本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.flatnonzero函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python flatnonzero函数的具体用法?Python flatnonzero怎么用?Python flatnonzero使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: sort_on_centroids
def sort_on_centroids(fn_mwk, fn_nev,k_cent_all,pc_sd_all,T_all,sel=SEL_ELEC_A, nmax=N_SNIPPET_MAX, npts=N_SNIPPET_PTS,c_v=VOLT_CONV):
#this spikes sorts based on how close a spike is to the farthest centroid from center of mass of all the centroids
sorted_data = {}
for arg in getspk(fn_mwk, fn_nev, override_elecs=sel):
# -- preps
w = np.array(arg['wav']['unsorted'])
w *= c_v
ch = arg['ch']
if ch not in sorted_data.keys():
sorted_data[ch] = {'good_sp':[],'bad_sp':[],'g_sp_t_abs':[],'g_sp_t_rel':[],'g_sp_t_imgonset':[],'g_sp_im_id':[],'g_sp_im_ind':[],'b_sp_t_abs':[],'b_sp_t_rel':[],'b_sp_t_imgonset':[],'b_sp_im_id':[],'b_sp_im_ind':[]}
ch_ind = sel.index(ch)
#pick the centroid and the spikes sd for that channel
pc_sd = pc_sd_all[ch_ind]
k_cent = k_cent_all[ch_ind]
k_dist = np.array([fastnorm(k-k_cent.mean(axis=0)) for k in k_cent])
T = T_all[ch_ind]
b_c = np.flatnonzero(k_dist == k_dist.max())
#compute the distance of the waveform from the the centroids and determine whether it is a good spike or a bad spike.
w_dist = np.array([fastnorm((np.dot(w,T)/pc_sd)-k_cent[k]) for k in range(len(k_cent))])
if np.flatnonzero(w_dist == w_dist.min())==b_c and k_dist.max() > 1.75:
return sorted_data
示例2: get_cap_check_indices
def get_cap_check_indices(i):
# Assumes that there is a test pulse followed by the stimulus pulses (downward first)
di = np.diff(i)
up_idx = np.flatnonzero(di > 0)
down_idx = np.flatnonzero(di < 0)
return up_idx[2::2], down_idx[1::2]
示例3: align
def align(s_x, s_y, mode="front"):
"""Function to align the input series
:param s_x: First Series
:type s_x: :mod:`pandas.Series`
:param s_y: Second Series
:type s_y: :mod:`pandas.Series`
:param mode: Align Front/Back
:type mode: str
p_x = np.flatnonzero(s_x)
p_y = np.flatnonzero(s_y)
if not len(p_x) or not len(p_y):
return s_x, s_y, 0
if mode == "front":
p_x = p_x[0]
p_y = p_y[0]
if mode == "back":
p_x = p_x[-1]
p_y = p_y[-1]
shift = p_x - p_y
s_x, s_y = shift_series(s_x, s_y, shift)
return s_x, s_y, shift
示例4: connection_field_plot_continuous
def connection_field_plot_continuous(self, index, afferent=True, density=30):
weights = numpy.array(self.proj.get('weight', format='list', gather=True))
if afferent:
idx = numpy.array(numpy.flatnonzero(weights[:,1].flatten()==index))
x = self.proj.pre.positions[0][weights[idx,0].astype(int)]
y = self.proj.pre.positions[1][weights[idx,0].astype(int)]
w = weights[idx,2]
idx = numpy.flatnonzero(weights[:,0]==index)
x = self.proj.post.positions[0][weights[idx,1].astype(int)]
y = self.proj.post.positions[1][weights[idx,1].astype(int)]
w = weights[idx,2]
xi = numpy.linspace(min(x), max(x), 100)
yi = numpy.linspace(min(y), max(y), 100)
zi = griddata(x, y, w, xi, yi)
pylab.title('Connection field from %s to %s of neuron %d' % (self.source.name,
示例5: _hausdoff_ab
def _hausdoff_ab(a, b, one_ring_neighbour):
Compute hausdoff distance of h(a,b)
part unit of function hausdoff_distance
a: array with 1 label
b: array with 1 label
one_ring_neighbour: one ring neighbour matrix
h: hausdoff(a,b)
a = np.array(a)
b = np.array(b)
h = 0
for i in np.flatnonzero(a):
hd = np.inf
for j in np.flatnonzero(b):
d = surf_dist(i,j, one_ring_neighbour)
if d<hd:
hd = copy.deepcopy(d)
if hd>h:
h = hd
return h
示例6: retrieve_coverage_information
def retrieve_coverage_information(self, cov_src=""):
Retrieve coverage information, i.e. whether locations to have spectra
extracted have valid data and are not covered by clouds, margins etc.
