本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.iscomplexobj函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python iscomplexobj函数的具体用法?Python iscomplexobj怎么用?Python iscomplexobj使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_dtype_agreement
def test_dtype_agreement():
dtypes = [np.complex64, np.complex128, np.float32, np.float64]
for dtype1 in dtypes:
for dtype2 in dtypes:
print dtype1,dtype2
y_data = np.random.randn(10)+1j*np.random.randn(10)
errors = np.random.randn(10)+1j*np.random.randn(10)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.ComplexWarning)
y_data = y_data.astype(dtype1)
errors = errors.astype(dtype2)
x_data = np.linspace(100,110,10)
if np.iscomplexobj(y_data) and np.iscomplexobj(errors):
elif (not np.iscomplexobj(y_data)) and (not np.iscomplexobj(errors)):
except TypeError:
示例2: map_coordinates
def map_coordinates(input, coordinates, output_type = None, output = None,
order = 3, mode = 'constant', cval = 0.0, prefilter = True):
"""Apply an arbritrary coordinate transformation.
The array of coordinates is used to find, for each point in the output,
the corresponding coordinates in the input. The value of the input at
that coordinates is determined by spline interpolation of the
requested order.
The shape of the output is derived from that of the coordinate
array by dropping the first axis. The values of the array along
the first axis are the coordinates in the input array at which the
output value is found. For example, if the input has dimensions
(100,200,3), then the shape of coordinates will be (3,100,200,3),
where coordinates[:,1,2,3] specify the input coordinate at which
output[1,2,3] is found.
Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to
the given mode ('constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap'). The
parameter prefilter determines if the input is pre-filtered before
interpolation (necessary for spline interpolation of order >
1). If False it is assumed that the input is already filtered.
Example usage:
>>> a = arange(12.).reshape((4,3))
>>> print a
[[ 0. 1. 2.]
[ 3. 4. 5.]
[ 6. 7. 8.]
[ 9. 10. 11.]]
>>> output = map_coordinates(a,[[0.5, 2], [0.5, 1]],order=1)
>>> print output
[ 2. 7.]
Here, the interpolated value of a[0.5,0.5] gives output[0], while
a[2,1] is output[1].
if order < 0 or order > 5:
raise RuntimeError, 'spline order not supported'
input = numpy.asarray(input)
if numpy.iscomplexobj(input):
raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
coordinates = numpy.asarray(coordinates)
if numpy.iscomplexobj(coordinates):
raise TypeError, 'Complex type not supported'
output_shape = coordinates.shape[1:]
if input.ndim < 1 or len(output_shape) < 1:
raise RuntimeError, 'input and output rank must be > 0'
if coordinates.shape[0] != input.ndim:
raise RuntimeError, 'invalid shape for coordinate array'
mode = _extend_mode_to_code(mode)
if prefilter and order > 1:
filtered = spline_filter(input, order, output = numpy.float64)
filtered = input
output, return_value = _ni_support._get_output(output, input,
output_type, shape = output_shape)
_nd_image.geometric_transform(filtered, None, coordinates, None, None,
output, order, mode, cval, None, None)
return return_value
示例3: assert_array_almost_equal_nulp
def assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(x, y, nulp=1):
"""Compare two arrays relatively to their spacing. It is a relatively
robust method to compare two arrays whose amplitude is variable.
