):
raise NotImplementedError("phase factor detection complex Tensors is not yet implemented")
cutoff = kwargs.pop('cutoff', Tensor.same_tensor_cutoff)
for other in others:
if (abs(other - self) > cutoff).any() and (abs(other + self) > cutoff).any():
return False
return True
示例5: evaluate
def evaluate(self, ind, **kwargs):
Note that math functions used in the solutions are imported from either
utilities.fitness.math_functions or called from numpy.
:param ind: An individual to be evaluated.
:param kwargs: An optional parameter for problems with training/test
data. Specifies the distribution (i.e. training or test) upon which
evaluation is to be performed.
:return: The fitness of the evaluated individual.
dist = kwargs.get('dist', 'training')
if dist == "training":
# Set training datasets.
x = self.training_in
y = self.training_exp
elif dist == "test":
# Set test datasets.
x = self.test_in
y = self.test_exp
raise ValueError("Unknown dist: " + dist)
# if we are training, then optimize the constants by
# gradient descent and save the resulting phenotype
# string as ind.phenotype_with_c0123 (eg x[0] +
# c[0] * x[1]**c[1]) and values for constants as
# ind.opt_consts (eg (0.5, 0.7). Later, when testing,
# use the saved string and constants to evaluate.
if dist == "training":
return optimize_constants(x, y, ind)
# this string has been created during training
phen = ind.phenotype_consec_consts
c = ind.opt_consts
# phen will refer to x (ie test_in), and possibly to c
yhat = eval(phen)
assert np.isrealobj(yhat)
# let's always call the error function with the
# true values first, the estimate second
return params['ERROR_METRIC'](y, yhat)
# phenotype won't refer to C
yhat = eval(ind.phenotype)
assert np.isrealobj(yhat)
# let's always call the error function with the true
# values first, the estimate second
return params['ERROR_METRIC'](y, yhat)
示例6: eigenConcat
def eigenConcat(omega, Q, AB, BB, k):
Find the eigen update of a matrix [A, B]'[A B] where A'A = V diag(s) V*
and AB = A*B, BB = B*B. Q is the set of eigenvectors of A*A and s is the
vector of eigenvalues.
#logging.debug("< eigenConcat >")
Parameter.checkInt(k, 0, omega.shape[0])
if not numpy.isrealobj(omega) or not numpy.isrealobj(Q):
raise ValueError("Eigenvalues and eigenvectors must be real")
if not numpy.isrealobj(AB) or not numpy.isrealobj(BB):
raise ValueError("AB and BB must be real")
if omega.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("omega must be 1-d array")
if omega.shape[0] != Q.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Must have same number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors")
if Q.shape[0] != AB.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Q must have the same number of rows as AB")
if AB.shape[1] != BB.shape[0] or BB.shape[0]!=BB.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("AB must have the same number of cols/rows as BB")
#Check Q is orthogonal
if __debug__:
Parameter.checkOrthogonal(Q, tol=EigenUpdater.tol, softCheck=True, arrayInfo = "input Q in eigenConcat()")
m = Q.shape[0]
p = BB.shape[0]
inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(omega)))
Q = Q[:, inds[0:k]]
omega = omega[inds[0:k]]
Omega = numpy.diag(omega)
QAB = Q.conj().T.dot(AB)
F = numpy.c_[numpy.r_[Omega, QAB.conj().T], numpy.r_[QAB, BB]]
D = numpy.c_[numpy.r_[Q, numpy.zeros((p, Q.shape[1]))], numpy.r_[numpy.zeros((m, p)), numpy.eye(p)]]
pi, H = scipy.linalg.eigh(F)
inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(pi)))
inds = inds[numpy.abs(pi)>EigenUpdater.tol]
H = H[:, inds[0:k]]
pi = pi[inds[0:k]]
V = numpy.dot(D, H)
#logging.debug("</ eigenConcat >")
return pi, V
示例7: __setitem__
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
if not isinstance(value, ndarray):
value = array(value)
if not isrealobj(value):
self.__matlab_object.handle.PutFullMatrix(name, self.__name_space, value.real, value.imag)
self.__matlab_object.handle.PutWorkspaceData(name, self.__name_space, value)
示例8: irfft
def irfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0):
""" irfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0) -> y
Return inverse discrete Fourier transform of real sequence x.
The contents of x is interpreted as the output of rfft(..)
The returned real array contains
where for n is even
y(j) = 1/n (sum[k=1..n/2-1] (x[2*k-1]+sqrt(-1)*x[2*k])
* exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
+ c.c. + x[0] + (-1)**(j) x[n-1])
and for n is odd
y(j) = 1/n (sum[k=1..(n-1)/2] (x[2*k-1]+sqrt(-1)*x[2*k])
* exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
+ c.c. + x[0])
c.c. denotes complex conjugate of preceeding expression.