Information is retrieved from an external file.
self.coverage = dict()
if cov_src and os.path.isfile(cov_src):
for img_id in self.image_data:
self.coverage[img_id] = list()
data = np.loadtxt(cov_src)
data = np.genfromtxt(cov_src, converters={0: lambda s: s.strip()})
for d in data:
# extracting row_id, usually a location id, i.e. for a plot
row_id = int(d[0])
row_id = d[0]
# retrieving non-zero elements for each row, i.e. indicators
# for visibility and coverage for each image id
nz = np.flatnonzero(d[1:])
# this line is necessary to deal with zero-rank arrays
# that are generated by np.genfromtxt above if the
# original location ids cannot be converted to float,
# i.e. if they contain letters
nz = np.flatnonzero(np.array(d.tolist()[1:]))
for n in nz:
示例7: __ComputeHistogram__
def __ComputeHistogram__(self, x, x_range):
"""Function to compute the histogram of the data
x: ndarray
Array containing the data
x_range: tuple
Tuple containing the minimum and maxumum to consider
to build the histogram of the data x
pdf: 1d-array
Return the PDF of x using the range provided by the user
bin_edge: 1d-array
Return the bins corresponding to the PDF
# Compute the histogram for the data x with unit bins
pdf_rel, bin_edges_rel = np.histogram(x, bins=(np.max(x) - np.min(x)), density=True)
# We need to translate the pdf depending of the range given by x_range
### Create an array with unit bins depending of x_range
### We need max - min + 1 bins
pdf_abs = np.zeros((x_range[1] - x_range[0],))
bin_edges_abs = np.array(range(x_range[0], x_range[1] + 1))
### Copy the relative pdf at the right position
pdf_abs[np.flatnonzero(bin_edges_abs==bin_edges_rel[0])[0] : np.flatnonzero(bin_edges_abs==bin_edges_rel[-1])[0]] = pdf_rel[:]
return (pdf_abs, bin_edges_abs)
示例8: do_pca_analysis
def do_pca_analysis(profiles, lens, name='', plot=False):
L = np.array(0.446*(lens-np.mean(lens)), dtype='float64')
pr = []
for i,p in enumerate(profiles):
mask = np.isnan(p)
p[mask] = np.interp(np.flatnonzero(mask), np.flatnonzero(~mask), p[~mask])
av, va = moving_average(np.log(p+0.001), 46, 100)
y = np.array(pr)
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
print pca.explained_variance_ratio_
yp = pca.transform(y)
m,b,r,p,_ = stats.linregress(L, yp[:,0])
p1 = [p]
r1 = [r]
for _ in xrange(300):
sample = np.random.choice(L.shape[0], L.shape[0], replace=True)
m,b,r,p,_ = stats.linregress(L[~sample], yp[~sample,0])
m,b,r,p,_ = stats.linregress(L, yp[:,1])
p2 = [p]
r2 = [r]
for _ in xrange(300):
sample = np.random.choice(L.shape[0], L.shape[0], replace=True)
m,b,r,p,_ = stats.linregress(L[~sample], yp[~sample,1])
if plot:
plot_pca(y, pca, yp, L, name)
return r1, p1, r2, p2, L.shape[0], name, np.std(L)
示例9: fixgaps
def fixgaps(x):
"""FIXGAPS: Linearly interpolates gaps in a time series
YOUT=FIXGAPS(YIN) linearly interpolates over NaN in the input time
series (may be complex), but ignores trailing and leading NaNs.