An assertion is raised if the following condition is not met:
abs(x - y) <= nulps * spacing(max(abs(x), abs(y)))
x: array_like
first input array
y: array_like
second input array
nulp: int
max number of unit in the last place for tolerance (see Note)
import numpy as np
ax = np.abs(x)
ay = np.abs(y)
ref = nulp * np.spacing(np.where(ax > ay, ax, ay))
if not np.all(np.abs(x-y) <= ref):
if np.iscomplexobj(x) or np.iscomplexobj(y):
msg = "X and Y are not equal to %d ULP" % nulp
max_nulp = np.max(nulp_diff(x, y))
msg = "X and Y are not equal to %d ULP (max is %g)" % (nulp, max_nulp)
raise AssertionError(msg)
示例4: write_memory_to_file
def write_memory_to_file(A, filename, mode='w', title='test'):
write memory to a h5 file
h5 file contains root.real and root.imag(if A complex)
best for transfer data with Matlab
A: a ndarray, GPUArray or PitchArray
filename: name of file to store
mode: 'w' to start a new file
'a' to append, leading dimension of A must be the
same as the existing file
file can be read by read_file or in matlab using h5read.m
h5file = tables.openFile(filename, mode, title)
if (A.dtype == np.float32) or (A.dtype == np.complex64):
tb = tables.Float32Atom
elif (A.dtype == np.float64) or (A.dtype == np.complex128):
tb = tables.Float64Atom
elif A.dtype == np.int32:
tb = tables.Int32Atom
elif A.dtype == np.int64:
tb = tables.Int64Atom
TypeError("Write file error: unkown input dtype")
if A.__class__.__name__ in ["GPUArray", "PitchArray"]:
B = A.get()
elif A.__class__.__name__ == "ndarray":
B = A
raise TypeError("Write file error: unkown input")
if A.__class__.__name__ == "ndarray":
B = A
raise TypeError("Write file error: unkown input")
shape = list(B.shape)
shape[0] = 0
if mode == 'w':
if np.iscomplexobj(B):
h5file.createEArray("/", "real", tb(), tuple(shape))
h5file.createEArray("/", "imag", tb(), tuple(shape))
h5file.createEArray("/", "real", tb(), tuple(shape))
if np.iscomplexobj(B):
if mode == 'w':
print "file %s created" % (filename)
示例5: filter
def filter(self, array, *args, **kwargs):
# Processed bandwith in percentages
sys = kwargs["meta"]
bw_proc_az = 1.33 * sys['v0'] / sys['res_az']
bw_proc_rg = 1.33 * (sys['c0']/2.) / sys['res_rg']
percentage_az = 100.* bw_proc_az / (sys['prf']/sys['pre_az'])
percentage_rg = 100.* bw_proc_rg / sys['rsf']
bw = [percentage_az, percentage_rg]
print(" bw=["+str(bw[0])+","+str(bw[1])+"] ... ")
if array.ndim == 2 and np.iscomplexobj(array):
return self.unweight2d(array, self.ov, bw)
if array.ndim == 3 and np.iscomplexobj(array):
p = array.shape
for k in range(0,p[0]):
array_temp = self.unweight2d(array[k,:,:], self.ov, bw)
if k == 0:
s = array_temp.shape
array_new = np.empty((p[0],s[0],s[1]), dtype='complex64')
array_new[k,:,:] = array_temp
return array_new
print(" ERROR: Bad input.")
return None
示例6: fitToData
def fitToData(self, data):
param data: numpy array where [:,0] is x and [:,1] is y
x = data[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
y = data[:, 1][:, np.newaxis]
D = np.hstack((x*x, x*y, y*y, x, y, np.ones_like(x)))
S = np.dot(D.T, D)
C = np.zeros([6, 6])
C[0, 2] = C[2, 0] = 2; C[1, 1] = -1
E, V = eig(np.dot(inv(S), C))
n = np.argmax(np.abs(E))
self.parameters = V[:, n]
axes = self.ellipse_axis_length()
self.a = axes[0]
self.b = axes[1]
self.angle = self.ellipse_angle_of_rotation()
if not self.a or not self.b or self.parameters == None or np.iscomplexobj(self.parameters) or \
math.isnan(self.a) or math.isnan(self.b) or math.isnan(self.ellipse_center()[0]) or \
np.iscomplex(self.ellipse_center()[0]) or np.iscomplex(self.a) or np.iscomplex(self.b) or \
self.a = 0
self.b = 0
self.parameters = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self.angle = 0
self.error = True
示例7: subsample
def subsample(args):
Rebin / Congrid variant
arr, shape, mode = args # unpack arguments
if mode == 'phase' and np.iscomplexobj(arr):
arr = np.angle(arr)
if np.iscomplexobj(arr):
arr = np.abs(arr)
if arr.shape == shape:
return arr
oshap = arr.shape
for d in range(arr.ndim):
n1 = shape[d]
n2 = oshap[d]
if n1 < n2:
s = list(arr.shape)
s.insert(d + 1, n2 // n1)
s[d] = n1
if mode == 'phase':
arr = np.angle(np.exp(1j * arr.reshape(s)).mean(d + 1))
elif mode == 'lables':
arr = np.take(arr.reshape(s), 0, d + 1)
arr = arr.reshape(s).mean(d + 1)
arr = arr.repeat(n1 // n2, axis=d)
return arr
示例8: _matvec
def _matvec(self, x):
from bempp.api.utils.data_types import combined_type
if x.ndim == 1:
x_new = _np.expand_dims(x, 1)
return self.matvec(x_new).ravel()
if not self._fill_complete():
raise ValueError("Not all rows or columns contain operators.")