Optional input: see rfft.__doc__
tmp = asarray(x)
if not numpy.isrealobj(tmp):
raise TypeError,"1st argument must be real sequence"
if istype(tmp, numpy.float32):
work_function = fftpack.rfft
work_function = fftpack.drfft
return _raw_fft(tmp,n,axis,-1,overwrite_x,work_function)
示例9: app_luinv_to_spmat
def app_luinv_to_spmat(alu_solve, Z):
""" compute A.-1*Z where A comes factored
and with a solve routine for possibly complex Z
alu_solve : callable f(v)
returning a matrix inverse applied to `v`
Z : (N,K) ndarray, real or complex
the inverse is to be applied to
, : (N,K) ndarray
matrix inverse applied to ndarray
# ainvz = np.zeros(Z.shape)
ainvzl = [] # to allow for complex values
for ccol in range(Z.shape[1]):
zcol = Z[:, ccol].toarray().flatten()
if np.isrealobj(zcol):
ainvzl.append(alu_solve(zcol.real) +
return np.asarray(ainvzl).T
示例10: rfft
def rfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=False,
planner_effort=None, threads=None,
auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True):
'''Perform a 1D real FFT.
The first three arguments are as per :func:`scipy.fftpack.rfft`;
the rest of the arguments are documented
in the :ref:`additional argument docs<interfaces_additional_args>`.
if not numpy.isrealobj(x):
raise TypeError('Input array must be real to maintain '
'compatibility with scipy.fftpack.rfft.')
x = numpy.asanyarray(x)
planner_effort = _default_effort(planner_effort)
threads = _default_threads(threads)
complex_output = numpy_fft.rfft(x, n, axis, None, overwrite_x,
planner_effort, threads, auto_align_input, auto_contiguous)
output_shape = list(x.shape)
if n is not None:
output_shape[axis] = n
return _complex_to_rfft_output(complex_output, output_shape, axis)
示例11: irfft
def irfft(
"""Perform a 1D real inverse FFT.
The first three arguments are as per :func:`scipy.fftpack.irfft`;
the rest of the arguments are documented
in the :ref:`additional argument docs<interfaces_additional_args>`.
if not numpy.isrealobj(x):
raise TypeError("Input array must be real to maintain " "compatibility with scipy.fftpack.irfft.")
x = numpy.asanyarray(x)
if n is None:
n = x.shape[axis]
complex_input = _irfft_input_to_complex(x, axis)
return numpy_fft.irfft(
complex_input, n, axis, overwrite_x, planner_effort, threads, auto_align_input, auto_contiguous
示例12: __init__
def __init__(
if not(__have_cufft__) or not(__have_cufft__):
raise ImportError("Please install pycuda and scikit-cuda to use the CUDA back-end")
super(CUFFT, self).__init__(
self.cufft_stream = stream
self.backend = "cufft"
self.real_transform = np.isrealobj(self.data_in)
self.refs = {
"data_in": self.data_in,
"data_out": self.data_out,
示例13: pressureResponse
def pressureResponse(sim, forcex, forcez):
nz = sim.nz
nx = sim.nx
transform = False
forcex = sim.makeSpect(forcex)
forcez = sim.makeSpect(forcez)
transform = True
div = forcex * sim.dkx + forcez * sim.dkz
pres = div / (sim.dkz**2 + sim.dkx**2)
pres[0,0,0] = 0
solx = -pres * sim.dkx
solz = -pres * sim.dkz
if (transform == True):
solx = np.fft.irfftn(solx)
solz = np.fft.irfftn(solz)
pres = np.fft.irfftn(pres)
return [solx,solz,pres]
示例14: rfft
def rfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0):
""" rfft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=0) -> y
Return discrete Fourier transform of real sequence x.
The returned real arrays contains
[y(0),Re(y(1)),Im(y(1)),...,Re(y(n/2))] if n is even
[y(0),Re(y(1)),Im(y(1)),...,Re(y(n/2)),Im(y(n/2))] if n is odd
y(j) = sum[k=0..n-1] x[k] * exp(-sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n)
j = 0..n-1
Note that y(-j) = y(n-j).
Optional input:
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not
specified then n=x.shape[axis] is set. If n<x.shape[axis],
x is truncated. If n>x.shape[axis], x is zero-padded.
The transform is applied along the given axis of the input
array (or the newly constructed array if n argument was used).
If set to true, the contents of x can be destroyed.
y == rfft(irfft(y)) within numerical accuracy.
tmp = asarray(x)
if not numpy.isrealobj(tmp):
raise TypeError,"1st argument must be real sequence"
work_function = fftpack.drfft
return _raw_fft(tmp,n,axis,1,overwrite_x,work_function)
示例15: acorr
def acorr(x, axis=-1, onesided=False, scale='none'):
"""Compute autocorrelation of x along given axis.
x : array-like
signal to correlate.
axis : int
axis along which autocorrelation is computed.
onesided: bool, optional
if True, only returns the right side of the autocorrelation.
scale: {'none', 'coeff'}
scaling mode. If 'coeff', the correlation is normalized such as the
0-lag is equal to 1.
Use fft for computation: is more efficient than direct computation for
relatively large n.
if not np.isrealobj(x):
raise ValueError("Complex input not supported yet")
if not scale in ['none', 'coeff']:
raise ValueError("scale mode %s not understood" % scale)
maxlag = x.shape[axis]
nfft = 2 ** nextpow2(2 * maxlag - 1)
if axis != -1:
x = np.swapaxes(x, -1, axis)
a = _acorr_last_axis(x, nfft, maxlag, onesided, scale)
if axis != -1:
a = np.swapaxes(a, -1, axis)
return a