R. Pawlowicz 11/6/99
Version 1.0
#find nans
bd = np.isnan(x)
#early exit if there are no nans
if not bd.any():
return x
#find nonnans index numbers
gd = np.flatnonzero(~bd)
#ignore leading and trailing nans
#interpolate nans
x[bd] = np.interp(np.flatnonzero(bd),gd,x[gd])
return x
示例10: preprocessRawData
def preprocessRawData(raw_data,y_raw):
# if age >= 38, labeled with 1
# else, labeled with -1.
labelvec = np.array(y_raw)
y = np.ones(len(labelvec))
neg = labelvec < 38
y[neg] = -1
# positive examples: larger than or equal to 38
# negative examples: smaller than 38
num_pos = len(np.flatnonzero(y > 0))
num_neg = len(np.flatnonzero(y < 0))
#print('Number of positive/negative examples = %d/%d' % (num_pos, num_neg))
headers = list(raw_data.columns.values) # get the features' name
raw_feat = np.array(raw_data[headers]) # feature matrix without age feature
avg = np.mean(raw_feat,axis = 0)
std_dev = np.std(raw_feat, axis = 0)
X = (raw_feat-avg)/std_dev # scaled features matrix [-1,1]
#print X.shape # X is N x n, where N is 342 subjects, n is 7 features
#print y.shape # y is N x 1, where N is 342 subjects
return X,y
示例11: get_square_stim_characteristics
def get_square_stim_characteristics(i, t, no_test_pulse=False):
Identify the start time, duration, amplitude, start index, and
end index of a square stimulus.
This assumes that there is a test pulse followed by the stimulus square.
di = np.diff(i)
up_idx = np.flatnonzero(di > 0)
down_idx = np.flatnonzero(di < 0)
idx = 0 if no_test_pulse else 1
# second square is the stimulus
if up_idx[idx] < down_idx[idx]: # positive square
start_idx = up_idx[idx] + 1 # shift by one to compensate for diff()
end_idx = down_idx[idx] + 1
else: # negative square
start_idx = down_idx[idx] + 1
end_idx = up_idx[idx] + 1
stim_start = float(t[start_idx])
stim_dur = float(t[end_idx] - t[start_idx])
stim_amp = float(i[start_idx])
return (stim_start, stim_dur, stim_amp, start_idx, end_idx)
示例12: plotTrialPath
def plotTrialPath(jsonData, trialNum, preTime=0, postTime=0, bPreRelStart=True, bPostRelEnd=True, bFolded=False, bLabels=True):
if type(trialNum) == type(int()):
trialNum = [trialNum]
for tn in trialNum:
trial = jsonData['trials'][tn]
trialPath = getTrialPath(jsonData, tn, preTime, postTime, bPreRelStart, bPostRelEnd, bFolded)
if trial['bAvoidedShock']:
pyplot.plot(trialPath[:,1],trialPath[:,2], 'g')
pyplot.plot(trialPath[:,1],trialPath[:,2], 'r')
#plot the LED
if bFolded or trial['side']==0:
#plot dot where LED turned on.
ndxLED = np.flatnonzero(trialPath[:,0]>0)
if len(ndxLED)>0:
#plot dot where Shock starts.