row_dim = 0
res = _np.zeros((self.shape[0], x.shape[1]), dtype=combined_type(self.dtype, x.dtype))
for i in range(self._m):
col_dim = 0
local_res = res[row_dim:row_dim + self._rows[i], :]
for j in range(self._n):
local_x = x[col_dim:col_dim + self._cols[j], :]
if self._operators[i, j] is not None:
op_is_complex = _np.iscomplexobj(self._operators[i, j].dtype.type(1))
if _np.iscomplexobj(x) and not op_is_complex:
local_res[:] += (self._operators[i, j] * _np.real(local_x) +
1j * self._operators[i, j] * _np.imag(local_x))
local_res[:] += self._operators[i, j].dot(local_x)
col_dim += self._cols[j]
row_dim += self._rows[i]
return res
示例9: __init__
def __init__(self, f, data, model=default_model, guess=default_guess, functions=default_functions,
mask=None, errors=None, weight_by_errors=True):
Instantiate a resonator using our current best model.
Parameter model is a function S_21(params, f) that returns the
modeled values of S_21.
Parameter guess is a function guess(f, data) that returns a
good-enough initial guess at all of the fit parameters.
Parameter functions is a dictionary that maps keys that are
valid Python variables to functions that take a Parameters
object as their only argument.
Parameter mask is a boolean array of the same length as f and
data; only points f[mask] and data[mask] are used to fit the
data. The default is to use all data. Use this to exclude
glitches or resonances other than the desired one.
if not np.iscomplexobj(data):
raise TypeError("Resonator data should always be complex, but got real values")
if errors is not None:
if not np.iscomplexobj(errors):
errors = errors*(1+1j) # ensure errors is complex
if self.x_data.max() < 1e6:
self.freq_units_MHz = True
self.freq_units_MHz = False
self.freq_data = self.x_data
self.s21_data = self.y_data
示例10: imshow
def imshow(ax, x, y, z, *args, **kwargs):
if (np.iscomplexobj(x)):
x = np.asfarray(x.real)
x = np.asfarray(x)
if (np.iscomplexobj(y)):
y = np.asfarray(y.real)
y = np.asfarray(y)
assert(len(x) == z.shape[1])
assert(len(y) == z.shape[0])
dx = x[1] - x[0]
dy = y[1] - y[0]
if (np.iscomplexobj(z)):
zabs = abs(z)
zabs = z
zabs = np.asfarray(zabs)
# Use this to center pixel around (x,y) values
extent = (x[0]-dx/2.0, x[-1]+dx/2.0, y[0]-dy/2.0, y[-1]+dy/2.0)
# Use this to let (x,y) be the lower-left pixel location (upper-left when origin = 'lower' is not used)
#extent = (x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1])
im = ax.imshow(zabs, extent = extent, *args, **kwargs)
imshow_show_z(ax, z, x, y)
ax.set_xlim((x[0], x[-1]))
ax.set_ylim((y[0], y[-1]))
return im
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self, freq, s21,
model=default_model, guess=default_guess, functions=default_functions,
mask=None, errors=None):
Fit a resonator using the given model.
f: the frequencies used in a sweep.
s21: the complex S_21 data taken at the given frequencies.
model: a function S_21(params, f) that returns the modeled values of S_21.
guess: a function guess(f, s21) that returns a good-enough initial guess at all of the fit parameters.
functions: a dictionary that maps keys that are valid Python variables to functions that take a Parameters
object as their only argument.
mask: a boolean array of the same length as f and s21; only points f[mask] and s21[mask] are used to fit the
data and the default is to use all data; use this to exclude glitches or resonances other than the desired one.
if not np.iscomplexobj(s21):
raise TypeError("Resonator s21 must be complex.")
if errors is not None and not np.iscomplexobj(errors):
raise TypeError("Resonator s21 errors must be complex.")
super(Resonator, self).__init__(freq, s21,
model=model, guess=guess, functions=functions, mask=mask, errors=errors)
self.freq_data = self.x_data
self.s21_data = self.y_data
self.freq_units_MHz = self.freq_data.max() < 1e6
示例12: get_jk_incore
def get_jk_incore(self, cell=None, dm=None, hermi=1, verbose=logger.DEBUG, kpt=None):
'''Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following :func:`scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_`.