ndxShock = np.flatnonzero(trialPath[:,0]>jsonData['parameters']['LEDTimeMS']/1000.0 - .1)
if not trial['bAvoidedShock'] and len(ndxShock)>0:
pyplot.text(trialPath[-1,1],trialPath[-1,2], str(tn))
if bLabels:
示例13: splint
def splint(xa, ya, y2a, x):
'''spline interpolation'''
except TypeError:
x = np.array([x])
klo, khi = np.array([
(np.flatnonzero(xa < i)[-1], np.flatnonzero(xa > i)[0])
for i in x
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(
'Input values must be between %s and %s'
% (np.exp(xa[0]), np.exp(xa[-1]))
h = xa[khi] - xa[klo]
if any(h <= 0):
raise ValueError, 'xa input must be strictly increasing'
a = (xa[khi] - x) / h
b = (x - xa[klo]) / h
res = (
a * ya[klo]
+ b * ya[khi]
+ ((a**3 - a) * y2a[klo] + (b**3 - b) * y2a[khi]) * (h**2) / 6
return res
示例14: readPulsar
def readPulsar(self, psr, psrname):
print("WARNING: readPulsar has been deprecated!")
psr.name = psrname
# Read the content of the par/tim files in a string
psr.parfile_content = str(self.getData(psrname, 'parfile', required=False))
psr.timfile_content = str(self.getData(psrname, 'timfile', required=False))
# Read the timing model parameter descriptions
psr.ptmdescription = map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_name'))
psr.ptmpars = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpre'))
psr.ptmparerrs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_errpre'))
psr.flags = map(str, self.getData(psrname, 'efacequad', 'Flags'))
# Read the position of the pulsar
if self.hasField(psrname, 'raj'):
psr.raj = np.float(self.getData(psrname, 'raj'))
rajind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.ptmdescription) == 'RAJ')
psr.raj = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpre'))[rajind]
if self.hasField(psrname, 'decj'):
psr.decj = np.float(self.getData(psrname, 'decj'))
decjind = np.flatnonzero(np.array(psr.ptmdescription) == 'DECJ')
psr.decj = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'tmp_valpre'))[decjind]
# Obtain residuals, TOAs, etc.
psr.toas = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'TOAs'))
psr.toaerrs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'toaErr'))
psr.prefitresiduals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'prefitRes'))
psr.residuals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'postfitRes'))
psr.detresiduals = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'prefitRes'))
psr.freqs = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'freq'))
psr.Mmat = np.array(self.getData(psrname, 'designmatrix'))
示例15: __entrofy
def __entrofy(X, k, w=None, q=None, pre_selects=None):
'''See entrofy() for documentation'''
n_participants, n_attributes = X.shape
if w is None:
w = np.ones(n_attributes)
if q is None:
q = 0.5 * np.ones(n_attributes)
assert 0 < k <= n_participants
assert not np.any(w < 0)
assert np.all(q >= 0.0) and np.all(q <= 1.0)
assert len(w) == n_attributes
assert len(q) == n_attributes
if k == n_participants:
return np.arange(n_participants)
# Initialization
y = np.zeros(n_participants, dtype=bool)
if pre_selects is None:
# Select one at random
pre_selects = np.random.choice(n_participants, size=1)
y[pre_selects] = True
# Where do we have missing data?
Xn = np.isnan(X)
while True:
i = y.sum()
if i >= k:
# Initialize the distribution vector
p = np.nanmean(X[y], axis=0)
p[np.isnan(p)] = 0.0
# Compute the candidate distributions
p_new = (p * i + X) / (i + 1.0)
# Wherever X is nan, propagate the old p since we have no new information
p_new[Xn] = (Xn * p)[Xn]
# Compute marginal gain for each candidate
delta = obj(p_new, w, q) - obj(p, w, q)
# Knock out the points we've already taken
delta[y] = -np.inf
# Select the top score. Break near-ties randomly.
target_score = delta.max()
target_score = target_score - 1e-3 * np.abs(target_score)
new_idx = np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(delta >= target_score))
y[new_idx] = True
return obj(np.nanmean(X[y], axis=0), w, q), np.flatnonzero(y)