*Incore* version of Coulomb and exchange build only.
Currently RHF always uses PBC AO integrals (unlike RKS), since
exchange is currently computed by building PBC AO integrals.
if cell is None: cell = self.cell
if dm is None: dm = self.make_rdm1()
if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt
log = logger.Logger
if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
log = verbose
log = logger.Logger(cell.stdout, verbose)
log.debug('JK PBC build: incore only with PBC integrals')
if self._eri is None:
log.debug('Building PBC AO integrals')
if kpt is not None and pyscf.lib.norm(kpt) > 1.e-15:
raise RuntimeError("Non-zero k points not implemented for exchange")
self._eri = ao2mo.get_ao_eri(cell)
if np.iscomplexobj(dm) or np.iscomplexobj(self._eri):
vj, vk = dot_eri_dm_complex(self._eri, dm, hermi)
vj, vk = pyscf.scf.hf.dot_eri_dm(self._eri, dm, hermi)
return vj, vk
示例13: dot
def dot(self, coords_a, coords_b, frac_coords=False):
Compute the scalar product of vector(s).
coords_a, coords_b: Array-like objects with the coordinates.
frac_coords (bool): Boolean stating whether the vector
corresponds to fractional or cartesian coordinates.
one-dimensional `numpy` array.
coords_a, coords_b = np.reshape(coords_a, (-1,3)), \
np.reshape(coords_b, (-1,3))
if len(coords_a) != len(coords_b):
raise ValueError("")
if np.iscomplexobj(coords_a) or np.iscomplexobj(coords_b):
raise TypeError("Complex array!")
if not frac_coords:
cart_a, cart_b = coords_a, coords_b
cart_a = np.reshape([self.get_cartesian_coords(vec)
for vec in coords_a], (-1,3))
cart_b = np.reshape([self.get_cartesian_coords(vec)
for vec in coords_b], (-1,3))
return np.array([np.dot(a,b) for a,b in zip(cart_a, cart_b)])
示例14: RCCSD
def RCCSD(mf, frozen=0, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None):
__doc__ = ccsd.CCSD.__doc__
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf.soscf import newton_ah
from pyscf.cc import dfccsd
if isinstance(mf, scf.uhf.UHF):
raise RuntimeError('RCCSD cannot be used with UHF method.')
elif isinstance(mf, scf.rohf.ROHF):
lib.logger.warn(mf, 'RCCSD method does not support ROHF method. ROHF object '
'is converted to UHF object and UCCSD method is called.')
return UCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
if isinstance(mf, newton_ah._CIAH_SOSCF) or not isinstance(mf, scf.hf.RHF):
mf = scf.addons.convert_to_rhf(mf)
if getattr(mf, 'with_df', None):
return dfccsd.RCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
elif numpy.iscomplexobj(mo_coeff) or numpy.iscomplexobj(mf.mo_coeff):
return rccsd.RCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
return ccsd.CCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
示例15: test_c2c
def test_c2c(comm):
# this test requires pfft-python 0.1.16.
pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='complex128')
if comm.rank == 0:
Npar = 100
Npar = 0
pos = 1.0 * (numpy.arange(Npar * len(pm.Nmesh))).reshape(-1, len(pm.Nmesh)) * (7, 7)
pos %= (pm.Nmesh + 1)
layout = pm.decompose(pos)
npos = layout.exchange(pos)
real = pm.paint(npos)
complex = real.r2c()
real2 = complex.c2r()
assert numpy.iscomplexobj(real)
assert numpy.iscomplexobj(real2)
assert numpy.iscomplexobj(complex)
assert_array_equal(complex.cshape, pm.Nmesh)
assert_array_equal(real2.cshape, pm.Nmesh)
assert_array_equal(real.cshape, pm.Nmesh)
assert_almost_equal(numpy.asarray(real), numpy.asarray(real2), decimal=7)